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Subject: Things there should be laws against....
There should be laws against fat women at the gym who wear spandex,leotards, and other tight fitting clothing.Do they actually think they look good?Ever hear of baggy clothes?Also with the belly shirts?They should only make them size six and under.THATS IT!
Also,the people who drive in front of you and leave on their turn signals and your behind them for a while then they make that unexpected turn almost causing an accident
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
I don't really understand the turn signals one. When someone's turn signal is on, you should always expect that they're going to turn sometime. :-/
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
There should be laws against fat women at the gym who wear spandex,leotards, and other tight fitting clothing.Do they actually think they look good?Ever hear of baggy clothes?Also with the belly shirts?They should only make them size six and under.THATS IT!
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I bet you've got a bumper sticker on your car that says "NO FAT CHICKS!" ::)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
I bet you've got a bumper sticker on your car that says "NO FAT CHICKS!" ::)
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I vote for a law against bumper stickers :D
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
I vote for a law against bumper stickers :D
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Me too !! :D
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
8)How about people who discuss questionable subjects while on a cell phone in a public place?I mean,really1No one wants to hear you say the f-word 15 times or hear about your yeast infection!My God,bring back phone booths! :PCheers!
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
There should be laws against fat women at the gym who wear spandex,leotards, and other tight fitting clothing.Do they actually think they look good?Ever hear of baggy clothes?Also with the belly shirts?They should only make them size six and under.THATS IT!
End Quote
no you dont understand..those arent belly shirts, their clothes just really dont fit them....... ;)
they figure that when they actully fit in their clothes, they can stop working out......
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
8)How about people who discuss questionable subjects while on a cell phone in a public place?I mean,really1No one wants to hear you say the f-word 15 times or hear about your yeast infection!My God,bring back phone booths! :PCheers!
End Quote
there should be a law against living if anyone ever is this stupid: {Real Quote}
"And I was like looking through like my bag , like yelling WHERE IS MY CELL PHONE!, then I like realized I was like talking on it"...........
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Things I think that should be outlawed.
Women that color their hair but don't maintain it. Hello, they end up looking like the chick from Berlin.
People that order a huge amount of food and top it off with a DIET drink ::)
People talking in movie theatres!! >:(
Mini skirts should remain for a size 4 or smaller.
Self serve fast food restaurant, if I wanted to get off my bottom and get my own stuff, I'd stay home.
ALL CELL PHONE USE while driving.
I have more but I will wait.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
There should be laws against fat women at the gym who wear spandex,leotards, and other tight fitting clothing.Do they actually think they look good?Ever hear of baggy clothes?Also with the belly shirts?They should only make them size six and under.THATS IT!
End Quote
First of all, you DON'T go to the gym to check out women. You go to work out, to energize and strengthen your body. You've got a real problem if you're just going to the gym to look at the women.
Second of all, from what you have posted in the past, I can tell that anyone who wears above a size six is considered "fat" to you. Get over it and get over yourself. We're not living in the fantasy world of Victoria's Secret models with bones protruding from skin like so many dead twigs.
Lastly, as a "fat" woman, I don't appreciate your comments and as long as I live in the US, I will wear whatever I d*mn well please. If you don't like looking at it, then kindly shove your head back up your a** where it belongs.
Quoting:Mini skirts should remain for a size 4 or smaller.End Quote
I bet Lara "The Twig" Flynn Boyle is your role model, right? Sorry, but Kate Winslet and Liv Tyler look WAAAAAAAAY better in a miniskirt than these emaciated, Ethiopian looking stars.
And just to let Child of the 80's know....I went from a size 28 to a size 16...and I did it wearing whatever I wanted. Hmmmm....reading these two posts makes me want to go buy a halter top and miniskirt.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
And just to let Child of the 80's know....I went from a size 28 to a size 16...and I did it wearing whatever I wanted. Hmmmm....reading these two posts makes me want to go buy a halter top and miniskirt.
End Quote
And she looks good too 8)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Lastly, as a "fat" woman, I don't appreciate your comments and as long as I live in the US, I will wear whatever I d*mn well please. If you don't like looking at it, then kindly shove your head back up your a** where it belongs.
