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Subject: Show off your tattoo or look at others
here's mine
it's my zodiac sign (capricorn) with my name in spanish going through it.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
No offense, but I still haven't thought of anything that important to me or in my life to have it put on my skin forever...
At one time a tat was a rebelous or unique gesture or statement, but now eveyone & their grandma has one, it's cliche.
A tattoo is like the standard modern day uniform symbol or reference tag, I think its more unique to not have one.
Isn't it ironic that we spend enough of our lives trying not to be labeled by society, to only spend $ & suffer pain to physically label ourselves?
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
A very insightful post by GumbyPiz but I think the thread could be an interesting one, providing enough people have tattoos.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I don't have a tattoo yet because I haven't lost enough weight and because I haven't decided what I wanted.
I couldn't care less that it's cliche now. I'll get it because *I* want one, not because everyone is doing it.
Wolveroses, I like your tat. Very unique. :)
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I don't have a tattoo but I do have my eyebrow pierced. I would love to get one someday but I am unsure of what I would like to have.
That's an awesome tattoo wolveroses! :D
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I don't have a tattoo...I would love to get one someday but I am unsure of what I would like to have.
That's an awesome tattoo wolveroses! :D
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Maybe John Taylor or some logo/album design from Duran Duran. ;)
Just a thought.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Maybe John Taylor or some logo/album design from Duran Duran. ;)
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That's a good idea. ;) :D
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
OK......Let's try this URL instead:
Those are 2 of my 7 tattoos. I always wanted tattoos but couldn't stand the thought of permanently putting just any 'ol thing on my body. I kept thinking, what in the world would I put on my body that I could wake up and see in the mirror when I was 60 that I wouldn't be ashamed of, embarrassed by or wonder just what in the hell I was thinking. I waited until I was 30 before it just felt right.
When I was 23 I almost died from a chronic illness. Foregoing all of the gory details, it's safe to say that it changed my perspective on life in general. I was reborn if you will; thus the Phoenix.
Unknowingly, the man that I would fall in love with and marry had a fascination with Dragons and therefore had Dragon tattoos. Years later we met in Japan and learned that the Phoenix and Dragon symbolize husband and wife. Obviously it was meant to be. :)
All but one of my tattoos have "meaning" to me, to my soul, to my spirit; they are not just random pieces of art that I thought would look "cool" at the moment. The only exception being my lower back piece. It was done by one of Japan's best tattoo artists and since he spoke no English and I no Japanese, I let him give me a personalized piece based on a picture of an idea that I had.
To all of you thinking about getting a tattoo, please consider long and hard your choice as it won't be able to be washed off if you decide next week, next month or 20 years from now that you don't like it. And start small!!!!!! YES!!!! It hurts!!!!
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I don't have a tattoo, but my husband has two. The first one he got on his right shoulder blade. He got the design off the internet. It's really cool. It looks sort of like a crown of thorns. It's a tribal design. Then he was addicted. He got another one on his left thigh that's a cross. He wants to get another one to go around the cross to sort of frame it.
I have thought about a tat, but decided against it. I'm too fickle to settle on one design. Instead I got my navel pierced, that way I can take it out if I want.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I could NEVER get a tattoo because of my acute case of "needleitis". I did get my ears peirced when I was 13 and I would NEVER go through that again. I even hate taking a blood test or have a shot of any kind. I wouldn't mind having one of those henna tattoos that washes off in about 6 weeks-as long as it is not dorky.
I HEARD this story (didn't witness it myself) about a girl who had a tattoo of the Pink Panther using one of those push-um lawn mowers on the lower part of her abdoman. She would shave a strip of her hair there so it looked like he was "mowing the grass."
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Cat, I have seen a picture like this in a tat magazine, only it wasn't the Pink Panther. It was kind of interesting.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Thats my tattoo at this address right here.Its the one the 8th row down and the third one in the row. Its the rose w/tribal markings. check it out and ignore the other ones. I tried to get just a shortcut of my tat but it didn't work and it wouldn't let me post it right on this site so, bear with me on the artists site k? Not the most flattering angle of my back but I don't really care. I designed that baby and spent 3 hours in that chair questioning my sanity for it too!!! I love it though, its my baby!!!!!
I can't wait to get another one too!!!
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
No offense, but I still haven't thought of anything that important to me or in my life to have it put on my skin forever...
