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Subject: Unsure of the right religious path..take a quiz
After reading bad things in your life, I decided to find a possible answer to my own questions.
Inspired by Rocknrollfan, I Found a website that asks you questions, then matches a religion that is closest to your beliefs.
Even though I was raised Catholic, my match was Hinduism by 100%. guess I will be doing some reading.
NOTE: I do not mean any disrespect to any faith or religion in which this may offend. This is only for those who question their faith.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
this is my results....I guess it sclose to what I really am...Roman Catholic:
Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (97%)
Orthodox Quaker (92%)
Eastern Orthodox (86%)
Roman Catholic (86%)
Seventh Day Adventist (81%)
Liberal Quakers (79%)
Unitarian Universalism (74%)
Orthodox Judaism (67%)
Bahá'í Faith (63%)
Reform Judaism (63%)
Islam (62%)
Sikhism (61%)
Hinduism (59%)
Theravada Buddhism (54%)
Mahayana Buddhism (48%)
Nontheist (48%)
New Thought (47%)
Neo-Pagan (46%)
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (43%)
New Age (43%)
Scientology (42%)
Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (41%)
Secular Humanism (38%)
Jainism (38%)
Jehovah's Witness (31%)
Taoism (31%)
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
I took the quiz out of courisity just to see what it would come up. Surprise, surprise. It says that I am 100% Neo-pagan. Yes, I am a pagan and proud of it. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
what is neo-pagan ???
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
I couldnt help but to laugh upon seeing my number one...
Jehovah's Witness (100%) :o
Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (97%)
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (89%)
Eastern Orthodox (88%)
Roman Catholic (88%) -the religion I actually am ::)
Seventh Day Adventist (84%)
Orthodox Judaism (71%)
Orthodox Quaker (63%)
Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (63%)
Bahá'í Faith (60%)
Islam (59%)
Hinduism (54%)
Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (50%)
Sikhism (48%)
Jainism (43%)
Liberal Quakers (35%)
Mahayana Buddhism (30%)
Theravada Buddhism (29%)
Unitarian Universalism (27%)
New Thought (26%)
Reform Judaism (25%)
Scientology (25%)
Neo-Pagan (20%)
Nontheist (19%)
New Age (18%)
Secular Humanism (16%)
Taoism (8%)
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
what is neo-pagan ???
End Quote
antichrist, if you must...
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
My husband took this quiz too heres his results
1. Eastern Orthodox (100%)
2. Roman Catholic (100%)
3. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (96%)
4. Orthodox Quaker (95%)
5. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (89%)
6. Seventh Day Adventist (85%)
7. Jehovah's Witness (84%)
8. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (72%)
9. Bahá'í Faith (71%)
10. Orthodox Judaism (69%)
11. Jainism (63%)
12. Islam (63%)
13. Hinduism (61%)
14. Liberal Quakers (57%)
15. Sikhism (54%)
16. Theravada Buddhism (52%)
17. Mahayana Buddhism (51%)
18. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (39%)
19. Unitarian Universalism (37%)
20. Taoism (30%)
21. Reform Judaism (30%)
22. Neo-Pagan (23%)
23. Secular Humanism (20%)
24. Nontheist (19%)
25. New Age (18%)
26. New Thought (15%)
27. Scientology (13%)
He is so confirmed Catholic...Myself...Hindu...that is a combination :o
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
2. Neo-Pagan (99%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (95%)
4. Theravada Buddhism (95%)
5. New Age (87%)
6. Liberal Quakers (85%)
7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (80%)
8. New Thought (73%)
9. Bahá'í Faith (72%)
10. Reform Judaism (71%)
11. Taoism (68%)
12. Scientology (66%)
13. Hinduism (63%)
14. Sikhism (62%)
15. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (59%)
16. Jainism (56%)
17. Secular Humanism (52%)
18. Orthodox Quaker (47%)
19. Orthodox Judaism (39%)
20. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (36%)
21. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (31%)
22. Nontheist (31%)
23. Islam (28%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (27%)
25. Roman Catholic (27%)
26. Seventh Day Adventist (21%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (15%)
Holy crap! I'm almost an anti-Christ then?
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
Blimey! I'm 100% Orthodox Judaism. I don't even know what it is.