End Quote
Jess, judging by those pictures you showed us a while ago, I dont think youre fat...
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
There should be laws against fat women at the gym who wear spandex,leotards, and other tight fitting clothing.Do they actually think they look good?Ever hear of baggy clothes?Also with the belly shirts?They should only make them size six and under.THATS IT!
Also,the people who drive in front of you and leave on their turn signals and your behind them for a while then they make that unexpected turn almost causing an accident
End Quote
haha your funny......if you dont like it dont go.....theres one way of getting rid of your problem.....the other is watch Shallow Hal...you might learn something....
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Things I think that should be outlawed.
Women that color their hair but don't maintain it. Hello, they end up looking like the chick from Berlin.
People that order a huge amount of food and top it off with a DIET drink ::)
People talking in movie theatres!! >:(
Mini skirts should remain for a size 4 or smaller.
Self serve fast food restaurant, if I wanted to get off my bottom and get my own stuff, I'd stay home.
ALL CELL PHONE USE while driving.
I have more but I will wait.
End Quote
Maybe they like the taste of the DIET drink? what happenes if they order a HUGE amount of healthy food? you said food you didnt specifically say what kind........and the self serve restaurant.....dont go?.....and as for the miniskirt thing.....Women who are a size four or smaller are kinda gross looking meat is good on women, they seem to have more curves...at least thats how I like my women.......I feel sorry for you, you probably starve a lot and look gross, kinda makes me want to shed a tear :'(
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Oh yeah one more answer for the two people
Pin-ups from the 20's to the 60's the older times......they werent no size fours and they were absolutely gorgeous...good enough to eat
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
LMAO!"Temper Temper Jess"Let me ask you something do you think you look good in spandex or belly shirt etc.?Just for your info I used to be "fat" and I knew better to cover up my blubber with baggy clothes not wearing tight clothes that dont look right.Some things just shouldnt be shown in public ::)When you assume you make an A** out of "u" and "me" you assumed I like waify chicks but they dont appeal to me.I dig chicks with some body to them.
First of all, you DON'T go to the gym to check out women. You go to work out, to energize and strengthen your body. You've got a real problem if you're just going to the gym to look at the women.
Second of all, from what you have posted in the past, I can tell that anyone who wears above a size six is considered "fat" to you. Get over it and get over yourself. We're not living in the fantasy world of Victoria's Secret models with bones protruding from skin like so many dead twigs.
Lastly, as a "fat" woman, I don't appreciate your comments and as long as I live in the US, I will wear whatever I d*mn well please. If you don't like looking at it, then kindly shove your head back up your a** where it belongs.
I bet Lara "The Twig" Flynn Boyle is your role model, right? Sorry, but Kate Winslet and Liv Tyler look WAAAAAAAAY better in a miniskirt than these emaciated, Ethiopian looking stars.
And just to let Child of the 80's know....I went from a size 28 to a size 16...and I did it wearing whatever I wanted. Hmmmm....reading these two posts makes me want to go buy a halter top and miniskirt.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Back on topic, I think smoking should be banned. So many of the teens at my school end up doing it either because their friends do it or they are convinced that it's "cool" from the adverts. They always roll up late for class, coughing and hacking.
One of my friends does it, and I feel so sorry for him- every five minutes he looks like he's about to keel over and die. He's tried to give up, but he's never managed it. I'm only glad that I never started in the first place.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Also, women who wear hair curlers in public.Get a hat or a do rag!
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
IMO, there's only a few logical "complaints" in this thread (i.e. ban on smoking, talking in the movie theatres, cell phone, etc.).
That being said:
- smoking in public (it's digusting, honestly)
- Too much makeup (Lots of people look better with no makeup than too much.)
- Driving around with your stereo so loud that someone can hear it loud and clear from a 1/2 a mile down the street...
