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Subject: Dreams
This is a dream log for everbody!
I had a dream that I was standing on the bus top with my sister and her best friend. I was getting on a bus but then I decided not to. They asked me why I was getting on that bus in the first place when I was supposed to be getting on the bus to go to school in the opposite direction. I didn't know.
Then, you know how dreams go. I end up in some space station with a race of evil aliens that look like giant roaches standing on their back legs with a leader that looks human. I'm with a girl that reminds me of Pink and another girl. The girl that reminds me of Pink (pinkgirl) starts fighting the guy with a scalpel (a plastic scalpel at that) and they slash each other a few times. Then for some reason he runs away and we all chase him into a door that I have to dive and roll under. So we end up at a dinner table (Dreams, gotta love 'em) and we're all talking like we're taking a break from fighting. And pinkgirl and the alien guy start fighting again. So they sit down after a while and we talk about how if the alien guy used his gun we would all die because he would puncture the glass and we'd all get sucked into space. So for some reason pinkgirl turns around in her seat and the alien guy tosses a dinner knife into her back. I yell out NO! and the other girl screams. So I get ready to fight the guy and I magically have a scalpel and we have a scalpel fight. I slash him and he gets me in my face. So somehow I get the upperhand. Suddenly, somehow, this guy is up in the air and he shoots at me toward the floor. So I feel the bullet diggin into me and I'm in slow-mo matrix style. I know that the bullet will puncture my skin if I don't move so I move out of the way and the two of them look at me all amazed. I 'm feeling amazed and their like how did you do that? I somehow end up defeating the evil guy and I start telling the other girl about what happened with the bullet and magically, pinkgirl is alive and listening to my story, too. Then I woke up.
I hate that. Whenever I'm having the best dreams I always wake up in a big moment in the dream.
Subject: Re: Dreams
LOL, I always wake up at the best bits too... being an adolescent I have a lot of 'best bits' in my dreams.
However, last night I had a dream that had nothing to do with any of that stuff (which is why it's so unusual, in my case).
One of my friends and I were singing together with a circle of people around us (they didn't move at all. Even their faces didn't move). She sang much better and clearer than I did, and soon she started to drown me out and no one could hear me.
I've never actually heard her sing in real life. She's supposed to be quite good, but I've never heard her. And why would I want to sing to a circle of strangers anyway?
Subject: Re: Dreams
a little while ago I had a dream where one of my friends from the wrestling team and I were in the gym lobby, and there was a huge steel beam lying against the door, and then he said something, and for no apparent reason, I picked up the beam and started to hit him over the head with it. I did it a few times, and then he suppositly died. I had left the lobby and I was outside when I heard police sirens, and then I woke up...I told him about the dream the next day, and he was cracking up about it...
Subject: Re: Dreams
I always have crazy dreams.
I had a dream that my voice teacher/choir director was trying to console me by telling me about a horse she used to have when she was a little girl. She said: " :'( I loved that horse like it was my sister....*sniffle*...but it got killed in a bull fight." I laughed so hard when I woke up. I thought to myself "I'll never be able to see her again without thinking about that."
Then today in choir, we were singing this gospel song and she was picking a few girls to sing the descant. At first it was a little weak, so she decided to add someone else to it and she said: "I'm looking for some horses. I need horsepower." ;D LOL!!!
Subject: Re: Dreams
Last week, I fell asleep here in the computer as my husband was playing on the computer (not unusal). I heard the keyboard tapping throughout my sleep. I woke up but had trouble opening my eyes. I told him about it. Then I woke up on the couch again. I realized that I had fallen asleep with my glasses on. I went to take them off and then I woke up on the couch again. This time, my glasses were in my hands. Some people came into our house and started taking stuff. I started yelling at them and my husband was still sitting here tapping away on the keyboard. There was one time, I felt my husband take my glasses out of my hand and put it on the stand. Then I woke up again. I started talking to him but he turned into his father. I asked if my sister-in-law was here. I was told that she was but she was down in the basement getting ready for a party. I heard the music coming from the basement and I called for her, and she answered. I was just about to go down to see and then I woke up FOR REAL this time. I discovered that my glasses were on the stand and not on me or in my hand like I dreamed. It was very, very vivid. I must have woke up about 4 or 5 times in that one dream. My husband was still playing on the computer. I told him about it and said something, "Am I really awake now?" He said, "I don't know but you are rambling." I guess that meant that I really was awake. I did ask him if he took my glasses off of me. He said no. I dreamt the entire thing. C'est bizzare!!!!
