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Subject: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to you?
What is the creepiest thing that has ever happend to you?
For example (i have a few)...
One night, when I was about 10 years old, I was having trouble sleeping. My parents were out of town and my nanny was asleep in her bed, so I snuck downstairs to watch Johnny Carson. I was watching him for about 20 minutes when I had a wierd feeling come over me, like someone was watching me. The chair I was in was directly next to this HUGE window that went from floor to ceiling. So I looked to my right and standing in the window, an inch away from me was a man, staring right at me. I absolutely froze, I couldnt move, I looked away from him and finally built up the courage to run upstairs. Nothing became of it. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning. But holy crap, it scared the living daylights outta me!
Another time... my mom and dad went to the country club for some shindig and left me at home to sleep. I was about 15 and the club was across the street. We lived in a nice area so we used to leave the sliding door open a crack so the cats could come in and out as they please. This particular night I was lying in my parents bedroom when I heard the sliding door open. Figuring it was my parents I called out, no answer, called out again, no answer, so I start to get a little wierded out. Then, I start to hear creeking on the main floor and then slow foot steps up the stairs. So I totally freak and bolt off the bed and (when your scared you manage the strangest things) wedge myself behind the night stand.
SOMEBODY WAS IN THE HOUSE. I stayed there until my parents arrived about an hour later. Nobody was in the house when they arrived. I shudder just thinking of it.
What about you :o
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
Whooo....where do I begin?
When I was in my sophomore year of Highschool, I became involved with a school play. Most nights our rehearsals would end around 8 or 9pm. Anyways our drama teachers told us that if our scene wasn't being rehearsed or anything, we could feel free to chill or do whatever until our scenes came up. One night instead of sitting in the auditorium my friend and I decided to explore our school. Mind you this school building was ooold. I heard it was built a little before the turn of century and that it used be to a prison(there's a concrete gym on the roof) where they executed people. Regardless, the creep factor there was high on appearance alone. Now my freind and I decided to start from the bottom of the building up. In the basement we found a big red rusty looking door it took the both of us to pull it open. The door led to a hot and stuffy narrow corridor(approx 4ft wide) that had another red door at the end. Just as we got to the middle of the corridor the unimaginable happens. First the stuffy corridor became freezing cold and then the same red door that we came through opened up slowly, the OPPOSITE WAY of which we opened it and banged shut!
I'm telling you we didn't even stick around for the boom. We ran so fast and so hard that we ended up running through a basketball game that was going on.
FYI: I transffered out of that school the next month.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
When I was about 6 or so, we had gone on vacation to visit my grandparents. While we were there, we also went to visit my great-grandma & great-great grandma. Now, for some reason, my gg grandma always called me "Peg" ??? 2 days after we saw her, we drove home (about 7 hours). Shortly after getting home, I was in our basement watching TV when the phone rang. I answered it and there was someone (female) on the other end saying "Peg? Peg? I love you" then the line went dead. The phone in the basement used to belong to my gg grandma and was one of the really heavy metal rotary phones with a 4 pronged phone plug. I slammed the phone down and ran upstairs to tell my mom about it. She was in the kitchen, right next to the phone and none of the other phones in the house rang. About 2 hours later, we got a call from my grandma that my gg grandma had died approx 2 hours earlier.