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
People who sit next to you on Public transport and then file their nails for whole trip >:(
Women who use their time at the red light, or better yet, when driving, to apply thir lipstick. This takes you what, 30 seconds ? You have only had since you got home 15 hours beforehand to get it applied. ::)
I am sorry but I don't want to die in a car smash because of (a) your vanity, or (b) your poor time keeping/organisational skills..... >:(
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Oh yeah one more answer for the two people
Pin-ups from the 20's to the 60's the older times......they werent no size fours and they were absolutely gorgeous...good enough to eat
End Quote
You are so right, Alicia. Wasn't Marilyn a size 16? She wasn't anywhere near fat.
As for spandex...hello, they are at the gym exercising. Spandex is comfortable to exercise in. No one looks good at the gym, and if they do then they are wasting their money. when I go to a gym, I mostly see sweaty people...that isn't pretty no matter what the body type.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
You are so right, Alicia. Wasn't Marilyn a size 16? She wasn't anywhere near fat.
As for spandex...hello, they are at the gym exercising. Spandex is comfortable to exercise in. No one looks good at the gym, and if they do then they are wasting their money. when I go to a gym, I mostly see sweaty people...that isn't pretty no matter what the body type.
End Quote
yeah your right sweaty people arent pretty :)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
LMAO!"Temper Temper Jess"Let me ask you something do you think you look good in spandex or belly shirt etc.?Just for your info I used to be "fat" and I knew better to cover up my blubber with baggy clothes not wearing tight clothes that dont look right.Some things just shouldnt be shown in public ::)When you assume you make an A** out of "u" and "me" you assumed I like waify chicks but they dont appeal to me.I dig chicks with some body to them.
End Quote
Thank you for your point of view. However, I think you're full of sh*t about supposedly being fat before. If you had been fat, you would've had WAY more compassion for people who are IN a gym working out, trying to become healthy.
And you don't need my help to make an a** of yourself. ::)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
There should be laws against:
People who pay for their items with a credit card in stores, then stand there and read the receipt while s-l-o-w-l-y gathering their purse/wallet and items, making the rest of the line wait behind them.
People in lines at food counters who wait until they get to the counter before deciding what to order, especially if the line is long, the menu is in plain view and it's somewhere like McDonald's or something where most people already know what the menu is.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
There should be laws against:
People who pay for their items with a credit card in stores, then stand there and read the receipt while s-l-o-w-l-y gathering their purse/wallet and items, making the rest of the line wait behind them.
People in lines at food counters who wait until they get to the counter before deciding what to order, especially if the line is long, the menu is in plain view and it's somewhere like McDonald's or something where most people already know what the menu is.
End Quote
Amen to that Gore !
Similarly, people who wait till they have stepped on the bus, before they even some much as reach into their purse to get the money for the driver ::)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
I bet Lara "The Twig" Flynn Boyle is your role model, right? Sorry, but Kate Winslet and Liv Tyler look WAAAAAAAAY better in a miniskirt than these emaciated, Ethiopian looking stars.
I apologize if I offended you in any way. I am not a twig, I do eat and I think models are way too skinny. I myself am a size 12 and at 4'11, I am actually 30lbs overweight. Like I could weigh 90lbs and be healthy. >:(
I made the mini skirt comment, meaning micro-mini. We have ladies that wear those here, and when they walk, you can see their underwear. That is meant for anyone wearing a mico-mini, not just full figure women, ok.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
liking Linkin Park...Just kidding, Jess ;)
um, howabout the people who think that all music started in the year 1999, and dismiss anything previous to that as being "good" simply because its "old" >:(
people who voice their opinions on every little detail of every little thing...and think that everyone should hear them...(with the exception of doing this whilst watching bad movies ;))
people who tell you to do twenty things at the same time, then yell at you when they're all not finished...
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Lmao "Jess" maybe you need to chill out!Such bad language....thats not ladylike now is it?You are portraying me as "an anti fat Nazi" You are getting so offended that you are stooping yourself sooooo low that you need to cuss!Its obvious that you are one of those women who think you look good by wearing things that dont look right on you ???Im just saving you some embarassment "toots"Im sure you would be cracking up if you saw 350 lb dude wearing a Speedo wouldnt you?Im just saying people should think about what is appropiate for their size before going out and wearing it.Everything isnt made for everybody.Just like you said "As long as YOU'RE IN THE US YOU CAN WEAR WHAT YOU WANT""WELL, "JESS" I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT OK?NUFF SAID ON THIS TOPIC!"JESS",YOU ARE DISMISSED! ::) ::) ::)
Thank you for your point of view. However, I think you're full of sh*t about supposedly being fat before. If you had been fat, you would've had WAY more compassion for people who are IN a gym working out, trying to become healthy.
