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Subject: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Once I saw someone who was playing a game on the computer quit the game for no reason when they were getting a really good score (something like 5,306 lifesaving points on a really old game called 'Survival in Ice') and I was shocked. But the only bit that was making sense in them clicking 'Quit' was that the little person they had chosen was Getting Killed most of the time by ice-spikes and the SnowBeast.
What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
during my art class last year, someone stuck one of those mouthwash strips in their EYE. oh maaaaan...there are just no words for that one.
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
I've seen a guy flick a lighter in his ear.
The same guy sprayed my perfume on his hand and licked it, convinced that it was apple-flavored mouthwash.
I've also seen guys try to eat flavored lipstick.
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
My boyfriends family tells me stories about a grandfather in their family that squeezes lemon's in his eyes to clean them...stupid.
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Ok, I thought this was hysterical, it happened last week: in my history class the overhead said we were supposed to make a T-Chart and on one side write one thing and on the other side write something else, and when the teacher told everyone to get out their T-Charts this one dude who isn't very smart was like "T-Chart? I drew a T-Shirt." Yeah, he had drawn a picture of a T-Shirt, and he wrote on the shirt "The Grand Canyon, Don't Fall In." :D What an idiot!
Speaking of people eating stupid things...yesterday this other weird guy in my class took some person's gum off the bottom of his chair and ate it! It was sick! He doesn't even know whose gum it was!
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
John Cougar adding Mellencamp to his name ::)
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
My coworker said something stupid to me she said "Hey,Im going to the bank...you need anything" I said "Yeah...bring me back some money" ::)
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
My coworker said something stupid to me she said "Hey,Im going to the bank...you need anything" I said "Yeah...bring me back some money" ::)
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That's pretty stupid alright. ;D
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
About a month ago, I was standing outside a Gr. 9 math class. The class was arguing over what 8x7 was. Some said it was 58, some said it was 52 and some said it was 46!! I'm watching the teacher trying not to slam his head on the desk while the kids argue. After 5 minutes, a student finally pulls out a calculator and discovers it's 56!
Honourable mentions to a student in my American History class who filled in this blank on a test:
In the Compromise of 1850, slavery was terminated in 1838.
Correct answer was D.C.
The guy couldn't figure out what was so funny about his answer. I guess those Americans saw the termination coming 12 years before the compromise was agreed to.
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
I stopped to help someone who had slid into a ditch on a snowy morning on I-70 in Ohio a few years back...
It was a brand new Jeep Wrangler, and as I got closer I asked the driver if she tried "four-wheeling" to get out of the spot.
She said no, she didn't pay for that option, and couldn't use it.
I pointed to the lever on her floor for 4 wheel hi & lo, she still insisted that she couldn't use it because she didn't pay for the option.
I tried to explain that "all" jeep Wranglers have 4 wheel drive, it part of the reason you buy a Jeep. Duh.. ::)
Anyway, after a few tries got it in 4wheel lo and creeped out of the ditch.
She was amazed, in that the salesman told her 4 wheel drive was extra and she'd have to pay extra to use it. She didn't want to pay extra for it & assumed that the lever wouldn't work :D!
And no, she wasn't a blonde...
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
hehe all funny but not the funnyest
I saw a man and he was asking people something and they all laughed at him and i heard murmers of 'Not answering stupid'. He came to me and asked the question: "Do you know what the band name of The Rolling Stones is?" I laughed so hard I nearly died from not breathing. I said 'The band name is The Rolling Stones you idiot you must know the name if you said the band name' and i screamed with laughter. He went away offended
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Well, besides the so-called reality shows on t.v. -oh yeah, I don't watch them so I guess I can't claim that. ;) But, there are a few commercials that can be added to this thread.
Any, when I was in service, I was outside with a bunch of my co-workers. As we were sitting there enjoying the beautiful weather, we were watching this captain trying to pull out of a parking slot. There was a very high curb and he backed the back right handed wheel over it. Ok. Anyone can do that. (I may have done that a few times in my day ;)) But, then as he was trying to get out of that, he managed to get the front right handed wheel over it, too. I was watching this and STILL don't know how he did it. So, he had his car straddled over this high curb. We were all laughing. Then, the guy got out of his car and started coming into the building. I just said to him, "Having a rough day?" He just grunted at me. I was trying so hard not to laugh. I don't know how he got out of it but all he had to do was just back up and the curb ended at the end of the parking lot. Just because someone is an officer, doesn't mean that they have brains.
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Pat Boone in leather ;D
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Old sat's test question (science) - paper flowers with cotton wool with water and sugar on. One question (cant remember it) and a girl said 'So the flowers can grow'. I was like, erm, it's paper!!!!!! ::)
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
I got an email of stupid road signs and the last picture it had on there was a 2-story outhouse. The caption was something like "If you ever come across a 2-story outhouse...use the top one."
