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Subject: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Since Howard put this in the "Good" thread I thought I'd start another one for the bad so the good can remain good ::) Here are a few bad ones I can think of...
1. My 17 year old son Blaine being murdered on April 26,2001
2. Compared to #1 everything else pales :-/
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Since Howard put this in the "Good" thread I thought I'd start another one for the bad so the good can remain good ::) Here are a few bad ones I can think of...
1. My 17 year old son Blaine being murdered on April 26,2001
2. Compared to #1 everything else pales :-/
End Quote
Thank You Rock.I appreciate it. (*cyber handshake*) :D
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Nothing really bad right now, except for I can't see my honey that much. :-/
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Nothing really bad right now, except for I can't see my honey that much. :-/
End Quote
Don't worry..you will soon, I'm sure :)
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Ok, time for me to vent. I have this friend who just recently hooked up with this guy. This guy is ALWAYS hanging around (at her work). I had bad vibes from the guy. He has the personality traits of an abuser. I got a list on-line of those personality traits for my friend. I showed them to her. She took it home and told me that she did look it over-WITH HIM!!!! ::) Then I looked deeper into this guy's record. Found a bunch of s**t on him and again presented to my friend. I felt that this is something that she should know about this guy. She was pissed because I looked into his past. But the kicker was, SHE ALREADY KNEW!!! Yes, she is still with the guy. I call her work and HE answers the phone. They are talking about getting an apartment together and she is still married to someone else.
I am trying to distance myself from her. I tried to warn her but she won't listen to me. Unfortunately, I still have to deal with her (and him) because of the work I do. I see a disaster waiting to happen and she doesn't.
So that is the bad stuff that is in my life. It seems that I have lost a friend because of this guy.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Nothing too seriously bad going on.
But just for the record:
- A couple of my friends have been "cutting" recently. I'm worried for one in particular, as she did it about a month or two ago after going for five months without doing it. And even worse, she uses the fact she's cut for attention ("It's been a month...(all happy and stuff)").
- My mother found out about me becoming an agnostic (athiest isn't totally accurate). She bought a propagandic book, and has once or twice tried to talk me back into becoming a Christian again. It's quite frustrating. She claims it's for the better, but it only makes me angry. I've seriously looked into Christianity and I tried to find God,and I broke down when I felt nothing. Plus, "conversative Christians" mess it up even more when Christianity is supposed to be a "liberal", accepting religion. Not saying I support either political party, but basically lately Christianity has been portrayed as an intolerant religion and it's driving me away when I encounter the "holier-than-thou" types.
- While my family and I are doing well and have a good relationship, with the holidays coming up it's become quite a stressful month.
- I've been gaining some weight lately and I'm at high risk for diabetes, which I'm worried out (although I AM the hypocondriac of the family).
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Quoting:- A couple of my friends have been "cutting" recently. I'm worried for one in particular, as she did it about a month or two ago after going for five months without doing it. And even worse, she uses the fact she's cut for attention ("It's been a month...(all happy and stuff)").End Quote
You wouldn't believe what kids these days will do for attention...I've had to put so many students on cut contracts it's unbelievable :-/
- My mother found out about me becoming an agnostic (athiest isn't totally accurate). She bought a propagandic book, and has once or twice tried to talk me back into becoming a Christian again. It's quite frustrating. She claims it's for the better, but it only makes me angry. I've seriously looked into Christianity and I tried to find God,and I broke down when I felt nothing. Plus, "conversative Christians" mess it up even more when Christianity is supposed to be a "liberal", accepting religion. Not saying I support either political party, but basically lately Christianity has been portrayed as an intolerant religion and it's driving me away when I encounter the "holier-than-thou" types.
