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Subject: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I was in a musical a few weekends ago, and during a very quiet, important, tough scene, a cell phone went off.
Whenever I go to see a movie, there's always someone in the theater whose cell phone goes off.
I was in Barnes and Noble a few nights ago, which is, erm, supposed to be a relatively quiet store. I was looking at paperback books, very quietly, when suddenly a lady in the bookcase ahead of me started yeling "Hallooow? What? I'm in Barnes and Noble! What?! No... what? I'm in Barnes and Noble! What! I can't hear! What!?"
What I want to know is, what is so freakin' important about cell phones anyway. If I ever get one, it's only going to be used for emergencies. I hate when people talk on them during concerts, in stores, etc. And, especially IN CARS. >:( UGH. That bugs me. A guy passed me the other night in a NO passing zone--there was also oncoming traffic. Yeah, uh, and, he was on his cell phone.
What does everyone else think about cell phones?
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Last week I saw a car crash and the guy that caused it was on his cell phone. Everybody has cell phones, and I think that's pretty stupid. What's so important that everyone needs to talk about on their cell phones? I don't want a cell phone, they seem pointless. Kids want cell phones because they think they make them seem cool. Cell phones, television and computers are taking over the world!
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Try a long distance relationship sometime. You'll appreciate your cell a lot more.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Free long distance is great ;D
Of course, cell phone use should come with some form of common courtesy. For example, cell phones should never be on in:
1. my classroom (oh, the cell phones I have confiscated...)
2. movie theaters/playhouses
3. anyplace "quiet"
And people should be smart enough not to talk aloud about stuff like personal hygiene or potentially "juicy" details of relationships and what not :P Nobody wants to hear about your yeast infection, lady :P
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Yeah, and every preppie in my school has them. >:(
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
It's not the cell phones that are the problem. It's the user. In the theater, bookstore, etc. it's just rude. But how about in hospitals. Come on, there are signs all over about not using them. There's a reason. It messes with the telemetry devices. ::)
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
They drive me insane. Where I work, if you want a personal call you need to have a cell phone. Work phones are for emergencies only. Also, you need to leave the room (it is a data entry shop so it interrupts everyone when you sit at your desk and chit chat). Not alot of calls happen because of this rule. At church there is a rul to turn off cell phones and pagers. It is common courtesy, too bad more people don't have it.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
cell phones really don't bother me. although during movies, they are really annoying, as is using them at concerts annoys me too, because the person at the other end of the phone didn't have to pay $37 to hear the music. >:( in quiet places, they don't really bother me either, because i can block out whoever's talking...what REALLY bothers me is when people are giving directions to their houses in public. a lot of them don't realize that just by walking next to them for a few yards that i now know they are susie smith of 123 centre street and that their kids, bob and joe, are home alone and the key is under the welcome mat on the front porch. ::) :P
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Try a long distance relationship sometime. You'll appreciate your cell a lot more.
End Quote
Exactly. It's easier to pay a flat rate each month than to have to run up HUGE long distance phone bills.
Although I have to agree that they should not be used in places that are supposed to be quiet.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I can see your points, Kenny and Jessica.
Unfortunately, I am hearing about people's relationships when I don't want to. It's fine if you're using them for that, just shut up when you're around me. ::)
Note: I made an edit to my first post; I just realized I said something pretty stupid.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
this is an actual quote that I heard once when i was walking to class ....there were these two girls behind me, and they were talking..one said this: "I was like going through my bag like yelling WHERE THE HELL IS MY CELL PHONE? and I like realized I was like talking on it"..........
no further words are needed
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
this is an actual quote that I heard once when i was walking to class ....there were these two girls behind me, and they were talking..one said this: "I was like going through my bag like yelling WHERE THE HELL IS MY CELL PHONE? and I like realized I was like talking on it"..........
no further words are needed
End Quote
omg....::) lol :)
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I once saw a couple of girls at school walking to their next class together, talking on their cell phones.
After a while I realised they were talking to each other.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I once saw a couple of girls at school walking to their next class together, talking on their cell phones.
After a while I realised they were talking to each other.
End Quote
I've seen something similar to this. I was on a bus and I heard one girl say "I'm on the bus, where are you?" "You're on a bus too? Hey there you are!, Come and sit up here with me". By now they were within sight of one another but they still talked to each other whilst they sorted out where they were sitting.
I have a mobile phone but it is purely for emergencies. If I'm away from my desk at work then I take my phone in case my children's school or nursery need to contact me (people at work can use my answer phone :D ) I also have my phone on in the car going home so my husband can phone if necessary. Although the conversation has gone him "Where are you?" me "Just parking the car in the garage"
So I think mobiles are a necessary evil. I use one for emergencies only and definitely switch it off (or ringer off) in meetings, theatre etc.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Plus, they increase one's risk of brain tumours.
