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Subject: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
It's really a bummer to be a victim of theft. (Now you can have your identity stolen too.) I've had the same car stolen twice and recovered each time. The worst part is the insurance papers and needing Power of Attorney to recover an impounded car. Has anyone had anything stolen? Cars? Stuff from your home? Cash? Credit? Purses? And what was the end result?
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
My house was broken into when I was living in the West Midlands. The burglary was so frenzied that the police said they never saw anything like it.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
I had my apartment broken into about 15 years ago. I was just out of college and didn't have much of value to take. But what I had, they took. My stereo and all my music, some $, a few valuable pieces of jewelery, my answering machine and a few other things. End result...nothing recovered, no one caught. I don't think that it was pursued very aggressively because the total monetary value wasn't too much. Worse part of it was the feeling of violation and being just plain scared. I was a single woman living alone at the time. They broke in my door to get in and I had a jerk for a landlord that wouldn't come in to fix it. I spent weeks with a chair wedged under the door knob until I finally found a new safer place to live.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
Yeah. My heroin addicted aunt and uncle stole my nintendo, all my games, my watch, and my mother's watch when I was 12 years old. They didn't have to break into our house, either. We were living with my grandmother at the time, and she used to let them in so they could eat....and take our belongings. >:(
Nothing was ever recovered because they tend to sell that stuff pretty fast for cash or drugs. ::)
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
When I lived in Tx, I lived in two different apartments. In each one, someone TRIED to break in. We were home both times and that scared the intruders.
However, I did have a car that was loaded with personal stuff stolen by my ex-mother-in-law. I sued her. She admitted to having false plates on the car when she totalled it in a accident. I did win the law suit and I can't remember what she ended up paying me.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
I really feel sorry for you people that have been robbed by your own family (in-laws or not). I have had countless problems with my family but fortunately thieving wasn't one of them.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
My place was broken into a few years ago - they took most of my cds, my cd player, video player, alcohol, money, food out of the fridge and a few other things. They went through every cupboard except my pantry (which had an envelope with $450 in it). I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised by the insurance company, cos they replaced absolutely everything for me. I didn't have one problem with them - thanks Suncorp! :)
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
My place was broken into a few years ago - they took most of my cds, my cd player, video player, alcohol, money, food out of the fridge and a few other things. They went through every cupboard except my pantry (which had an envelope with $450 in it). I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised by the insurance company, cos they replaced absolutely everything for me. I didn't have one problem with them - thanks Suncorp! :)
End Quote
The food out of your fridge!?! They must have been opportunists who knew you were going to be out for some time, Gecko.
At least your insurance company did the business. :)
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
Just be thankful your insurance wasn't GEICO. ;)
My place was broken into a few years ago - they took most of my cds, my cd player, video player, alcohol, money, food out of the fridge and a few other things. They went through every cupboard except my pantry (which had an envelope with $450 in it). I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised by the insurance company, cos they replaced absolutely everything for me. I didn't have one problem with them - thanks Suncorp! :)
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Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
Just be thankful your insurance wasn't GEICO. ;)
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I agree. We had Geico one time and never again.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
Well I was just half kidding. Geico is good for car insurance, but not much else. And don't even bother to ask for compensation after an accident. :(
I agree. We had Geico one time and never again.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
No one's stolen from us, but we once had a man who put the "arse" in "arsonist" torch our garage. I don't think it was intentional, he was trying to half-inch the car (he tried everyone else's in the street, too). But it was locked, and the match or whatever he was using as a light set the place on fire.
It was right below my bedroom, too (I was only little at the time). I was asleep, and I heard the firemen clumping along the landing with their axes and stuff.
My mother said to me, quite calmly: "Don't worry, dear, the house is on fire. Go back to bed."
That exact phrase.
The fire went out pretty quickly, but it was still rather horrible.
The funny part is that a year or two later, while he was in prison, the arsonist had a medical problem and he turned up on my mother's operating list.
(He is pushed into the room on a trolley)
My mother (reading his case notes): I'm sorry, I can't anaesthetise this patient.
Surgeon: Why's that? Has he eaten something recently? Cardiac trouble?
My mother: No, it's an ethical matter.
Surgeon: What?
My mother: He's the bastard who set fire to my garage. I might end up doing something nasty to him while he's asleep.
Surgeon: Oh. Oh, okay then. You get on with the next patient.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
We had someone set fire to our garbage one time. We had it out on the curb waiting to be picked up the next day and my sister looked out the window and saw that it was aflame. We guessed who did it but there was no proof.
I could say that my hubby stole my heart. ;D
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
Good mum you have there. ::)
My mother said to me, quite calmly: "Don't worry, dear, the house is on fire. Go back to bed."
End Quote
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
When I was about 3 somebody broke into our old house and stole our old TV.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
The food out of your fridge!?! They must have been opportunists who knew you were going to be out for some time, Gecko.
End Quote
Actually, the day I was robbed, I left home at about 5am for work and Mum came over to my place at about 8am because I was having a lounge delivered. So they think I got broken into at about 6am! Early bird robbers! ;D
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
Had stuff taken/stolen from me before..mostly by shady roommates not from strangers/burglars. Its all bad karma, I believe it will all come back to them.
Had some fun busting people trying to sell stolen CD's when I worked at new/used CD store, felt like I was getting some payback...