At one time a tat was a rebelous or unique gesture or statement, but now eveyone & their grandma has one, it's cliche.
A tattoo is like the standard modern day uniform symbol or reference tag, I think its more unique to not have one.
Isn't it ironic that we spend enough of our lives trying not to be labeled by society, to only spend $ & suffer pain to physically label ourselves?End Quote
Ohhhhhh wait first of all, who cares if its a cliche. I've had this planned for years now. Thats's on my lower leg and I only did it because I wanted one right before I became a father. Am getting another one on my other lower leg with my kids zodiac sign with their name going through it just liike mine. That's the purpose for mines, not to mention now am addicted to getting tattos.
And second, it was only $40 and there was no pain involved.
I want to get Speedy Gonzales tattoo, i really want it to cover my whole back, but I heard that hurts for real because it's close to the bone, and I heard the lower back hurts too. This true?
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Thats my tattoo at this address right here.Its the one the 8th row down and the third one in the row. Its the rose w/tribal markings. check it out and ignore the other ones. I tried to get just a shortcut of my tat but it didn't work and it wouldn't let me post it right on this site so, bear with me on the artists site k? Not the most flattering angle of my back but I don't really care. I designed that baby and spent 3 hours in that chair questioning my sanity for it too!!! I love it though, its my baby!!!!!
I can't wait to get another one too!!!
End Quote
Awesome tattoo! :D ;D
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Wow, I guess my remarks are not shared in the general population…
Well, sorry, not to offend anyone in particular, but I feel augmenting any part of your body permanently with knife, scalpel, ink or otherwise to satisfy your image of your body to the world, or to yourself is very telling of that person’s self-image.
I believe that the willingness of persons of this age to add, reduce, cut, nip, suck, tuck, pierce or mark their bodies is a reflection of a poor self respect in their own (by birth) individuality.
I am not saying that people who do these things are bad, wrong or evil, just that it (in the scope of knowing ones self) is not needed.
Tattoos are for the most part for show, to others & to ones self in specific of what is important to them, what is significant to them, what is beautiful, what is important…which is fine, if you understand what that really means…tats were used in many an ancient society/tribe of many different cultures to show status and background, it told a story. But I don’t feel that we need to, or should need to do this today, in this day and age…it seems very primal to me…
The human body is unique as it is…with & without its flaws and points of beauty.
Now, I don’t have a problem in wearing a t-shirt, buying a painting or print or even buying a car, music or even food that reflects my interests, but my body is one of a kind as it is, and adding anything foreign to it that is, well, less than me, its not who I am, if you understand what I say…
There is and always will be great artwork of tattoo artists to be found and created, I have seen great and phenomenal works (tats) done on many a person…but, I, for one, don’t feel that I need to have any part of my body altered with ink, or plastic, or manipulated, reduced or added (for the rest of my life) to feel good (or better) about myself, show anyone else or satisfy my self-image. I just don’t feel any gain in any part of “me” from having a tat. My mind is unique enough…I would rather have someone ask/talk and speak to me of who I am than to show (some symbol or image) on my shoulder, ankle or back, I’m so much more than that…
After a while with so many people having a “mark” on them, at what point does it start becoming, just part of the background, if “everyone” has one…what is the benefit? That’s what I mean of “cliché”. I understand that tats are symbols that are important in spirit, but a picture on a wall or in a wallet or visual image in ones mind is not enough, it has to be permenantly inked on ones skin?
Are we, as a society becoming that unimaginative and simplistic not to be able to express our views in any other form?
Doesn’t anyone understand or see the irony of paying $ for and suffering pain to be “marked” (even if it is by oneself own choice)? Doesn’t anyone see that the trend in tattoos over the last 15 yrs is part of a “fad/trend”? Do we really think the desire to acquire a tat hasn’t been influenced by that trend…and if so, is that a good reason to get a tat?
Other than my hair or clothing, I hope that what you see, read & hear of me is enough of “me” to be satisfactory to understand what and who I am & to be satisfied with that…I really hope that I don’t need an image permanently imposed on my person for you to “get” me.
Again, don’t mean to offend anyone, that’s just my feeling on it…
And plus, I have bad skin as it is, and I’m a wimp, and I don’t like pain ;)
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Doesn’t anyone understand or see the irony of paying $ for and suffering pain to be “marked” (even if it is by oneself own choice)? Doesn’t anyone see that the trend in tattoos over the last 15 yrs is part of a “fad/trend”? Do we really think the desire to acquire a tat hasn’t been influenced by that trend…and if so, is that a good reason to get a tat?
