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Subject: Ever have any near death experiences?
I have had a few.One time me and my friend went to a carnival and got on a ride where your in a compartment and it spins upside down.They would stop the ride to let new people on and this dumb a$$ thought we were getting off so he opened the door and he started the ride again and we were yelling at him luckily the fool shut and locked the door before we went up ::)
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
Another one, was I was on the bus and a fuel tanker was merging...going full speed and we were 1 foot away from each other :o i SAW MY LIFE FLASH RIGHT BEFORE ME! :o
Then I think about the bus stop which was at a gas station and people would smoke and throw their cigs on the ground not even thinking about the possiblity of being blown up. ::)
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
A year or two ago, I had a severe bout of depression (right at the time when I found out I had Asperger's), and I tried to do myself in four times. I'm glad I didn't manage it, because now I realise what a bad idea it was, and I've come to terms with the reasons I had for doing it.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
We are glad you are here to post today ;)
A year or two ago, I had a severe bout of depression (right at the time when I found out I had Asperger's), and I tried to do myself in four times. I'm glad I didn't manage it, because now I realise what a bad idea it was, and I've come to terms with the reasons I had for doing it.
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Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
A superb site on the topic of
Near-Death Experiences is
Hope it helps.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
To "Child of the 80's"
If it's OK that I ask, at the time you had your Near Death experience, what was your religious belief system
Did you get the impression that if you died, you would be in Heaven??
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
I dont know man.After you go through it you just dont take it for granite
To "Child of the 80's"
If it's OK that I ask, at the time you had your Near Death experience, what was your religious belief system
Did you get the impression that if you died, you would be in Heaven??
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Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
i almost drowned at the beach in july. i got caught in the undertow and hit my head into the ocean floor...i had sand up my nose. :P
then last month, i almost got run over by a kamakazi bicyclist in NYC...i don't think i would have died, but that would have REALLY hurt. ::)
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
I haven't had any super-near-death experiences, but I was involved in a car wreck (came out with only a LOT of horror and bruises on my chest) a few years ago.
As for religious beliefs, I'm struggling with that right now. I've been raised/still being raised a Christian, but I'm sickened by the intolerance of some Christians. I think Christianity is a liberal and unbiased religion, but today's society distorts that.
But anyways, I've looked into religion and I'd rather stay "agnostic", at least for time being, because my admitted childish naivete about the whole thing and just my lack of knowledge about religion doesn't really help me. I just got directed to some site that's predicting the end of the world while searching for some info on mad cow disease (for an article for Journalism), and it creeped me out, but I realize it's because I don't know any better about it, so I try to block out what I "learned" from the site.
Woah, I just got way off topic.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
Don't know if this counts, but on September 9th, 2001, I was at a DC airport to catch a flight to the LA airport. When I was there, everybody seemed to want to take that flight so all the seats were filled with a long waiting list. There was an announcement that anyone who gave up their seats would get $6000 and a flight at a later time. Well, I didn't want to take up my seat despite the money. Two days later, one of those flights crashed into the Pentagon (and I could have been on that flight if I had taken up my seat)
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
Just think if you took the money you wouldnt have gotten a chance to spend it.......really scary
Don't know if this counts, but on September 9th, 2001, I was at a DC airport to catch a flight to the LA airport. When I was there, everybody seemed to want to take that flight so all the seats were filled with a long waiting list. There was an announcement that anyone who gave up their seats would get $6000 and a flight at a later time. Well, I didn't want to take up my seat despite the money. Two days later, one of those flights crashed into the Pentagon (and I could have been on that flight if I had taken up my seat)
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Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
Don't know if this counts, but on September 9th, 2001, I was at a DC airport to catch a flight to the LA airport. When I was there, everybody seemed to want to take that flight so all the seats were filled with a long waiting list. There was an announcement that anyone who gave up their seats would get $6000 and a flight at a later time. Well, I didn't want to take up my seat despite the money. Two days later, one of those flights crashed into the Pentagon (and I could have been on that flight if I had taken up my seat)
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Wow, that is pretty scary. I am glad you didn't give up your seat. :o
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
In June 1985 I avoided being blown up by a terrorist bomb in Frankfurt Airport by between five to ten minutes. The bomb ripped through a Pan Am ticket area. I was at ground zero of that blast site just minutes before it blew. Two people in our party were departing country and I was their driver to the airport. I waited in the ticket area until they changed their tickets, bid farewell and we all went seperate ways. This happened to coincide with the TWA hijacking that became the basis for a movie. Hostages were taken in that hijacking and one Navy Seal was killed and dumped on the tarmac. Five people were killed and about 40 injured. The bomb was inside a trash recepticle when it detonated. I was leaning and half sitting on one of these as I waited for the ticket exchange to complete.
About a year later a friend that I graduated high school with who was married to my cousin missed the Pan Am flight that blew up over Lockerbie Scotland. His entire family thought he was dead until he walked through the front door the next day. He was unaware of the disaster since he wasn't tuned to any news during his travel.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
Friends of mine were very nearly involved in an IRA bomb that exploded in Warrington, UK. Two boys were killed in the explosion in the town centre.