Another one...when I was in college, I was taking a final. For some reason, I got to a point near the end and couldn't finish. It was 10:47. My brain just would not work. So, I turned it in, telling the teacher "I don't know why, but I can't finish." I drove home in a daze, stopping at McD's for lunch. The intersection near McD's was blocked off to westbound traffic. I could see the emergency vehicles. Shortly after I got home, my mom called to tell me that my brother had been killed in a car accident, the one near the McD's. A few weeks later, I was looking at the accident report, the time was 10:47.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
When I was in high school, I had (well, still have) this big stuffed monkey named George (after Courious George). He was sitting on a chair in my room. One night, I was lying in bed with the lights out. I was trying to do telekenisis (the moving of objects using just your mind). I concintrated on George and tried to put him on the floor. I was there for I don't know how long concintraiting very hard. Then I heard something move-like George shifting in the chair. It scared me so much that I never tried it again. I'm sure I could have done it if I didn't get so scared. Oh well.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
I have never had a really creepy moments yet, I had some smaller moments like for example, In the summer 96' when the Olympics were in Atlanta my parents decided they wanted to get out of the town, i was 13, so we went to a small family reunion in Pittsburgh, PA. At one point during the trip we stayed at a Bed and Breakfest in Gettysburg. Not long after check in we looked around the hotel and my dad saw a game room with a puzzle so he sat down and worked on the puzzle while my mom and I went back to the room. Well, as soon as my mom and I got back in the room and closed the door there was a knock at the door so i opened the door to no one. So i closed the door again and immediatly there was the knock at the door again, so i opened the door and again no one was there, so i figured it was someone messing with us so I asked for them to stop. I closed the door again and again the knock so at this point i was starting to get pissed and was beginning to think it was my dad messing with us, because he likes to joke around, but i could see him still sitting in that same chair working on that puzzle at the other end of the hall way so i went over to him and asked him if he had been knocking on our door and he said no he hadnt moved from there. Which he is right because there is no way he could have made it all the way back to the game room with out me noticing if he had knocked on the door. After that there wasnt anymore knocks. The next morning we found a little journal book in a drawer and the whole journal was filled with this stories, from past guest, of exprenices they had, had with a ghost that haunted the room. The whole thing made sense then.
Another one started that year because later that same summer my grandmother passed away in my house. Ever sense then tvs have been known to turn themselves off and on without warning. We have always assumed it was her letting is know she was till around. Though in the middle of the night when you wake up to your tv turning on out of the blue it kind of creeps you out.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
The creepiest thing...hm, there are millions, too scary to tell...
I was once at school when I was 10 years old. I was just washing my hands while in the girls toilets. I was singing, trying to stop myself feeling scared. Once I had dried my hands, I heard a chime, like the grandfather clock chimes I usually heard at Home. I ran out my heart thumping, checking in every classroom window where I saw no bells, no clocks, no anything that could make that noise. I also knew there were no bells or anything in the whole entire school that made a grandfather clock chime. I knew I wasn't the only one to have found something like this - many children at my school had said that the girls toilets in the upper part of the school was haunted. I soon belived this due to my experience.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
Oooooo Creeeeeepy!!!!
Thanks for making my hair stand up everyone :o ;D
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
What is the creepiest thing that has ever happend to you?
For example (i have a few)...
Another time... my mom and dad went to the country club for some shindig and left me at home to sleep. I was about 15 and the club was across the street. We lived in a nice area so we used to leave the sliding door open a crack so the cats could come in and out as they please. This particular night I was lying in my parents bedroom when I heard the sliding door open. Figuring it was my parents I called out, no answer, called out again, no answer, so I start to get a little wierded out. Then, I start to hear creeking on the main floor and then slow foot steps up the stairs. So I totally freak and bolt off the bed and (when your scared you manage the strangest things) wedge myself behind the night stand.
SOMEBODY WAS IN THE HOUSE. I stayed there until my parents arrived about an hour later. Nobody was in the house when they arrived. I shudder just thinking of it.
End Quote
That would have scared the cr@p out of me! What exactly was that person doing inside your house? Did (s)he take anything?
The closest story relative to yours would be the time when my parents went away, and I had put the house alarm on, which went off and woke me up at 3AM! It was the loudest sound I've ever heard!!! Fortunately, the police came over and found out that it was nothing but just a very very sensitive alarm system. Still it was a nightmare! To this day, I never set the alarm while I'm at home because I really don't want to be in fear of being awoken to an alarm at three in the morning!
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing
I have two.
I was visiting Grandma's house and during the night my cousin ran from her bedroom and jumped into bed with her mother because Great Grandma's spirit was walking the floor and my cousin heard her "shuffling feet". I slept thru it all, but I have faith that Great grandma loved us all and she wouldn't harm any of us. Oh, and she did die in the house so that may explain part of the experience. Other relatives also report "seeing" a certain Great Aunt in the house. But me, I don't seem to be affected by this activity. It unnerves me somewhat tho to say the least. I go to sleep and I want to stay asleep whenever we visit!
This one is a dream from 1997.
