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Subject: What is your "must see TV"?
What shows do you "have" to watch each and every week? There are very few worthwhile shows on television these days but I do have a couple of shows that I try not to miss. Of course, the key word is "TRY".
CSI (the original)
The X-Files was the show that really hurt when it was canceled. I am still recovering.
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
Monster Garage
Dead Like Me
I also like Third Watch but I always miss it.
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
About the only show I have to watch and don't ever want to miss is Survivor. The rest I can do without.
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
The West Wing. They are showing it on Bravo and we have been recording them. We missed one but left room on the tape for when they show that episode again. Otherwise, we almost have the entire series on video (I think they are up to season 3 or 4 and we have been recording season 5 as they show them on Wednesday nights).
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
Friends at 8:00
Everybody Loves Raymond 8:30
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer 9:00
CSI 10:00
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
King Of Queens
CSI: Crime Scene Investigators
Others that I don't like to miss, but won't be too upset if I do...
Everybody Loves Raymond
George Lopez
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
The Simpsons is the only thing I make an effort to record if I'm not going to be home. My other tries to remember to record other shows we watch together, but I feel like if we miss it, I'll just catch it on a re-run.
Subject: Re: What is your
There are very few worthwhile shows on television these days
End Quote
Hi. No offense but you're out of your mind. There is more great TV now than ever. The choices are always expanding. The best writers gravitate to television and movies because that's where the money is. If I had unlimited time, I'd spend a great deal of it with repeated viewings of every episode of
The Simpsons
South Park
Six Feet Under
Family Guy (cancelled)
King of The Hill
That's just off the top of my head and there are plenty of others I'd watch at least once and then there are plenty of others I'd be interested in checking out and then if I had any time left which I would since remember I'd have an unlimited amount of time I'm sure there are plenty I've never even heard of that I'd be interested in. Please don't tell me you long for the so-called "Golden Age" when there were three or four channels to choose from. Wow, I guess I feel kinda strongly about this. Oh, and "Blind Date"; that show's hilarious.
Modified just to add "Friends" which I just thought of. Great show.
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
The West Wing. They are showing it on Bravo and we have been recording them. We missed one but left room on the tape for when they show that episode again. Otherwise, we almost have the entire series on video (I think they are up to season 3 or 4 and we have been recording season 5 as they show them on Wednesday nights).
End Quote
I used to love The West Wing, but since Tommy Schlame left it seems to have gone down hill. :-/
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
The Tonight Show With Jay Leno
Late Night With Conan O'Brien
American Dreams
Joe Schmo (when it was on)
Gilmore Girls (but I've only been able to watch one episode so far this season :'()
I also try to watch as much syndicated Seinfeld as possible. :)
EDIT: I forgot to include Trading Spaces!
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
my must see tv show was cancelled. >:( >:( >:(
it was "the brendan leonard show."
you probably could have guess that from my signature, avatar, quote... ::) ;)
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
The Simpsons! I never want to miss it! It happens to be my favorite tv show!!!! ;D ;D :D
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
I used to love The West Wing, but since Tommy Schlame left it seems to have gone down hill. :-/
End Quote
Oops, I meant Aaron Sorkin...duh. :P
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
The O.C.
The Joe Schmo Show(finished first season)
Family Guy (cancelled but still plays regurlarly in Canada)
The Simpsons (Not so regularly anymore)
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
Tv totally sucks these days, the only show I watch every week is Revolution (Korean music videos) on the International Channel.
Subject: Re: What is your
I have never understood why people watch all the reality shows on TV - we have so many gardening, renovating, survival and big brother type shows on TV at the moment, and to me they seem so boring. However, having said that, I now have to admit that I am soooooooo addicted to Australian Idol. It is my "must see TV" and we are now down to the final two! Any other Aussies addicted to this show? Who do you think will win?
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
After reading the posts I forgot all about
24 (but I always miss this show :-/)
The Dead Zone
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
I do like Boston Public but always seem to miss it now that it is on Fridays.