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I said it before and I'll say it again, it doesn't hurt. All it feels like is a vibrating pinch.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I said it before and I'll say it again, it doesn't hurt. All it feels like is a vibrating pinch.
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For me, it felt like someone was scratching a really bad sunburn or something like that. Getting the outline done is what hurts to me cuz its a different kind of needle.
For the rose of my tattoo, there are about six colors that make it that brilliant looking, but having the needle go over my already swollen skin about six times got kinda irritating. It hurt a little, but I was more thinking like,"Is this over yet?" Cuz by the time he got to the last color(which was yellow) I had been sitting for almost 3 hours.
I will completley be getting another one soon, I can't wait, I'm just too broke for one right now.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I havent got a pic of mine - will take one and pop it up soon. Its purple, celtic, with my libran symbol in it. On the inside of my right ankle.
Rio - yours is AWESOME girl !! What work !
I am in the midst of designing a two colour "bracelet" for my left wrist. I dont wear jewellery as it annoys me so I thought a permenant bracelet would be better. The only way I can describe it is like two interlocking pieces of jigsaw. I can see it in my mind but I need to find a clever drawing person who can draw what I am thinking !!
And yep - I agree - its not painfull. Its an annoying scratching. I seriously thought I would be in agony for days afterwards - as if it was an open wound or something. So I was really surprised when I could touch it etc straight away with no pain whatsoever.
Gumby - its just another way for people to express themselves. I dont wear any jewellery and I dont style my hair and I wear really boring clothing. My tat is just a little something that says something about me and my feelings or opinion.
My star sign will always be my starsign till the day I die. I dont think I would get a tat of my current fave singer ! What if he put out a bad album next year !!
You said My mind is unique enough…I would rather have someone ask/talk and speak to me of who I am than to show (some symbol or image) on my shoulder, ankle or back, I’m so much more than that…
If I met you in a pub I wouldnt know your mind was so unique would I ?? But I have started many a conversation with a stranger by asking them - "wow - I really like that tat - tell me about it - what does it mean - how did you come up with that idea - what is the story behind it". And from that I learn all about that stranger and have even made long time friends out of that one meeting.
I dont disagree with your comment that it has become a "fad" in the past 15 years - but I also look upon it as finally the freedom for people to get one without being made to feel like seond class citizens, former criminals etc etc
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
If I met you in a pub I wouldnt know your mind was so unique would I ?? But I have started many a conversation with a stranger by asking them - "wow - I really like that tat - tell me about it - what does it mean - how did you come up with that idea - what is the story behind it". And from that I learn all about that stranger and have even made long time friends out of that one meeting.
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Very true, you wouldn't notice me out of the others by first or even second glance, but I hope I don't need a tat for you or anyone else to want to meet or get to know me...I'm not against tats so much as, well, I'm starting to see a need for persons to "peacock" (show their feathers, so to speak) for recognition. The "look at me", I'm different, or I need your attention aspect of it, makes me wonder about that persons self esteem...is there need for a visual symbol or cue on my person for someone to recognize, judge, or want to know me?
I'm much more impressed with the persons or person that intoduces themselves to me, or to the world without a visual symbol on my or their body to start a convesaton or meeting, it shows some chutzpah (especially with so much visual info thrown at us these days)...
I totally understand expressing yourself with a tat, and some time ago, I really believe a tat did that, because it WAS something that was associated with criminals or bikers/outlaws or some type of subversive/individualist...but nowadays, walking into a pub or bar, seeing every woman's lower backside done with a not so original (and many a times cheaply & poorly done) variation of a tribal markings, and every guy with a bicep or neck tat, it just isn't very different or special to me anymore.
If you have a tat for yourself only, O.K., sure, of course that's your choice, but if it is to show off to others and the world of how different you are, then, IMHO, that mode of thinking is flawed. Like skateboarding, being "punk", or buying a Harley, once the general public has taken it in, and the mass media has merchandized it, then it becomes very difficult to use it to be a unique anymore.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Like skateboarding, being "punk", or buying a Harley, once the general public has taken it in, and the mass media has merchandized it, then it becomes very difficult to use it to be a unique anymore.