I wonder if there are any of those silly little bleach-blonde, short-skirts, high-heels, left-wing, three-timing cellphone-using girls on the forum?
Maybe not. I don't know if they can use a computer. Or read, for that matter.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
As for drivers...just do what I did...pay $20 for a headset from Radio Shack...yes kids, THAT is how you spell it...contrary to Shaquille O'Neal and his WRONG way ::)
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Have your car break down on a interstate highway on a summer day where the temp is 98 degrees with a heat index of over 105 degrees and no shade around and the closest exit over 3 miles away in an area where a lot of people have "vanished" (with either bodies showing up later or never to be seen again). You'll be plenty happy to have a cell phone on hand.
There are a lot of idiots with cell phones, and sometimes I wish they could be made to go through some kind of training for the proper use of cell phones... But cell phones can be useful, especially if you have a sick family member, or if your car breaks down or you're in an accident. I have a friend who was biking in a secluded area and had an accident which left him with his ankle badly broken. Because he had a cell phone he was able to get help a lot quicker than if he had waited in hopes of someone wandering along. And look at the use of cell phones during the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks...
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Have your car break down on a interstate highway on a summer day where the temp is 98 degrees with a heat index of over 105 degrees and no shade around and the closest exit over 3 miles away in an area where a lot of people have "vanished" (with either bodies showing up later or never to be seen again). You'll be plenty happy to have a cell phone on hand.
There are a lot of idiots with cell phones, and sometimes I wish they could be made to go through some kind of training for the proper use of cell phones... But cell phones can be useful, especially if you have a sick family member, or if your car breaks down or you're in an accident. I have a friend who was biking in a secluded area and had an accident which left him with his ankle badly broken. Because he had a cell phone he was able to get help a lot quicker than if he had waited in hopes of someone wandering along. And look at the use of cell phones during the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks...
End Quote
Yes Whimsys Ghost, it's sad that those bunch of jerks tend to ruin it for us....the ones that use them responsibly :(
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Free long distance is great ;D
Of course, cell phone use should come with some form of common courtesy. For example, cell phones should never be on in:
1. my classroom (oh, the cell phones I have confiscated...)
2. movie theaters/playhouses
3. anyplace "quiet"
And people should be smart enough not to talk aloud about stuff like personal hygiene or potentially "juicy" details of relationships and what not :P Nobody wants to hear about your yeast infection, lady :P
End Quote
>:( >:(Well said,and another thing---keep them the &%$# out of public libraries!Cheers!
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I don't have one (probably a generation thing), but I can see their advantages...
Saying that, I do wish South East Cattletrucks plc (the train service currently known as abysmal), would introduce 'no-phone' carriages...it's very difficult trying to nod off when some berk is texting the whole of 'War And Peace' to his/her mate...bip, bip, bip, bip, bip...
Worse, is when some bright young thing is jawing to her mate about her (ahem!) salacious 'experiences' with Darren last Saturday night! (You can't help but be awake by now!) All in graphic detail too! Have people no shame??!!
For the record, almost-legendary rock drummer from aeons ago, Cozy Powell, lost his life whilst driving with a mobile glued to his ear...nasty...
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Yeah Cell phone users can be quite annoying at times.
I especially hate it during driving. My friend ran a red lightand got upset because some inconsiderate jerk insisted on calling her repeatedly. I picked up her phone and told the person that she coouldn't talk because she was driving. the fool then said "ooooh, well put her on I'll keep it short!" I then hung up and turned my friends phone OFF. I hope the person who called her never gets behind the wheel of a car.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Plus, they increase one's risk of brain tumours.
End Quote
No they don't. But they do increase your risk of being involved in a car accident or of being physically attacked when you use one at the movies.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
or of being physically attacked when you use one at the movies.
End Quote
When you're in the same theater as me, anyway ;D
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Well,cell phones are the latest craze nowadays.Hey,people are gonna be walking and you're gonna be seeing them wherever you go.You can't just sit in your house all day! :D
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I once saw a couple of girls at school walking to their next class together, talking on their cell phones.
After a while I realised they were talking to each other.
End Quote
I saw that on "Clueless". I find that so pointless and a waste of minutes.
Anyway, I find guilty of talking on my cell sometimes while I'm driving. But (and this is a big "but") I only talk on my phone while I'm driving when I'm in a bit of an emergency such as running late for something, and I keep it BRIEF---not one of those drivers who have long conversations while driving. There's a difference.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
In Britain after 1st December you cannot use a phone whilst driving. You must have a hands free set to use your phone in the car. I think you will get an on the spot fine if stopped by the police. Guess what I'm getting for Christmas?
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I saw 2 girls talking on their cell phone at the same time.How odd! ???
