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Subject: High/Low Parts of Your Life
What do you feel was the highest and/or lowest point in your life? My high point has to be my graduation from high school and my low point was when my mother died. Pretty basic, but I am curious as to what are your peaks and valleys.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
I've had a few low points in my life. The worst was when my brother died. We were like best friends and when he was killed, I was taking a final exam. All of a sudden, I started feeling numb and couldn't finish the exam. It was 10:42, the exact time of the accident. That was 10 years ago yesterday, and I remember every detail of that day.
My high points are, obviously, when my children were born and the day I got married. The funny part is that most of the details of those days are kinda blurry.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
:( sorry Indy and 80's. My lows are most of the years before 18.
The highs,everyday after that. :).
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
low: 28 may 2001. i had a nervous breakdown and i don't really remember much of anything, which still scares me a little. :-/
high: probably sometime summer 2003. it was literally the greatest time of my life. :)
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
My low point was august of this year. Depression took it's toll on me and I tried to...well..."Check Out" via sleeping pills.
My high point would have to be when I got chosen to go to other countries to be a youth representative.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
Mine was in 1992, shortly after the South Central riots and reading the Bible trying to make sense of it all. Other ailments including sleep apnea and diabetes followed. :(
low: 28 may 2001. i had a nervous breakdown and i don't really remember much of anything, which still scares me a little. :-/
End Quote
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
had a nice paying job
girlfriend for almost 5 years
got out of my sheltered workshop. ;D
girlfriend broke up with me. :(
brother died in 1995. :(
have no one actaully to hang out with these days except 1 friend. >:(
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
Meeting my best friend through this board ! :D
Realising that unless something changes, I will never meet them :'(
Sigh...... :(
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
Oct. 18, 2003-the day I married my best friend. It was a great day. Everyone had a wonderful time. Couldn't have asked for a better day.
Dec. '88. Don't really want to go into details of what happened but it was basically the icing on the cake of a low that was going on for most of the 80s. I took me many, many years to heal from it. I still have the (emotional) scars.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
Lowest year was '89. My heart is filled with empathy for others who know the heartache of a stillbirth.
High...... the experiences of friendship in many different guises.... real life and internet..... can't be over exaggerated for me.!!
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
Living with my grandad, nan and uncle in 1991.
Having a decent job, wonderful girlfriend and a certain amount of contentedness.
Getting chucked out of both parents homes.
1997 to 2000 were tough times.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
My low point was august of this year. Depression took it's toll on me and I tried to...well..."Check Out" via sleeping pills.
End Quote
Depression is an absolutely awful thing. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, NullandVoid. I had clinical depression back in 1998 and my friends forced me to go to a doctor.
I took tablets but I always maintained that my depression was circumstance related so felt tablets could not help me out. I feel better now but I still have trouble with the physical aspects of it (overeating, a lack of motivation and a high sensitivity).
I hope you feel better soon. :)
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
Having to watch my grandfather slowly die from a liver disease.
Trying to kill myself twice when I was 16 because I was so depressed.
Getting depressed again at the age of 22 and resorting to cutting myself on my arms.
Being blessed with my sister.
Losing a massive amount of weight.
Finding my happiness with Rice Cube. http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/07.gif :-*
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
I try not to remember my low points, but ^ is certainly a high point ;) :) :-*
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
How about High and Low points of 2003:
catching Saddam Hussein
too many deaths of notable people.
Bennifer,B-Lo,whatever.... >:( :P
Michael Jackson garbage :P
Iraq,Iran,Baghdad.... :(
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
Giving my first baby girl up for adoption, although this is also a high as I know she has a good life.
Giving birth to my daughter..both of them. It is truly a miracle.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
After reading some of these gut-wrenchingly sad stories from you good people, I count myself extremely fortunate not to have suffered anything quite so extreme - I did go through a somewhat sticky patch several years ago, but it pales into insignificance compared to what some have experienced...
Whatever you have all gone through, or are still going through - my heart and best wishes goes out to you all...