As a tip, always, ALWAYS write your intials on your CD's with a permenant marker and on the inside/back panel of your CD cases, it will help identify them if they are stolen.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
I had my handbag stolen when I was backpacking round America.Thankfully a lady found it in a garbage bin at a bus stop and handed it in to the bus company.Thamkfully they only took the cash as I had English credit cards !
Someone stole my leather jacket once too GRRRR
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
My place was broken into a few years ago - they took most of my cds, my cd player, video player, alcohol, money, food out of the fridge and a few other things. They went through every cupboard except my pantry (which had an envelope with $450 in it). I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised by the insurance company, cos they replaced absolutely everything for me. I didn't have one problem with them - thanks Suncorp! :)
End Quote
Yep Gecko - both of my major burgs took the food from my freezer and fridge. and they made themselves sandwiches before the left cos the marg and vegemite was open on the counter (and yes I threw them out !!). And so grose - they took clothing out of my laundry hamper.
And both burgs were before 9am. Who knew burglars were early risers.
The second burg upset me the most. As well as all the standard sellable stuff - they grabbed two jewellery boxes and took them. If they had opened them first they would have seen they contained nothing of monetary value and may have left them. What they contained were my "treasures". Locks of hair from first boyfriends, my baby teeth, ticket stibs from various important memories - not to mention all my hilarious 80's chunky earrings.
It broke my heart. All those little memories.
On both occassions my insurance coy CGU were complete animals. I had the same assessor both time and he also had to deal with my house when it was struck by lightning and I lost all my appliances. Each time he treated me like a criminal. He had no regard for my distress - I was bawling as I wandered thru my house trying to establish what was missing.
The police told me "oh you will never think of everything - in a few weeks you will reach for something and realise its gone - so just call your insurance company and let them know".
Well I did that. Two days after the 2nd burg I was on the phone to my dad - crying about it all when I suddenly realised my camera wasnt in its box. I had just returned from a trip so I had a whole roll of holiday snaps still in it. I was devestated and immediately rang CGU. Well you would have thought I had just remembered a $15000 plasma Tv screen the way the acted. They were so awful. One person actually said "its rather convenient that you have suddenly remembered a camera two days later".
Needless to say - when I moved house last year I used that as an opportunity to dump CGU - and I made sure I told them the reasons why I was leaving them.
The other scarey even in my previous home - was an attempted break in. I remember I was lying in bed watching Star Wars on TV - it was a friday night. Suddenly I heard a noise I couldnt place. Then I realised it was someone jimmying the window in the next room.
At first I froze. Then I dont know how I did it but I grabbed a broom and a can of hairspray and ran into the room making the loudest stomps I could and then I smashed on the window and screamed in this bizarre loud growl. The window flung open and I sprayed the hairspray on his face.
Then I literally collapsed in fear. I rang my neighbor and he came tearing over with a torch and baseball bat - he searched the street but the guy had run for it. The police came and searched but had no luck.
I had to call a friend to come and stay the night as I was too terrified to sleep again.
Seriously frightening for single women living alone.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
Yep, A family member of mine continously stole things from me to support his alcohol/drug habit for 15 years. I still live with this person(not my choice) but I've locked my bedroom door and I threatened legal action if anything went missing again. I also keep an itemized list of everything I own that's over $20. Sad huh? So much for feeling safe in your home.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
Sounds like you have had some bad experiences BMG.
When they broke into my place, the first thing I checked for was my grandmother's engagement ring - and it was still there. The second thing I checked for, was a set of coloured dessert dishes that have been in my family for years. My Mum gave them to me for Christmas one year cos she knows how much I love them. And they too were still there.
Suncorp was pretty cool. When the assessor rang me to set up a time to see me, he sounded like a real jerk. He asked if I had photos of everything that was stolen and when I said no, he kinda sounded like he wouldn't pay me if I couldn't prove everything existed in the first place. However, when he came to see me he was cool. He replaced absolutely everything. Like you BMG, it took me about a week to realise what was missing, and I just rang them up and added a few things to the list and it wasn't a problem.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
I am glad Suncorp were good to you Gecko. I have now changed to RAC after many good stories from friends.
I was thinking later in the night after I wrote my post - something I didnt mention.
After both burgs (and sort of after the attempted break in) - because they didnt take my TV or Puter (too big to carry I guess) - I was convinced that they would come back.
For months I left notes taped to my stuff - abusive 'go get a job and stop ruining peoples lives" type notes.
I would get off the bus and as I walked down the street I would have almost mini panic attacks, I would get that awful reflux feeling in my throat and stomach and would nearly be crying as I put all these thoughts in my head. I would arrive at my door in a total mess - convinced I would walk into an empty home.
SO if there are any burglars out there lurking - this is what you do to people - all so you can shoot poison in your arm. Hope you feel good about it.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
I once had a "so-called" friend. Everytime she came over to visit, things would disappear.
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
ouch Cat - thats the kind of "friend" no one needs !
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
I had my gameboy pocket stolen. It got taken from me for playing it in class (7th grade). So the dumb teacher leaves it on the podium in the classroom while he takes us to the gym room for our gym class. I ask him if he could please just put it in his pocket or something, but no, he has to be an a** and just leave it sitting in the open. Well, I come back from gym and there's no gameboy. He says he'll pay me for the gameboy. I'm still waiting (12th grade). >:( :'(
Subject: Re: Have You Been A Victim Of Theft?
My car was stolen last month. And like an idiot I decided to insure it with the insurance from my bank. Needless to say I am now a proud owner of a bus pass while they drag their feet and try to stick me with the bill.