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Subject: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
What things do other people do at the movies make you mad?Cell Phones is the most obvious.Then they talk on it not caring at all.
How about the people who save a whole row of seats for people who havent showed up yet?
Then the people think they can put their personal belongings on the seat then they sigh with attitude when you ask them to move it!
Oh yeah then there some people who say "Can I get through?"I tell them say "excuse me then I'll let you through."
Then the selfish people who say seats are taken when they arent because they dont want nobody sitting next to them.
Then the people who are leaving the movie you want to see and they are talking about it giving away what happpens.
This one isnt a pet peeve but makes me wonder.Sometimes I'll sit next to a woman with their date.So all of the sudden the guy has to trade seats with her because he dont want heR sitting next to another man. ???If you cant trust your lady to sit next to another man then dont be with her.What is she going to do?During the movie she will slip off her shoe and start playing footsies with a total stranger LOL!
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
My pet peeve is when someone chews too loudly. It drives me nuts to hear munching and chewing while I am watching a movie.
Another is when the person sitting behind you decides to rest their feet on the seat next to yours. I do not what to have someones dirty feet next to my head.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
When people take little babies to movies and when they start crying don't take them out of the theater.
Also, people who take young children to movies not geared towards kids.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
When people take little babies to movies and when they start crying don't take them out of the theater.
Also, people who take young children to movies not geared towards kids.
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That's my biggest complaint. >:(
The wife and I went to see Kill Bill and was forced to listen to a small child crying. Why the heck would you take a young one to the most violent movie of all time? ???
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
People with loud annoying laughs.
I like to laugh at comedies but not so that everyone turns to look at you. I went out with a bloke who had this sort of laugh. It was so embarrassing and was a contributing factor in me dumping him!
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
I never eat at the movies and don't like going to the movies with anyone that does. :P
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
My movie theater pet peeve is irresponsible parents who bring their babies and whiny children to R-rated movies. To those folks, the R-rating doesn't mean it's okay to bring these kids to these movies if you're staying with them. Splurge on a babysitter or nanny, or better yet, take them to a G-rated film. ::)
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
Once, this family sat down right behind me, two adults and two children. The kids sat together, right behind me and the adults on either side of them. Through the ENTIRE movie, the kids kicked my seat, laughed loudly, and made fun of the movie. The parents said nothing to them. I turned around and asked them to stop several times and the parents would shush me! I was so ticked. And the movie was The Two Towers, so I had to sit through that for 3 HOURS. Needless to say, I was not very happy.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
People taller than me in front. >:(
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
People who sit behind me and kick my seat or use it as a foot rest.
Also when the drink holders are attached to the back of the seats and some guy decides to let his jacket hang right over the holder. Excuse me, but I don't want your germs from your jacket all over my straw!
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
When people clap after the movie! What are they clapping for?
Tall people always sit in front of me! But everyone is tall compared to me, so it's no surprise, I just move when tall people get in front of me.
I think loud annoying laughs are funny. When I hear it it makes me laugh as well.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
I actually have several. The #1 most annoying thing is going to a movie in which all the majority of the people want to do is talk. If you want to talk, go somewhere else. Believe it or not, some people actually pay to see the movie.
2)People who don't "get" the movie. For example, when my husband and I went to see Titanic, the scene where Jack and Rose are floating in the ocean and she has to let his hand go and he starts to sink, a woman behind me said, "What's wrong? Is he dead?" Nah, he'd just napping in freezing cold water. DUH!
3)The thing even worse than that is having to explain the movie to someone while you are watching it. This, in turn, makes you miss part of the movie. (I always explain in a whisper so as not to disturb anyone around me.)
4)I also used hate going to the movies with one of my best friends. Whether she had seen the movie or not she was constantly bumping me on the arm saying, "Watch this. Watch this." Nah, I just paid $7.50 to sit here with my eyes closed.
5)Going with someone whose already seen the movie. They think they have to tell you what's happening. Like we aren't intelligent enough to figure it out.
I know, I take my movie experiences way to seriously. But, going to the movies is a treat for me.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
I am also perturbed by young people that scream, bump, and basically react to every situation in a way that would bother the true movie watcher. That's why I like home DVDs.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
Sticky armrests from previous spilt drinks. :P
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
On three occasions over the years I've gone to see movies at the SONY IMAX in NYC on the upper west side and there were people smoking pot during the movie. !
