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Subject: Things you wished were invented
I wish someone would invent a tv eraser so that you can erase that annoying channel logo on the bottom of the screen.Also how about bubble gum soda?Since movies are getting to be too predictable how about using a"Choose your own adventure" format where the audience would vote on what the characters should do.There could be different endings I think it would be a hit!
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I think that would be evil if they had movies where you chose what happens, that's totally a Fahrenheit 451 thing.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
We already choose the ways movies end. The reason they're predictable is because audiences in the mainstream have a certain expectation as to how a film should tell a story, and how they should end. In fact, film endings have been changed in the past because "test" audiences didn't like the originals. Traditional stories where a set of characters face a crisis, overcome it and live happily ever after will always be more popular than one where, for example, the bad guys win or the critical situation is never resolved. Films are predictable because we like them that way. :)
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I want one of those clear plastic shield things (from that 60s floor wax comercial) that picks you up at the front door and floats you around the house so your shoes don't get the carpet and floors dirty! ;)
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I wish someone would invent a tv eraser so that you can erase that annoying channel logo on the bottom of the screen.Also how about bubble gum soda?Since movies are getting to be too predictable how about using a"Choose your own adventure" format where the audience would vote on what the characters should do.There could be different endings I think it would be a hit!
End Quote
There was bubble gum soda back in the 80s made by Hubba Bubba and it was nasty. None bought it & it faded away fast.
I wish someone would make cars out of the same material they make those black boxes in airplanes out of.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
Rosie from the Jetsons. You know, a robot that cooked, cleaned and did laundry for me.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
How about everlasting gobstoppers, from Willy Wonka. They look really good.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
a dream recorder, so i could remember what my dreams were...and relive the funny ones.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
If I did that, the tape would be given an 18 certificate.
I'd like to see a Holodeck, like on Star Trek. You know, a room which can be filled with a holographic world loaded from a program. If one knew how to, one could make one's own programs to roam around in.
Although the downside of that is no one would want to leave!
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I want a transporter, so I can visit my friends without having to drive or fly for hours :-/ Then we could see each other every day.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
How about everlasting gobstoppers, from Willy Wonka. They look really good.
End Quote
That's already been invented. But,How about Gobstoppers the size of basketballs.You'd be sucking for days. ;D
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
How about something that makes 10-15 page school\college papers do themselves?
It really sucks...I'll have to spend my Christmas break doing a paper.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
Im an 80s freak and didnt know that Hubba Bubba soda existed ???
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
A 99 cent Coin
Nicotine gum that actually tastes good
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I often joke about an invention where you can turn a handle, and it'd spin a wheel with 'gloved hands' on them(like a helicopter propeller), so you could slap some people reptitively while cranking the handle. Believe me, I know some people who deserve that!
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
ear phone muffs.You listen to music and keep warm at the very same time.I was gonna come up with that one. :(
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
ear phone muffs.You listen to music and keep warm at the very same time.I was gonna come up with that one. :(
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i've seen those somewhere...
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
Rosie from the Jetsons. You know, a robot that cooked, cleaned and did laundry for me.
End Quote
I'm all for that one!!!
I'd like a sure-fire way to potty train my youngest. He'll sit on the potty, but won't actually go. It took over a year to train my middle one, and I don't see my youngest cooperating any better. The oldest, 3 days.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
Since movies are getting to be too predictable how about using a"Choose your own adventure" format where the audience would vote on what the characters should do.There could be different endings I think it would be a hit!
End Quote
wow, I was just thinking about that. I reckon they could do it easily with DVDs. not sure how it would work in a cinema.
someone needs to make movies out of all the old choose your own adventure books!
something I wish was invented: an easy way of removing vocals from songs.
also: cheap little personal hovercrafts the same size as go karts.
and: a new type of cassette made out of the same material as CDs. I call it the n-tape
the tape spins between the 2 reels and is read by a laser.
you can connect your n-stereo to your computer and put mp3s straight onto the tape.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I wish a portable footbath with an injection that when your feet slip into it, it injects the tip of your toes just like a pinprick it dots your toes and feels nice. I once DID invent it, and my mom loved it. It was a little pin on the bottom of a bowl of water. Mom would shift her toes to the pin and she said it felt like heaven.
