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Subject: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
Unfortunately I have a negative attitude towards the cops because it seems like all the experiences have been negative.Several times I have been pulled over with out doing anything wrong"Im sure they do it because they need something to do"WELL....GO OUT AND FIND THE REAL CRIMINALS INSTEAD OF HARASSING LAW ABIDING CITIZENS!DURING THE TIME YOUR ASKING FOR MY LICENSE AND REGISTRATION SOME ONES BEING ROBBED,MURDERED ETC.Then a couple of times cops see me driving then they ask if my car is stolen >:(The block used to be terrorized by our neighbors rat bastard kids and we used to call the cops all the time.They would damage our property etc.So one time I call the cops and tell them what happened they said"As long as they are not playing in the street so they wont get ran over its fine" ::)I couldnt believe this they obviously didnt want to get involved in any way.I could go on and on.I do respect the officers that do their jobs properly but my experiences are just mostly negative.
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
I tried running from the cops once. I don't recommend it.
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
Don't even get me started on cops. They killed my dad's friend, harrassed my cousins on several occasions, and generally have an all around sh*tty attitude in these parts. And no, they're not White cops. They're Mexican. The same Mexicans who grew up in the same town, IN the same circumstances as my father. They have a supieriority complex or some BS. ::)
Needless to say, I don't like most cops. :P
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
There was one time I used to live in a cabin on a mountain with this one guy. With the exception of another cabin that was in back of ours, it was pretty remote. One day, the guy I was living with was out in back sunbathing in the nude. Since it was remote, who cares (our neighbor in back didn't). The cops showed up and was asking about our neighbor if we saw him or whatever. Apperiently the guy called a suicide hotline the night before and the cops were just checking on him. Well, my "roommate" said that they could go and see-so he is leading the cops (totally nude) to our neighbor's house. They knocked on the door but there was no answer. They walked around the house and found our neighbor with his girlfriend. I can't tell you exactly what they were doing because there are kids on the message board but just think about Bill and Monica. ;) One of the cops said, "He is doing better then WE are." I'm sure they were probably wondering about these people who lived on this mountain-one sunbathing in the nude and the other....well... :-X
Anyway, one of these same cops came out to the property not too long after that for another incident. He kept asking my "roommate" (who was dressed at the time) who that girl was that our neighbor was with. He kept asking if it was me. He kept telling the cop no and that I lived with him. I guess the cop wanted the girl's phone number or something. We thought it was funny and had a really good laugh about the entire thing.
I know this wasn't a BAD experence (since I wasn't there for each visit) but it was deffinately funny.
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
I almost was accused for pedaphiling. Don't want to get into the situation at the moment. :-[ >:(
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
I used to date one so there's one answer.
The only other bad experience I've had with a cop was in college. It was a Saturday night, and one of the few that I didn't go out. Well, my boyfriend calls me around midnight and asks me if his room key was at my house. I looked and found it so he asked if I could bring it over to him as he was too wasted to drive. So, me being the dutiful girlfriend, goes over. I had been doing a paper so I hadn't put on makeup, done my hair, or anything. I get in the car, in shorts and a sweatshirt, my hair up in a ponytail, glasses, no makeup, pull out of my apartment complex and less than a block later, a cop pulls me over. He INSISTS that he just saw me leave Shanigans (a local bar) and I was driving erratically. Mind you, I was underage as well. So, he makes me get out of the car and do the drunk tests. So there I am, middle of February, over a foot of snow on the ground, around 0o, wearing shorts, freezing my rear off doing the drunk tests. He said "Well, I guess you pass good enough. You can go now". Needless to say, the police chief got a good letter from me, which I never received a response to. >:(
But, BTW, I got an A on the paper ;D
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
I personally havent had any bad experiances with cops. I guess the closet thing I have come to is when my uncle was killed on duty several years back. But, all the cops I have ever met have been very friendly. I have even worked for them helping out with the D.A.R.E. Program one year speaking with 5th graders, which was fun.