We were working in a research lab near there and some of them went to town for the afternoon but they took a wrong turning and went to Chester for the day instead. Had they got the route right they would have been in the vicinity at the time of the explosion.
When I first read this title I thought it might be about actual near-death experiences, e.g. people who 'died' in an operating theatre and were resucitated.
My dad had a massive heart attack whilst he was in hospital. The doctor happened to be on the scene and managed to re start his heart. My dad claims to have seen what happened from above himself including which staff were in attendance. One of the nurses confirmed what he saw. The docotr later said that if my dad had had his attack minutes later the doctor would have been on his tea break and wouldn't have got there in time to save him.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
My dad had a massive heart attack whilst he was in hospital. The doctor happened to be on the scene and managed to re start his heart. My dad claims to have seen what happened from above himself including which staff were in attendance. One of the nurses confirmed what he saw. The docotr later said that if my dad had had his attack minutes later the doctor would have been on his tea break and wouldn't have got there in time to save him.
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Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
Over Xmas/New Year 1977/78 I was with my family in Bali when I was struck down with menegitis (i had had it since November but doctors thought I was OK - but it appears i was only in remission and it reoccurred during our holiday).
I was in Denpasar Hospital. During the night i technically died. My mum was asleep in her hotel when she woke and saw me at the end of her bed. Apparently I said to her "Mum I have to go now" and she replied in an angry voice "get back to bed right now".
She then woke my dad and they ran to the hospital to find me being resucitated.
My only memory of the event is that mum yelled at me ! It was years before I liked her again. Even tho I realise now she did the right thing.
If the religious side of it is of any interest - I was then and still am an athiest - as is my entire family.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
Over Xmas/New Year 1977/78 I was with my family in Bali when I was struck down with menegitis (i had had it since November but doctors thought I was OK - but it appears i was only in remission and it reoccurred during our holiday).
I was in Denpasar Hospital. During the night i technically died. My mum was asleep in her hotel when she woke and saw me at the end of her bed. Apparently I said to her "Mum I have to go now" and she replied in an angry voice "get back to bed right now".
She then woke my dad and they ran to the hospital to find me being resucitated.
My only memory of the event is that mum yelled at me ! It was years before I liked her again. Even tho I realise now she did the right thing.
If the religious side of it is of any interest - I was then and still am an athiest - as is my entire family.
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Whoa. I once heard of a guy who died in a hotel fire, but according to his parents he phoned them after he died.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
Over Xmas/New Year 1977/78 I was with my family in Bali when I was struck down with menegitis (i had had it since November but doctors thought I was OK - but it appears i was only in remission and it reoccurred during our holiday).
I was in Denpasar Hospital. During the night i technically died. My mum was asleep in her hotel when she woke and saw me at the end of her bed. Apparently I said to her "Mum I have to go now" and she replied in an angry voice "get back to bed right now".
She then woke my dad and they ran to the hospital to find me being resucitated.
My only memory of the event is that mum yelled at me ! It was years before I liked her again. Even tho I realise now she did the right thing.
If the religious side of it is of any interest - I was then and still am an athiest - as is my entire family.
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Wow...this one made me shiver...great story...and good to see the menegitis cleared up...
as for me...I know of one of my friends whose grand mother passed away, and days earlier he had been searchign for something, and in the middle of the night(when she had passed), he saw her figure standing at the foot of his bed pointing to the right. He then glanced at the right side where she pointed and foudn what he had been looking for. Later he found out that he had seen his grandmother exactly one minute before doctors pronounced her dead. Wouldn't consider it a near death experiance, but rather scary in the least...
I had also once seen on Unsolved mysteries, of a man who died in a car crash at 6:37 I think the time was, and like a few years later, his mother got a message on the answering machine, at 6:37, that was just his voice saying the words, "Follow me." I may be peering off topic here, but I thought it was a good story...
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
Wow...this one made me shiver...great story...and good to see the menegitis cleared up...
as for me...I know of one of my friends whose grand mother passed away, and days earlier he had been searchign for something, and in the middle of the night(when she had passed), he saw her figure standing at the foot of his bed pointing to the right. He then glanced at the right side where she pointed and foudn what he had been looking for. Later he found out that he had seen his grandmother exactly one minute before doctors pronounced her dead. Wouldn't consider it a near death experiance, but rather scary in the least...
I had also once seen on Unsolved mysteries, of a man who died in a car crash at 6:37 I think the time was, and like a few years later, his mother got a message on the answering machine, at 6:37, that was just his voice saying the words, "Follow me." I may be peering off topic here, but I thought it was a good story...
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Thanks - I was one of the lucky ones - I lost several school friends that year to menengitis. It was the variety caused by ameoba's in water. When swimming pools have heated up and not had time to cool down overnight. Then you dive in and the contaminated water is forced up your nose into your brain. Of course these days public swimming pools are closed down after a certain amount of days over a certain temp to prevent this disease.