I kid you not.
Once was during the first Charlie's Angels movie, another was during Depp's Blow and I forget the last time. :o
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
When the FAT PEOPLE have to try to get by! >:(
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
i hate when people talk about what's going to happen next WHILE you're watching the movie. when my friends and i went to see the first harry potter movie, this kid was leaning over my friend's head and breathed on her throughout the entire movie. he also kept saying (to his mom), "look, harry's gonna fly on the broom!" and "mom, the three-headed dog is going to be behind that door!" i was like, "kid, if you don't shut up, i'm going to dump this drink over your head!" (sadly, i don't think he heard me... :P)
another thing that annoys me is when people take up three seats per person...one for their legs, one for their butt, and a third for their arms...
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
How expensive everything is there. I always sneak in my own stuff!
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
>:( >:( >:(People who come in reeking of smoke or B.O.,or who actually smoke when they think the usher isn't looking! :P :P
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
How expensive everything is there. I always sneak in my own stuff!
End Quote
You know what! Don't even go to the movies anymore! That's what Direct TV is for. I was watching I-Spy with Eddie Murphy the other day! ;D
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
I have several pet peeves about going to the movies.
1. Small children (all under 18)
2. people changing seats at least three times during the movie.
3. TALKING- I am known to turn around and tell them if they want to talk, go outside otherwise you owe me $8.00 for my ticket.
4. armrest wrestling, first to arrive retains the arm rest.
5. Late arrivals, light, no light, light, no light.
6. Shoes sticking to the floor as you try to seat.
7. Hearing the sound of someone behind you that spilled their drink, you know its going coming your way.
8. People that leave their empty cups, wrappers, food and wonder why the prices keep increasing.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
I have several pet peeves about going to the movies.
1. Small children (all under 18)
2. people changing seats at least three times during the movie.
3. TALKING- I am known to turn around and tell them if they want to talk, go outside otherwise you owe me $8.00 for my ticket.
4. armrest wrestling, first to arrive retains the arm rest.
5. Late arrivals, light, no light, light, no light.
6. Shoes sticking to the floor as you try to seat.
7. Hearing the sound of someone behind you that spilled their drink, you know its going coming your way.
8. People that leave their empty cups, wrappers, food and wonder why the prices keep increasing.
End Quote
I most definitely agree with what you said.I don't even go to the movies anymore.just too expensive for me. >:(
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
Since I'm 4ft odd, one of them is someone taller in front of me.
Pantomimes -
Once, I went to a pantomime, and I was behind an old couple. I tried looking over their heads, and when a 'ghost' appeared behind a group on stage, they said 'The ghost isn't behind us! Nothing here!' and I joined in, saying 'Oh, yes it is!!' and the couple in front turned and shushed me!!! Now, I can't have fun at a pantomime?
Comedy -
I once went to a Ken Dodd thing on a balcony (dress balcony?) and it was the same joke from the video. I wasn't very happy, having payed quite alot. I was also sick, and my mom came with me and considered actually sending a letter of complaint to Kenneth.
Oh, and MOVIE -
I once went to the 'Harry Potter & Chamber of Secrets' and was annoyed by a young child behind me, and the mother with their 10 year old son. The young child was no more than 1. The little boy kept squealing (quietly - wow!) out, "Mom! Mom! That girl in front touched me! She told me half of what was going on!" and I turned, thinking 'What the heck?!' and the mom told me to get out of the cinema if I were to touch him again and spoil the film. I said, quietly, "I did not touch him. He made that up. If I had told him I'd have a guilty face or a smirk now wouldn't I?" But the mother said exactly the same again. So I carried on watching it, minding my own buisness, and the little boy (who previously had some popcorn and a cup of cola in his hands) said "MOMMY! (quietly) The girly took my poppycorn and my cuppy of pop! It's under her chair!" So I peeked down and saw them underneath my chair. My mom was on my side, but his mom wasn't. The little baby was silently crying now, from everything around them. The mother said 'Get out, you have broken my little boy's heart. You are ruining the film." and I said (my mom joined in saying it too :D) "Your son was planting those tricks on me, maybe because I am taller than him. Please take your son out or repay us our £20.00 each ticket." They didn't repay, and we asked for our money back. They gave it back and we went for home. The worst bit about it was though, that the baby was put into our car (by the son) and the mom told the police and the police tracked 'her' down and imprisoned my mom (and me!)! It was terrifying. We were let out after we told the exact truth and they were arrested for fake crime placed on innocence.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
Since I'm 4ft odd, one of them is someone taller in front of me.
