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Subject: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I have said or done several stupid things in public. Once I was at a fire prevention seminar at work when I was still in my 20s. When the fire marshall opened up the forum for questions, I asked him if flatulance lit up. That's the most vivid memory. Is there anything you did to embarrass yourself?
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I have said or done several stupid things in public. Once I was at a fire prevention seminar at work when I was still in my 20s. When the fire marshall opened up the forum for questions, I asked him if flatulance lit up. That's the most vivid memory. Is there anything you did to embarrass yourself?
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;) ;)A guy tried to do that in he movie "Fanny and alexander"Cheers!
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I've talked to myself once in public.
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
i actually found this quite funny later on, but at the time it was kind of embarassing...
i was walking to photo with my friend, and we saw this guy...i don't remember if i thought he was hot, i think i did...ANYWAY. he was holding a bag of pretzels and i felt the need to announce this to the entire hall. so at the top of my voice, i yelled, "HE'S GOT AN ENORMOUS..." but i couldn't think of the phrase "bag of pretzels" and i paused for too long before saying "...BAG OF PRETZELS!" my friend and i collapsed laughing in the hallway and i continually yelled the entire way to photo, "the bag of pretzels! i meant the pretzels!" :-[ ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I passed gas. ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
probably recently, I was in the deli by my school for lunch, and it had a few people in there, but me and my friend John were in there, and on top of the refridgerators, there was a stack of toilet paper rolls. So, I think while trying to be funny, I yelled at the top of my lungs, sarcastically, "Oh, I think I need some toilet paper!" No one found it funny, but I saved myself by saying to a few of the other kids in there, now just staring at me, "that was gay!" And they agreed. So then me and John left, and we never spoke of it again.
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Come to think of it, a few days ago at school I went into one of the bathrooms, and my friend was in there. Before he left, he was bending over about to pass gas. :P And these girls walked into the 'Little Boy's' room, and one of them yelled "Aww I know what you guys are doing!!!" :-/ ;)
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I walked into one of the toilet cubicles at work to be faced with a huge stinky floater someone had neglected to flush away - turning my nose up in disgust I went into the next cubicle.
When I was washing my hands someone else went into the offending cubicle and did exactly the same thing, which prompted me to say '' I did that '' - obviously I meant that I'd gone in and come straight back out too, but unfortunately she thought I meant I'd done it !! When I realised what I'd said I started laughing which seemed to disgust her even more so she stomped out - I never did get to explain !
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
stupid public toilets are always stuffed up with something somebody previously did. :P
no one flushes anymore. >:(
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Over the summer my cousin and I spent the day downtown in Chicago. It was close to evening and me and him were walking down Michigan, now on this street is a street level Bennigans with large picture windows where people were eating. And for no reason at all he decided to run and slam hisself into the window while theses people were getting served and he kept doing it over and over again. The look on the peoples faces was so hilarious it had me on the street rollin'. that was one of the funniest moments in my life
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Over the summer my cousin and I spent the day downtown in Chicago. It was close to evening and me and him were walking down Michigan, now on this street is a street level Bennigans with large picture windows where people were eating. And for no reason at all he decided to run and slam hisself into the window while theses people were getting served and he kept doing it over and over again. The look on the peoples faces was so hilarious it had me on the street rollin'. that was one of the funniest moments in my life
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yeah, that is fun...I remember once one of my friends was telling me that him and another friend were passing a restorant on Halloween, and they both had a mask in their hands, so they decided to put on the masks and lift up their shirts, while running up to the windows in this restorant. It sounded kinda funny...
