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Subject: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
Lets pretend there was a gun to your head and you had to get rid of 2 of your senses which would they be?I guess I would pick taste and smell.....I guess I couldnt enjoy food at all :-/
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
Sight: Too useful for playing computer games and generally finding my way around.
Hearing: It would be much harder to play piano, and to have conversations... and I could never listen to a U2 album again!!!
Smell: Useful for smelling gas should it ever happen, and useful for telling when someone is abusing nicotine ie when I should cover my face with my jumper and shout "Go away, junkie!"
Taste: Not really useful for much, considering one can only taste four different tastes- salty, sour, bitter and sweet. The distinctions between different sweet foods, for example, is made up with smells.
Touch: Not that useful- if I lost it, it would mean that if I got in a fight I could defend myself without feeling pain. As well as that, I have a (some would say irrational) fear of contact with humans, particularly touching them with bare skin (which is why I always wear gloves and long-sleeved jackets). Maybe I wouldn't mind so much if I couldn't feel anything. Oh, and being a teenager, losing that would mean I'd have an extra half-hour free every evening for doing homework.
Hmm. Yeah, I'd lose taste and touch.
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
I was thinking taste and touch. Maybe switch taste and smell...?
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
Taste and smell. It wouldn't be so bad not to be able to taste...you could eat cupcakes with mustard and not have to be grossed out, and it would scare other people.
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
Very true Wicked but if you think about it you wouldnt need the urge for junk food at all and could eat healthy and be thin.
Taste and smell. It wouldn't be so bad not to be able to taste...you could eat cupcakes with mustard and not have to be grossed out, and it would scare other people.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
I need my five senses.I would rather keep em' all. :'(
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
Sight: Too useful for playing computer games and generally finding my way around.
Hearing: It would be much harder to play piano, and to have conversations... and I could never listen to a U2 album again!!!
Smell: Useful for smelling gas should it ever happen, and useful for telling when someone is abusing nicotine ie when I should cover my face with my jumper and shout "Go away, junkie!"
Taste: Not really useful for much, considering one can only taste four different tastes- salty, sour, bitter and sweet. The distinctions between different sweet foods, for example, is made up with smells.
Touch: Not that useful- if I lost it, it would mean that if I got in a fight I could defend myself without feeling pain. As well as that, I have a (some would say irrational) fear of contact with humans, particularly touching them with bare skin (which is why I always wear gloves and long-sleeved jackets). Maybe I wouldn't mind so much if I couldn't feel anything. Oh, and being a teenager, losing that would mean I'd have an extra half-hour free every evening for doing homework.
Hmm. Yeah, I'd lose taste and touch.
End Quote
Have you ever had your mouth frozen from the dentist? You can't speek, and crap is dripping from your mouth all the time.
Losing touch, isn't just getting rid of pain.
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
Sight: Too useful for playing computer games and generally finding my way around.
Hearing: It would be much harder to play piano, and to have conversations... and I could never listen to a U2 album again!!!
Smell: Useful for smelling gas should it ever happen, and useful for telling when someone is abusing nicotine ie when I should cover my face with my jumper and shout "Go away, junkie!"
Taste: Not really useful for much, considering one can only taste four different tastes- salty, sour, bitter and sweet. The distinctions between different sweet foods, for example, is made up with smells.
Touch: Not that useful- if I lost it, it would mean that if I got in a fight I could defend myself without feeling pain. As well as that, I have a (some would say irrational) fear of contact with humans, particularly touching them with bare skin (which is why I always wear gloves and long-sleeved jackets). Maybe I wouldn't mind so much if I couldn't feel anything. Oh, and being a teenager, losing that would mean I'd have an extra half-hour free every evening for doing homework.
Hmm. Yeah, I'd lose taste and touch.
End Quote
I think touch would be the LAST thing I'd want to get rid of. You'd never be able to get it on again!
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
Taste because I learned in a psychology class that experiencing the flavors of different food really comes from smell rather than taste.
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
In Order of most likely to get rid of to least:
Smell - theres gotta be way more bad smells than good, and the good smells i dont mind missing anway
Taste - like someone else said, it eliminates the taste of foods you hate therefore enabling you to eat almost anything
Touch - Not sure if this includes pain. but if it did, then this would be first on my list!
Hearing - wouldnt be too bad, the downside would be no more music :-/
Seeing - too useful to find the way around, drive, use computer, watch tv... at least without hearing you can still do all these things
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
Well, seeing that I don't have a sense of smell anyway, I would definitely choose that one. Believe it or not, I do haev a sense of taste but, what sense of taste I do have, I could probably do with out. I need to lose weight anyway.
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
I hate to be the Punk here, but I cannot give up any of my senses.
Sight and Touch are absolutely necessary for doing one of the things I love-playing videogames!
Hearing-I also write and play music, so losing my ears would be the death of me. I once temporarily lost my hearing and almost lost my mind!
Taste-A life of not being able to taste macaroni and cheese or Pepsi?!! The Horror. Also if Your sense of smell is ruined your tastebuds will be rendered useless.
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
Taste because I learned in a psychology class that experiencing the flavors of different food really comes from smell rather than taste.
End Quote
You know, I've heard this all my life, but I don't entirely believe it. I have a very, very, very weak, almost non-existent sense of smell and I can still taste things. In order for me to smell things, it has to be really, really, really, really strong. I'm talking actually running over a skunk strong. In fact, I have to take someone with me when I want to buy perfume because I can't smell it to see if it smells good.
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
I would sat touch, even though it would feel funny. ;D
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
definitely smell. i already have a weak sense of smell, so i don't think i'd miss it very much...probably taste too, because then i could eat whatever i wanted.
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
I would have to get rid of taste and smell.
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
taste and smell
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
You need to be able to feel! If you don't what's to stop you from one day digging in your nose and pulling off a nostril? I know it's an inconvenience (when it comes to pain) but It's one of those double-edged sword type deals. How would you know that you broke a bone?
Anyway. I'd get rid of smell. I mean, after that I could just use my toungue to taste the air (like a snake). Since your other senses get stronger if you lose one, and I'd be losing two!
Let's see. I could get used to not being able to hear. Of course, it'd be a hard transition since I love music. But I could always feel the beat right?
Subject: Re: Which of the 5 senses would you get rid of?
Taste and Smell