The religion I was brought up (Jehovah's Witness) was 93%
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
antichrist, if you must...
End Quote
My friend the neo-Pagan says that's not true :-/
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
antichrist, if you must...
End Quote
Also, my friend is a Wiccan witch which is covered under the "neo-pagan" term, which she also says is "waaaaaaay too general" since a neo-pagan is anything that's not strictly in the Bible.
She also says that Christians invented Satan, while pagan religions (like witchcraft) don't really believe in Satan or any "evil" god.
I may have gotten some of the jargon wrong but the point is that neo-pagans shouldn't be called "anti-christ" just because they're different.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
Thank you for straightening up my confusion Ricecube.
I used to be into witchcraft as a teen, but my mom pulled me out of it.
I would never knock down anyone for their beliefs. That's what makes us all unique. ;D
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
I kind of knew what I'd get: 100% Liberal Christian Protestant followed by 92% Liberal Quaker.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
Hmm, Unitarian Universalism isn't bad, but I really fit into Secular Humanism (agnostic) in real life.
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Secular Humanism (98%)
3. Liberal Quakers (92%)
4. Theravada Buddhism (87%)
5. Neo-Pagan (81%)
6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (79%)
7. New Age (69%)
8. Taoism (68%)
9. Nontheist (68%)
10. Mahayana Buddhism (67%)
11. Orthodox Quaker (64%)
12. Reform Judaism (59%)
13. Jainism (55%)
14. Bahá'í Faith (54%)
15. New Thought (47%)
16. Scientology (47%)
17. Sikhism (45%)
18. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (42%)
19. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (38%)
20. Hinduism (35%)
21. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (34%)
22. Orthodox Judaism (32%)
23. Seventh Day Adventist (31%)
24. Islam (27%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (23%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (19%)
27. Roman Catholic (19%)
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Secular Humanism (98%)
3. Nontheist (85%)
4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (81%)
...I'd love to know how non-theist came in at number three, rather than as a 100% match: they must think that all moral or altruistic behaviour comes from some kind of spiritual belief system (which of course is what major religions try and con us into believing), when a truly rational person can quite easily see the benefits in altruistic behaviour.
What I'm totally incredulous about is that number 4 - all my (relevant) answers were along the lines of "THERE IS NO GOD"... so there's an 81% match with liberal protestants, is there?
Sorry, this quiz is complete b*****s.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
antichrist, if you must...
End Quote
Far from it. I am a witch. That means that I practice the Wicca religion. Wicca is an Earth based religion. It is centered around the cycles of the Earth and Moon. I believe that the creator is a Goddess (as opposed to a God). I do not believe that a devil (or Satan) even exist. I have one commandment (for lack of a better word) "Do what you will, harm none." It is really based on ancient pagan religions-thus it is called "neo-pagan." But that is only one pagan religion. There are many others. The ancient religions of the Native-Americans are also pagans. They worship Father Sky and Mother Earth.
Just because someone doesn't believe that the Bible is the word of God, doesn't mean they are evil. I hold my religious beliefs just as you do. They just happen to be different beliefs.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (89%)
3. Liberal Quakers (88%)
4. Secular Humanism (79%)
5. Bahá'í Faith (76%)
6. Theravada Buddhism (74%)
7. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (68%)
8. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (66%)
9. Mahayana Buddhism (63%)
10. Jehovah's Witness (60%)
11. Neo-Pagan (60%)
12. Nontheist (60%)
13. New Thought (56%)
14. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (51%)
15. New Age (51%)
16. Orthodox Quaker (50%)
17. Reform Judaism (47%)
18. Taoism (46%)
19. Sikhism (44%)
20. Hinduism (40%)
21. Scientology (37%)
22. Jainism (35%)
23. Orthodox Judaism (31%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (29%)
25. Islam (28%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (25%)
27. Roman Catholic (25%)
Slightly accurate, although it could've been better. I consider myself an agnostic, and was kind of suprised to see "Nontheist" at #12.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
Like i said before, this quiz is just for fun, Phil. No need for the harsh stars... :-X
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
My results:
1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)
2. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (96%)
3. Eastern Orthodox (88%)
4. Roman Catholic (88%)
5. Seventh Day Adventist (85%)
6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (64%)
7. Islam (58%)
8. Orthodox Judaism (58%)
9. Hinduism (53%)
10. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (50%)
11. Liberal Quakers (48%)
12. Jehovah's Witness (45%)
13. Jainism (44%)
14. Mahayana Buddhism (44%)
15. Theravada Buddhism (43%)
16. Bahá'í Faith (42%)
17. Unitarian Universalism (38%)
18. Sikhism (36%)
19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (30%)
20. Reform Judaism (29%)
21. Neo-Pagan (25%)
22. Scientology (24%)
23. New Age (24%)
24. Nontheist (21%)
25. Secular Humanism (21%)
26. New Thought (20%)
27. Taoism (17%)
* May change with more careful Bible Study.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
1. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)
2. Orthodox Judaism (94%)
3. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (92%)
4. Jehovah's Witness (84%)
Ok, this is so wrong....I am not anywhere close to Mormon. Actually, I am #3. Go figure.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
I'm just wondering, it says that I'm Liberal Christian Protestant, and that seems to be fairly accurate because I do believe in Jesus, but I also believe that many non-Christian faiths hold some truth or value. For instance, I believe that most people who are saved go to Heaven after life, but I believe that there are a few who will be incarnated. Does that mean, my path is really Unitarian Universalism?
