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Subject: Things that Kids Say These Days
Slang is just getting silly:
"Swamp Donkey"- a term for an ugly person. Now... why "Swamp Donkey" in particular?!
"Butterface"- a certain type of ugly person, as in "Good body, but-her-face..." Deary me.
"Jerry Springer"- rhyming slang for "Minger", another term for an ugly person. Heavens, why so many words for it?
"Bling"- In the noun form, it means jewellery or other adornments, particularly gold. In the adjective form (Blingin') it can mean attractive or enticing.
This one's on its way out, but evidently enough people use it for it to get into the list. I swear it was just invented as something else to rhyme with "-ing". Why not just use more gerundive verbs??
"Wazzock"- an idiot.
"Baby Boy"- a term of endearment towards those of the male gender. Used in lots of recent songs. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I cannot think of a single man who would actually like to be called that, rather than something a little more, uh, masculine.
"Magno-knads"- One who has testicles of magic property or great strength. Goodness.
Does anyone actually use these? Bear in mind that I'm 14 years old. I'm supposed to be saying this kind of stuff and I'd never even heard of them before I looked at that online dictionary of slang. Check it out, there's some very... uh... obscure entries.
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
My kids use the word SNAP, I guess it's supposed to me the other S word or the D word, I'm not sure. ???.
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Im assuming you are from England some of those phrases were started in America.I hear "bling bling" all the time.I even use "butterface"But some of your slang is weird to us too.
Slang is just getting silly:
"Swamp Donkey"- a term for an ugly person. Now... why "Swamp Donkey" in particular?!
"Butterface"- a certain type of ugly person, as in "Good body, but-her-face..." Deary me.
"Jerry Springer"- rhyming slang for "Minger", another term for an ugly person. Heavens, why so many words for it?
"Bling"- In the noun form, it means jewellery or other adornments, particularly gold. In the adjective form (Blingin') it can mean attractive or enticing.
This one's on its way out, but evidently enough people use it for it to get into the list. I swear it was just invented as something else to rhyme with "-ing". Why not just use more gerundive verbs??
"Wazzock"- an idiot.
"Baby Boy"- a term of endearment towards those of the male gender. Used in lots of recent songs. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I cannot think of a single man who would actually like to be called that, rather than something a little more, uh, masculine.
"Magno-knads"- One who has testicles of magic property or great strength. Goodness.
Does anyone actually use these? Bear in mind that I'm 14 years old. I'm supposed to be saying this kind of stuff and I'd never even heard of them before I looked at that online dictionary of slang. Check it out, there's some very... uh... obscure entries.
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Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
"Fo shizzle,My nizzle" :D
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
My kids use the word SNAP, I guess it's supposed to me the other S word or the D word, I'm not sure. ???.
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do your kids watch "the brendan leonard show?" ;) (that's the only place i've ever heard it used)
"snap" is just an exclaimation...usually means something good. (at least that's how i use it.) "spit" is used instead of "s**t." saying "oh, spit!" would mean that something is good.
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
"Fo shizzle,My nizzle" :D
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has anyone seen that Old Navy commersial with that girl like at the phone thing, and she says this line out of nowhere? Its sooo pathetic that its hilarious!
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
I hear Bling all the time, but this British slang is what gets me?
Like "Take The Piss". What the hell is that supposed to mean ???
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Check the Aussies for "How's your bum for warts". I think it means "How are you?". Any Aussies out there?
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
has anyone seen that Old Navy commersial with that girl like at the phone thing, and she says this line out of nowhere? Its sooo pathetic that its hilarious!
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I have, I hate Old Navy commercials. Now that Xmas is over, that commercial is no more.
I've heard "bling" used before, but none of the others.
How about "hola". It's used so much here, but I can't figure out what it means. First I thought it meant "hello", but it seems people just throw the word in whenever they want.
Currently, I think it's just a word of acknowledgment.
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Like "Take The Piss". What the hell is that supposed to mean ???
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Hey Fred
"Taking The Piss" is a predominantly english expression which means to make fun at someone's expense. You "Take the piss" out of them.
I have no idea how it originated :)
FB :)
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Check the Aussies for "How's your bum for warts". I think it means "How are you?". Any Aussies out there?
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Yep str810up
I am an Aussie, and I can honestly say I have never heard the saying..... ???
It sounds a bit more Cockney to me. Ask a Pom ;D
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
'How's your bum for warts?' - nope, that's a new one on me...!
Going back to 'taking the piss'...I can't find the exact origins of how it came to mean what it does, but interestingly it does lead to an element of Cockney slang...the offending word can be substituted with a fictional guy called 'Mickey Bliss' (who he?), and as with all good Cockney slang (you never say the rhyming bit, y'see...) it swiftly becomes 'taking the Mick, or Mickey'...
Going back to a$$kicker's original post, I'm sure that 'wazzock' is an old phrase which comes from the North of this country...nice to see the kiddies bringing it back...!
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Since I'm Southern, but I live in Scotland, I sometimes use Cockney slang to bewilder my friends.
I say things like "Blimey", which they think is an adjective. They will sometimes respond: "That's so blimey".
If someone asks me what I'll do at New Year's, I'll say I'll "get completely Brahms". Hardly any of my friends know that one either.