Subject: Re: Dreams
Last night I had a dream that I was in my parents' backyard and it was spring so we were hanging out on this deck, and Buffy, the family dog was running around. We were mentioning that a piece of patio furniture should be placed on the edge so that she wouldn't run along the edge, falling off....and dying again. Buffy actually died in 1998, and in the dream I knew that she had died, but in the dream, I believed that living creatures have a second chance to live :'( (I had a similar dream about my grandfather several weeks ago).
Subject: Re: Dreams
Wow, I thought I was the only one that had weird dreams. I don't feel so bad ;D. I would tell you about my dreams last night, but I had seven and I don't want to type so much.
Subject: Re: Dreams
Last night I had a dream that I was in my parents' backyard and it was spring so we were hanging out on this deck, and Buffy, the family dog was running around. We were mentioning that a piece of patio furniture should be placed on the edge so that she wouldn't run along the edge, falling off....and dying again. Buffy actually died in 1998, and in the dream I knew that she had died, but in the dream, I believed that living creatures have a second chance to live :'( (I had a similar dream about my grandfather several weeks ago).
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wow...thats scary...
Subject: Re: Dreams
wow...thats scary...
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Rereading what I wrote, I made it sound like Buffy had died in 1998 from falling off a deck, but she actually was put down by the vet because her kidneys were malfunctioning (she was 15).
Still I did have that dream last night that she was still alive even though in the dream I knew she had previously died but was somehow given a second chance to live. I had a similar dream about my grandfather. I'm not sure if anyone else here has had these sort of dreams.
Subject: Re: Dreams
I had the weirdest dream I've had in a long time last night...
I was climbing up a hill with the rest of my PE class. We were doing orienteering, apparently. The teacher told us to go up the hill and read what was on the building opposite the hill.
Everyone else climbed up in a long line across the width of the hill, and they were much faster than me. I lagged behind, but eventually got to the top. We were all on the edge of a cliff with a thin, rusty wire fence in front of us.
Over the fence, there was a Victorian-style cobbled street, and the building opposite had "OLIVER TWIST" writted on it in copperplate writing for no apparent reason, which everyone else shouted to the teacher in perfect unison, just before I saw it. Just to my left of the building, I saw a f***ing great 20' long white thing with a line of spines on its back. It wasn't moving, so I assumed it was dead, but I asked the teacher what it was.
"Oh, that's a worm," she said calmly. And it was- it looked sort of like a tapeworm, only it was much, much thicker and bigger.
Then I woke up. This morning I've been imagining giant worms popping up everywhere, like in my coffee mug or running up my trouser leg or in my toothpaste tube etc. Urrrrrgh!
The next time I eat meat, I'll cook it for soooo long that any things in it will be cremated.
Subject: Re: Dreams
I keep on having apocalyptic dreams!
Here is the usual way that they go:
-My building gets blown up and/or overrun with people carrying machine guns
-Everything electrical dies, like someone set off an EMP or something
-Dead bodies and/or mutilated animals litter the streets
and last a heat wave hits me followed by a big flash, this is where I wake up sweating, heart pounding and nearly peeing on myself. You would think that I would start having dreams like this because of 9/11 but I can recall having dreams like this as early as eight.
I'm really starting to freak out over this.
Subject: Re: Dreams
Does anyone have reoccuring dreams or a reoccuring theme? I do. For some reason tornados keep showing up in my dreams. I don't know why. It's not like I live in a tornado prone area.
