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Subject: Stupid things you think about
What are some of the stupidest thing you think about maybe you want to know the answers and maybe you dont? ???
For me I always wonder why I never saw a mouse in the movie theater.Its perfect for a mouse food always on the floor,dark place,.....free movies.
Humans find animals cute but do they think we are cute?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Well you asked for it..
1. How do they put the pimimentos in stuffed olives? In my mind I can't believe that there is a dedicated machine that cuts the pimimentos, then stuffs them in the olives...
2. Where did or how did "they" get the first straight edge/line? How did they know it was straight? They didn't have a t-square or ruler to check...I mean everything we use or build/design is based on straight lines or angles from that. So who figured out the line or edge that they had was straight/level to begin with?
3. I always thought that the bug repellant "Off" should be call "Don't Get On". I mean its too late for you if the spray makes the bug get "off". I don't want the bug to get "On"....pretty stupid, huh? ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why do they say alarm clocks and sirens go "off"? They're really coming "on", not going "off".
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Two things I have actually said to people
"Ever wanted to play the drums with your head?"
"You know what they need? Braille roadsigns."
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
"You know what they need? Braille roadsigns."
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Why not? They already have braille classroom plaques on stucco walls (I bet that drives them batty) and braille plates for drive-thru ATM machines.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why are there mirrors in the toilet at the Blind Hall.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
why was the amazonian jungle changed to the amazon rainforest? i asked a science teacher that and she basically ignored the question.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
How do they get the deer to cross at that little yellow sign?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why do some people walk when the sign says "Don't Walk"? What are they idiots? ??? >:(
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Who invented the 'How did the chicken cross the road' joke?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
How people can talk without moving their lips...you know, the people with the puppets, I know there's a word for it.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Ventriloquests. ;) (sp?)
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "Im gonna squeeze those dangly things and drink whatever comes out!"? ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
I really like this thread. Finally, people who think like me! That could be a scary thing. ;D I'll post some of my thoughts later.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Another thing, who made up cuss words?If anyone knows please tell me :-/
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
The Catholic Church.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
One thing I think about are the people who call my office and ask if we are open. Well, I wouldn't be answering the phone if we were closed. It's not like I love my job so much that I would come in on a day off to answer the stupid phone.
Another thing I think about is like when you go to McDonald's they have a sign posted that says, "Picture menus available." Well, if someone can't read, how do they know they have picture menus?
Yet another thing my warped mind things about: one day my husband and I were leaving from a doctor's appointment. In the hallway we passed a blind man with a seeing eye dog. I immediately began to think, "If the man has never been here before, how does the dog know where it is going?"
(I'll admit I'm ignorant on some subjects, so if I offend anyone, please forgive me.)
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Do COWS drink milk? Whenever I ask people that they laugh at me like I'm stupid and they're like "No cows GIVE milk!" And I'm like "Yeah so do humans but we still drink milk!" So seriously, do cows drink milk???
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Do COWS drink milk? Whenever I ask people that they laugh at me like I'm stupid and they're like "No cows GIVE milk!" And I'm like "Yeah so do humans but we still drink milk!" So seriously, do cows drink milk???
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I believe they do.They also chew their cud. ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
I believe they do.They also chew their cud. ;D
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Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
I did see a chicken eating chicken on tv.It was on the Richard Bey show.
Do COWS drink milk? Whenever I ask people that they laugh at me like I'm stupid and they're like "No cows GIVE milk!" And I'm like "Yeah so do humans but we still drink milk!" So seriously, do cows drink milk???
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Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Cows drink milk, as do cats, dogs, pigs, sheep, llamas, chimpanzees, humans and every other mammal in the world. When a baby mammal is born, its mother produces milk from her nipples. The baby then drinks that until it can eat solid food (starting eating solid food is called "weaning"). When the baby stops drinking the milk, the mother stops producing milk.
We get milk from cows by letting them have calves, then feeding them more and taking some of their milk out of them using machines. As long as the machines are "sucking" the cows, they will keep producing milk, because their bodies think that a baby is drinking it.
