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Subject: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
Has anyone ever stayed up all night? Like cramming for exams or partying? Having experienced cramming to complete a book report or studying for a final, it isn't too pleasant. It didn't help improve my grade either. I have also worked the graveyard shift at a 24-hour chain restaurant. Needless to say, I didn't last too long. Any stories on staying up real late or all-night?
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
Staying up until 3:00 or 4:00 was almost the norm for me last semester because I had so much homework all the time. One night I stayed up until 5:00 preparing for two tests and an English presentation. I had to get up at 7:00AM to register for classes online, then I was able to fall asleep again until 10. I can't say I got a good night's sleep that night. :P I have stayed up all night before, but not because of studying (bus trips, prom, sleepovers, etc.).
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
The combonation of working night shifts & art school made me a night owl for life. The reason artists are so strange, is that they don't get any sleep!
Once I stayed up 5days straight to put my first portfolio together for art school..I wouldn't suggest anyone try it, you'll start to halucinate and your motor skills will be shot..I nearly cut off the tip of my thumb cutting mattboard...traveling between the photogragher and studio, I found myself nodding off & waking up in places and not knowing how I got there, or where I was going..
Springing awake to a horn and your car halfway over the double yellow is not good for your heart or blood pressure!
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I've stayed up all night on quite a few occasions. Usually it was partying when I was much younger. I don't know how I went to work the next day!! I can remember one day falling asleep in the toilet cubicle :-[ Quite a few New Years we've watched the sun come up. In the last few years most of the all nights have involved sick children :( The thing I really hate is that the next day when you want to sleep, you're so over-tired you can't. It's a really strange feeling when you get jumpy legs and involuntary twitchings just because you're so sleep deprived.
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
The sick kids excuse is now my only reason for 'all nighters' as well jaytee.
I used to do it regularly though, pre kids, when Wimbledon was on. Also for other overseas sporting events which all unfortunately coincide with Australias middle of the night. :(
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I have in my younger days but now, well, I do need my beauty rest. ;)
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
yes...the night after prom I was up till like 730..and then slept for 45 minutes and got up again.....
I have a feeling that tomarrow night I wont get any sleep....Im leaving for Washington at 1 AM and have to be there wide awake and ready at 8 inthe morning.......I dont know why we are going so late....
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
The thing I really hate is that the next day when you want to sleep, you're so over-tired you can't.
End Quote
I know what you mean! And I do have those jerks too when I'm sleep deprived; I don't know why.
First time for my all-nighter, was at my prom. I didn't get home till after 5:30 and the sun was starting to break out. I went to bed and woke up around 10.
Second time was at this party. I crashed at somebody's place at around like 5:30 and woke up an hour later to catch the bus. :-/
When I was at school, staying up till 3 or 4 was the norm, but there were some days that I would be working on a paper till almost 6 in the morning and would wake up at 8. Needless to say, I never got anything higher than a B when I did that.
But now times have changed and the latest I've stayed up in the past year was New Years. I was at somebody's house, and was only there till 2:45, (I must have looked like an old ninny) and didn't get home till 3:30. After washing up and everything, I think I crawled into bed around 3:45.
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
definitely. i've been pulling all-nighters and close-to-all-nighters since elementary school. first severe all-nighter was when i was eleven...i threw together a project that counted for three different classes in one night, went to bed at 3:00, woke up at 6:00, and got an A. ;D
the most recent one was last week...went thirty-six hours without sleep, crashed only twice (once during my math class, then later, around 20:00, but i had some coffee to fix that both times...) and i have no idea what i got on that project. nor do i really care, because i'm just happy that i actually finished it. :-/
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I break night religiously. Breakfast is more of an occasion than a routine. I've seen the some come sooo many times. Most of the jobs that I've had have been afternoon/evening jobs. I think I was a vampire in my past life.
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
only on New Year's Eve.that's basically it.
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
If I dont have anythign to get up for the next day, Ill stay up until even later than 6...but I still get my healthy 6-8 hours of sleep...however, I have been deprived of sleep a few times, its not that bad...at least you got an entire morning to sleep away usually...
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
Heck, I just called that Friday night and Saturday night when I was in college. My idea of an all-nighter was to stay up till around five in the morning in the computer lab in the film school, drag my butt back to the dorms and go to sleep wioth the tv on. Didn't get any actual work done, it was just something I liked to do from time to time. ;D
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
More times than I can count :P. Mostly in college due to too much partying or having to finish a paper that was put off waaaay too long. Most recently, it's been because of a sick child or insomnia (which I suffer from frequently, especially when hubby's out of town). :(
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
The combonation of working night shifts & art school made me a night owl for life. The reason artists are so strange, is that they don't get any sleep!
Once I stayed up 5days straight to put my first portfolio together for art school..I wouldn't suggest anyone try it, you'll start to halucinate and your motor skills will be shot..I nearly cut off the tip of my thumb cutting mattboard...traveling between the photogragher and studio, I found myself nodding off & waking up in places and not knowing how I got there, or where I was going..
Springing awake to a horn and your car halfway over the double yellow is not good for your heart or blood pressure!