I have heard many amazing stories similar to your friend and his grandmother. Its so freaky to think someone feels they have unfished business and have to help someone out in some shape or form. She obviously needed that final contact with him.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
In late Dec '87, I was traveling south on Interstate 95, doing about 55-60, just south of Baltimore. I was in the fast lane trying to get around the heavy truck/container traffic coming from the port of Baltimore. It had just started to snow, well "flurries" actually, and it was 4pm & getting dark.
I was just getting clear of all the traffic, to an open area of the freeway, just passing a tanker truck, a school bus, and a car carrier (carring new Honda's).
Then, just 300 feet in front of me, the car in front and in the next (right lane)..brake lights, a skid, & then they slide nose to nose to a sudden stop, and a small dog running to the right of the freeway..
I didn't have anywhere to go, I could've stopped in time, if the road was dry, but I knew the tires were going to lock up on the now moist road..Aiming for the inside shoulder and the K barrier (concrete divider), I got lucky and slid to a stop just next to, but not hitting the first car.
In the split second of the weight lifting of the front suspension from the panic stop, I remembered the traffic that I had just passed...there was no way they were going to be able to stop in time for what was now, three cars stopped sideways across three lanes of highway...
Time does stand still in times like this..looking back out my window, I saw the tanker, & the car carrier all jack knife and charging towards me...all in slow motion I saw the chain reaction of a 17 car & truck pileup, all heading towards me..I remember anticapating and then feeling each hit/crash and the crunching of metal and the sound of breaking glass and sceeching tires...wondering which next crash was going to crush my car and kill me.
I knew I was gong to die..your life does pass before you, it's like the whole event took over a hour to happen..
I woke up to bright lights and a paramedic shaking me and asking my name. I was hurt, broken arm, seperated knee and some scratches but O.K. No one was killed in the huge wreck, but there was some people seriously hurt, my mom's car totaled. I got lucky that day..stupid dog. >:(
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
My sister had a near-death experience when she was born. A few blood vessels in her brain burst (same thing my father died of) and she had to be on life-support for a while. It was around Christmas time when my parents picked her up from the hospital. All the staff who were helping Sybil were really happy and cheery because it was Christmas and they couldn't care less because their kid was dying- but she was breathing and she started to make noises, and was discharged quickly.
Apparently if she'd been born a few minutes later than she was, she would have died.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
Time does stand still in times like this..looking back out my window, I saw the tanker, & the car carrier all jack knife and charging towards me...all in slow motion I saw the chain reaction of a 17 car & truck pileup, all heading towards me..I remember anticapating and then feeling each hit/crash and the crunching of metal and the sound of breaking glass and sceeching tires...wondering which next crash was going to crush my car and kill me.
I knew I was gong to die..your life does pass before you, it's like the whole event took over a hour to happen..
I woke up to bright lights and a paramedic shaking me and asking my name. I was hurt, broken arm, seperated knee and some scratches but O.K. No one was killed in the huge wreck, but there was some people seriously hurt, my mom's car totaled. I got lucky that day..stupid dog. >:(
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OMIGOD :o We see those huge chain reaction type freeway crashes on TV and you wonder how each car had a survivor. The slow motion side of it must have been scarey. You know your reactions wont happen in time etc.
Glad to hear you came out of it ok.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
OMIGOD :o We see those huge chain reaction type freeway crashes on TV and you wonder how each car had a survivor. The slow motion side of it must have been scarey. You know your reactions wont happen in time etc.
Glad to hear you came out of it ok.
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Thanks. I'm O.K. but I can't listen to The Godfathers "Birth, School, Work, Death" anymore, without freaking out..it was playing on the radio when the pileup started..
Ironic though, I now live in Long Beach, and travel the infamous 710 with hundreds of thousands of container trucks going to & from port. Theres lots of fog in the early morning and they have pileups AT LEAST twice a year here...you'd think I would have learned my lesson. :)
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
When I was 16 someone treated me to an Aspen ski trip. Keep in mind I had NEVER skiied in my life. Anyways a mere 4 hours after my first ski lesson, I decided to be adventurous and go on the Advanced trail. Well I was a natural, keeping right up with the pros, that is until I missed a sharp turn and went flying right off of a cliff!!
The next thing I remember was waking up with an oxygen mask on my face surrounded by EMS. As it turns out I had fallen about 80 ft but the snow was soft enough for me to sink into. When they found me I was in a daze and wheezing with an asthma attack(I'm guessing from shock) and my left ankle was badly sprained from being twisted in the ski.
I have not skiied since.
Subject: Re: Ever have any near death experiences?
When I was 16 someone treated me to an Aspen ski trip. Keep in mind I had NEVER skiied in my life. Anyways a mere 4 hours after my first ski lesson, I decided to be adventurous and go on the Advanced trail. Well I was a natural, keeping right up with the pros, that is until I missed a sharp turn and went flying right off of a cliff!!
The next thing I remember was waking up with an oxygen mask on my face surrounded by EMS. As it turns out I had fallen about 80 ft but the snow was soft enough for me to sink into. When they found me I was in a daze and wheezing with an asthma attack(I'm guessing from shock) and my left ankle was badly sprained from being twisted in the ski.
I have not skiied since.
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