End Quote
Well, don't ever let anyone force you to believe in something you don't. That's why we live in America, eh? ;)
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Well, don't ever let anyone force you to believe in something you don't. That's why we live in America, eh? ;)
End Quote
Hell yeah, Rice! :D :D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Oh, I thought you were referring to slitting wrists when you said "cutting". Then I saw Rice's post and said "huh?" ??? :-[
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Oh, I thought you were referring to slitting wrists when you said "cutting". Then I saw Rice's post and said "huh?" ??? :-[End Quote
Well, it's kinda cruel for me to wish death or injury upon my students, no matter what little b@st@rds they are ;D
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Sorry to be depressing, especially during this time of year, but my life lately has not been good. I'm going to list my latest disaster from my laundry list of woes:
I have two jobs: one at a bank and the other in a department store. I'm an on-call CSR to start off with for now, but I'm able to fill in at other branches. I don't want to quit my job at the department store because I love it (yes, that's rather sad) and I just am not the type that's good at giving up. The major problem with my job at the department store is my boss. Anyway, last Friday, I found at at the last minute that my bank at a different branch needs somebody on the 17th so eager with my new job I filled it in, and decided to let my boss at the department store later that evening. Because I've been handing my availability schedules in late and changing my shift for the 17th suddenly, I kind of knew she was going to be upset, but when I was working today, she called me into her office, and started cursing and shouting at me. She also mentioned that she told the lady at the HR, and they've decided that if I do the same thing again, I'll be resigning. Yes, what I've been doing was very stupid of me and that was really rude of me to put my boss and the HR department in that situation, especially during this time of year, but I'm just not the brightest person sometimes and thought it would only cause minor irritation. I was still upset by the way she handled it, and I really think she's playing favorites because she told me that I need to be available for a minimum of three days a week, well there's a coworker who's only available on weekends and he's still working there. >:( To top it off, I had to dine with her and the rest of the department because it was a gift exchange, and since a lot of the people didn't show up, I had to sit near her :P I should also note, that she gave Christmas cards out to everyone including myself, but I got a glimpse of some of the other cards, and they had personalised messages except for mine. Yep, another sign of what she thinks of me.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Nothing too seriously bad going on.
- My mother found out about me becoming an agnostic (athiest isn't totally accurate). She bought a propagandic book, and has once or twice tried to talk me back into becoming a Christian again. It's quite frustrating. She claims it's for the better, but it only makes me angry. I've seriously looked into Christianity and I tried to find God,and I broke down when I felt nothing. Plus, "conversative Christians" mess it up even more when Christianity is supposed to be a "liberal", accepting religion. Not saying I support either political party, but basically lately Christianity has been portrayed as an intolerant religion and it's driving me away when I encounter the "holier-than-thou" types.
End Quote
Hi Junior,
About the Christianity situation: I still consider myself to be a Christian, but I understand where you're coming from when you talk about looking into Christianity and not really gaining anything out of it because I've gone through that. I guess when I really look into Christianity, I become too focused about it and find myself confused. Recently, I felt really connected to Christ because the Church that I go to seemed really liberal and I liked the people, but lately it seems that they don't really care about me (all a facade or something) and that they might be just another group of "conservative Christians" (I really hate it when they say non-Christians will go to Hell) just like every Church and the rest of Christian media (don't go to Christianity.com btw because some of their views about Christianity is absolutely absurd such as "women should not cut their hair short"). I know this is horrible and perhaps I'll pay for typing this, but right now I think I'm angry with God, because how much $hit can one person like myself take?
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
My 13 year old daughter utterly resents both her parents, has no respect for discipline or consequences, threatened to trash her mother's house looking for money and told her she would steal her car to get away from there. Her mother took her to the railway station with a packed bag. Now she's at a "friend's" place near where I used to live and won't come home or make contact with me or my wife. The girl's mother she's staying with is trying to convince her to go back home, but at this time she won't. She doesn't care who she hurts, as long as she gets to do what she wants: smoke pot, drink and have sex, with no one to tell her what to do.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
sick so sick so very sick
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
this should be my longest peply yet.
First and foremost, I am RockNRollFan for your sons murder. I could not imagine the pain it caused you. I had a cousin murdered in April 1983, they never found the person responsible. I was only 11 at the time, but I remember the stories they told about it.
Second-Catwoman, your friend will not wake up until its too late. I had a friend like that and I had to just let go. It was difficult because we had been friends since the forth grade, but I didn't want her to bring me down as well.
Third-Junior, I don't know what cutting is...guess I'm to nieve.
Fourth-Blloberry- Sorry you are having a bad time at work. Things will get better. On the bright side, at least you have two jobs, some don't even have that.
Fifth-Goreripper, your friends teen is going to be like that until she wakes up and realizes that mom and dad mean her well. Unfortunately, most people wait until its tto late to discipline their kids. Before the age of 8, your child learns how to manipulate their parents. Trying discipline after that never works. I have my kids (3) fairly under control. They have open minds, but what I say is still final. My sons are my height 4'11"+ but they know that if they try to get in my face with a bad demeaner, I will pull the "mom" card out. I hope your friends daughter wakes up soon.