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For me personally I enjoy my tattoos and riding my Harley for me; not to "prove" anything to anyone nor do I "use" it as way to express my uniqueness. Trust me, I'm unique enough without either!! ;)
Your above statement for me would be akin to waking up in the morning and deciding that I just wasn't going to breathe oxygen any longer....I mean, everybody else does it so it can't be unique!
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Rio - yours is AWESOME girl !! What work !
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Thanks!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I'm starting to see a need for persons to "peacock" (show their feathers, so to speak) for recognition. The "look at me", I'm different, or I need your attention aspect of it, makes me wonder about that persons self esteem...is there need for a visual symbol or cue on my person for someone to recognize, judge, or want to know me?
If you have a tat for yourself only, O.K., sure, of course that's your choice, but if it is to show off to others and the world of how different you are, then, IMHO, that mode of thinking is flawed.
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Some people can sing - so they perform on stage and say "Look at me".
Some people can paint - so they display their work in a gallery and say "look at me".
Some people can ride a bike really fast - so they go to the olympics and say "look at me".
Some people can impersonate someone else - so they go the a stand up comedy club and say "look at me".
Some people can balance on thier toes - so they become ballerinas and say "look at me".
Some people (ok Pamela Anderson) have enormous boobies - so they wear their smallest top and say "look at me".
Some people have awesome hair - so they let it grow long and lush and await the compliments while they say "look at me".
Some people can drive really fast - so they go to a race track and say "look at me".
Some people can walk on a tiny wire - so they join the circus and say "look at me".
All of these people probably get spoken to in a pub for any number of reasons - so I seriously dont see how its any different for someone to say "look at me - I have green hair/drive a harley/have a stud in my eyebrow/have an interesting tattoo".
How is it "flawed thinking" for someone to want to create something to show off to someone else - be it the occassional person in private - or on display for everyone to see.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
How is it "flawed thinking" for someone to want to create something to show off to someone else - be it the occassional person in private - or on display for everyone to see.
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As far as Tattoos go, IMHO, to show off, with a permanent marking in ink on your person, with needles, is extreme. To physically alter ones body with knife or needle to attract others attention is extreme to me (and no, I'm not tailing about hair, clothing or makeup, those are temparary changes).
All the other things you mentioned are not anywhere near the same in comparison.
I guess I'm the only one with that viewpoint on the board, that's O.K.
But despite this there has only been two or so tats shown here on this topic.
Anyone want to prove me wrong with an example of their tat that is so mind shattering, as to make me eat my words (I have been known to be wrong on occasion ;)) please do so...
With the exception of some tats I’ve seen in magazines and the ones done by one of my old friends (who is a tattoo artist); most tats that I’ve seen on most people are not worth augmenting your skin, forever.
IMHO, the majority of people who are getting tats are because it is a popular fad, most of these would not be doing so if not for the trend. I don’t have anything against following a trend, I have a problem understanding those who would permanently alter their skin to show off how different they are, and that is extreme to me.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I would not have a tattoo because I am quite indecisive (I think ha ha) and would probably regret having a tattoo as soon as I've had it.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Anyone want to prove me wrong with an example of their tat that is so mind shattering, as to make me eat my words (I have been known to be wrong on occasion ;)) please do so...
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But THAT is the point!! My tattoos are not intended to be "mind shattering" to you. I am the only one that they need be mind shattering to. In fact, of my 7 tattoos, 100% of the people I meet on any given day see exactly NONE of them. No one knows I have them unless I want to share with them. And that's exactly what I did on this thread. I had no intention of opening myself up to being stereotyped and belittled for my decision to do so (and I'm sure I can speak for Rio_Rhodes here as well since we are the only 2 who actually shared). But I suppose you live and learn.
In fact, a wise man on another thread on this very site said just today:
"...what I do, thats my own personal choice & experience, its NOT for others to use as an example. Nor can they or will they have the same outcomes or experiences as I."
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Yeah, no one really sees my tattoo unless I want them too. I usually will show it to someone when we are just comparing tattoos, but I didn't get it to be able to wear low rise jeans, walk down the street and have everyone see my tat.
I got it because I had wanted it for ages, I mainly got it for me, not to show off to a million people.
If people ask to see it, I have no problem showing it, cuz I'm proud of it, it gives me a sense of pride because no one else has my tattoo, it shows off my creative talents, it was my design.