End Quote
I know someone who was in the army, and he didn't sleep for 7 days!! He also had to do Firewatch for yelling at his drill sargent.
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
Nah. Really, the latest I think I've stayed up was at least until 3. I just get so tired. I still get a good amount of sleep though; sometimes I'm up till 2 or 3 on Fridays, which may seem horribly late, but when you sleep in on Saturday morning, I still get more sleep than I would have on a weeknight... ::)
And now that I'm starting to get into Stephen King, I'll start pulling all-nighters.. ;)
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I always stay up at about 12 midnight and 1am on Friday Nights And Saturdays.watch a lot of TV. :D
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I know someone who was in the army, and he didn't sleep for 7 days!! He also had to do Firewatch for yelling at his drill sargent.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
Of course I haven't stayed up all night... I have stayed awake all night, though ;-)
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
Often times I have stayed up till as late as 2 or 3 in the morning, but there is one time when I did stay up all night.
It was May 21-22, 1998. The event: Grad Nite @ Disneyland. (We actually graduated one month later, but my high school always had their Grad Nite right before Memorial Day weekend.) Anyways, we arrived at school around 9:00 or so Thursday night (the 21st) and it was about 10:00 when all the buses left. By the way, my parents were chaperones on one of the buses (not the one I was on). We got to Disneyland after midnight, and by 12:30 we were inside the park. During the next 5 hours my friends and I went on rides and had fun. :D By 6:00 (Friday morning) we were all back on the bus ready to go back to the school; we returned at 7:30. (We didn't have school that day, Friday, for obvious reasons.) By the time my parents and I got home, at 8:00, we were so tired we went to bed.
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I have to stay up all night quite regularly in my job. And because it screws around with my body clock, I often stay up all night even when I'm not working. Staying up all night partying was a regular thing for me a few years back. New Year's Eve in 1997 I met my friends at a rock show at 7pm and got home the next day at 2pm, and another time I worked the night shift, went straight to a friend's place for a BBQ, then went to a concert, then a party after that. Total time without sleep: 32 1/2 hours.
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
When I was a kid I used to get a kick out of trying to stay up all night. Then when I hit the real world I had several jobs that were the overnight shift so I have stayed up more than I can count too.
Now, I am usually in bed by 9:30 or so. I have been lucky to have a child who rarely gets sick and has never kept me up all night. **knocks on wood**
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
Back in my college days, I stayed awake all night more times than I can count- both studying and partying. These days I am lucky if I can make it to 10 PM.
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I have a feeling that tomarrow night I wont get any sleep....Im leaving for Washington at 1 AM and have to be there wide awake and ready at 8 inthe morning.......I dont know why we are going so late....
End Quote
and of course i was right...well, accept were needed to be ready by nine, but that a common mistake....I got a 20 minute nap in the car...thats it... I was up for around 48 hours
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I just get so tired.
End Quote
Not to mention grumpy! :)
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I am pretty much a night owl....if I do not need to get up early the next day I will stay up fairly late. Back in the day I would routinely stay out all night, but now if I am up really late I am usually just watching something really interesting on TV or trying to fix a computer problem. Now because of a schedule change at work I have to be up at 4:30 a.m. I have to be in bed no later than 10:00 p.m. or I wouldn't be able to function the next day. >:(
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I've definitely stayed up all night. Most of my memories involved my college years: cramming for exams, partying, pledging a fraternity, etc. Other instances involved camping out for concert tickets (before the convenience of getting tix over the Internet.)
The last newspaper I worked for had me working the worst hours: 11 p.m.-8 a.m. I never fully adjusted to that type of schedule and I can remember a handful of times going 24+ hours without sleep. By the time I got off work, I was so tired and wired (from the adrenaline of working on deadline) that I couldn't get to sleep, if that makes sense.
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I have a feeling that tomarrow night I wont get any sleep....Im leaving for Washington at 1 AM and have to be there wide awake and ready at 8 inthe morning.......I dont know why we are going so late....
End Quote
That's awful!
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
Maybe I'll be staying up all night tonight....because of this site! ;)
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
Of course I haven't stayed up all night... I have stayed awake all night, though ;-)
End Quote
nudge nudge wink wink sayyyyyyyyy no more ;)
Being a chronic insomniac I go for 4 or 5 days of complete wide awakeness with no respite.
However today I think I have hit my wall. I flew to Melbourne on the 19th and flew home this morning the 27th and I have not slept at all in that time. So thats 8 days.
Sitting here typing my head is actually rocking back and fourth and I have that wierd spinny feeling. But its only 3.30pm now so I am trying to stay awake till its dark and then crash and burn for a couple of hours.
Subject: Re: Have You Stayed Up All Night?
I have to stay up all night quite regularly in my job. And because it screws around with my body clock, I often stay up all night even when I'm not working. End Quote
My brother does the same thing. He works with bands and most times they are travelling from show to show during the night so he has to stay awake to drive. So, much to my SIL's dismay, he keeps pretty much the same schedule even when he's not on tour. Once you've done it for awhile, your body gets used to it.