Subject: Re: Dreams
Does anyone have reoccuring dreams or a reoccuring theme? I do. For some reason tornados keep showing up in my dreams. I don't know why. It's not like I live in a tornado prone area.
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I've had dreams where I'm going to a normal everyday place such as going from the parking lot to the doors of the shopping center, or even just from the kitchen to my bedroom, but having to actually climb ladders or walk along a cliff to get there.
Subject: Re: Dreams
Anyone ever have dreams where you know your dreaming. I love these. Once I had a dream where I was skydiving, and I could actually feel the weightlessness, and wind rushing past me. And then in the dream I had no parachute, and I smashed into the ground, then I woke up. But of course all that took place while I fell out of my bed. ;D
Subject: Re: Dreams
I remember a fragment of a dream I had. Some godawful alien in a Star Wars-style jacuzzi in a cantina was puncturing R2D2 and C3PO to death, it looked like a huge crab.
R2D2 was chirping and babbling like he was dying. I reached out and saved C3PO's head.
Subject: Re: Dreams
What I hate about dreams and the time just after you wake up from a dream is getting scared and not being able to rationalize. That's one of my biggest fears. And check this out:
Last night I was going to sleep and my roommate put in "Alice in Wonderland." That cartoon always used to give me bad dreams anyway! Well, then I have a dream that I'm that stupid, loud, annoying bird that's on there. I thought I was just having a little dream, but apparently I was screaming in my sleep. That woke up my roommate and she thought there was somebody in the room, so she started screaming too. Then her screaming woke me up and I was like "OH MY GOD SOMEBODY'S IN THE ROOM!" So we kept screaming and screaming and then her clock fell off the wall... *CRASH!!!*...We scream even louder and then I turn the light on and it took us like 10 minutes to calm down. Oh man, that scared the sh*t out of me though!
Subject: Re: Dreams
I am in a spaceship trying to escape a space station. The bay door opens and I prepare to fly out, but I am warned via radio that the enemy lies outside of this door. At the last second, I punch the ship into reverse and the door closes. One of the enemy's ships decides to fly into the opposite bay door. I blast out of the door that I was going to go through before. I turn around outside to make sure that I am not followed. Somehow I end up back inside the space station. I see a person that reminds me of Ivy (a character from the Soul Blade/Soul Calibur videogame series) going through the space station and killing aliens (reminiscient of the aliens from a video game called Perfect Dark). But, they come in different forms and colors. She takes one elevator up a long way then goes through the top of it. She then jumps over on top of another elevator only to drop through the top and kill more aliens. She ends up back in the bay and somehow it's built to suit humans instead of ships now. Two people walk in from outside(meaning outer space ::)). One is a darker, purplish Ivy-like girl clone, the other is a geeky type guy. The real Ivy-like girl is quickly behind the clone, but the clone overtakes her. Vision pops to that of the clone. The clone has robot-like vision and realizes that Ivy-like girl is human and no threat. Afraid of this new power that has her face, Ivy-like girl runs back along the path she took earlier. Somehow another girl is with me, she has a gun, and is my backup. I am now in a first person view, but I know that I am the Ivy-like girl. We go in the first elevator and an alien jumps through the hole I created earlier. The girl with me blasts it. We get to the top and prepare to transfer elevators. As we stand crouched, getting ready to jump through the top of the other elevator, the girl says how amazing it was that I killed so many of them and be so brave. I tell her that it's not something to be proud of and jump through the hole. An alien pops up in the elevator and I kick it to death in the face. I have to complete my mission, whatever that is. So I go through the door that I was going to go through before, with alien carcasses everywhere. I prepare to enter but then I wake up.
Subject: Re: Dreams
I recently had a dream where I was back at my comprehensive school and a girl got badly hit by a fast-moving pram. Later on, Kelly Osbourne was seen down my street and I heard the current UK number one single, Take Me To the Clouds Above By LMC Vs U2.