I am a little girl of 8 and some boy who is maybe 10 is next to me. we are wearing summer outfits with shorts, it is morning and we are playing tag in a desolate business complex. All skyscrapers and no people: no water in the fountain, the trees are green but there's no bird sounds, no traffic, nothing. There is a wall in front of us, and it is topped by chain-link fencing. Within are bleachers and noises like a group of people are practicing for a sports game but we can't see them. Then out of the sky there's a large helicopter that lands in front of us. We are above the street where it landed because this walkway is elevated by the cement wall at streetlevel. (Go with it...)
a man jumps out, climbs some stairs and tells us both to get in, we fight, but he grabs us and we have no choice. Inside the helicopter is military bare. All netting like a cargo plane and nothing else.
(no seats...) we hold on best we can and they take off to fly.
I don't see the man close the door, we hear noises as we take off and then we are swirling back down.
Then I woke up. It was 3:00 a.m. & I had the sensation like I was burning.
Can anyone identify any of this in a dream book or psychology??
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
Ok I have a few.....
Firstly I was staying at a friends house(very old, parts of it were an abbey) and it had a main staircase and a back staircase which came down infront of their kitchen.I was up before everyone else and went into the kitchen to make a drink when I heard someone walk along the landing above and start to come down the stairs.My friend's brothers rooms were up there so I assumed it was one of them and stuck my head out of the door to ask if they wanted a drink but there was noone there ! The footsteps carried on down the stairs and past me along the corridor.
As to real people creeping me out.I used to live somewhere where I had to walk through some woods to get home.I was walking home from school one day and this was just like something out of a horror film ! It was foggy and very quiet,when I became aware there was someone behind me,a little way back wearing a coat with a hood.He then started calling out in this horrible singsong voice 'I'm going to get you, I'm going to get you from behind'.Luckilly I had played in those woods everyday of my life and knew them very well so Just ran off and managed to loose him but it was pretty terrifying I can tell you.
Finally along the lines of the man at the window.I was staying in a YMCA room on the 9th floor of a sleezy hotel in the red light district of New York(don't ask!?!)whilst backpacking with my friend.We had two matresses on the floor and the door didn't lock so we had to prop a chair under it at night.One morning my friend had gone to the bathroom so the door wasn't proped shut and I was siting on the floor when the door flew open and there was this huge man standing there filling the whole doorway.There was something about the way he stood there,body language,I don't know, that I had one of those life passes before your eyes moments and just thought I'm going to die here.It felt like hours of him just looming over me and me paralized with fear when he just turned around and walked out without saying a word ! I was a jelly by the time my friend came back it completely freaked me out.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
One night, when I was about 10 years old, I was having trouble sleeping. My parents were out of town and my nanny was asleep in her bed, so I snuck downstairs to watch Johnny Carson. I was watching him for about 20 minutes when I had a wierd feeling come over me, like someone was watching me. The chair I was in was directly next to this HUGE window that went from floor to ceiling. So I looked to my right and standing in the window, an inch away from me was a man, staring right at me. I absolutely froze, I couldnt move, I looked away from him and finally built up the courage to run upstairs. Nothing became of it. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning. But holy crap, it scared the living daylights outta me!
End Quote
That would have scared the crap out of me!!! :o
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
That would have scared the cr@p out of me! What exactly was that person doing inside your house? Did (s)he take anything?
The closest story relative to yours would be the time when my parents went away, and I had put the house alarm on, which went off and woke me up at 3AM! It was the loudest sound I've ever heard!!! Fortunately, the police came over and found out that it was nothing but just a very very sensitive alarm system. Still it was a nightmare! To this day, I never set the alarm while I'm at home because I really don't want to be in fear of being awoken to an alarm at three in the morning!
End Quote
Now THAT would have scared the crap out of ME!
As for my story, no, nothing was missing. I think somebody came in to do something else, if you know what im sayin. YIKES!
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
I dont know whether to consider this creepy or erotic.About three years ago I sat next to this lady at the movie theater and she was with her boyfriend.I had noticed she took off her boots.It gets dark and I feel her rubbing her foot all over my shoe....SHE WAS PLAYING FOOTSIES WITH ME :o.It kept going on and I looked at her and she smiled.She was good looking so I let her do it.Eventually I took off my shoe and started rubbing her foot.Her boyfriend had no clue that me and his woman were playing footsies and we were total strangers.I wanted to give her my number but her boyfriend wouldnt leave I still think about that great night!