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Ugh. On the bus yesterday morning, a bunch of about eight kids at the back were trying out new ringtones for ALL their phones at the same time.
Why not just listen to one, I hear you ask?
Because they were playing them in a round. One would start it off, then when they were on the second bar of the tone, someone else would start theirs off, and so on.
How many times can one listen to "diddle-duhduh, diddle-duhduh, diddle-duhduhDUHHH" without committing hairi keiri? (sp?)
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
My training program specificially says"No cell phones should be on while in testing"and you know? I had to endure those stupid rings while I was doing paperwork.some people have to have their phones right beside them ::) It's so retarded. >:( What I do is I just leave my phone attached to my hip.I don't feel the need to have people see my cell phone. >:(
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I think you will get an on the spot fine if stopped by the police. End Quote
Like that's going to stop people doing it. Using a mobile phone while driving has been an offence here since they became popularised, but no one cares. Like anything to do with driving offences (speeding, drink driving, running red lights, general automobile stupidity), no one thinks they'll get caught, then when they do, they complain about "revenue collection".
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
people should stop walking and talking.They're gonna bump their heads one day! :o >:(
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
people should stop walking and talking.They're gonna bump their heads one day! :o >:(
End Quote
Then you can just laugh at them. ;)
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Until you bump your own head.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Then you can just laugh at them. ;)
End Quote
Then you can bump their own heads with their cellphone.maybe smash it in pieces. :D
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Here's something to think about:
Last month in the New York Post's "Weird but True" column, there was a story of this lady who had an accident while she was on the cell phone. She crashed into a CINGULAR WIRELESS store!!!!
I know it's not supposed to be funny but I nearly died of laughter on that one.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I have one but use it for emergencies, being a mom and pregnant with baby #2 I like having the phone in case my car breaks down or if I happen to go into labor!!
I used it only once while driving and that was to call 911, I happened to behind a person who was either drunk or ill. This person was all over the road, going across three lanes, almost hitting a car stopped on the shoulder, I kept my distance and my eyes on the road. I felt good about being able to get this person off the road.
I was shopping the other day and stopped in the restroom, some lady was talking on her phone while using the bathroom!! GROSS!!
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Here's something to think about:
Last month in the New York Post's "Weird but True" column, there was a story of this lady who had an accident while she was on the cell phone. She crashed into a CINGULAR WIRELESS store!!!!
I know it's not supposed to be funny but I nearly died of laughter on that one.
End Quote
That's funny! I think fate might of played a role.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
That's the freakin problem.There's not enough peace and quiet anymore.everywhere you go,cell phones are going off. >:(
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
At least it's not as bad as having everyone smoke around you.
Lots of people at my school smoke, even one or two of my friends. So I cut out a picture of a dying lung cancer patient from a medical journal and showed it to them. Heck, the only reason why I didn't want to start dating one of the lads I know is that he smokes (urrgh!).
Which does everyone hate more, fags or phones?
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
You ever notice now The City Buses these days are considered phone booths. >:(
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
End Quote
Hehehe...every time I saw that word while reading The Hobbit and LOTR I couldn't help but snicker ;D
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
At least it's not as bad as having everyone smoke around you.
Lots of people at my school smoke, even one or two of my friends. So I cut out a picture of a dying lung cancer patient from a medical journal and showed it to them. Heck, the only reason why I didn't want to start dating one of the lads I know is that he smokes (urrgh!).
Which does everyone hate more, fags or phones?
End Quote
I agree with you on that one @sskicker.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I agree with the people who are against the actual users not the phone.The users make the phone look bad.Now I dont think they should be called "cell phones" maybe portable entertainment centers.With all the features like camera phones,internet accessibilty etc. it defeats the purpose.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
I agree with the people who are against the actual users not the phone.The users make the phone look bad.Now I dont think they should be called "cell phones" maybe portable entertainment centers.With all the features like camera phones,internet accessibilty etc. it defeats the purpose.
End Quote
call it anything you want.Everybody just wants to be special.I see it all around. ::)Nothing new. >:(
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
It's those people that mobile phone companies target most often.
I think the correct term for it is "creaming"- they launch the product with a really high price and all those people go out and buy it, just so that they can say "Hey everybody, I got the new Siemens (Semens, haha) 3657187234789579821738934789iii before you did!!"
Then they drop the price by £10.... Then another £10.... Then a special offer... Finally you can get one for about £20 when all the fools paid £150. They do that with computer games, too, and I have fallen prey to it. I bought Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 for about £35, and the expansion pack for about £20, a total of £55 for both. A few weeks later, they were selling them both together as a "Collector's Edition Set" for £30.
Subject: Re: Okay, It's Time To Rant About Cell Phones.
everybody just wants to have a cell phone. >:(