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Subject: How old were you when....
You got your first kiss? what happnend and how did it happen (Besides touching lips cause I already know :P) just give a little story to make all the women or men go awww how cute :-*
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
December 1982. I was 14.
His name was Richard - he was 17.
We were at my familys Drive In - in his dads Datson Bluebird.
Rocky Horror Picture Show was playing on the screen.
Susan Sarandon had just started singing Toucha Touch Me - when he leaned over and started kissing me !
I was so paranoid that I was doing it wrong. But I must have been ok cos we kissed for the rest of the movie !!
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
I was 15-he was 23 :o (Always did go for those older men. ;)). The first one was just a bit of a peck when he was saying good-bye one night. But, the first French kiss came a few days/weeks (?) later. We went to see Grease at a drive-in with my sister. My sister went to the snack bar and he reached over and gave me a kiss that I had never experienced or expected. I was nervious and didn't know what to do. I told him that and over the course of how ever long we were dating, I did learn. ;) But, I think I broke this guy's heart. One day he told me that he loved me and I said, "No you don't." Looking back, I really think he did but I wasn't ready for anything serious. He was a nice guy but even at that age, I knew he wasn't my type. The poor guy. I hope he found happiness.
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
My first kiss happened when I was almost 16.
He was 18.
He was dropping me home after we'd gone out to see a movie together. :)
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
My first kiss was when I was 13.
His name was Jason.
We were watching t.v at his house and when it was time to go home I was on my way out the door and he leaned over and kissed me! I started giggling right away. I was so shocked, unprepared and young!
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
I guess I'm kinda a late bloomer.
I was almost 17 and he was almost 18. We were laying together in a hammock and I just leaned over and kissed him. And we just kept kissing. And stuff. (No we didn't have sex)
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
I guess I'm a late bloomer also. My first real kiss wasn't until I was 18. It was my freshman year of college. I had fallen for a guy and finally started dating him. We walked to a movie (neither of us had a car) and when he was taking me back to my dorm, he kissed me. I was so excited that I didn't sleep at all that night. A few weeks later, we started the French kissing. We kissed all through college and now we still kiss as I married him. So, I've been kissing him for a total of almost 12 years now. ;D
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
Cat,how come you never told us you kissed R.Kelly?
I was 15-he was 23 :o (Always did go for those older men. ;)). The first one was just a bit of a peck when he was saying good-bye one night. But, the first French kiss came a few days/weeks (?) later. We went to see Grease at a drive-in with my sister. My sister went to the snack bar and he reached over and gave me a kiss that I had never experienced or expected. I was nervious and didn't know what to do. I told him that and over the course of how ever long we were dating, I did learn. ;) But, I think I broke this guy's heart. One day he told me that he loved me and I said, "No you don't." Looking back, I really think he did but I wasn't ready for anything serious. He was a nice guy but even at that age, I knew he wasn't my type. The poor guy. I hope he found happiness.
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Subject: Re: How old were you when....
You just opened up a can of worms with this story.Where did he pick you up at.......Toys R US?Did your parents know you were dating an older dude?Is it against the law in you state?
I was 15-he was 23 :o (Always did go for those older men. ;)). The first one was just a bit of a peck when he was saying good-bye one night. But, the first French kiss came a few days/weeks (?) later. We went to see Grease at a drive-in with my sister. My sister went to the snack bar and he reached over and gave me a kiss that I had never experienced or expected. I was nervious and didn't know what to do. I told him that and over the course of how ever long we were dating, I did learn. ;) But, I think I broke this guy's heart. One day he told me that he loved me and I said, "No you don't." Looking back, I really think he did but I wasn't ready for anything serious. He was a nice guy but even at that age, I knew he wasn't my type. The poor guy. I hope he found happiness.
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Subject: Re: How old were you when....
Y'know, I've been throwing this around my brainbox all day and I can't honestly say precisely how old I was! Must've been that earth-moving!
I'll hazard a guess with either 13 or 14, and I'm sure it was in the comfort of a street corner (with probably several schoolchums whistling nonchalantly nearby!) - details are so hazy - the poor unfortunate girl and myself were probably an item for three days! (Which was almost an eternity in teenage terms!)
As you can see, romance isn't a strong point of mine! Sorry!
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
Well as for me I'm sweet 16 and never been kissed. :-/
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
14 and kissless. :P
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
I was eighteen. She was seventeen. We were in my car. It was not her first kiss but she tells me it was her best.