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
I would say creepy/erotic
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
Okay, I'm seriously creeped out by these stories. Almost shaking.
I, luckily, have had no extremely creepy occurances happen to me.
I do occasionally hear my name being called even though everyone in the house denies calling it, but then again, this could just be me.
I get really creeped out after creeking and stuff in my house. I can be really obsessive-compulsive when it comes to creepy stuff in the house. I used to have to have all the shades closed if I had a seat which was visible from the window, and anytime I go into a room, I have to check every door and cabinet - even under the toilet seat if I'm in a bathroom - before I get "settled".
I do remember 2 kinda creepy things though.
Once, in about third grade, I woke up and had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. But, I coudn't even sit up to get out of bed! It hurt to bend up or down or side to side anyway. I YELLED for my parents, who came, and although they didn't understand what was going on, after a while they pulled me up, my body straight and stiff the whole time as I couldn't bend, and then the only other problem was laying back down. We were convinced it was just appendicitis or something, but I never had any other problems, and it was on my whole stomach area...anyways, it was just really weird. Neither of my parents recalled the incident in the morning after.
The only other creepy thing happened when I was involved in a car accident about 4 years ago. After the actual wreck happened, I tried screaming as hard as I could - I was scared and confused about what had just happened. I could feel myself screaming, but I couldn't hear it - I could hear other things, but I couldn't hear my voice. It was like I couldn't make a sound...it was really weird, not exactly creepy, but...yeah.
Speaking of creepy things, has anyone seen some of these flash videos, like that "What's wrong with this picture" one or "Where's Waldo"? I fall for them all the time, and they scare the POOP out of me. Everyone's like "oh, haha, that scared me" but those REALLY creep me out. I shake for hours.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
You totally just scared the livin daylights outta me!
After you mentioned about the "whats wrong with this picture" thing I was all, hmm, i wonder what that is? So I googled it and found a link. I click on the link and sure enough the picture is there, then OMG I nearly fell off my chair in horror!
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
This is the kind of experience I wish would happen all the time!!!
I dont know whether to consider this creepy or erotic.About three years ago I sat next to this lady at the movie theater and she was with her boyfriend.I had noticed she took off her boots.It gets dark and I feel her rubbing her foot all over my shoe....SHE WAS PLAYING FOOTSIES WITH ME :o.It kept going on and I looked at her and she smiled.She was good looking so I let her do it.Eventually I took off my shoe and started rubbing her foot.Her boyfriend had no clue that me and his woman were playing footsies and we were total strangers.I wanted to give her my number but her boyfriend wouldnt leave I still think about that great night!
End Quote
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
When I was a kid, we used to have slumber parties. I had one or two friends over and 2 of my sisters would have one or two friends over. So, there were quite a few young girls probably between the ages of 12-7 sleeping in the livingroom. Before going to sleep, many of times we would try levitation or have seances (you know, typical slumber party activities. ;)) We were in the middle of a seance when we were trying to contact my grandfather who passed away fairly recent to this party as we stared at his picture hanging on the wall in the semi-lit livingroom. Someone said, "If you can hear us, give us sign." Well, little did I know that my sister was holding a superball in her hand and just let it fly. You never heard a bunch of girls scream so loud in your life. My mother came running out of her room to find out what was going on. Then everyone started laughing but I was still very scared. But, that was because I didn't realize that my sister throw that ball. It wasn't until a while later that I discovered that. I really don't know what was funnier, my sister throwing the ball or me not knowing that she threw that ball.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
I have two creepy things, actually.
One happened the other night. I was alone in my room, and suddenly, I smelled a fart that wasn't mine. 0_0
The second one happened when I was 12. I was watching the Excorsist (sp?), and I saw the little girl, Reagen, starting to get posessed. After that, I started hearing really weird noises, like footsteps in my house!!! It turned out it was my mom coming in to nag me to "TURN DOWN THAT TV!!!!" :-X
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
I have two creepy things, actually.
One happened the other night. I was alone in my room, and suddenly, I smelled a fart that wasn't mine. 0_0
The second one happened when I was 12. I was watching the Excorsist (sp?), and I saw the little girl, Reagen, starting to get posessed. After that, I started hearing really weird noises, like footsteps in my house!!! It turned out it was my mom coming in to nag me to "TURN DOWN THAT TV!!!!" :-X
End Quote
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
So many stories so little time.
