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Subject: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To You?
Mine would have to be when I had come back from visiting my relatives in Georgia. I was wearing my high school Class Reunion shirt when I stopped at a Kentucky Country Kitchen restaurant and gas station. After I had paid for my gas and dinner, a trucker asked me where I got the shirt at. When I told him it was from my high school in Indianapolis, he said in a mean voice, "Ya got it at Indy?!" Then he left. Even the cashier was puzzled by that exchanged.
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
Yeah that is weird Indy, but check this out.
Once not too long ago an older gentleman approached me and asked me if I had a whole quarter in exchange for five nickels. I said sure and reached into my pocket and gave it to him. HE looked at the quarter turned to me and shouted,
"What the F-- B--- ?!! You don't have a better lookin quarter? What am I supposed to do with this?!!"
I immediately started laughing and told him to keep the nickels, go to the nearest payphone and call a shrink.
I was just too stunned to get mad.
The man then shrugged his shoulders and calmly walked away.
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
A few years back, before I knew the town I moved down to, it was getting late and I missed a bus coming from my friend's house. I waited a while and this man of middle-eastern orientation started talking to me while he was waiting for a bus. He was quite nice and friendly and wanted to know where a certain place was.
I had no idea where he wanted to go but I decided to walk with him, it was a case of the blind leading the blind and we went on an odyssey for 3 hours talking a lot about things and he asked me about Jehovah's Witnesses. I was surprised by this, not telling him my religion beforehand and said I was with that group. He said I looked like one and said I had a nice smile. He said that he was opening a restaurant but he didn't tell me which one. He got to his place in the end and gave me money to go and take a taxi back home which was about 4 or 5 miles away.
I haven't seen him since. It was one of those situations I only appreciated after the event. It felt like a guardian angel was looking over me (though I am sceptical of that kind of thinking). I don't know whether this is weird but it made me think. Without the help of that man, I would have had serious trouble getting home.
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
Me and my friends were walking down the street in downtown Chicago, and there's this homeless woman sitting in front of a building. Some white people are walking in front of us and she takes all the change out of her cup and yells "You white people look evil!" and throws all her change at them.
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
In college, I was working for a pizza shop and stopped late one night for some doughnuts & coffe..
Hearing my car alarm, I ran outside to see a tow truck roaring away with my car.
A business man in a Honda pulled up "I saw the whole thing, you were parked legally, he trashed your front spoiler, hop in".
This guy was on the cell phone to the cops and speeding after the tow truck. He was swerving with one hand and talking on the cell with the other, really scaring me with his driving.
We're speeding, running lights after my car, I thought this guy is nuts, y'know, its not worth it..it was like I was in some Hollywood car chase, and I didn't really want to be in one.
After about six red traffic lights and two miles, with two city police cars following us and the tow truck, the tow driver stops..
I get out and start arguing with the guy, he has a baseball bat and a shotgun in the cab..before he or I really get into it, the cops pull me back and the tow driver out.
They question me, the tow driver, and my wannabe Honda hero..turns out I WAS parked legally (I knew that) the Honda guy was THE city attorney, and the tow driver had outstanding warrants for his arrest.
I got my car back, the tow driver went to jail, and the city attorney (who had a vandetta against local tow/shark shops, had cold coffe and doughnuts on me). ;D
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
One time when I was working as a receptionist, one of my kooky calls (got a lot of them) was from a lady telling me that she had these visions of a ship blowing up from a bomb in the Mediterranean near Greece. Well eighteen months later, I was watching the news, and there was a report that a ship had blown up off of Greece and it was determined that a bomb had been implanted. :o
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
I crapped in my pants before I could reach the toilet. :-[ ;D
Boy,that was a disgusting moment... :P
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
In college, I was working for a pizza shop and stopped late one night for some doughnuts & coffe..
Hearing my car alarm, I ran outside to see a tow truck roaring away with my car.
A business man in a Honda pulled up "I saw the whole thing, you were parked legally, he trashed your front spoiler, hop in".
This guy was on the cell phone to the cops and speeding after the tow truck. He was swerving with one hand and talking on the cell with the other, really scaring me with his driving.
We're speeding, running lights after my car, I thought this guy is nuts, y'know, its not worth it..it was like I was in some Hollywood car chase, and I didn't really want to be in one.
After about six red traffic lights and two miles, with two city police cars following us and the tow truck, the tow driver stops..
I get out and start arguing with the guy, he has a baseball bat and a shotgun in the cab..before he or I really get into it, the cops pull me back and the tow driver out.