I had tried a relationship with her the year before. The interest was there but for some reason or another it never took off, and we just kinda drifted apart after a couple of short dates. Nine months and one bad breakup later, I suddenly look like the greatest thing that never happened to her. We had a date. We kissed. We celebrate the one-year anniversary of that kiss next month.
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
14 sounds about right...I think...
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
You just opened up a can of worms with this story.Where did he pick you up at.......Toys R US?Did your parents know you were dating an older dude?Is it against the law in you state?
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Yes, my parents did know that I was dating this guy. He could only see me over at our place with my parents there. (They didn't know about the few times when I went over to his place-they also didn't know about the 27 year old that I was dating when I was 17 :-X Like I said, I have ALWAYS had this thing for older men.)
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
:-* I was in kindergarten.......at a Baptist Church.......in the South. Apparently I spent entirely too much time watching soap operas and thought it would be nice to give the little boy at the table next to me a big ol movie kiss. The teacher was NOT amused. She drew a circle on the chalkboard and made me stand with my nose in it for the rest of the day!! Traumatized me for life......well, until second grade when I told a cute little redheaded boy that I'd beat him up unless he asked me to marry him.
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
80s lady, that is funny. That was how I used to be ;D.
My first "french" kiss was at a slumber party and I was in the 6th grade. His name was Javin and I didn't want him to kiss me. When he did I grabbed his arm and twisted it. The next day he was in a cast. Apparently I fractured some bone :-[. It took a long while after that before I was kissed again.
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
:-* I was in kindergarten.......at a Baptist Church.......in the South. Apparently I spent entirely too much time watching soap operas and thought it would be nice to give the little boy at the table next to me a big ol movie kiss. The teacher was NOT amused. She drew a circle on the chalkboard and made me stand with my nose in it for the rest of the day!! Traumatized me for life......well, until second grade when I told a cute little redheaded boy that I'd beat him up unless he asked me to marry him.
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Subject: Re: How old were you when....
Well as for me I'm sweet 16 and never been kissed. :-/
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I was 20. I know, pathetic but I was neurotic from an early age and that didn't help matters. I could never initiate it.
My first kiss was awful, I had no idea what I was doing.
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
I guess my first few kisses on the cheeks happened when I was around 7 from this kid named Alex, who I think had this crush on me.
But my first non-childish kiss was when I was 18 from this guy (who I sort of thought was cute at the time) during a game of truth-or-dare.
My first kiss on the lips happened when I was 19 with my first serious boyfriend. (I'm a late-bloomer :-[ )
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
I was 13 years old.
I went to a boys only secondary school but a friend of mine, let's call him Dave, invited 4 girls from the local girls' school around to his house on a Saturday night. Even at that age he was self confident and had no problem approaching the girls at the bus stop and talking to them, something I just couldn't do. His house had a loft bedroom where we used to spend Saturday nights listening to Pink Floyd records and drinking cider.
This particular evening was much the same except there were...well, girls there. I remember being just in awe of them all but not really being able to talk to them. At some point in the evening the lights went down and I was pounced on (almost literally) by the girl I'd thought the most attractive of all of them. She had dark brown eyes and curly black hair, I think her mother was Spanish. She stuck her tongue right into my mouth, I just wasn't ready for that!
The rest of the evening was a rampant snog-fest but regrettably, our relationship never went any further. Only a few weeks later I found out she was dating a 17 year old boy at our school who had a motorbike....
As a footnote to this story, "Dave" is now an internet multi-millionaire having sold his webhosting company for $10M is 1998.
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
I was 16 and he was 20. I remember being at his house,hanging out and it just kinda happened.
But,my first "real kiss" happened two years ago with my ex-boyfriend. We had lost touch for awhile and then he came back into my life and one night when he was leaving,I kissed him(something I have never done before ever). Needless to say,we broke up 4 months later but we're still good friends. :) ;D
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
I was 14. He was 15 and the son of Mum and Dad's accountant! We were at the movies - didn't see a whole lot of the movie :-X It was a Bud Spencer/Terrence Hill flick so I don't think we missed much.
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
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Thanks Alicia! Tis the story of my life.....got a million more!! Who knew when my ex-husband of 14 yrs said his life with me was a joke that I was the punchline!!! :P
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
fifteen and never been kissed... :-/
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
fifteen and never been kissed... :-/
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I feel your pain. :'(
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
fifteen and never been kissed... :-/
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Me too. :-/
If we got together sometime, this could be changed, though. :D Just kiddin.
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
Me too. :-/
If we got together sometime, this could be changed, though. :D Just kiddin.
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:o ;)
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
Never been kissed :(
Subject: Re: How old were you when....
I think I was 11