So yes, cows do drink milk, but not after they are weaned.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
The whole "milk" subject got me to thinking. Did you all know that it's bad to give cow's milk to some cats because they are lactose intolerant? Who would've thought. The next question would be, who did the test to find out this out?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
I wonder why anybody stealing hubcaps would take only three. Just seems like a lack of self esteem to my way of thinking.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
So yes, cows do drink milk, but not after they are weaned.
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The question was not whether or not calves drink milk, but if cows do (or bulls for matter). Technically, a bovine is not a cow until it has given birth.
Anyway I've always wondered what makes people laugh or cry. Not just "cuz it's funny" or "cuz it's sad." I mean what physically & anatomically makes us laugh or cry?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
The whole "milk" subject got me to thinking. Did you all know that it's bad to give cow's milk to some cats because they are lactose intolerant? Who would've thought. The next question would be, who did the test to find out this out?
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I had a cat that was lactose intolerant. Couldn't eat cheese or anything. But he died. Actually he got killed by dogs ($%#@*#! neighbors!!). His name was Sabot (which my mom says is French for "shoes" ???)
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
I had a cat that was lactose intolerant. Couldn't eat cheese or anything. But he died. Actually he got killed by dogs ($%#@*#! neighbors!!). His name was Sabot (which my mom says is French for "shoes" ???)
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Interesting. I thought the French word for shoes was 'Chasseurs' (mind the spelling ;)).
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why is my hair on pillows and combs? ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Interesting. I thought the French word for shoes was 'Chasseurs' (mind the spelling ;)).
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You may be thinking "Chaussette" for "socks." That's what mom named our other cat. We still have her, but I think she's getting kinda old and senile.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
How do they get the deer to cross at that little yellow sign?
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That's a good one!
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
First I'll answer Child of the 80s question about mice and the movie theater. A: How do you know they're not there? Mice are very quiet creatures. ;)
The stupid thing I think about:
September 11, 2001 (AKA 9/11). That indeed was a major emergency. So was that fate or was it planned?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Yeah but they do scamper around if people are there or not?I guess you can say the same thing for roaches never seen one there either.9/11 was planned especially for that date.
First I'll answer Child of the 80s question about mice and the movie theater. A: How do you know they're not there? Mice are very quiet creatures. ;)
The stupid thing I think about:
September 11, 2001 (AKA 9/11). That indeed was a major emergency. So was that fate or was it planned?
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Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Okay here's a stupid question...How do zippers work?? I was playing w/ the zipper on my purse and I just thought...how does that little metal thing make the two plastic things stick together??
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
How come you can't capture a pigeon?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
How come you can't capture a pigeon?
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Yeah...it should seem pretty easy seeing that they're almost everywhere now a days...
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Uh, why would you want to catch a pigeon? They're dirty, germ ridden..rats with wings..
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Okay here's a stupid question...How do zippers work?? I was playing w/ the zipper on my purse and I just thought...how does that little metal thing make the two plastic things stick together??
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I've thought about that too.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Uh, why would you want to catch a pigeon? They're dirty, germ ridden..rats with wings..
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I don't mind feeding a few of them.On Friday of last week,I threw some doughnut pieces on my leg and trained one to jump on my lap and eat it so it did so.Then a few more surrounded me like crazy. :P ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
not knowing the difference between my left and right. ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why is it that when a company sends you a bill, it takes at least two weeks to get to your house, but when you send them the payment, it clears the bank like the next day?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
I saw this older lady catch a pigeon one time I bet she took it home and ate it.
How come you can't capture a pigeon?
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Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
I saw this older lady catch a pigeon one time I bet she took it home and ate it.
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eww :P ate a pigeon.How come they're always scared of us?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
For the person who "discovered" milk, what exactly was their original intention?
I mean were they like "Hey there's a big smelly animal with white stuff dripping out of it. Hmm...let me taste some."
"Let me squeeze that funny looking bag, and see what comes out"
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
This discovery of milk has me wondering now.Im hoping it was discovered when a person saw a calf feeding and said if it doesnt hurt thr calf why not try it..........on the "udder" hand maybe there were beastality freaks in ancient times too ???
