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Subject: Anyone ever had their house destroyed by Fire?
Whether you do or don't have insurance, it must be a Pain in the neck and overwhelming to rebuild.
Anyone ever worry about fire?
Thankfully that has never happened to m family, but it must be distressing for people, having their base of operations in the world destroyed.
Subject: Re: Anyone ever had their house destroyed by Fire?
In 1987 I was stranded on the 10th floor of an apartment building during a fire. I made a mental note that fire truck ladders can barely reach the 10th floor. :o ... and in future to not have an apt. higher than what I can safely jump! :) To this day, I still find myself analyzing escape routes when I enter buildings and stores, etc.
Insurance is cheap. I'm (not)sorry, but anyone who loses their belongings in a fire doesn't deserve too much sympathy. Now, don't get me wrong. The sad part are the memories attached to things like, pictures and stuff that used to belong to family members etc, that's almost tragic. Lose your TV, jeans, etc.. too-bad, so-sad.
I've had tenant insurance for several years now when a lady at work lost everything but the clothes off her back when her condo complex burned down because some guy dropped his joint. A recreational user put himself and 5 other tenants out on the streets. >:( Anyway, listening to her troubles (she had some insurance, but not enough) it made the wife and I take stock our situation. When we started estimating the cost to replace the clothing alone, it convinced us to check into it. I also live in an earthquake zone, got coverage for that as well... and that got a bit more expensive, unfortunately. :(
Subject: Re: Anyone ever had their house destroyed by Fire?
Excuse me, but what does this have to do with the 90s, at least specifically? ::) Personally, I think that "Playful Penguin Place" would be a better forum to discuss this, so would it be possible to move this thread there?
Subject: Re: Anyone ever had their house destroyed by Fire?
Excuse me, but what does this have to do with the 90s, at least specifically? ::) Personally, I think that "Playful Penguin Place" would be a better forum to discuss this, so would it be possible to move this thread there?
End Quote
You're right.
Subject: Re: Anyone ever had their house destroyed by Fire?
I lived in an apartment building in Arlington, VA one time with my dad. One day, the fire alarm went off and smoke started billowing through the apartment. Come to find out, there was a fire in the boiler room sending smoke all over the building. After the fire was put out, everyone went back to their apartments. Maybe about a half hour later, the alarm went off again. This time it was someone's Christmas tree on the 10th floor (we were on the first). The next day, the fire alarm went off for a third time. This time it was the incenerator. I was talking to one of my neighbors and he said, "At this rate, we are going to know all the firefighters on a first name basis." Needless to say, my dad and I moved out of that building shortly there after.
My old apartment (where I used to live before moving here) did burn down-after I moved out of course. It was really stupid actually. These kids were having a party. They dumped an ashtray into the garbage before it was fully out-on the porch. Thinking that it would go out on its own, they just watched it. It then ignited a couch that was on the porch and then it went to the building. Since they were underage and had a keg, they didn't want to call the fire department because they didn't want to get in trouble-so they let the building burn instead. ::)
Subject: Re: Anyone ever had their house destroyed by Fire?
I have never had anything destroyed by fire. I hope it never happens either. I do have insurance, though.
Fire scares me. I live in a mobile home so I worry about it alot. I check to make sure the stove and all appliances are off before I go to bed. Also, I don't smoke and no one is allowed to smoke in my house so it won't start there. I am very careful.
Subject: Re: Anyone ever had their house destroyed by Fire?
Well,My friends house was.A spark which was caused by ripped wire set his room ablaze.He is also handicapped but had minor injuries.And his Mother passed away so now he resides in Niskayuna,NY.(Albany) :(
Subject: Re: Anyone ever had their house destroyed by Fire?
When I was at my friends house years ago, we watched the neighbours house burn down. I was too young to understand really, when I saw the owner's girlfriend crying.
Subject: Re: Anyone ever had their house destroyed by Fire?
As a young kid, one of my friend's house burnt down. No one was hurt (except for a pet snake). Everyone in the nieghborhood took in the kids, parents etc. but my mother thought it would be a nice gesture to take in the cats-two male siamese. We had a bunch of female cats (who just happened to be in heat at that time). Needless to say, a few months later, we had a lot of little half siamese cats running around.