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
Yep Gecko - me a big Idol fan. I was voting all the way for Paulini but after the travesty of her being kicked out when stupid Cosima should have taken her polyps and gone weeks ago - I have changed my allegience (hmmm spelt that four times and it looks wrong each time !!!) to Shannon - mainly cos I cant stand what Guy does to some of the greatest songs of all time.
TV I never miss:
Since 1984 I have never missed an episode of The Bill - except for the year I lived in the US.
Current not to be missed:
All Saints
Mcleods Daughters
Not to be missed when on:
Big Brother
The Panel
Can be missed - but enjoy when on or found during commercial breaks:
All of the Law and Orders
CSI (but not icky CSI Miami) - its on at the same time as The Bill and All Saints - so taping them all gets complicated !!!
occassional eps of crap like The Bachelor - cheap entertainment.
Any home or garden makeover show
Occassional Frasier
Any Mash repeat
very occassional Raymond - cant handle it in large doses tho
Friends - after many years of devoted non missing - was scratched this year when they messed us around by putting one new ep - then 5 old eps - then one new ep. It was ridiculous. So I bought every season on DVD and will buy this years when its released - and not bother with it on TV. So I have probably only seen two of this years eps.
Subject: Re: What is your
I'll start with the I used to like __________, but...
I used to like John Doe, but it was cancelled due to low ratings. :-/
I used to like Friends, but don't anymore since they decided to pair up pregnant (with Ross' baby nonetheless) Rachel with Joey. It's almost as if they ran out of decent plot ideas for the show. Then again, as it seems to be the case with soap operas, couples who remain loyal, faithful and happy ever after are too boring regardless of babies born to them. Something this inane is quite possibly one of the reasons for the decay of society. :P
I'm off of my soap box! ;D
I really don't watch a whole lot of TV due to lack of time, but when I get to:
My "must see TV":
The Simpsons
Nova (on PBS)
Documentaries (on PBS)
The last one sounds kinda boring, I know. ;D
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
Will & Grace
Forensic Files
History's Mysteries
Modern Marvels
National Geographic
...yeah I'm kinda Nerdy, I live for documentaries ;D
Subject: Re: What is your
Yep Gecko - me a big Idol fan. I was voting all the way for Paulini but after the travesty of her being kicked out when stupid Cosima should have taken her polyps and gone weeks ago - I have changed my allegience (hmmm spelt that four times and it looks wrong each time !!!) to Shannon - mainly cos I cant stand what Guy does to some of the greatest songs of all time.
End Quote
I never did like Paulini - I thought she was so overrated AND full of herself. I think Cosima has a great voice, but I LOVE Shannon. He's got a great voice (loved him singing What About Me and the Frank Sinatra songs) and he's cute and sexy. ;) However, I have a feeling Guy will win cos he's so popular. I guess we will just have to wait and see :)
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
hehehe Gecko - move over here to "Cos City" and you will soon be sick of her ! Trust me.
I think Paulini was just honest about her ability. Kinda like Cathy Freeman saying "Yes in fact I can run". Unfortunately when english is your second language it can get you into a bit of bother when it comes to stating stuff so forthrightly. But out of all of them she is the only one I would pay money to go see.
I do luv Shannon when he is singing Aus classics - 1927 and Barnsey and definately Moving Pictures. I would also luv to see him try Solid Rock and that Ganganjang one - ummm - out on the patio we sit and the humidity we breathe. Sorry suffering lack of sleep blank spot here !! I was uncomfy when he tried Sinatra even tho he did better than I expected.
Sorry - we have hijacked this thread and turned it into an Idol one !!!!!! Should we move ?
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
Since 1984 I have never missed an episode of The Bill - except for the year I lived in the US.
End Quote
I used to love The Bill but in the last year or two it has been awful. They've turned it into a soap opera (and a very bad one at that!) The show used to be about the Police and their job but all you get now is their personal lives >:( I couldn't care less if I see it or not.
The only shows I never miss are:
The News
The Panel
The Fat
Glass House
Queer Eye For The Straight Guy ;D
I did get into Big Brother last year because Damien lives just down the road from us. His Mum wasn't too impressed!
This year I didn't miss an episode of The Office on the ABC.
Another favourite that I hated to miss was Frontline.
Modified to add: I think Guy is going to win Idol!