Lastly, but not least, Junior again about the Christianity thing. First of all , I was born Catholic, not confirmed, therefore, I can't call myself Catholic. I never agreed with many of the "beliefs" that have been expressed by many religions. I have looked at just about all of them. Catholic, Babtist, Protistant, Buddist, Hindu, Seventh Day Advatist, Mormon, and other smaller known religions. The only thing my journey gave me was enlightenment. I believe in a greater being, I pray at home, I keep faith, and I know that if you do good, good comes back to you. This is my opinion only...I only see that Churches are there for those who are lost and need a direction in which to find faith. It is a place where other gather in order to try and find a common bond with others who are lost. The churches I have been to are so interested in what you can help them with, building fund, new rec center, church bus etc. that they lose the whole purpose. Believe what you want to believe in. No one here on Earth can tell you that your wrong. After all, isn't God the only one that is supposed to judge?
Sorry for the long reply. I have nothing bad in my life at this time, only a long winded mouth ;D.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Oh, I thought you were referring to slitting wrists when you said "cutting". Then I saw Rice's post and said "huh?" ??? :-[End Quote
Actually, slitting IS what I meant...
and thanks Bloo and annieox :D
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
My Mother will be going for pre-testing on her breast to detect for ductal cancer & her foot is injured at the moment.I'm trying to help her as best as I can.I feel like the parent right now.She's gonna be 60 soon.She feels elderly. :(
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
I will pray for your mom Howard :-[.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Actually, slitting IS what I meant...
End Quote
Thanks for clarifying that then... sorry to hear about your friends. That's not a good thing at all. :(
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Thanks for clarifying that then... sorry to hear about your friends. That's not a good thing at all. :(
End Quote
Aw crap, I thought you meant they were cutting class :-[
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
About the only bad thing in my life right now is bills.
Junior, I am sorry about your experiences with christianity. I am a Born Again Christian and understand where you are coming from. I have been to many churches that chased me away with intolerance. I live in Utah, land of the Mormons. One church I attended in particular every sunday came around to "and that is why Mormons will go to hell". Of course I left...the church I have found now is very tolerant of other beliefs. You need to find what you believe to be right and don't let anyone push you. Pushing will only drive a person in the other direction. Good luck!
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Fifth-Goreripper, your friends teen is going to be like that until she wakes up and realizes that mom and dad mean her well. Unfortunately, most people wait until its tto late to discipline their kids. Before the age of 8, your child learns how to manipulate their parents. Trying discipline after that never works. I have my kids (3) fairly under control. They have open minds, but what I say is still final. My sons are my height 4'11"+ but they know that if they try to get in my face with a bad demeaner, I will pull the "mom" card out. I hope your friends daughter wakes up soon.
End Quote
Actually Annie, I was talking about my own daughter.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
thank you for clarifying.... :-/
Let her be...she'll come around I used to be a teen too. The more we push the more they run. Good luck with her.
By the way, I have had too many bad things happen in my life. From the age of three to thirteen, I left home at 15 and nearly ended my own life. :'(
I am not perfect, but I am a survivor. Just thought I'd share. If it hadn't been for my husband, I wouldn't be here today.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
My Mother will be going for pre-testing on her breast to detect for ductal cancer & her foot is injured at the moment.I'm trying to help her as best as I can.I feel like the parent right now.She's gonna be 60 soon.She feels elderly. :(
End Quote
I'll be praying for your Mom.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
By the way, I have had too many bad things happen in my life. From the age of three to thirteen, I left home at 15 and nearly ended my own life. :'(
End Quote
I'm so glad you didn't end your life! You're here on earth for a purpose.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
I'm so glad you didn't end your life! You're here on earth for a purpose.
End Quote
Thanks....If I only knew what is was ;)
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Thanks....If I only knew what is was ;)
End Quote
Well, for starters you're a Mom, right? That's very important!
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
thanks blu...that is a good reason. ;D
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
My own problems in life right now pale into insignificance next to genuine bereavement or serious illness - my best wishes to all of you going through these things.
Having said that, what I'm suffering from right now is problems with my teeth! There's nothing that makes me feel old and decrepit more that having my back teeth falling to bits and the dentist having to put massive fillings in to patch up the damage. So now I'm on my kids' case every morning, noon and night, inspecting their teeth cleaning routine. They hate it when I get them to do it all over again and don't listen when I try to explain it's for their own good....
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
My own problems in life right now pale into insignificance next to genuine bereavement or serious illness - my best wishes to all of you going through these things.
Having said that, what I'm suffering from right now is problems with my teeth! There's nothing that makes me feel old and decrepit more that having my back teeth falling to bits and the dentist having to put massive fillings in to patch up the damage. So now I'm on my kids' case every morning, noon and night, inspecting their teeth cleaning routine. They hate it when I get them to do it all over again and don't listen when I try to explain it's for their own good....
