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Subject: Occurences With Bad Weather
My worst run-in with foul weather occurred last April when I was walking to work in a major rainstorm. I didn't have any socks on, and the water filled my sneakers, since I didn't have goulashes on. I decided, against my better judgement, to make a run for the building. When I got to the ramp, I collapsed and fell. Short of breath, my umbrella blew 100 feet before someone picked it up for me. I twisted my ankle somewhat, and I was soaking wet as I gasped into my place. My co-workers were overcome with laughter as I sat in my wet clothes and face.
Now explain some of your weather stories.
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
Having lived close to the Equator for most of my life, I've seen my share of typhoons (or hurricanes as they call them in some parts of the world). In 1976 my family experienced the first of several 'Super' typhoons...the winds got up to 200 mph! Pretty scary for a 10-year-old! We weathered the storm but had to clean up a huge mess when our windows blew in, sending glass shards everywhere. All I remember is water everywhere!
In 1992 my husband and I were in yet another SuperTyphoon. The winds weren't quite as strong as those from the 1976 storm, but the damage was equally as bad. I remember finding a 4-inch piece of a tree branch (about 2 inches in diameter) in the middle of the living room and being shocked at how the winds had turned it into a projectile. :o
Fortunately, I now live in a place that rarely sees bad storms (knock on wood!). :)
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
I got caught in a thunder and lightning rainstorm a couple of years ago. :P
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
I lived in a town that was hit by 3 out of the 4 biggest cyclones to ever hit the West Australian north west. It was back in the 70's. Winds of up to 160km per hour - pretty awesome.
We got several days of school and the town was cut for a few weeks due to flooded roads leading to it.
And in two different homes I have been struck by lightning.
The worst one was christmas morning 1991. I was "rather" hungover from the office party and woke up thinking it was a normal day - so I went to the bus stop and waited and waited for a non existent bus.
Finally walked back home - getting caught in a storm on the way (and I honestly think this is the only rainy xmas day in Perth in my living memory). So I got back home all wet. I went into the bathroom and started to blow dry my hair again. At that moment a lighting bolt hit the bathroom window and it blew up all the power sockets in the house and everything that was plugged into them.
I was electrocuted and flung upside down into the bathtub. I have no idea how long it was before I came to. I got up and started ringing friends "ummmm i got electrocuted" "heyyyyyyyyyyyy merry christmas" they reply.
I kinda had a quiet day after that !!!!!!
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
Wow, BMG! I can't believe you got electrocuted!!! How scary!! :o
It's a good thing that you weren't seriously hurt!
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
I think the worst for me was about 8 years ago when I was in 7th grade. I was sitting in the caffeteria of the school eating my lunch with some friends. I looked out side to see it was raining extremely hard and while I was looking the rain, it all of a sudden the rain started blowing horizontaly. Seconds later these huge probably 15 foot tall 3 foot wide and probably 3 inch thick panes of glass (more tha one of them) in the cafeteria started rattling and shaking. Immediately everyone in the cafeteria started for the closest exit and we all made our way to the central part of the building. We waited there probably close to 20-30 minutes and I remember a lot of the kids crying because they were scared, me being the weather buff thought this whole thing was pretty cool. After it had ended we went and looked around to see what kind of mess this thing had caused. Amazingly little damage to no damage was done to the school, that could not be said for outside though, many trees had been snapped like twigs an outdoor classroom was pretty much gone and some houses in the neighborhood next to the school had roof damage. To this day though I still don't know if it was a Tornado or a Microburst that hit the school, I have heard it called both. The one thing that stunk about the whole thing though is that they didnt let us out of school early because of it.
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
Some pretty hair-raising stuff so far...we thankfully never seem to get any extreme weather (apart from quite a bit of rain!), but I vividly remember this from many years back...
It was just before Christmas 1987, we were having a bit of unexpected mild weather in the South-East which culminated in quite a bit of fog hanging around...
One particular Saturday, the fog became unexpectedly dense and wouldn't lift - combine this with what the sheer volume of traffic was pumping out of their exhausts, and it was slowly turning into 'smog' (a potentially lethal smoke/fog mix)...you could actually see the grey/blue tinge to it! And I for one wasn't going to hang around in the stuff!
There were no reported deaths (thankfully), but several people were hospitalised...
Apparently not a patch on the stuff we used to get back in the 40's/50's when most factories used to be located within the cities (which is why most are referred to as 'the smoke'...) and it did cause fatalities, many people died in the 1952 one - my mother remembers being ordered to travel to work at that time with a 'bunny mask' on (which was a crude nose/mouth filter), such was the danger...
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
I wanted to walk to work in 10 inches of snow. :-/
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
Wow, BMG! I can't believe you got electrocuted!!! How scary!! :o
It's a good thing that you weren't seriously hurt!
End Quote
Its probably a good thing I was so hung over ! It kept me calm !!!
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
A very long time ago,it was pouring and My Mother forgot to close the window so her radio clock got ruined. :(
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
Bad weather? What's that? ;)
Actually, to tell you the truth I have never personally seen a tornado. But still we get terrible thunderstorms and 100 mph winds and all that crap. And living out in the sticks doesn't help with the trees falling down everywhere and almost crashing into the house. Plus, we have well water, so when the electricity goes out and you have to use the toilet, you can't flush it or else the sink won't work. :P Grodiness
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
I got soaken wet in a Hurricane on September 22nd,1985. about 19 years ago Hurricane Gloria hit The US with over 50mph winds and gusts as well. :P
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
I'd rather be too hot than too cold.
I hate it when it snows or rains.
Subject: Re: Occurences With Bad Weather
I'd rather be too hot than too cold.
I hate it when it snows or rains.
End Quote
Me Too.I agree. :P