For the person who "discovered" milk, what exactly was their original intention?
I mean were they like "Hey there's a big smelly animal with white stuff dripping out of it. Hmm...let me taste some."
"Let me squeeze that funny looking bag, and see what comes out"
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Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why doesn't the New Year's Eve ball just stay up there,would it still be the same day if it hadn't dropped? ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
I got another one:
Why is chicken the official comparison when it comes to tasting other meats? I mean does anyone say "Oh this tastes just like pork or fowl"
For those of you who would like to know the mystery of the zipper, check out this site-www.Howstuffworks.com
I'm 90% sure they have an explanation of the zipper, if not they have plenty of other cool stuff to check out.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why is it called "menopause"? Whatever happened to the"wo"at the beginning of it? ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
If you aren't supposed to stick Q-tips in your ears, then what are they for?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
If you aren't supposed to stick Q-tips in your ears, then what are they for?
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Why does sticking a Q-Tip in your ear feel soooooo gooood?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why does sticking a Q-Tip in your ear feel soooooo gooood?
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I don't know, but boy does it ever feel gooooood!
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why did they come up with Q Tip? Why not choose any other letter in the alphabet? ??? ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
That's a good question, Howard. I hadn't thought of it before. I have seen a generic brand that was called "Cotton Buds." I can understand the cotton part, but buds?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Is snow actually good for you? ??? :D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why did they come up with Q Tip? Why not choose any other letter in the alphabet? ??? ;D
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The "Q" stands for "quality." No joke!
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
my friend's mom and i actually had this discussion last night:
why is it that on a microwave, 1:00 is the same as 0:60? shouldn't 1:00 be one hundred seconds if 0:60 is sixty seconds? and why if you type in 1:20, it's only one minute and twenty seconds, but not two minutes?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
1. Why is it called a Hot water heater. If the water was already hot in the first place, why would it need to be heated?
2. I have wondered about this forever. If you have more than one tooth in your head, why is toothpaste called "toothpaste?
3. Which did come first, the chicken or the egg?
4. Why do we like cheese to be old? I thought food degraded when left alone too long.
5. If a chicken had lips, could it whistle?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Do they have alphabet soup in Japan? If so, what does it look like?
Do employees at tea companies take coffee breaks?
Why aren't racecar drivers called racists?
Is there another word for synonym?
Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?
Who coined the phrase: 'To coin a phrase'?"
Whose cruel idea was it to put an 'S' in the word 'Lisp?'"
Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo?"
"Should crematoriums give discounts for burn victims?"
....Theres so many of these on the Internet and I love them. :D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why can't rain go back up into the skies? ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
If you pull the wings off a fly, does it become a walk?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why did most drive ins close for good? I think they're so neat.
Why are prices so high at the movies?
Where exactly is our money going to?
I'm not impressed much with all these multiplexes we have.
Whatever happened to those old-fashioned little tiny theatres one saw at the local shopping center just a few blocks away?
They were kind of like lemonade stands.
A safe haven with warm hospitality.....good food and service, and a little warm cozy nook for movies. Sentimentality and aesthetic romance.....memories.....simplicity......that's what movies are all about.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
It really makes me wonder...why don't I see a single fly in my house when no flypaper is up, but I see millions of flies when there IS flypaper up?!
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Ooh! I made the fifth page! yay!
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
How come there's no "overtaker"? ??? ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
How would a person who uses sign language to communicate do if they broke one or both of their arms?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
How would a person who uses sign language to communicate do if they broke one or both of their arms?
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use their feet? ???
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
If you have a thousand dollars, why aren't you a thousandaire? Or a hundredaire with a hundred dollars?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
How come there's no "overtaker"? ??? ;D
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There is...it's the idiot who flies past you in traffic, right before he see's the undertaker ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why is "W" called double-u when it's actually 2 v's?
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
Why is "W" called double-u when it's actually 2 v's?
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The sad thing is, I used to wonder about this a lot. What can I say, I think about a lot of strange things.
Subject: Re: Stupid things you think about
There is...it's the idiot who flies past you in traffic, right before he see's the undertaker ;D
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Now that was funny!