End Quote
I feel your pain. I've had major dental problems, especially with my gums. I really hate going to the dentist, and my next visit's in January. :o
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
This is not really bad stuff,just stupid.My Father recently bought a cheap CyberHome DVD Player from Radio Shack for 39.99.last saturday,I wanted to watch WWF Divas.I put in the DVD the first time to test it.The 2nd time,The CD got stuck in the player and now I can't get it out.I tried Open/Close but there is a StandBy Mode which means something.I don't know what to do.He hasn't even watched anything yet on his Player.I prayed that I could get it out but it doesn't help. >:(
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Howard, did you unplug it for 30 seconds and try to open it? sometimes it helps reset. Then again you could hold it upside down and try to shake it out. Justa suggestion.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
I have no Job and I am at least $5,000 in debt(75% being medical bills). I have no one "Special" in my life. I also think that I've managed to peak at the age of 24. Everyday I wake up I feel useless and the idea of just diving off of the Brooklyn Bridge is becoming more appealing.
at least I have my Playstation
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
My other niece threatening me with a knife...I have 2 nieces...this niece, called Maria, is very sick (not sick as in ill!) and would do anything to kill me - apparently, I have tried to abandon her (force her parents into leaving her) and I havent...at all. :'( My niece is sick. very sick indeed. Well, she is mental (true) and I have always, in her eyes, been evil to her. I have not. I have fed her when she was a baby, and put a roof over her head when her parents were out. She is sick and I know it. She nearly caught me in a vein.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
nothing too bad going on with my life...except about a month ago i had a brief affair with advil...but i think that's over. :-[
junior...i kind ofknow what that's like. i told my friends once that i don't really believe in a god and they all jumped down my throat, telling me that i didn't really believe that, that i was going to hell, that i was wrong, etc. just don't listen to them...seriously try to ignore them, even though it's really difficult. (my parents don't exactly know this though...which is kind of funny considering this has been going on for almost four years...)
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Thanks for all the support and advice, everybody, I really appreciate it. :)
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Howard, did you unplug it for 30 seconds and try to open it? sometimes it helps reset. Then again you could hold it upside down and try to shake it out. Justa suggestion.
End Quote
It's quite a small Player.It's called CyberHome DVD.I tried unplugging it and kept it off for more than a minute then pressing Open/Close again.I don't know if shaking it will even help.I will have to do this when My father isn't around.He sees everything that goes on around the house.He won't beat me up or anything but he'll scream like he always used to do. :(
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Nullandvoid...I'm sorry that you feel so down, things will get better.
Ripp- sorry to hear about your niece.
As for myself, well lets see, I have a job that I don't like because of the pay, I get under paid. No benefits what so ever, no medical, no dental, no insurance, no vacations, no personal days, no sick days, no over-time, no bonuses.
I run an office almost byself...which further sucks. I had to ask for Christmas pay for the day and got an attitude with that. Some Lawyers are the cheapest people to work for >:(.
I am buying time until I can find another job where they appreciate a hard worker!!
That felt good letting steam out, thanks.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
This stems from the earlier post. That same "so-called" friend seems to now have a personal vendetta against me. I can't seem to do my job without her telling me what to do and how to do it. She keeps info away from me that I NEED in order to do it. I am serious thinking about quitting which creates a dilemma. I believe in the work, and I enjoy doing it but the b.s. has just become too much for me to take. I find that I have a hard time sleeping because of it. I could be very mean and quit at this very moment and leave this same person in a very sticky situation. Or I wait a few weeks until the madness (Christmas rush) dies down and then quit. They don't pay me enough to put up with all of that-hell, they don't even pay me at all. I am just a volunteer.
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
I have no Job and I am at least $5,000 in debt(75% being medical bills). I have no one "Special" in my life. I also think that I've managed to peak at the age of 24. Everyday I wake up I feel useless and the idea of just diving off of the Brooklyn Bridge is becoming more appealing.
at least I have my Playstation
End Quote
Please don't give up on yourself. I know how hard it is to be out of work. My husband just found a job after a year and a half. I know that you are in the NY city area. Try www.workforcenewyork.com (I don't know how to post this link).
Good luck to you and keep your head up. :)
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
My Mother is worried about her breast biopsy! :'(
Subject: Re: Bad Stuff In Your Lives
Thank you, annieox and Ladybug
I'll check out that website asap :)