And you don't need my help to make an a** of yourself. ::)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
talking on cell phones on a bus! >:(
The bus has become a freakin' phone booth now! I need some damn peace & quiet these days. >:(
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Then you have the stupid people at the mall who just stand there talking while everyone else is trying to get through the crowded mall.They dont have the brains to stand somewhere else out of the way. ::)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Then you have the stupid people at the mall who just stand there talking while everyone else is trying to get through the crowded mall.They dont have the brains to stand somewhere else out of the way. ::)
End Quote
Especially people who gather at the bottom/top of escalators and have conversations about the weather, or what they're going to do next. And people who stand in doorways, doing nothing.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Left-lane bandits who insist on driving 5-10mph UNDER the speed limit in the fast lane. Not asking you to break the speed limit, just move over & let faster traffic by..
People who just HAVE to buy one or two items that total less than $5 with a credit card, (and still get declined). If you don't have $5 CASH on you you probably shouldn't be buying those Doritos and Coke, O.K? Go to the ATM for cash, that's what its for..& spare us the wait, if your're writing a check, have your ID, checkbook and pen ready.
The same people in the CASH only line at the grocery store using a credit card and not sliding it correctly through the reader umpteen times...thereby making a 30 second transaction into a 5 minute one.
SUV drivers that take up two parking spaces because you don't know how to drive your oversized gas-guzzler....and cheat me & others out of a spot to park.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
overcrowded buses! >:( ::)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
I think there should be laws against some reality shows. I don't think they're good for anybody...I think they're a danger to the public health.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Left-lane bandits who insist on driving 5-10mph UNDER the speed limit in the fast lane. Not asking you to break the speed limit, just move over & let faster traffic by..
People who just HAVE to buy one or two items that total less than $5 with a credit card, (and still get declined). If you don't have $5 CASH on you you probably shouldn't be buying those Doritos and Coke, O.K? Go to the ATM for cash, that's what its for..& spare us the wait, if your're writing a check, have your ID, checkbook and pen ready.
The same people in the CASH only line at the grocery store using a credit card and not sliding it correctly through the reader umpteen times...thereby making a 30 second transaction into a 5 minute one.
SUV drivers that take up two parking spaces because you don't know how to drive your oversized gas-guzzler....and cheat me & others out of a spot to park.
End Quote
I agree 110%.
How about people merging from the ramp only to put on their breaks before getting into traffic!!
The people that cut you off when changing into your lane then hit the brakes, making you dang near slam your chest on the streering wheel.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
liking Linkin Park...Just kidding, Jess ;)
End Quote
Thanks for making me laugh after having to read a stupid, nonsensical comment on here. :)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
there should be a law against living if anyone ever is this stupid: {Real Quote}
"And I was like looking through like my bag , like yelling WHERE IS MY CELL PHONE!, then I like realized I was like talking on it"...........
End Quote
;DYou actually heard someone say that?!?!?LOLThat explains people who forget they're driving whiletalking on one >:(Cheers!
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Bringing screaming babies on buses! >:(
just keep them home for crying-out loud! >:(
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Thanks for making me laugh after having to read a stupid, nonsensical comment on here. :)
End Quote
anytime... :)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Eating On The Bus".
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
The people that cut you off when changing into your lane then hit the brakes, making you dang near slam your chest on the streering wheel.
End Quote
Yep, people should be shot for that. Also, people who pull into the lane you're in from a side-street, causing you to slow down or swerve, when there's no one behind you and they could have waited until you'd passed by with no danger of a collision.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Eating On The Bus".
End Quote
Actually, eating on buses IS banned where I live.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Eating On The Bus".