Anyways, that was my general reason for getting it, pretty much like what 80s lady said.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I got mine to celebrate the end of a holiday where three internet friends flew from different US states flew down to Aus to meet and stay with me.
We had such an amazing time meeting after knowing each other online for 5 years that we wanted to get something to commemorate it.
As mine is on the inside of my ankle - and I live in jeans - not many people have actually seen it. And I didnt choose the design to be "Mind Shattering" to anyone. Its my star sign - the thing that defines my very being and character. Its me.
When I get my bracelet one designed - obviously it will be more visible. But I see no difference between my friend who has worn the same gold bracelet for half her life day in day out 24/7 - and me having a permanent bracelet that will never tarnish, get caught in my hair, or fall off and be lost forever !.
When I find the cord for between my camera and my computer I will download the piccies of mine !!
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
Right around the time I turned 18, my parents were certain that I'd be coming home with a tattoo (or a piercing, or wildly colored hair or something). LOL To their disbelief, I decided (temporarily) that I wasn't interested in any of the above. I had heard too many urban legends about people getting cancer, aids, etc etc from tattoos and just decided it wasn't my thing. A few years later, my mom and my sister decided that we should all go and get tattoos together. Unfortunately I had just lost my job and couldn't afford to get one, but since it was mom's idea (she had just turned 50...must be some sort of crisis ;D ) I gave her some money towards her design. Eventually, I decided I wanted one and spent 6 months designing it, trashing idea after idea. One night after a softball game it came to me- the original design is still on a cocktail napkin from the bar I play for. What makes the whole thing most memorable was everyone's reaction to the "monstrosity" that now occupies a portion of my leg. "what did your mother say???"....
The cool thing is that three years after my sister and I bought mom a tattoo, she paid for a chunk of mine for my birthday last year. Getting a tattoo is in my opinion just a unique way to express a personal idea, opinion or loyalty.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I had no intention of opening myself up to being stereotyped and belittled for my decision to do so (and I'm sure I can speak for Rio_Rhodes here as well since we are the only 2 who actually shared). But I suppose you live and learn.
In fact, a wise man on another thread on this very site said just today:
"...what I do, thats my own personal choice & experience, its NOT for others to use as an example. Nor can they or will they have the same outcomes or experiences as I."
End Quote
Hey, that's not fair. Playing dirty, using my words against me.
Are you saying that (other than this thread) someone out there pays attention to what I have to say?! ;)
80s’ Lady and Rio, certainly by discussing my views on this subject, I had no intention to make you, or anyone else feel belittled or stereotyped.
Sometimes, impassioned of what I feel, I can be accusatory, but mean no ill will. I am pretty darned opinionated though, and you know what they say about opinions…
I do understand & respect your views, but I must ask, however, and wish you to think about what I say seriously & honestly…
Do you believe that the majority of persons with or obtaining tats today are doing so for display, because it’s a fad/trend, or is it for similar personal reasons such as yours? Have you not seen a “trend” that has emerged in regard to tattoos?
Have you seen the many poorly done tats sported by Johnny Me Too at your local pub? Johnny Me Too wasn’t sporting tattoos ten years ago. Do you feel my perspective (obviously not yours) is not understandable, if not generally valid, at least warranted, considering how fads and trends are followed in these times?
I grew up with a strong sense of self and body from my parents (& raised Catholic too, this is where a lot of this is coming from, but I’m no bible thumper!) I feel most of the tattoos that people attain (certainly more today than before) represents an underlying reduction in the respect and natural beauty of the human body and how our modern day mindset views the human body. Our individuality at birth and for life so to speak is our body.
We have been going down a slippery slope for a long while, going away from believing that we, our bodies especially, without ANY additional “add-ons” are individualistic enough that we don’t need, or feel the need to add anything to them to feel good or better about ourselves. That your body as it was wasn’t something perfect as it is…that means without that mark or piercing being under your underwear forever, for only a privileged few ever to see, or your ankle, back, waist, or on the front of your forehead.
I like to think myself of something of a rebel (wishful thinking at best, I know), and CANNOT stand conformity without substance or reason. I see the fashions that are flashed on the screen, I see the lip, boob, rear-end, jobs. The wonder, water bras. The skin peeling, the hair removal, the “ambush makeovers”, the laser repair & correction, the cosmetic “requirements” of today continually flashed in all forms of media to us and our children, and I am scared at how readily we accept this. Both men & women today seem ready to change aspects of our unique and original bodies to follow the direction of the rest (and in forcing acceptance, subject others to the similar acceptable modifications)…
Tattoos growth of acceptance is not the evil thing in all this; it’s just a symptom of it.