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
me and my friend were in the wrong place at the wrong time once.....we were pulling into a Stop N shop (its like 711) and we didnt notice that tothe left of us was about 50 underrage kids having a keg party in the parking lot....right when we pulled in (to go into the store), 3 cop cars came out of nowhere to stop the keg party....they also blocked us in...we went inside, but when we came out, we were still being blocked in...my friend (whose car it was) went up to one of the cops and asked if he could possibly move his car because he cant get out....this lead to the cop telling us to give him our license and registration and sit in the car untill they were done with the party......which was somewhere around a half hour later.........then they tried to accuse us of first going to the party (which I might add, we were A) no where near, and B) a good deal older than the kids that were there) and then they tried to give my friend a ticket for having a expired inspection sticker and parking in a handicap spot (which in all honestly, he was lol)..but after making us wait forever while they checked his lisence and PBA card, they let us go with nothing......granted nothing bad came out of it, but it was alot of wasted time that we didnt need to waste.....
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
There was this one time when I got pulled over, and when I got out, the cop took his night stick, and swacked me in the face for no reason. :'(
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
There was this one time when I got pulled over, and when I got out, the cop took his night stick, and swacked me in the face for no reason. :'(
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Wha!? ???
I haven't had any bad, or good, experiences with cops.
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
Well I had a couple of unpleasant experiences with the men in blue (or brown in some cases). One (during the summer of '85, involved a couple of cycle cops who accused me of fleeing and/or taking drugs when I was driving back from Putt-Putt and didn't bother to look for police sirens or lights. One of them was so angry that he tried to break my window with his voice, then he summoned the other cop and said, "We have an operator here!" The older cop then ordered a Breathylizer test (reading 0.0) when I couldn't open my trunk because the lock was broken due to an accident. Finally, he had to write me a ticket for having studs on my tires after May.
The later incident came right during my nervous breakdown in 1992. I had just parked in a fire lane, while I wasn't paying attention, and this old guy almost rear ends my car. As it turns out, the guy was a veteran Sheriff's deputy in Lawrence who threatened very angrily to "haul my a**" to jail if I ever parked in the fire lane again, then left. My nerves were frazzled enough without getting a tongue lashing from a P.O.ed elderly cop.
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
Believe me,I have had problems with cops of ALL RACES.
Don't even get me started on cops. They killed my dad's friend, harrassed my cousins on several occasions, and generally have an all around sh*tty attitude in these parts. And no, they're not White cops. They're Mexican. The same Mexicans who grew up in the same town, IN the same circumstances as my father. They have a supieriority complex or some BS. ::)
Needless to say, I don't like most cops. :P
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Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
If this really happened why didnt you file a complaint?A cop whacking a female?
There was this one time when I got pulled over, and when I got out, the cop took his night stick, and swacked me in the face for no reason. :'(
End Quote
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
I did.....this happened in, like, 1987.
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
Why didnt you file a complaint?Sounds like a Rodney King situation.
I did.....this happened in, like, 1987.
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Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
No bad experiences here!
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
No bad experiences here!
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Must be because you're so pure ;D
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
I actually get very nervous when I spot a patrol car. Am I the only one who gets like this?
The only bad experiences I can recall with cops are a couple of warning parking tickets, one actual parking ticket, being in the car with my ex when he was pulled over once for not updating his license plate sticker and another time for speeding (no tickets for either case), and being pulled over myself when I had the parking lights on instead of the headlights. :-/
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
One time I was with my ex. We were on the highway at night but we realize that we forgot something. Instead of going to the next exit, my ex (who was driving) decided to use the "cop" turnaround in the middle of the highway. Before I said anything about him being careful, sure enough we saw the red lights flashing behind us. Yes, the cop was DIRECTLY behind on the highway when he made this STUPID move. He stopped the car and basically told the cop that the back taillight was out. The two of them (my ex and cop) opened the trunk and was looking to see if there was a loose wire or something. After a few minutes, the cop basically told us to go directly home. NO TICKET! Whatever works. ;)
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
I notice the cops here in Philly are getting sneakier by having smaller lights on their vehicles so you cant spot them as easy. ::)
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
One time I was with my ex. We were on the highway at night but we realize that we forgot something. Instead of going to the next exit, my ex (who was driving) decided to use the "cop" turnaround in the middle of the highway. Before I said anything about him being careful, sure enough we saw the red lights flashing behind us. Yes, the cop was DIRECTLY behind on the highway when he made this STUPID move. He stopped the car and basically told the cop that the back taillight was out. The two of them (my ex and cop) opened the trunk and was looking to see if there was a loose wire or something. After a few minutes, the cop basically told us to go directly home. NO TICKET! Whatever works. ;)
End Quote
My friend and I were driving back to college when her car started breaking down. We used the "cop" turnaround, too. Luckily, by the time the cop stopped us (about 2 minutes later), the engine was smoking, the car wouldn't go above 20 mph & it was raining. He followed us back to the previous exit and waited with us until her boyfriend got there to pick us up. Guess he didn't have anything better to do ;D
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
No bad experiances but I have to ask, who the heck would want that job? ???