Subject: Re: Dreams
I recently had a dream in which that awful, manufactured band Hear'Say (remember them, anyone?) came into my classroom at school and burst into flames. And they just stood there, singing and dancing as they burnt. That dream quickly faded and was replaced with unholy thoughts about one of my friends- I woke up in a cold sweat pretty damn quickly. Aaauuuuuuurrrrrrgh.
Subject: Re: Dreams
Last night I had a really freaky dream that there were wasps everywhere and they kept landing on me and I kept trying to get them off but they kept landing back on me!! I don't think they ever stung me but it was really gross because wasps are my only phobia and it was really scary.
I had another weird dream the other day...I was in a car with 3 other people and in the middle of nowhere the car supposedly breaks down (I'm not sure how a car "supposedly" breaks down but that's what happened) and the person driving got out and goes into this old abandoned house. Well somehow the rest of us decided they were crazy. Then some other guy gets out and me and the other person say they're crazy too. Then the other guy gets out to see what's wrong w/ the car and then I dont trust him so I lock the doors and he's all banging on the windows to make me let him back in and I'm like "NOOO!" and I drive away. Well I finally get to my house all freaked out and my mom asks why I'm home so early and I tell her all the freaky stuff that was going on and she's just like, "Okay." So then I heard a door closing and I'm like "OH NO THE BAD GUY'S IN THE HOUSE!!" So my mom says, "Okay, I'll make a mousetrap. (???) So she somehow makes a mousetrap out of cork and superglue. Then I say, "Hey I've got another idea." So I put the mousetrap by the door and beside it I make a puddle of superglue. Then some French dude w/ a moustache comes around the corner holding a piece of bread and I say "Ha, try to get through the door NOW!" He looks down at the supposed trap and puddle of glue and steps over them easily. And I'm like "OH NO WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW?? I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING AT ALL!!" And this whole time my mom is totally oblivious to the fact there's a stange man in the house. So anyway I try to kick him but he blocks my kick, holds the bread up to my face and says (with a crazy French accent) "I JUST WANT YOU TO EAT THE ROLL!!"
Then I woke up.
Subject: Re: Dreams
I had this dream the other night, where my old social studies teacher's was getting into his lecture. He was right in the middle, when he suddenly says, in a deep, husky voice, "Mmm, my bra strap just fell!" And he he fixes it, and then comes up to my desk, and does an exotic dance.
I woke up laughing my head off, but then I sat and thought about it for just a minute, then I screamed bloody murder!!!! >__<
Subject: Re: Dreams
Aurgh, that's frightening! :o
Subject: Re: Dreams
Last night I had a really freaky dream that there were wasps everywhere and they kept landing on me and I kept trying to get them off but they kept landing back on me!! I don't think they ever stung me but it was really gross because wasps are my only phobia and it was really scary.
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I've had repetitive dreams about wasps landing on me except they actually sting me. Fortunately, I haven't been stung so far in my life (touch wood), but I've got a strong phobia when it comes to wasps, hornets, killer bees, and yellow jackets (regular bees don't scare me).
Subject: Re: Dreams
Last night I had a dream that I was trying on new clothes. I know that's not much of an eventful dream, but it was fun.
Subject: Re: Dreams
Ever had a dream where you're falling, falling, then you feel the bed shake beneath you like you've just hit it and you wake up?
I once had a dream which was so stupid, funny, and very disturbing...:O
I was lying in the middle of the road, when this massive replica of my old reception class teacher was being tossed and hauled down the road. I suddenly see her standing over me, saying 'Get up now or I haul you down the road with my replica!' and I scream because her face is very distorted and I get up and manage to run away so fast I couldn't see really. I come face to face with the replica and Mr. (lets say Mr. Teacher to cover his name) Teacher, my 2nd year teacher says 'Ooooh, hello! Oh, wait a moment, my skirt doesn't look right' and I scream louder. I run away and suddenly everyone crowds round me doing the birdie song. I've, by now, screamed my lungs out, and now I can't yell at all (I'm screaming but no sound). I sound like I'm wheezing. But suddenly my mom and dad jump onto my head and do the birdie song. I run repeatedly round, and a birdie flies into my head and says "This is ridiculous" in a spanish accent, mixed with french and italian, but stronger spanish. Then just as the birdie does the birdie song too, I wake up.