First one...I was about five and my sister, mother and myself were at a park. My mom is all of 4' 7" and this man drives up, and begins to approach us. I freak out immediately and he's putting on gloves (it's 101 in Texas) and I grab my moms hand and she yells at him, what are you doing! He freaks out because he realizes she's not a child and runs to his car and drives away.
Second one, I am walking home from school, rare occasion, my dad never let me walk. But this one stretch, there is no houses...I can hear a car slowing behind me and begin to run. A man pulls out in front of me and jumps out of the car. I'm scared big time, and I run into this total strangers house, thank God their door was unlocked and slam it and lock it. The shocked lady inside asks me what I'm doing. I'm crying now and try to explain. This preditor had the nerve to knock on the door and demand that she let me out because I was his step daughter and I was mad at him! I didn't know the man. The lady threatened the guy with the Police and he drove off.
Needless to say, I have an issue with walking alone and have grown a bit paranoid.
Third...two of my cousins tried to drown me when I was about five and seven. That's creepy to me.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
Back in ’94, I had been delivering pizza on a college campus for a few years…lately on the south side of town there had been a rash of delivery robberies. In one case, a driver had been shot, but survived the injury.
For the next few weeks I was much more nervous about where I was going and more aware of my surroundings when on the job.
Whether many realize it or not, delivering isn’t easy, your going to darkened apartment buildings/homes, places that you’ve never been to before in the middle of the night and you have a good amount of cash on you, you have no idea what you’re walking into, it can be very stressful…I started to have dreams, nightmares actually…I’d only remember the end of the nightmare, it was really a cut scene, of a local newscast and a news reporter at night reporting on a robbery-murder of a pizza delivery guy.
In the nightmare, I could see the drivers side door of a black car (like mine) open, the blood splattered / lines of blood dripping down the inside of the door, the blood starkly contrasted by the white interior of the door & the white car interior (also like mine)...the strobe/rotating red and blue lights of police & ambulances highlighted the scene, sections of bright red light rolling over the bloody picture & shadowy police figures in the background discussing the particulars of the crime…and the matter of fact like tone of the reporter detailing the incident.
Of course these nightmares & the job took a toll on me, I started to carry mace and a “kneebreaker” with me for protection, I also started planning to quit, and take a safer part-time job.
It took a while but a found a job elsewhere...but a week after I did, coming home from the job, I turned on the TV, immediately without even switching channels, I see a news story about a robbery-murder of a Domino’s pizza guy on the south side, the camera zoomed in on a black car, door open, white interior with blood stains on it…red & blue lights flashing/reflecting off the car, and three cops, their shapes out of focus in the background, talking amongst themselves…
Now I hadn’t worked for Dominos Pizza (I worked for Gumby’s), but had applied there before I was hired at Gumby’s and that Dominos shop covered the location that the driver was killed...I had just opened a beer and almost choked on it :o, I had the shakes for the rest of the week…
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
AHH creepy!