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
One time me and my friend Larry were just sitting on the street corner at 3 in the afternoon, when this cop walked by, and he stopped at us and said, "youre not loitering, are you?" What were we supposed to say? We didnt say anything. He continued, "you beter not be loitering, its against the law." "ok," Larry said. The cop just stared at us for like a minute, then kept walking, we had no clue what to think...but anyways, that really wasn't that bad compared to most other things here...
anyways, though there is another one, but it doesn't entirely involve me...
one day at lunch last year, by the stores where everyone goes for lunch, two girls got into a fist fight, right in front of one of them. anyways, a big crowd formed, like usual at most fights, and the lady in the store had called the cops. Word passed that the cops were coming, so the girls ran away, and the fight was pretty much over, well, almost. Near to limited room in the crowd made my friend Scott decide to climb up onto the hood of a near by car to get a better look at it, little did he know that the car's owner was right in the store behind him, watching. So she comes runing out, with her son, whose huge, and she starts to scream at Scott. When Scott trys to apologise, her son grabs him by the collar and threatens him, breaking his chain. Its now that the cops arrive. by the time they get to the area, theres is a Junior involved now, yelling to the woman that Scott didnt do anything wrong. So, four cops come, one excorts the junior away, and the other breaks up what they think is the fight they were called in on, the fight between Scott and the woman from the store, and the other two excort us back to school. As we're on our way back, the Junior returns, right behind us, swearing, saying, "that cop cant push me like that!" Anyways, in the end, Scott wound up having lunch detention for a week for some reason, and we never saw that woman again...
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
I was charged with 'breach of the peace' once (my own mother phoned them up) but they were very good. I found that they were just doing their job and were helpful at the time.
British Policemen are a bit different to USA Policemen by the sounds of it.
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
British policemen are very stupid. You don't see them when you need them, but they're nearly always there when YOU do some silly thing wrong, like accidently catch the horn when you're moving your hand to the wheel again.
I had one, but really, it didn't involve me.
I was really young about 5 and this guy comes up to me and my mom while out for something and threatens my mom to hurt her if she goes anywhere near his car, and he points to the car he owns. Black with a white hood. I liked the car colour and looked at it, it was shiny. So we have to cross the road, and the car is more or less near the pavement we were crossing to. So, we walk down the road, and cross, then walk into the shop and we come out. We have, by now, forgotten which car was his and accidently avoid a blue car with green hood and walk past the black one which was his. He returns and yells at my mom, and threatens to take me. So mom runs with me, calls up the police and the police don't come. The man calls the police, says that we damaged the inside of his car and the police do come. Yeah, they care more about a car than a child and woman who've just been threatened. He tells us that WE'VE done something wrong, and my mom complains, yelling so loud I thought everyone in the south pole could hear her. The police take her, talk to her (not calmly) and they shove her out. Then they talk to me (calmly tho) and they gently push me out. Then we're off on our way. Yes, we sent a complaint! A good one too.
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
One time I threw a PLASTIC bottle over the edge of a Train Station,out of nowhere this cop appears,
I'm glad he didn't give me a ticket,
I would have never thrown a glass bottle over.
Subject: Re: Bad EXPERIENCES with Cops
I read that alot of cops commit suicide because of the pressure of their Jobs.