I laughed my head off, then for a few minutes thought it was really stupid, then I thought it was really disturbing BLEH!
Subject: Re: Dreams
Blimey, what a strange dream.
I get the falling thing too, although with me, I usually feel as though the bed is slowly tipping to one side and I'm about to roll off it, and I jerk back the other way.
Subject: Re: Dreams
Blimey, what a strange dream.
I get the falling thing too, although with me, I usually feel as though the bed is slowly tipping to one side and I'm about to roll off it, and I jerk back the other way.
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I thought I was the only one who had that one. Mine is usually I am about to step on a curb or something and I fall then I wake up with a huge jerk and the bed shakes a bit.
But I had one where I feel hands,but I can't see them,holding me back and I just keep trying to get away. I can feel myself screaming "Let Me Out" but nothing comes out of my mouth. I felt my head go side to side like I was trying to wake up and that's when I did. I dont know if it had any kind of meaning but to me it was very scary and strange.
Subject: Re: Dreams
Has this happened to anyone else? Having one dream followed by a different dream then going back to the original dream.
It happened to me this morning after hitting my snooze button for the third or fourth time (lol!). First I had this dream of witnessing this celebrity couple (I think the lady was Halle Berry) who seemed to be going through a bit of a crisis then I had a different dream where I was sitting in this room with relatives including my cousin who was talking about how she plays the guitar (doesn't play one in real life as far as I know), and then I'm back to the original dream and the story continues with the celebrity couple going through the same conflict.
I just find it strange. And to top it off, I can't believe I dreamt all that in 9 minutes!!
Subject: Re: Dreams
I don't mean to throw a damper on this but...what a nightmare I had the other night. Leading up to it....a friend had decided to push me out of thier life..so maybe my mind-set was already primed but....THIS is it: I was in my king size bed and suddenly my girlfriend had left my side....then...I heard sounds of crackling paper and coins. I felt I was being robbed. Then I turned and saw a figure on his knees facing the headboard....he was stabbing the bed in a slow rythum and each stab was a bit closer to me...all the while he kept saying, in a grizzly voice.."We got a problem" over & over....as he stabbed only a few inches from me and raised the knife again....I awoke in a sweat screaming :-/
Subject: Re: Dreams
I had a very disturbing dream when I was three... some of the kids from the playgroup were in my house and the ground floor was on fire. I went into my room and there was a shoebox lying on the floor. My draught excluder (shaped like a sausage-dog) shook its head at me and said, "I will chase you over the box, over the box" and it tried to eat me.
I ran out of the room and bumped into one of the kids, whose head had turned into a paper plate. With buttons stuck to it.
I really did find it quite frightening at the time. We got rid of that draught excluder soon after.
Subject: Re: Dreams
I just pray that God guards me from having Nightmares or Sad Dreams.
Subject: Re: Dreams
In the immortal words of...I don't know. Bump.
Subject: Re: Dreams
I had a freaky dream last night:
I went down to the sitting room and switched the TV on. I went to Ceefax page 566 (which in reality doesn't exist) and instead of seeing a regular videotex page, I saw the inside of some kind of shop. A guy from school (yes, the one I have a crush on if you must know) was carrying a huge box of American muffins (there were fifteen inside it, all different kinds) and he was boring a girl at the counter to death by telling her what kinds of muffins he had in his box.
I then switched the TV off and walked towards the sitting room door, whereupon a chasm opened in the floor and I fell into it. I woke up before I hit anything.
I didn't even know there were fifteen different kinds of American muffins.
Subject: Re: Dreams
My mater said that Freud would have a field day with some of these dreams...
Subject: Re: Dreams
I wish i could have these two dreams again -
I am going with my old class in juniors outside to a library. I just come back with a nice book and a comical-faced ladybird comes up to me - I wake up screaming. I dnno why...It is a very wintery day and all the house goes blue. I make a hockey-stick machine and use ice to make sticks. My family come in wearing hocky gear and they take the sticks. Weird...