Oh, and one more thing...
have no one actaully to hang out with these days except 1 friend. >:(
End Quote
...Howard, one true friend is better than one hundred 'so-called' friends...
Take care, everybody...
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm only 4'11" and my husband says I act ten feet tall and bullet-proof. ;D.
I can relate to the depressed people, I almost took my life when I was 14. I had a good friend that stopped me. I am glad he did. Otherwise I wouldn't have the life I have now.
Now, when I feel down, I go out and do one kind thing for a total stranger and it makes me feel better.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
I'd like to echo everything that Paul said.
For me, the highs are the predictable ones:
- my wedding day to my wife in 1990. Not only tying the knot with such a special person but having all our friends and family gathered there in one place, for the only time in my life.
- the births of my 3 daughters
Outside of those particular highs, I look back with great happiness on the times I spent working in the USA in 1989 and on the round-the-World trip (mostly Australia) that my wife and I took in 1991.
My dad having cancer and dying after a long struggle last year.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
Depression is an absolutely awful thing. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, NullandVoid. I had clinical depression back in 1998 and my friends forced me to go to a doctor.
I took tablets but I always maintained that my depression was circumstance related so felt tablets could not help me out. I feel better now but I still have trouble with the physical aspects of it (overeating, a lack of motivation and a high sensitivity).
I hope you feel better soon. :)
End Quote
Thank you Bobby
Since August, I've still been having some dark days, especially now with xmas around the corner. I still have no faith in Therapists, but Ive been finding plenty of support from this youth center I used to work at. My mom and brother have also been very supportive too.
That youth center is a blessing to many young people in my area, you can check out their website if you want. :)
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
After reading some of these gut-wrenchingly sad stories from you good people, I count myself extremely fortunate not to have suffered anything quite so extreme - I did go through a somewhat sticky patch several years ago, but it pales into insignificance compared to what some have experienced...
Whatever you have all gone through, or are still going through - my heart and best wishes goes out to you all...
Oh, and one more thing...
...Howard, one true friend is better than one hundred 'so-called' friends...
Take care, everybody...
End Quote
Thanks Paul. take advice from Uncle Paul ;D :-*
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
Highs: Birth of my boys... 1983 and 1984
Lows... Rite now... divorced after 19 yrs.. not handleing single life too well. dead end job... just disapointed in my life. lonely... hormonal.. just sad...
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
Lows... Rite now... divorced after 19 yrs.. not handleing single life too well. dead end job... just disapointed in my life. lonely... hormonal.. just sad...
End Quote
Hang in there. My best friend's hubby left her after 9 years so I know (indirectly) what you're going through. Trust me, it gets better. If you need to talk, I'm here.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
High: finally leaving my program in the city.
Low:My girlfriend broke up with me. :( >:(
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
High: Marrying a wonderful man that makes most of the lows seem pretty insignificant.
Low: The years surrounding my being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Pretty much stripped my former life away. But that was then..
Also, the years prior to my father's dying from emphysema. It is horrible and heart breaking to watch someone you love suffer that way for so long.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
I also suffer from FMS, I understand the struggle with the deamons we have from this illness. Hang in there.. They say what dont kill us can only make us stronger. Even though I have the illness, I try and not let it stop me from living my life, sometimes it knocks me down to my azz but I get up and keep on going.... Hang in there... hugsss
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
I also suffer from FMS, I understand the struggle with the deamons we have from this illness. Hang in there.. They say what dont kill us can only make us stronger. Even though I have the illness, I try and not let it stop me from living my life, sometimes it knocks me down to my azz but I get up and keep on going.... Hang in there... hugsss
End Quote
Thanks, Lucy. I was diagnoed about 7 years ago now. And all things considered, I am doing pretty good. Same as you, I do not let it stop me from living my life. Life is good. It was just a big transition and at that time , I was in a pretty bad place with accepting the sudden impact of what having a chronic illness meant and the changes I had to make in my life...HUGS to you too.
Subject: Re: High/Low Parts of Your Life
One of the highs in my life is when I discovered Star Trek.