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Subject: Things you are tempted to do?
Is there something you just wanted to do to somebody because they made you mad or just something weird you wanted to try?
For me there was this annoying lady she was 80 years old but yet she wore this bright wig we were coworkers and the last day I was there I wanted to yank that wig right off but didnt!But if I had an argument with a man wearing a toupee maybe I'll do it.
On the weird side Im tempted to eat someones leftover food when they leave it after the movie.A lot of times I been so hungry and the concession stand closes and if the person looks clean I'll eat something but havent done it......yet
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Hmm... murder my sister, occasionally...
...Have a lot of sex (well, who can blame me, I'm adolescent!)
...Eat everything in sight (which I did at my mother's school reunion when I was a little drunk. It all came back up again though, right outside the door. I've decided never to get drunk again, it was not a nice experience!)
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
I am tempted to fall straight into my Id (freudian). And live life however I feel like it.
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
once or twice just get up and leave class...no pass or anything...just get up and walk out...most of the reactions would be priceless. Either that or just steel a random person's glasses or hat while walking past them, then just give it back and keep on walking.
Its good to give into temptation once or twice...when me and my friend John were in seventh grade, we were walking along the "bridge" by my school...AKA, the area where all the pot smoking and fights go on, also the pathway many people use to walk home. Anyways, there were these two small kids behind us, like elementary school kids, and they were talking about the bridge being a bad area, so me and John start talking, really really loud, about selling pot...saying stuff like: "Ill give you 20 for 2 bags, but they better be full." The kids just were staring at us as they passed, it was pretty funny...
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
I am tempted to walk out of groups cause it's just so damn boring and not come back.I wouldn't do that.I'd get in trouble. >:(
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
i'm tempted to tell the principal all the things this guy i loathe did at prom last year...sadly, the only evidence i have is me overhearing him telling his friends. :-/
i'm also tempted right now to phone up my english teacher, scream insults at him, and then hang up. but i don't know if he has call ID. (also, i want to somewhat pass english.)
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
beat up one of my co-workers that constantly talks behind my back (and its so pathetic, because he is the last person that should be talking behind anyones back)........
Just go ballistic on one of my friends that whenever i say something that comes near an opinion on either a movie or music he obnoxiously asks me "ok Billy, what website did you read that off of?"
just stop doing work....Im sure I can get by without it lol...
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
#1---Eat to my heart's content. Have a large milkshake, eat a whole bag of Hershey's Kisses....but then I would no longer be a single-digit dress size.
#2---Get even (or ask why they don't like me) with some of my friends who either take me for granted or rarely call me anymore.
#3---I work at a bank and many of the customers are so rude and impatient. I feel like snapping out, "Patience is a virtue" or snap out, "or even something like, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful," just to see what they'll say to that such as, "I've seen cows that are sexier!"
#4---Because I'm fairly new, I have this coworker who watches over my shoulder and I can't stand it when people breathe down my neck. I get all flustered, and I feel like saying to her, "I can't focus with you looming over my shoulder".
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Grab this 17 yr old guy I know and....... :-*
I've had a crush on him for the longest and I know for a fact that he is feeling me too. He just hasn't made a move because he thinks that I'll reject him because of our age difference. Everyday the temptation grows!
Note: The age of consent in NYC is 16 so I wouldn't be breakin any laws :-X
What's a girl to do?!!
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
make a stink about something.
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Being a stay-at-home mom, there are days when I'm tempted to just walk out the door and leave. I would never do it (I usually just veg out in front of the computer for a bit), but the temptation has been there.
Also, I have often fought the urge to just swerve into oncoming traffic. Never with the kids in the car, but when I'm by myself--which is rare lately.
One thing I have done, however, is eat an entire package of Reese's Peanut Butter trees. I'm truly surprised I didn't gain 5 pounds from that little endeavour. :P
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
go outside naked if I had the guts to be tempted to. :D ;D
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Is there something you just wanted to do to somebody because they made you mad or just something weird you wanted to try?
Yes people who have mad me mad, I always want to get back at, especialy those nasty people who made my life miserable then and make it miserable now, all the years through torment, I want to get back at them >:(
End Quote
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
yell at my english teacher...once in a while...seriously, being in her class is like being thrown into the middle of a battle field, not knowing which side youre fighting for, and only being given a hand gun.
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
eat an extremely hot bowl of spicy chili! ;D
and you where I'll be the next day.... ;)
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
To just leave everything behind and disappear.
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Sometimes when I'm walking through the mall a muzak song will come on that I actually know all the words to. It's always been a dream/fantasy of mine to start singing at the top of my lungs and have people burst into applause and throw money at me after my "big finish." ;D
I've also wanted to walk up to a complete stranger and act like they are my long lost relative. I'd keep talking so they wouldn't have a chance to tell me they have no clue who I am. Then when I would finish, I'd just say goodbye and walk off, never giving them the chance to talk.
I can agree with a lot who have posted about beating up co-workers. There's some I'd love to just slug. The only problem is, I'm afraid I'd enjoy it way to much.
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
to leave my house and move out. ;D
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Fly up to Vancouver, BC.
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Im also rather tempted to leave wrestling practice when coach says, "anyone in this room who doesn't wanna be here, just leave now!" But I cant do that...being dedicated...but sooooo tired... ::)
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Move to Hawaii and live in a little grass shack.
I should do it.
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
go outside naked in the cold. ;D
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Fly up to Vancouver, BC.
End Quote
Gee, I wonder why ;D ;)http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/smileysex2.gif
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Just move to the States and become an illegal alien!
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Kick people in the face. No, really. I'm always tempted to do that. The annoying people who have nothing better to do than tick other people off. Of course, I am not a person who would do that. I hit like a girl, and I doubt I could ever get the guts to kick someone anyway, I would probably regret it later.
Either that or chuck light bulbs at glass buildings.
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Kick people in the face. No, really. I'm always tempted to do that. The annoying people who have nothing better to do than tick other people off. Of course, I am not a person who would do that. I hit like a girl, and I doubt I could ever get the guts to kick someone anyway, I would probably regret it later.
Either that or chuck light bulbs at glass buildings.
End Quote
You could kick me in the pants if you'd like. ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Same here, as long as I'm not wearing them at the time.
Subject: Re: Things you are tempted to do?
Same here, as long as I'm not wearing them at the time.
End Quote
then it wouldn't be being "kicked in the pants",now would it"? ;) ;D