Subject: Re: Dreams
Does anyone have reoccuring dreams or a reoccuring theme? I do. For some reason tornados keep showing up in my dreams. I don't know why. It's not like I live in a tornado prone area.
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My recurring theme is water. I have a fear of the water so whatever is going on or stressing me out is usually represented by some kind of rough sea, tidal waves, raging rivers, or driving off a bridge (I mean like losing control of your car, not purposely driving off), that kind of thing. It only happens when I'm really stressed or have alot on my mind.
Subject: Re: Dreams
I wonder if there are any websites or people that interpret dreams... Some of these may have interesting meanings. I'm going to Google dream interpreting and see if I can get some of mine checked out.
Subject: Re: Dreams
Hi there @$$kicker. I know there are some great Dream Interpretation websites out there - some of them totally disbelieving Freud, which, the more that is done, seemingly, the better!
Me, I just think that at times he was a little bit too much of a.. how can I say... sex-freak.
Happy searching!
I wonder if there are any websites or people that interpret dreams... Some of these may have interesting meanings. I'm going to Google dream interpreting and see if I can get some of mine checked out.
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Subject: Re: Dreams
Yep, there are loads of dream interpreting websites out there- I recommend the DreamDictionary.
I found out that my dream is about my A.S. and how I find it hard to understand people's thoughts and feelings.
You see, I'm watching the scene through the television (observing my friend, as I do in real life). My friend in the shop has a box of lots of different muffins (his thoughts and feelings) but they're in a box (hidden from me). I only know that he has fifteen muffins and what three of them are (I can't "read" his feelings and thoughts). Non-A.S. people know, though, which is why in the dream he's telling the girl at the counter what he's got in his box.
At least, I think that's what it is. I'm sure there was a peach muffin and a blueberry one in there somewhere... Since they're muffins, hopefully they're happy thoughts. :)
Subject: Re: Dreams
I had a dream...no...nightmare when i was younger that I was under water and I was really far under. I was holding my breath forever trying to get to the top, and I could see the top of the water but i just couldn't get there. I woke up to find myself holding my breath and forgot for a second how to breath. :'( (<--- really)
Subject: Re: Dreams
Blimey, poor old you! I'm told that drowning dreams symbolise a problem to do with business and/or finance. I hope it won't happen.
Subject: Re: Dreams
I had a dream quite some time ago when the people from that awful TV show "Home Front" bricked over my garden. I was jolly annoyed at this; I like my garden just the way it is (ie messy).
At the end of the bricked-over garden were three bright, silver symbols standing up- two ankhs (I think they were ankhs, they could've been upside-down gammas) and a cross in between them.
You'd think it would be an anti-religion dream or something, but I'm a Christian myself... Wonder what it could mean.
Subject: Re: Dreams
All this week I've been dreaming that I'm stuck riding on a warped looking NYC train. It never stops, but people mysteriously find a way to get on.
Subject: Re: Dreams
Um, I keep on having dreams about UFO's and such. Last night I had a dream where there was a UFO hovering over my house and the aliens were trying to kidnap me. I hid, and they disappeared. So I called Rice Cube and was talking to him and they came BACK and actually entered my house. The last part of my dream was me saving my dog by making him run into the garage and out the door. Then I woke up and I couldn't fall back asleep.
Anyone care to tackle the meaning of that dream? :P
Subject: Re: Dreams
You ate bad pizza ^ ;D
Just pretend I have a ray-gun or know anti-alien kung fu :-*
Subject: Re: Dreams
I had a pretty weird dream the other night...
I dreamed my boyfriend came over and he told all my friends his name was "Dusty," which is NOT his name. Then my boyfriend (wearing his Randy Jackson glasses) entered the room and got really upset because I was with...*another* guy...
So I was cheating on my boyfriend with...my boyfriend... ??? I wonder if this dream actually means something...