And then the other day (this was more or less something I heard, not saw) our Academic Team was leaving to go to state and we stopped by the 5th grade teacher's room (I live in a small town - the elementary, junior high, and high school are in the same block) and made them our official Fan Club or something like that. And the elementary teachers had given us goody bags with little messages inside, including a bag of sunflower seeds with a message that said "Chew em up and spit em out!" and anyways the 5th grade teacher Mrs. Cunningham asked us what are favorite thing was and I said "I liked the chew em up and spit em out thing" and she asked her class what kind of food they thought it would be for and there were saying stuff like "cookies" or "gum" and she was like "No, think of something you chew and then spit out - think of a baseball game" and this one little boy goes "WAFFLES!!" It was pretty funny. :D
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
One time I was behind this guy at the gas pump waiting for him to finish,
and he was pumping his gas while on his cell phone, next thing you know the gas was pouring out all over, and I mean spraying out, he still continued talking on his cell not even noticing!! ::) How dumb is that!
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
One time I was behind this guy at the gas pump waiting for him to finish,
and he was pumping his gas while on his cell phone, next thing you know the gas was pouring out all over, and I mean spraying out, he still continued talking on his cell not even noticing!! ::) How dumb is that!
End Quote
I've seen that before. I laughed my butt off.
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
He even had his hand on the pump, not noticing the gas spraying on his hand ::)
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
He even had his hand on the pump, not noticing the gas spraying on his hand ::)
End Quote
The guy I saw had it all over his pants/shoes. If it was raining, I could understand, but it was a beautiful sunny day.
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Answering a troll! >:(
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
I've seen so many drivers around here cutting lanes within three feet of the other drivers (seriously)! And to top it, they don't signal at all!!! :o
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Are you in Atlanta? ;D
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Are you in Atlanta? ;D
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Are you talking to me????
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
I think some of the recent trolls we've had here top the list.
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
Are you talking to me????
End Quote
I am, only cuz I use to live in Atlanta, and those driving conditions you mentioned happens a Lot in Atlanta.
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
I am, only cuz I use to live in Atlanta, and those driving conditions you mentioned happens a Lot in Atlanta.
End Quote
Wow, you mean they actually give you three feet distance when they cut in front of you in Atlanta?
Thats more than double what they do here in LA, I've had times where drivers have actually scraped the paint off my bumpers while "changing lanes" at 65mph...
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
well in the school once at one of the honor sociaty induction meetings, the spotlights suddenly fall and hit a girl in the head, but you'd have to ask Billy about that one, I wasn't really there...(also ask him about the "Slavery ended 65 years ago" one)
anyways, to mine...
in 8th grade, we were getting a test back in italian, one I thought I did relatively good on, and I got it back, and on top was my grade, a 56! A 56? How did I get a 56? I looked over the test, something didnt add up, but then I realized it, my dumb teacher forgot to count the points from a 40 point section, so my score shouldve been 40 points higher. however the hell you pull that off, I dont know, but it seemed rather obvious to me....
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
well in the school once at one of the honor sociaty induction meetings, the spotlights suddenly fall and hit a girl in the head, but you'd have to ask Billy about that one, I wasn't really there...(also ask him about the "Slavery ended 65 years ago" one)
anyways, to mine...
in 8th grade, we were getting a test back in italian, one I thought I did relatively good on, and I got it back, and on top was my grade, a 56! A 56? How did I get a 56? I looked over the test, something didnt add up, but then I realized it, my dumb teacher forgot to count the points from a 40 point section, so my score shouldve been 40 points higher. however the hell you pull that off, I dont know, but it seemed rather obvious to me....
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On this same track, i.e. a school employee...When I was a jr. in high school, I was starting to look at colleges so I went to our guidance counselor to get copies of my transcripts. When I looked, my GPA was 2.** :o I asked her how it could be that low when I had never gotten below a 3.8 and she tried to tell me it was a formula they used, not just a regular average. Needless to say, I went to the other guidance counselor a few weeks later and he figured out that they used someone else's gpa for my freshman/sophomore years. ::)
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
I think some of the recent trolls we've had here top the list.
End Quote
Yes,I believe so.Whew! And I was a victim of answering a troll. >:(It was like someone threw in here a bunch of mosquitoes. :P
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
This is more gross than stupid. I was out to dinner with my parents one night when one of the guys who worked there sat down for a break. He was eating something(couldn't see). But anyways,he dropped some of it,looked around(obviously not very well),picked it up and ate it! He looked my way and I hurried to look the other way. I just couldn't believe he ate it! Gross! :o :P
Subject: Re: What's the most stupid thing you've seen?
smelly,stinky bums on a train.... :P