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
yesterday, i was giving a speech on stephen king to my english class...i hadn't practiced this speech at all, and i was trying to explain how stephen king had been hit by a van which was driven by bryan smith...so instead, i said, "king was hit by bryan adams--i mean smith!" i started laughing so much that i couldn't even talk right and kept stuttering and gasping for breath. ::)
Over the summer my cousin and I spent the day downtown in Chicago. It was close to evening and me and him were walking down Michigan, now on this street is a street level Bennigans with large picture windows where people were eating. And for no reason at all he decided to run and slam hisself into the window while theses people were getting served and he kept doing it over and over again. The look on the peoples faces was so hilarious it had me on the street rollin'. that was one of the funniest moments in my life
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i did that once...except it wasn't on purpose. couldn't walk properly for two weeks after that... :-X
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I find it fun to walk down a street and when nobody's paying any attention to what I'm doing I yell out the first thing I see. So I'm walking down the street one day and I yell "GRASS!" And heads whip around for two blocks!
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I find it fun to walk down a street and when nobody's paying any attention to what I'm doing I yell out the first thing I see. So I'm walking down the street one day and I yell "GRASS!" And heads whip around for two blocks!
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lol...Ive gotta try that!
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I find it fun to walk down a street and when nobody's paying any attention to what I'm doing I yell out the first thing I see. So I'm walking down the street one day and I yell "GRASS!" And heads whip around for two blocks!
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or youve just gotta state the obvious...go up to someone and say..."you see that car over there?" They'll say, "yeah," and then you answer, "So do I!" It does get old though, but its really fun to do to random people on the street.
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
gave wrong directions to people driving in cars. What do I look like? A freakin' road map ??? >:(
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
One time someone stopped my sister and asked for directions. She turned to them and said, "No speaka English" and walked away. I'm not a gusty as she is (or was). Just my luck, the person would come back at me speaking Spanish.
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
gave wrong directions to people driving in cars. What do I look like? A freakin' road map ??? >:(
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there was once like four of us walking along the street, and then a car stopped and asked for directions, and I gave him the right directions, but all of us decided to point in seporate directions, one of my friends pointing up, just to confuse him. It was funny.
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I find it fun to walk down a street and when nobody's paying any attention to what I'm doing I yell out the first thing I see. So I'm walking down the street one day and I yell "GRASS!" And heads whip around for two blocks!
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my friend and i did that on a boat...we would just yell "BIRD!" randomly and people would turn around. it was pretty funny.
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
another time, when my friend and i were at friendly's, we were in the bathroom and she was washing her hands or something and we were talking about ray bradbury's story "the fruit at the bottom of the bowl." we were talking about the killer when this woman walks in...she goes into one of the stalls and my friend said, "yeah, that guy was really a psycho." and i responded, "yeah, i can't believe i dated him!" we ended up talking about how this "guy" i "dated" was a psycho killer on drugs and how we had both dated him, etc. that poor old woman...we're terrible. ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Stupid quotes attributed to me:
To a question about why latin is so strange, "Because the Romans are an idiot."
"They don't want to market itself as a popsicle."
"We're going 90 degrees in the opposite direction."
A reason to stay behind at the town: "If you were in a battle and you almost got died."
About unicorns: "I'm sure there have been animals in the same family as a horse, but with one tail, at some time or another."
To a question, "is this on?": "Yeah, but it's not plugged in."
"Do either of you three have 60 cents?"
About allergies: "Let's go to my house. Your house gives me cats."
"The gypsy song is hard to memorize, because it's in Gypsyish."
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
if someone drops something, and is picking it up, you just gotta go up to them and say, "you dropped something."
if youre in someone's house, and their phone rings, you yell "your phones ringing!"
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I used to say to people that I wanted three kids-one of each. What I say a lot is "kill two stones with one bird." I get a lot of looks and then I tell them that I know what I said and I said it on purpose. In the words of Lewis Carroll, "I say what I mean, and I mean what I say." ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
One time someone stopped my sister and asked for directions. She turned to them and said, "No speaka English" and walked away. I'm not a gusty as she is (or was). Just my luck, the person would come back at me speaking Spanish.
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I just don't have the guts to do that Catwoman. :(
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I used to say to people that I wanted three kids-one of each. What I say a lot is "kill two stones with one bird." I get a lot of looks and then I tell them that I know what I said and I said it on purpose. In the words of Lewis Carroll, "I say what I mean, and I mean what I say." ;D
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LMAO. I wouldve just ran far away from that area, and never returned...