If I haven’t made my point clear, I believe the continual modification of our bodies through surgical means (whether it be for show, trend or for personal satisfaction) is a reflection of our modern day psyche, our true feelings and inadequacies about our bodies in this day and age (leaving of course, traumatic disfigurement/accident repair out of this discussion).
And, IMHO, it’s not a good sign…
Tattoos weren’t before, but I believe now they are becoming the next must have addition of acceptance (in reference to our bodies) of our next or current generation. And I don’t see many that are done with any real thought or artistry (mind shattering) to convince me otherwise of personal worth.
You and many, many others will always have their own reasons for having a tattoo, but seeing the current trend, I will never be convinced of the necessity or personal benefit of them. I will never be satisfied with any symbol that was once one of individuality being slowly usurped to be less than that...there is no one thing or symbol(s) about, or of me (I find it difficult to believe anyone can do this, its possible I’m missing something in that ability) that I can put on my body that will ever satisfy me, make me feel better about myself, express me to others, or just myself in some unique way that can’t already be done by my mouth, hands or mind. I just don’t get it…
You or any other person that has a tattoo isn’t a bad person to me, and I don’t judge them as that without knowing them. I debate with my friends all the time about their tats to the point of aggravation (as you can imagine), but I still respect them. You having a tat isn’t a sign that you’re ashamed of your body, have a stigma about it, or are painfully trendy, but I can’t easily & truthful say that for everyone (with or without a tattoo for that matter) which is kinda my point...
My view is I just have to look (and want others to as well) deeper at what’s going on around me and the reasons and direction trends and events can take me…especially when it comes to how we look at and treat our bodies.
That being said, let’s see your tats already! ;D
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
gumby has a point. Many of the kids today that are getting tattoos are doing it because it's "the thing to do". Not everyone, though. I know a number of people who have them. Most got them for personal reasons, but others got them "just because". My SIL has her nickname spelled in chinese letters down her spine and another on the small of her back. My brother has too many to list. My best friend's ex-hubby got a pic of Goofy tatooed after he left her and their kids (still don't quite understand that one as that was his nickname for her ::)) I see it as a method of personal expression. Personally, I don't have one, but I'd never rule out getting one. Some people dye their hair, others get piercings or tattoos. It's just a matter of personal choice.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I have a small tattoo. I tried to take a digital picture of it to post here but I couldn't get it to work. It kept coming out fuzzy. I'll try again sometime. It's a heart with a strand of ivy on either side of it.
It didn't hurt.
I don't care what other people think of it.
I didn't do it for "shock value" or to show off. I don't get that previously made comment. Show off what?
I don't consider myself a bad person for having it.
I did not turn into a bad mother for having it.
I didn't get it during my "rebel" teen years or even in my 20's.
It was $35 around 5 years ago.
IMO, if you don't have a tattoo to share here or wouldn't enjoy looking at others, why would you post in this thread?
The OP CLEARLY indicated the thread topic in the subject line. While I respect the opinions of fellow members, please let's not continue to hijack the thread into a debate over teenage rebellion, disrespect for the body, religion, showing off and whatever else.
Thank you.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I have a tattoo of a unicorn with a rose behind him. Its about 7 years old, and I love it. Matter of fact, I am planning on getting another in May, when I go to Vegas. No one influneced my decision, I did it on my own.
Its kind of a bad pic. but its all I got at the moment.
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
and this is my next one............just the letters.......
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
and this is my next one............just the letters.......
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That is pretty!
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
I have a tattoo of a unicorn with a rose behind him. Its about 7 years old, and I love it. Matter of fact, I am planning on getting another in May, when I go to Vegas. No one influneced my decision, I did it on my own.
Its kind of a bad pic. but its all I got at the moment.
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OMG! You are coming to Vegas? Thats awesome! I can't wait to get my next tat and I'm going to get it here too!!
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
gonna be there in May!
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
gonna be there in May!
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Awesome! Hope you have fun here!!!
Subject: Re: Show off your tattoo or look at others
here's mine
it's my zodiac sign (capricorn) with my name in spanish going through it.
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That's cool...but is it meant to say 'mateo' that in spanish coz i cheked mateo from spanish to english and it said 'kill'