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
I'm just wondering, it says that I'm Liberal Christian Protestant, and that seems to be fairly accurate because I do believe in Jesus, but I also believe that many non-Christian faiths hold some truth or value. For instance, I believe that most people who are saved go to Heaven after life, but I believe that there are a few who will be incarnated. Does that mean, my path is really Unitarian Universalism?
End Quote
I wish I knew. I was hindu....I do believe alot about the religion, but I am not sure about the other stuff. It makes you wonder the fundamental beliefs of different religions and how they differ.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Secular Humanism (98%)
3. Nontheist (85%)
4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (81%)
...I'd love to know how non-theist came in at number three, rather than as a 100% match: they must think that all moral or altruistic behaviour comes from some kind of spiritual belief system (which of course is what major religions try and con us into believing), when a truly rational person can quite easily see the benefits in altruistic behaviour.
What I'm totally incredulous about is that number 4 - all my (relevant) answers were along the lines of "THERE IS NO GOD"... so there's an 81% match with liberal protestants, is there?
Sorry, this quiz is complete b*****s.
End Quote
From your description, my answers were the same as or very similar to yours, but my results differed. Universalist/Unitarian 100%, secular humanism 98%, liberal Quaker 48%, Theravada Buddhist 46%, mainline to liberal protestant 44%, and, at number 6, non-theist 44%.
I particularly liked how they lumped together "don't believe, don't know or don't care" as one answer on every question. Rather a big difference between those three answers.
My assessment of their assessment is the same as your assessment.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
My assessment of their assessment is the same as your assessment.
End Quote
I guess my assessment of your assessment of their assessment being the same as my assessment of their assessment is... we must both be right ;-)... ok, how many "s"s in that?
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
i got 100% universal unitarianism too... maybe this test was made by universal unitarians. but thats what i got on another religious test too i think it was emode.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
Far from it. I am a witch. That means that I practice the Wicca religion. Wicca is an Earth based religion. It is centered around the cycles of the Earth and Moon. I believe that the creator is a Goddess (as opposed to a God). I do not believe that a devil (or Satan) even exist. I have one commandment (for lack of a better word) "Do what you will, harm none." It is really based on ancient pagan religions-thus it is called "neo-pagan." But that is only one pagan religion. There are many others. The ancient religions of the Native-Americans are also pagans. They worship Father Sky and Mother Earth.
Just because someone doesn't believe that the Bible is the word of God, doesn't mean they are evil. I hold my religious beliefs just as you do. They just happen to be different beliefs.
End Quote
Catwomanofv, This is totally off the topic but I saw this great sign once that said "Witch parking only. All others will be toads". Just had share that because I thought it was great and I've never known a witch to pass that along to.
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
Catwomanofv, This is totally off the topic but I saw this great sign once that said "Witch parking only. All others will be toads". Just had share that because I thought it was great and I've never known a witch to pass that along to.
End Quote
;D ;D ;D That's right, don't park in my spot or else. ;)
Subject: Re: Unsure of the right religious path..take a qui
Mine came out quite different.
It said:
Sinner 100%