I only say it because I'm utterly bemused by Scottish slang, and therefore cannot adopt it. They say "jamp" instead of "jumped", and "dreich" for describing bad weather.
Apparently in one area, slang was so commonly-used that it became recognised as a language. I think it was called Lallans or something.
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Hey Fred
"Taking The Piss" is a predominantly english expression which means to make fun at someone's expense. You "Take the piss" out of them.
I have no idea how it originated :)
FB :)
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Well,Fuss,I've heard "I'll beat the piss out of you".But the things that I hear these days that you'd never thought you'd hear 20 years ago. ::) :o
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Hey Fred
"Taking The Piss" is a predominantly english expression which means to make fun at someone's expense. You "Take the piss" out of them.
I have no idea how it originated :)
FB :)
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Ah Thank you FB. I've seen this in Briitsh movies before, had no idea what it meant.
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Well,Fuss,I've heard "I'll beat the piss out of you".But the things that I hear these days that you'd never thought you'd hear 20 years ago. ::) :o
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Ha ha ! Howard over here the saying is slightly more, ummm, graphic with the noun part ! :o
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Ah Thank you FB. I've seen this in Briitsh movies before, had no idea what it meant.
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Welcome, Fred :)
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Ha ha ! Howard over here the saying is slightly more, ummm, graphic with the noun part ! :o
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In QueensLand,Australia they actually say that? ??? ;D
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
They say that here in Blighty too.
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
They say that here in Blighty too.
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Blighty,England? ???
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
In QueensLand,Australia they actually say that? ??? ;D
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Yeah well, ya know, it has to be in context ! Like I may say to my son
"When I was your age, if I dared to walk down the street with the crotch of my pants hanging down below my knees, I woulda had the s**t beaten outta me"
That sort of thing ! :) :D
And yep Howard, "Blighty" means Great Britain in general :) (unless I am mistaken) ???
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Yeah well, ya know, it has to be in context ! Like I may say to my son
"When I was your age, if I dared to walk down the street with the crotch of my pants hanging down below my knees, I woulda had the s**t beaten outta me"
That sort of thing ! :) :D
And yep Howard, "Blighty" means Great Britain in general :) (unless I am mistaken) ???
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Hey, my Dad says the same thing.
My Reply: Yeah whatever Dad.
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Hey, my Dad says the same thing.
My Reply: Yeah whatever Dad.
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Hmm, a quick view of your profile reveals what I thought Freddo ! Same age (almost) as my son :)
All I can say is that for the last (?) years that pants and trousers have been in existence, crotches were worn in the crotch area ;D
Not around the ankles :P :P
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
::) Same thing going on here. And apparently, if the pants are pulled up, the underpants go up also so you still have to see them. Why a belt? To keep them at thigh level? You would think, looking like you're still wearing diapers would be a turn off to the "babes".
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
but this way, you can check if the guy bothers to change his boxers or not...er...moving on...
same thing seems to apply to girls now too. i've seen way too many thongs in the past year... :-X
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Oh God, yes- around here, all the other girls wear low-slung trousers with the thongs pulled up high. It leaves nothing to the imagination and it must give them one heck of a wedgie. What are underpants for anyway...?
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
So,If I had visited Queensland,what would happen to me? ??? ;D
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
All I can say is that for the last (?) years that pants and trousers have been in existence, crotches were worn in the crotch area ;D
Not around the ankles :P :P
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I decided I was getting old when I wanted to tell the barman to pull up his trousers! I also nearly told him pick up his feet when he walked.
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
The fools around my block affectionally refer to loose young women as "Slabs" or "Buns".
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
...Really, what are underpants for? Why do we bother putting them on in the mornings?
1. Decency. (Invalid, because if one is wearing opaque trousers, nobody can see anything they oughtn't even without the aid of underpants.)
2. Warmth. (Invalid, because one can just wear thick trousers and a warm jumper to keep the heat in. Underpants are only thin, flimsy things anyway)
3. For females, they may be needed to hold towels in place for five days a month. (Invalid- one can use tampons. And what about the rest of the time? And male underpants-wearers, for that matter?)
4. Some types of underpants can be used for seductive purposes. (Invalid- if that's what they're for, they're only going to be taken off very soon anyway!)
5. To make money for underpants manufacturers. (Invalid, because... because... Actually, that's a perfectly valid reason! Don't complain, it does wonders for the economy.)
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
One word..... "yo"! ;D
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
"Spiffy" is a common word I hear amongst my group of friends.
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
has anyone seen that Old Navy commersial with that girl like at the phone thing, and she says this line out of nowhere? Its sooo pathetic that its hilarious!
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Ive seen that one A LOT! The holiday hotline ones right? Yeah, Ive seen them a lot
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
My children aren't yet teenagers but my eldest daughter (9) picks up on the worst American teenage slang from the Disney channel...so we've cancelled it to try and eliminate the "Whatev-eeerrrr!"s from her conversation.
My youngest daughter (2) recently had a slight stomach upset and called out to my wife from the toilet "Mummy, come quickly, I'm doing firework poos!".
Subject: Re: Things that Kids Say These Days
Hahaha, "firework poos"...
My sister and her friends say "What-everrrrrr" when they think I'm not making any sense. And they say "He-llo?!" when I think they're not making any sense.