End Quote
I kinda with and against ya on that one. Eating on the bus is fine by me as long as it's something small and easy on the nose. Remember you have some people who need to eat like my mom(who's diabetic) or pregnant ladies. Some bus trips especially ones in Manhattan, seem to go on forever. Who knows when the next opportunity for a meal might come?
I can't stand it when people pull out cartons full of chicken wings slathered with ketchup or a smelly container of chinese food. I almost threw up once with this guy insisted on eating a sauce covered gyro, straight off the plate NO HANDS!!!
When he was done he wiped his mouth with his hands and then cleaned his hands on on the pole.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
I can top the driving complaints with one simple sentence. I was making a left hand turn across two lanes into a parking lot for a Chinese take-out place and while one fellow stopped his car, the psycho next to him decided his accelerator must be lonely. Needless to say I floored it and shot into the parking lot at about fifteen mph. Near death and Chinese food, great match. I got a three item combo to soothe my nerves, needless to say. :)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Actually, eating on buses IS banned where I live.
End Quote
Where do you live Gore? ;D
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Sydney, Australia, Howard. Every bus here has a sign saying "No food or drink to be consumed on board".
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Heck, it is against the law to eat or drink on buses here in Utah. It is just getting people to pay attention to the signs.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
I know the driver gets rather mad at you if you eat on a school bus...
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
IMO, people who jaywalk within 30 yards of a vehicle (unless the traffic clearly stops for them from both ways) should be fined! No offense, but this form of pedestrian absolutelydrives (lol--had to use that word) me crazy!!! I'm going to provide a short list of a few examples that I've encountered:
somebody crossing the street in an electric wheelchair....at night. Was this person on a suicide mission?!!
a family crossing a highway with a kid in a stroller
and yesterday, when it was dark and snowing out, two teenage boys decided to cross a major road within 15 meters of my car. Bad enough to have to suddenly switch to the brakes, but on an icy, greasy road.....!!
Have to get this off my chest. >:(
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Against hip hop wannabes....STOP TRYING TO BE SOMETHING YOU ARE NOT!How can you get a "ghetto accent" if you lived in the suburbs your whole life ?::) ::) ::)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
How can you get a "ghetto accent" if you lived in the suburbs your whole life ?::) ::) ::)
End Quote
I guess they'd rather live in the rough run-down ghetto then in clean safe neighborhoods such as the 'burbs. :-/ And why, beats me!
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Get the Government to send them to a ghetto, where drive-by shootings and drug abuse is common. Let them live there for a while and see if they still want to be badass gangsters.
Like Jack Osbourne suggested, people (particularly Americans- the really stupid ones, anyway) who pretend to be English or Irish "should be sent to a council estate in Middlebrough or Belfast and see how they like being English or Irish then."
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
"should be sent to a council estate in Middlebrough or Belfast and see how they like being English or Irish then."
End Quote
Same sort of thing goes for those Americans who want to move to Canada----just send them up here in the winter and they'll be in for a shock!
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Yep, people should be shot for that. Also, people who pull into the lane you're in from a side-street, causing you to slow down or swerve, when there's no one behind you and they could have waited until you'd passed by with no danger of a collision.
End Quote
I agree. Usually my luck is though after they pull out in such an all-fire hurry, they turn off at the next street. This really makes me angry. >:(
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
IMO, people who jaywalk within 30 yards of a vehicle (unless the traffic clearly stops for them from both ways) should be fined! No offense, but this form of pedestrian absolutelydrives (lol--had to use that word) me crazy!!! I'm going to provide a short list of a few examples that I've encountered:
somebody crossing the street in an electric wheelchair....at night. Was this person on a suicide mission?!!
a family crossing a highway with a kid in a stroller
and yesterday, when it was dark and snowing out, two teenage boys decided to cross a major road within 15 meters of my car. Bad enough to have to suddenly switch to the brakes, but on an icy, greasy road.....!!
Have to get this off my chest. >:(
End Quote
>:(What really makes me mad is when someone jaywalks in front of me when i'm on my bike---why should I have to veer into traffic just because some lazy ass can't walk 2 blocks to the crosswalk?Bikes are still TRAFFIC---and should be respected as such!Cheers!