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I'm afraid most of my conversations are off-beat. I remember doing Frankie Howard impressions in a sports shop in town - everybody was looking at me but I didn't realise it at the time. ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I walked into one of the toilet cubicles at work to be faced with a huge stinky floater someone had neglected to flush away - turning my nose up in disgust I went into the next cubicle.
When I was washing my hands someone else went into the offending cubicle and did exactly the same thing, which prompted me to say '' I did that '' - obviously I meant that I'd gone in and come straight back out too, but unfortunately she thought I meant I'd done it !! When I realised what I'd said I started laughing which seemed to disgust her even more so she stomped out - I never did get to explain !
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I'm sorry, but this had me laughing out loud so hard. :D
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
All the time I mishear people and confuse them with my responses to what I thought they said.
Not exactly something I did in public, but this thread reminds me of an interesting anecdote. Once when I was a little kid, we had a small party at our house, and there was this man with his hair in a ponytail. As loud as I could, I said "Mom, why does that man have girl hair?" ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Not exactly something I did in public, but I had recently purchased some undergarments---some of them are white while some are red. Anyway, today I was about to put all of them together in one wash! ::) (good thing I quickly caught myself)
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I was really hyper one day, and I suddenly burst out, "I USED TO BE A SHEMALE!!!!!!" 0_0
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Nothing worthwhile to report for me, but have to pass on one of my cousin's gems: while everyone was praying in church, she stood up on one of the pews (this was age 4 or thereabouts) and sang at the top of her voice (to the tune of the German national anthem):
"Daddy's wearing mummy's knickers
Do they fit him? No they don't"
...'fraid I just can't compete with that...
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Nothing worthwhile to report for me, but have to pass on one of my cousin's gems: while everyone was praying in church, she stood up on one of the pews (this was age 4 or thereabouts) and sang at the top of her voice (to the tune of the German national anthem):
"Daddy's wearing mummy's knickers
Do they fit him? No they don't"
...'fraid I just can't compete with that...
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When I used to go to church (many, many moons ago) there was a "crying room" with toys, etc. for the parents to sit with little ones. One day, there was a kid in there who couldn't say the "tr" sound, he said it as a "f". Needless to say, he was screaming at the top of his lungs for a truck that another kid was playing with. ;D :o
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
When I used to go to church (many, many moons ago) there was a "crying room" with toys, etc. for the parents to sit with little ones. One day, there was a kid in there who couldn't say the "tr" sound, he said it as a "f". Needless to say, he was screaming at the top of his lungs for a truck that another kid was playing with. ;D :o
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Very inventive bit of covering up by the parents, IMO - I reckon he was just shouting what daddy was saying Saturday night ;-)
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Very inventive bit of covering up by the parents, IMO - I reckon he was just shouting what daddy was saying Saturday night ;-)
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Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I passed gas. ;D
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Wow you just brought back a hilarious yet unpleasant moment for me.
I was once on the bus late at night with my younger brother. There was only us and about three other people riding. Anyways, my brother and I were exchanging some dirty jokes and I had managed to laugh so hard that I let one off-a LOUD one. It was made worse by the emptiness of the bus and the acoustic power of the hard seat that I was sitting on.
There was no way of "passing" responsibility for that one!
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Wow you just brought back a hilarious yet unpleasant moment for me.
I was once on the bus late at night with my younger brother. There was only us and about three other people riding. Anyways, my brother and I were exchanging some dirty jokes and I had managed to laugh so hard that I let one off-a LOUD one. It was made worse by the emptiness of the bus and the acoustic power of the hard seat that I was sitting on.
There was no way of "passing" responsibility for that one!
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LOL! How embarassing! Just out of curiousity, did you look at the people's reactions around you?
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Wow you just brought back a hilarious yet unpleasant moment for me.