They question me, the tow driver, and my wannabe Honda hero..turns out I WAS parked legally (I knew that) the Honda guy was THE city attorney, and the tow driver had outstanding warrants for his arrest.
I got my car back, the tow driver went to jail, and the city attorney (who had a vandetta against local tow/shark shops, had cold coffe and doughnuts on me). ;D
End Quote
ha ha! Man, that was hilarious! Wow, I donno if I wouldve gotten into the car with the complete stranger, but that was funny.
anyways, mine is probably this:
I was walking down a crowded street, the main streat in my town, with two of my friends, and then this old man comes up to us and says, "Ill pay you each a dollar if you help me wiht my bags," we had nothign to do, we could each use a dollar, so we agreed. the man led us around the corner to where we thought his car was, but it wasn't, he was leading us into the store. He didnt have any bags yet. So he takes us into the store and then travels away with a basket down a few isles, and now we're laughing at this. we waited there for maybe 20 minutes, when he did all of his shopping, and then came up to us with one bag, and said, "oh, Im sorry, looks like I dont need ya." He gave us all a dollar anyways, but it was kinda weird.
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
I attended college in the small town of Williamsburg, Kentucky. There wasn't a lot to do there so me, my boyfriend and my roommate decided we would walk to a little drugstore downtown. On our trip back to the dorms, a guy we were in band with comes racing out of the door of his apartment and hurls a flaming pizza out onto the sidewalk, landing right in front of us. To this day, we still joke about flaming pizzas. ;D
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
Mine would have to be when I had come back from visiting my relatives in Georgia. I was wearing my high school Class Reunion shirt when I stopped at a Kentucky Country Kitchen restaurant and gas station. After I had paid for my gas and dinner, a trucker asked me where I got the shirt at. When I told him it was from my high school in Indianapolis, he said in a mean voice, "Ya got it at Indy?!" Then he left. Even the cashier was puzzled by that exchanged.
End Quote
I swear not all Kentuckians are that crazy. The Country Kitchen wouldn't happen to be along I-75 would it?
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
I was living in Conn. at the time. We had two dogs that we used to take to beach. One of them took off (after a seagull-his favorite sport). We almost lost the dog-we found him something like three miles down the beach. Anyway, throughtout this ordeal, he managed to lose his collar. A day or two after this, I was at the beach and I figured I would try to find the collar. There were some rock piers going out into the water. I was on one of them looking around. I noticed that this guy was coming out onto the pier. I got a bit nervious. I didn't know this guy and there was nothing between me and the beach but him. I figured I would just walk past him and hope for the best. As I got to him, he asked me, "Is this what you are looking for?" and he holds out the dog's collar. :o I was so shocked. How did he know that was what I was looking for? I could have been looking for shells, or rocks, or anything else. I thanked him and went on my way. It was just very weird.
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
The year the Monchichi came out, I am happy to say that I had one. I was at the Subway with my Nanny at the time when I dropped my Monchichi down the gap! No time to get the Monchichi as the subway had just arrived, we boarded the subway and went to our destination. I was devistated! About 12 stops down the line we get off the subway and are about to depart the station when an old lady about 80 with a cane walks up to me, hands me my Monchichi and walks away....BIZARRE!
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
The year the Monchichi came out, I am happy to say that I had one. I was at the Subway with my Nanny at the time when I dropped my Monchichi down the gap! No time to get the Monchichi as the subway had just arrived, we boarded the subway and went to our destination. I was devistated! About 12 stops down the line we get off the subway and are about to depart the station when an old lady about 80 with a cane walks up to me, hands me my Monchichi and walks away....BIZARRE!
End Quote
Awww, glad that you got your Monchichi back!
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
I was riding down a road in Miami where I live years ago, (I was 11) and this Cadillac is weaving in and out of lanes. It stays in one and I look at the driver.
He's weaving his head back and forth---from one side all the way to the other---like he's Stevie Wonder listening to a Strauss Waltz.
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
Many weird things have happened to me. It seems that I am in on some sort of "frequency".
1. One day I was shaving in the bathroom, and for some unknown reason wondered... "Man, it sure would be a b*tch if one of those 16-inch guns on a battleship blew its beech." A couple hours later, the news broke that 52 sailors on the USS Iowa were killed due to a blown breech in one of its 16" gun turrets.