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
What drives me crazy is when people cross the street a few feet AWAY from the crosswalk! How hard is it to move a few steps to the left or right?
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
For those of us who drive, when people, partcularly kids, ride their bicycles, scooters whatever on the streets. They appear out of nowhere!
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
cell phones
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
What drives me crazy is when people cross the street a few feet AWAY from the crosswalk! How hard is it to move a few steps to the left or right?
End Quote
>:( Yeah. As if it takes so much effort to walk a few more feet. Taking those extra few steps can actually be beneficial for them because they'll burn more blubber!
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Bringing screaming babies on buses! >:(
just keep them home for crying-out loud! >:(
End Quote
Sometimes Howard it just can't be helped. People need to go places and if their baby is crying sometimes there's not a lot they can do. It just makes the mother and baby more stressed if they're getting filthy looks from other commuters. I always feel sorry for them. :(
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
I agree. Usually my luck is though after they pull out in such an all-fire hurry, they turn off at the next street. This really makes me angry. >:(
End Quote
Ooooh yeah. There should also be a law against drivers who pass other drivers, then stop to make a left hand (or, in my country, a right hand) turn. Surely they didn't really need to almost force me off the road just to do that?
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Sometimes Howard it just can't be helped. People need to go places and if their baby is crying sometimes there's not a lot they can do. It just makes the mother and baby more stressed if they're getting filthy looks from other commuters. I always feel sorry for them. :(
End Quote
So,what I do is to tune them out by listening to music.That helps sometimes. ::) not always. >:(
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Like Jack Osbourne suggested, people (particularly Americans- the really stupid ones, anyway) who pretend to be English or Irish "should be sent to a council estate in Middlebrough or Belfast and see how they like being English or Irish then."
End Quote
Yeah! Outlaw Madonna! :D
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Sometimes Howard it just can't be helped. People need to go places and if their baby is crying sometimes there's not a lot they can do. It just makes the mother and baby more stressed if they're getting filthy looks from other commuters. I always feel sorry for them. :(
End Quote
Yep ! It makes a difference having kids of your own, and it makes me laugh now, I can easily pick people on the bus/train who are not parents.
They are the ones who are going white-knuckled/red-faced whilst trying to read their book or whatever.
Whilst I, having been there done that, am happily sitting there thinking "thank goodness it's not mine/I don't have to deal with it ! :D
It's all a matter of perception ! :)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Parking near a bus stop
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Yep ! It makes a difference having kids of your own, and it makes me laugh now, I can easily pick people on the bus/train who are not parents.
They are the ones who are going white-knuckled/red-faced whilst trying to read their book or whatever.
End Quote
Actually I'm not a parent, but I usually don't mind at all when I hear babies and little kids crying and whining. But then again, I get really mad when there are 2.5 feet kids running around. Can't those parents give them a colouring book or something to keep them occupied, or at least give them less sugar! >:(
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
Parking near a bus stop
End Quote
Actually I think that is illegal.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
double or triple parking.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
I hate it when my family and I are trying to recycle glass and cardboard and things at the supermarket's recycling banks. There are three parking spaces just next to them, so one can unload the car. But some people think it's like a lay-by and they park ACROSS all three spaces! There should be signs up telling them not to park like that... One'd think the HUGE WHITE LINES ON THE TARMAC would be enough.
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
walking on the grass
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
After scooping up 3 lbs of cat food, I realize there should be a law against the sadists who put those "open here, tear hear, pull here, or push & fold here" on consumer products.
Y'know what I mean, like when is the last time you were able to open a CD or DVD or package of lunchmeat without cursing in frustration?
They NEVER open the way the say or instruct & you end up pushing your thumb against the strongest plastic/carbord/paper you've seen in your life...and after putting a knife or scissors to them, you end up tearing the bag/box/container in such a way that you spill the contents and/or ruin the container!
Ah, well at least I have some very happy cats at the moment.. :)
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
loud music after midnight... >:(
Subject: Re: Things there should be laws against....
I think that counts as breach of the peace.
Gumbypiz- I hate it too. Especially when it's a hardware box and you need it intact to return it to the company.