I was once on the bus late at night with my younger brother. There was only us and about three other people riding. Anyways, my brother and I were exchanging some dirty jokes and I had managed to laugh so hard that I let one off-a LOUD one. It was made worse by the emptiness of the bus and the acoustic power of the hard seat that I was sitting on.
There was no way of "passing" responsibility for that one!
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Hey what do you want? It happens. What am I supposed to do? keep it in? :P ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I sometimes have a common problem with flatulance. The trick is not to do it in a small area other than the bathroom. And always say "Excuse me". I know this from (bad) experience. :P
Hey what do you want? It happens. What am I supposed to do? keep it in? :P ;D
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Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I sometimes have a common problem with flatulance. The trick is not to do it in a small area other than the bathroom. And always say "Excuse me". I know this from (bad) experience. :P
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If you really need to emit gas, just do it silently in a big ventilated room. ;)
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
LOL! How embarassing! Just out of curiousity, did you look at the people's reactions around you?
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Yeah, the only thing I noticed was that the lady sitting to the left of us turned beet red. I think she was more embarrassed than I was. The other people acted like they didn't hear anything.
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I sometimes have a common problem with flatulance. The trick is not to do it in a small area other than the bathroom. And always say "Excuse me". I know this from (bad) experience. :P
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I don't say Excuxe Me.Why should I? Hey,I don't if it's coming or not? What am I supposed to do? warn the person first? Yeah,then they'll start running out the room after you tell them. ;D :P
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
If you really need to emit gas, just do it silently in a big ventilated room. ;)
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under my blanket at night. ;D ;D!
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
The stupidest thing I've ever done in public.....was yelling @ the top of my lungs, "I USED TO BE A SHEMALE!!!!!" :-[
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
Very inventive bit of covering up by the parents, IMO - I reckon he was just shouting what daddy was saying Saturday night ;-)
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ROFL!!!!!!! That was a good one, Phil!
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
under my blanket at night. ;D ;D!
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I sure hope you sleep alone. Hubby does that, and just so I can still enjoy it, he "fans" the blankets ::)
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I sure hope you sleep alone. Hubby does that, and just so I can still enjoy it, he "fans" the blankets ::)
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Yes,I sleep alone.I can fart all I want under my blanket.They're ferocious! You better not sleep with me just stay away or sleep somewhere else. ;D :D
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
The stupidest thing I've ever done in public.....was yelling @ the top of my lungs, "I USED TO BE A SHEMALE!!!!!" :-[End Quote
you used to be a shemale? :D
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I have actually done this more than once. I was in a store shopping with my husband and while I was looking at something, he went to look at something else. Well, I didn't realize he stepped away, and thinking he was still standing next to me, I started asking him how he thought a pair of jeans would look on me, noticed he wasn't answering me, so I turned to him really annoyed saying why don't you answer me, and realized I had been standing there repeatedly asking a complete stranger how he thought these jeans would look on me.
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I've been shopping with the little ones in a stroller. Since it's next to impossible to push a stroller AND carry clothes, I've put them on top of the "hood" of the stroller. A couple of times, I've actually walked out of the store with something still on top :o Luckily, I realized it right away, no sensors ever went off or anything and I've returned to the store to pay. One time, when we were looking for a Baptism outfit for my oldest, my mom walked out of the store carrying an outfit. She was going to look at another store across the way and didn't realize she was still carrying it. I had gone to the bathroom and she was coming to meet me. After doing my business AND changing a diaper, I came out of the bathroom to meet her and there she is, still holding the outfit. Needless to say we immediately took it back to the store. The manager at the store said "Oh, well, I didn't notice" ::)
Subject: Re: Stupid Things You've Said Or Done In Public
I accidently knocked over a trash can with my wheelie luggage in Las Vegas Airport :-[
(If that wasn't bad enough..)
The attendant at the desk comments on the PA system
" OTT OHH "!
So... everyone in the airside turns around for a look!