2. I am not a diabetic at all. Anyway, one day I was at work and sick as a dog, barfing my guts out. Finally went to the company doctor, who for some reason decided to do a blood sugar check. My reading was a dangerously-low 50. That night my Mom called me to tell me that earlier in the day, my diabetic father (who always had high blood sugar) puked all over the car and had a dangerously low blood sugar reading of 50.
3. A couple of years ago I has this weird dream. I was part of a commando team, and we had to achieve our objective. My assignment was to fire my rifle at a tanker truck filled with gasoline. I have NEVER has this kind of dream before. That morning it was reported that the embassies at Kenya and Tanzania had been attacked by terrorists; one of the embassies was bombed when a gasoline truck was driven past the gates, and the perps detonated it by firing their machine guns at it.
All my life I've had this kind of crap happen, and I can not figure out why.
Too bad I can not use this for some more useful purpose, like bending spoons or picking stocks. :P
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
All my life I've had this kind of crap happen, and I can not figure out why.
End Quote
Sounds like you have a case of ESP. So do I. Every now and again, it will pop up and no one is more surprised at it then I am. One time I was taking a bath. My significant other at the time walked in and I just looked at him and said, "My sister is pregnant." He asked if she called. I said no. I just knew at that moment that she was. I didn't hear anything until about a month later my mother called said, "Guess who is pregnant." I knew right away. I told her that I knew about a month earlier. She said how could I have known, she was only about a month pregnant. I told her, "I knew." She didn't question it because I get my ESP from her. I don't know if that moment when I knew if that was the moment of conception or not. It may have been.
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
Quoting:Awww, glad that you got your Monchichi back!
End Quote
Hey thanks. I still get excited 20 years later just thinking about getting my Monchichi back. Hmmm pitty I don't still have it :-[ :-/ ;D
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
Sounds like you have a case of ESP. So do I. Every now and again, it will pop up and no one is more surprised at it then I am. One time I was taking a bath. My significant other at the time walked in and I just looked at him and said, "My sister is pregnant." He asked if she called. I said no. I just knew at that moment that she was. I didn't hear anything until about a month later my mother called said, "Guess who is pregnant." I knew right away. I told her that I knew about a month earlier. She said how could I have known, she was only about a month pregnant. I told her, "I knew." She didn't question it because I get my ESP from her. I don't know if that moment when I knew if that was the moment of conception or not. It may have been.
End Quote
Almost forgot... amongst my other talents I have pretty good "PregDAR". I've had the same thing happen, where someone will come up to me and say "I have a surprise for you" and I'll say, "Oh, I already knew you were preggers". Really weirds them out, too.
I swear I am more accurate than an Accuchek Home Test. And cheaper too. :P
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
Okay I have been chased by chickens and psychics, but this is by far odd:
So one day I am leaving the courthouse (I'm not a criminal, just work for a law firm) and I am on my way to my car. In the parking lot I see a man in his 40's buffing his car with a rag. The odd part is that it was an absolute downpour and he was wearing a superman costume, complete with cape and red breifs. I walks up to me and asked me how much I weigh, I said "It is never polite to ask a young lady that" They he looks up at the sky and starts yelling (don't know to who) "oh oh oh no oh no oh gee" So I put my butt into gear and ran to my car, locked the doors, and left. Things like this happen to me often...hmmmm
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
I was on my way to a job interview in a far away city. I stop off at a McDonald's to use the restroom. Naturally,I was feeling nervous about my job interview. As I am walking into the men's room,a little boy is walking out. We make eye contact,and he smiles at me. As he is smiling,he says, "Don't worry,you'll do fine!" I walk into the restroom, and do my business, wondering what just happened,and why he said that. Was it a coincidence,or did he somehow know about my job interview and me feeling anxious over it? Some people have suggested that the little boy might have been an angel. This mysterious event in my past will never be explained. ??? Thanks for the memories! Sincerely,Steve.
Subject: Re: What Is The Weirdest Thing That Happened To Yo
I was walking down the street a couple of friends surrounding me when this old woman comes up to me and says 'watch out for the big gas bang in your home!!!' and she walks away. I was so weirded out by that. The creepier thing was I had accidently left the gas on and I turned off my lights and LIT MY CANDLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a massssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssive BANG and I just litrally FLEW out the window and landed on the road watching my home go bang! It was absolutley glowing with fire, and car alarms went off and neighbours yelled at me for 'Having my Tv turned on too loudly'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a deathly experience ppl! Look at the house! It's practically a big fireball! Oh, my god, that creeped me out that night! I still have to travel all over to get to hotels! Im thinking of buying a little cottage with no gas.