Subject: Re: What is your
I do luv Shannon when he is singing Aus classics - 1927 and Barnsey and definately Moving Pictures.End Quote
Well, he certainly sang an Aussie classic last night - Working Class Man and I LOVED it!! He does really well when he sings Aussie songs, but wasn't it Millsey who sang 1927? I thought the 80s show they all did was fantastic (of course) and I couldn't believe that one of then was singing 1927!!
And yes we have hijacked this thread a bit - sorry. :)
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
I never miss a science-fiction show. My favourites are all the Star Treks, but I love Andromeda and StarGate SG-1 too. I read a lot of SF as well, especially Asimov (the great one, the master of SF, I am not worthy etc.)
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
Hehehee Gecko - about ten minutes after I typed that my brain went "huh - he didnt sing 1927" !!!!!!!!!!!! But I think what I meant to say was I could picture him singing Compulsary Hero in particular. Yes he rocked last night - I am spending way too much on sms !!
Yes I agree about The Bill - Paul Marchess has completely ruined it. He turned it into a soap. The only reason I remain faithful is cos my old faves from all the decades gone by are still in it. So I watch it for them basically. I will PM you the pics of me with Jim Carver etc !!!
OOOOOOOOOOOh you remined me of Queer Eye - I had forgotten it !! Dont forget to watch the Aussie Queer Auditions for us to choose our five hosts !!!!!! I hope Courtney and Bob Downe get in !!
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
This is pathetic because I even know how it's going to end but "Sex and the City" for me. :P
I live in Canada so I'm watching the final season because we're a bit behind (lol). I don't really watch TV, but this show I have to watch every week, and I don't even know why.
I would also love to watch Judge Judy again, but I don't know when it's on anymore, and I'm usually so busy.
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
Oh I forgot "Sex In The City" until BooBerryMuffin mentioned it! Will Carrie end up with Big ??? I hope so :)
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
I love my sitcoms so I tend to watch Paramount Comedy Channel a lot . . .
'3rd rock from the Sun'
'Mork and Mindy'
'Happy Days'
And on UK Gold . . .
'Men behaving badly'
'Only fools and horses'
'Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps'
'The Office'
I love The Simpsons as well.
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
I love my sitcoms so I tend to watch Paramount Comedy Channel a lot . . .
'3rd rock from the Sun'
'Mork and Mindy'
'Happy Days'
And on UK Gold . . .
'Men behaving badly'
'Only fools and horses'
'Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps'
'The Office'
I love The Simpsons as well.
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
End Quote
Love it! ;D
I forgot to mention:
Kath & Kym
The Secret Life Of Us
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
I have to agree with Bobby on all of the above but must include the brilliant Phoenix Nights (Peter Kay, Dave Spikey and Neil Fitzmaurice).
I'm also a bit of a sucker for any reality TV show (ie Big Brother, Survivor, Wife Swap, I'm a Celeb Get Me Out of Here, The Salon, Pop Idol etc...).
Any show that "disses" people such as What Not To Wear and How Clean is Your House are also compulsive viewing, even if its just to cheer myself up and realise that I'm not really as untrendy or messy as some people would want to believe ;)
Finally, at the moment on BBC1 they are showing a series of documentaries called One Life which are compulsive viewing. Oh, and how could I forget my Soaps - Eastenders, Coronation Street, Hollyoaks.... the list goes on LOL
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
You probably mean the UK version. The US version primarily blew chunks. :P
'Men behaving badly'
End Quote
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
I dont watch a lot of TV. Only...
South Park
That 70s Show
The Office
Man TV sux these days >:(
Subject: Re: What is your "must see TV"?
You probably mean the UK version. The US version primarily blew chunks. :PEnd Quote
Oh right. The UK version had Martin Clunes playing Gary Strang (neurotic nerdy guy) and Neil Morrissey playing Tony (goofy lodger). Caroline Quentin played Dorothy (frumpy put-upon) and Leslie Ash played Debs (Tony's unrequited love).
It had six seasons spanning nine years and had a few specials. I'm sorry to hear the US version wasn't as good. I would love to have seen that.
I hope the US version of 'The Office' will be more successful.