Pantomimes -
Once, I went to a pantomime, and I was behind an old couple. I tried looking over their heads, and when a 'ghost' appeared behind a group on stage, they said 'The ghost isn't behind us! Nothing here!' and I joined in, saying 'Oh, yes it is!!' and the couple in front turned and shushed me!!! Now, I can't have fun at a pantomime?
Comedy -
I once went to a Ken Dodd thing on a balcony (dress balcony?) and it was the same joke from the video. I wasn't very happy, having payed quite alot. I was also sick, and my mom came with me and considered actually sending a letter of complaint to Kenneth.
Oh, and MOVIE -
I once went to the 'Harry Potter & Chamber of Secrets' and was annoyed by a young child behind me, and the mother with their 10 year old son. The young child was no more than 1. The little boy kept squealing (quietly - wow!) out, "Mom! Mom! That girl in front touched me! She told me half of what was going on!" and I turned, thinking 'What the heck?!' and the mom told me to get out of the cinema if I were to touch him again and spoil the film. I said, quietly, "I did not touch him. He made that up. If I had told him I'd have a guilty face or a smirk now wouldn't I?" But the mother said exactly the same again. So I carried on watching it, minding my own buisness, and the little boy (who previously had some popcorn and a cup of cola in his hands) said "MOMMY! (quietly) The girly took my poppycorn and my cuppy of pop! It's under her chair!" So I peeked down and saw them underneath my chair. My mom was on my side, but his mom wasn't. The little baby was silently crying now, from everything around them. The mother said 'Get out, you have broken my little boy's heart. You are ruining the film." and I said (my mom joined in saying it too :D) "Your son was planting those tricks on me, maybe because I am taller than him. Please take your son out or repay us our £20.00 each ticket." They didn't repay, and we asked for our money back. They gave it back and we went for home. The worst bit about it was though, that the baby was put into our car (by the son) and the mom told the police and the police tracked 'her' down and imprisoned my mom (and me!)! It was terrifying. We were let out after we told the exact truth and they were arrested for fake crime placed on innocence.
End Quote
If I were you, I'd probably never go to the cinema again. Poor you.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
I used to do that when I was in school but thats a long time ago.Its mostly kids who do that and the parents will just join in to make their kids happy.The last movie I clapped was "Remember The Titans" it was good movie with an important message.
When people clap after the movie! What are they clapping for?
Tall people always sit in front of me! But everyone is tall compared to me, so it's no surprise, I just move when tall people get in front of me.
I think loud annoying laughs are funny. When I hear it it makes me laugh as well.
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Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
Me too.I heard this guy talking he said he used to work at a theater.The movie studio gets 90 percent of the box office take so the only way the theater makes money is by charging high prices on food.
How expensive everything is there. I always sneak in my own stuff!
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Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
This isnt a pet peeve but I remeber at the end of "Saving Private Ryan" people were either totally silent or crying as they were leaving.It felt like a funeral.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
when the floor gets sticky. >:(
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
They cost a fortune.
The seats are generally very uncomfortable.
I can't eat the popcorn.
Which also costs a fortune.
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
So what'd I do is...get stuff from home and sneak it in your bag or purse. ;D
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
But it smells so GOOD!
Too bad it will put me in the hospital. :(
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
Yeah I BELIEVE YOU had the same experience.
On three occasions over the years I've gone to see movies at the SONY IMAX in NYC on the upper west side and there were people smoking pot during the movie. !
I kid you not.
Once was during the first Charlie's Angels movie, another was during Depp's Blow and I forget the last time. :o
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Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
When I hear kissing and smooching in back of me :P >:(
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
I remember one time this kid in back of me hit me in the head with a coin.I WAS SO PISSED AND WANTED TO CHOKESLAM HIM SO BAD BUT TOO MANY PEOPLE WERE THERE! >:(
Subject: Re: Movie Theater Pet Peeves
I remember one time this kid in back of me hit me in the head with a coin.I WAS SO PISSED AND WANTED TO CHOKESLAM HIM SO BAD BUT TOO MANY PEOPLE WERE THERE! >:(
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ah,you should've gave him a Stone Cold Stunner then the finger ;)