But one day she slipped on it a caught her arm on it and there was blood over her finger. She threw the pin and the bowl away and told me never to try it again, and she'd rather have a massage than a silly pinprick anyway on her toes.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
It may be a stupid thing to invent, but I'd record what people would say and it used to be things like 'I once slept at another persons house without permission' and secrets like that. One way to find out secrets! Lol! This is about the above invention by the way.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
Rosie from the Jetsons. You know, a robot that cooked, cleaned and did laundry for me.
End Quote
Oooh ! She was hot :P
OMG Wait ! I meant Judy..... :-[ ;D
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
A Star Trek-style Universal Translator.
For those who haven't seen the show, it's a machine built into the communications systems of the ship and into the officers' handheld communicators.
When aliens hail the Enterprise, they talk in their own language, but the Universal Translator changes what they say into any language the officers like- English, in this case- while keeping the voice inflections, so it still sounds like whoever's hailing.
We could use it to translate Earth languages. I wouldn't need to do a French exam and I'd have more time for more important subjects.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
How about a cologne that smells like money then the chicks would love you even though you are broke ;D
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
LOL! I live near Dundee, so I'd have to get a cocaine-smelling one... If there are any Dundonians here, I apologise. Well... they probably wouldn't be able to read this anyway... Sorry!
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
-a time machine so I could go back in time to fix all the mistakes I've made, or just to go on several history trips such as the 1920s
-vaccines to cure cancer and AIDS
-Botox vitamins (lol)
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
How about a cologne that smells like money then the chicks would love you even though you are broke ;D
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I don't think that'd work! Or maybe? ??? ;D
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I want a transporter, so I can visit my friends without having to drive or fly for hours :-/ Then we could see each other every day.
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I agree, but how about a transportable transporter?
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
Oh yeah, forgot. How about a disk drive in your head? Then when you need to remember something or wanna write a book, you just pop a disk in, pop it out, then put it in our comp and read it.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
A movie channel where you get to pick whatever movie you want to see-whenever you want to see it. Not what the companies what you to see. If they invent this, it may replace the home libraries or VHS and DVDs.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
Oh yeah, forgot. How about a disk drive in your head? Then when you need to remember something or wanna write a book, you just pop a disk in, pop it out, then put it in our comp and read it.
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I'm really gonna put a disk in head? Someone's gonna have to cut me open first. ;D
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I wish a DVD that recorded your thoughts was invented. Like wire up your head and let it record your thoughts - If i invented it and used it on me it would probably just say 'Wonder what is for tea tonight?' and 'I want to go to bed' over and over again. ::) Typical of me, eh? :)
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I wish a DVD that recorded your thoughts was invented. Like wire up your head and let it record your thoughts - If i invented it and used it on me it would probably just say 'Wonder what is for tea tonight?' and 'I want to go to bed' over and over again. ::) Typical of me, eh? :)
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a DVD in your head? Now,that's something good. :)
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
Ok, you'll have to bear with me on this one. I've actually put some thought into this one. You know they have "self heating" ice cream scoops? Why can't they invent like a little cartridge of the "heating element stuff" in the ice cream scoops and put it in spray on deodorant/antiperspirant? The spray is ALWAYS cold, even in 100 degree weather. This would help with the coldness. You have to shake the deodorant anyway, so it would heat up then.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I'd give anything to have a Star Trek holodeck. Thousands of them, a whole hotel of holodecks.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
glasses that you could see in back of your head. ;D
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
How about a way to become immortal so that you can live as long as you want with your body still looking the same age and then once you lived and seen all you want then you could do something to reverse the effect and then pass away. So that way if you wanted to live to be 200 but look 25 the whole time you could. haha.
Subject: Re: Things you wished were invented
I think there should be a universal language so if you go anywhere you dont have to worry about learning the language of that certain country.