I have another one. This one is really scary
I was asleep having a nightmare. It was a murder - armed robbery in front of a nationwide place. I was with a man, but luckily i wasnt killed. The man seemed to be attacked and killed. I woke up
Just now I saw the news - armed robbery in front of nationwide where the man died.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
I had a creepy experience happen to me back in 1983. It was around 3:00 in the morning,and I heard my sister call out my name. I went into her room, and she asked me to remove one of her coats, which was on a hanger,attached to her closet door. I told her I would do it, but I asked why she couldn't hop out of her bed,and do it herself. She told me that the coat was making a scary shadow on her wall,and she was too frightened to remove it herself. I put the coat back on the doorknob,and sure enough,I saw a shadow on the wall that I will never forget. It looked like the profile of a man. You could see the man's chest,one leg,one arm,his chin,his nose,and the top of his head. It was as if there was a man standing in her bedroom,looking at our hallway,and projecting his profile's shadow on the bedroom wall. How creepy! :o Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
When I was a college student,we moved to a bigger house in Livonia,Michigan in 1986. There was a creepy looking ravine behind a fence,in our backyard.There was also an old graveyard that was within walking distance of our house.This place was a historical site. There were people buried in that graveyard from the late 1700's. I was staying up late one night, doing my usual thing of watching tv,when all of a sudden,I saw a shadow walk across one of the window wells. The shadow stopped, and stood in front of the semi-transparent plastic board, in front of the window well. I know I was not seeing things, because our cat at the time,stood next to me, and stared at the shadow with me. His ears swiveled around, as if he heard something,and he walked closer to the window well. By the time the cat got closer to the window,the mysterious shadow darted away,very quickly. To this day I wonder what that shadow was? A person? An animal from the ravine? I know that our neighbors next door had a walk in basement,and would often have late night parties. Maybe this was one of their guests who was coming over to their house,and got the address mixed up? My mom had a creepy experience in that same basement, around the same time. One morning,she was praying in our basement, as she rode her exercise bike. She still does this to this day. It was the second anniversary of the death of her father. After she finished praying,she felt a hand touch, and rub her right hand side shoulder! To this day she describes the event as "touching,but eerie". I had a college class that day,and my sister and our dad were both at work. Who touched her shoulder? A ghost? An angel? The spirit of my grandfather? Jesus Christ himself? This mystery within our family will never be solved. Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
My friend and I back in 1979 (we were both about 10 years old at the time) were catching bugs in a field in front of an elementary school in Livonia,Michigan,when all of a sudden,a teenage boy (he looked around 17-18 years old) chased us through the weeds on a moped. He kept laughing demonically while he chased us. We started running and screaming. The faster and louder we screamed and ran,the louder and longer her laughed. :o He kept following us for at least 15 minutes until he got bored,and drove away. My wife claims that once as a little girl she kept having nightmares all night long,and had the strange urge to look out her bedroom window. She was sleeping on an upper floor,and looked out the window. She claims she saw a person's hand floating in front of the window.The hand was waving its fingers at her,defiantly. My mom claims she still gets telephone calls from her mother's spirit. When my grandmother would call my mom,she would let the phone ring three times,hang up,and call again a few minutes later. This was the "secret signal" between my grandmother and my mother,to let each other know it was them calling each other. My mom claims that whenever it is the anniversary of some important event in my grandmother's life (her wedding,her birthday,the day she died,the day she was buried),she gets a phone call that lasts three rings. When my mom answers the phone after the third ring,there is nothing but dead silence on the phone. My grandmother died back in 1975,and these mysterious phone calls have followed my mom to every house she has lived in for the past 19 years. They even happen when she is on vacation. :o Once I was crossing a parking lot,on my way to the drugstore,when all of a sudden I saw a very old lady running across the parking lot in front of me. She looked like she was floating in the air. I did not see her feet make contact with the ground. She turned around,and made eye contact with me. She stuck her tongue out at me,and kept on "floating" across the parking lot. All of a sudden,I had to look both ways to avoid getting hit by the traffic in the parking lot. By the time I was in front of the drugstore,she was no longer in my visual range. I assumed she had entered the drugstore,and I entered the store,looking for her. But I could not find her. Was I suffering from heatstroke? I got a severe sunburn the day before,and it was another extremely hot day when that happened. Was she the spirit of some woman who died in that parking lot? ??? Keep on posting creepy experiences,my friends! Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
I once was in my bedroom, and saw something's shadow. It looked like someone had stabbed a woman/little girl, and the person who stabbed was a man. They took the knife out of the body, and sort of turned to face me. I looked on my bed and found a red liquid thicker than water - blood. I screamed, ran out of the room and woke up in a cold sweat...It was just a dream...until I experienced it that night. I didnt scream or run out that time, I just stared at the puddle. Then the shadow disapeared. Was it that that night, a lady who lived in my house ages ago was murdered? I can never explain it and I bet relatives would never belive me. I just felt so scared that night that I tried searching for murders in my house, and nothing came up.
More creepy experiences please!
Yours Sincerely,
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
You know on the news that those two girls drove into a river one hurt their head? Well, on that saturday it happened I got a headache! Am I channeling that girl's feelings?
Subject: Re: The creepiest thing that has ever happened to
I'm totally freaked out. I'm in my basement, alone. Somebody post something else creepy. It's bringing tears to my eyes and I love it.