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Subject: Kids These Days
I am probably the only kid my age who likes classic rock.
Every kid in my school either likes Rap or Punk. Personally these musical preferances, are not my taste at all.
They will never match the great music of the '60s, '70s era.
Why others tell me my music sucks, when I hear the crap that comes out of there stereo.
The first time I heard Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix I was inspired, by there excellent guitar work.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
No, you're not the only person your age who likes classic rock. It's funny to hear someone criticize what I listen to when I hear this Chingy/Eminem/50 Cent crap (sorry fans) that THEY'RE listening to. Just everyone's taste I guess.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
My 4 kids range in age 15 - 7 and they like all sorts of music. Friday nights we quite often have a music night. Everyone plays their favourites and EVERYBODY has to listen. So in a night we might listen to everything from Led Zeppelin to The Doobie Brothers to Eminem to Britney Spears to the Hamsterdance! We also listen to a lot of 60s, 70s and 80s compilations in the car on long trips. My 15 year old loves Ella Fitzgerald, my 10 year old son loves Nat King Cole. They love Talking Heads, Midnight Oil, Devo, Beatles, Elvis, Beach Boys .... and lots more. They all have their own CD players and I often find lots of CDs belonging to me or my husband in their rooms. We also have "deck discos" in summer - lots of dancing and disco music! It's great fun.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
Friday nights we quite often have a music night. Everyone plays their favourites and EVERYBODY has to listen.
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I like that idea... mine are currently nine->three, and apart from my elder son who's just got rather into Busted (however inappropriate their lyrics may be for an eight-year-old) they are showing excellent taste in music... most played videos are currently "The Saga Begins" (Weird Al), "I Wanna Rock" (Twisted Sister) and something with Will Young and Gareth Gates (well, you can't have everything :-))
But I do like the sound of each of us putting on a song of choice... consecutively rather than concurrently, of course
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
I seem to be the only 14-year-old, female U2 fan. All the other girls my age are into Gareth Gates, Busted etc. (They don't call it PAP music for nothing.)
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
This Ludacris album I just bought is awesome.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
nah...one of my friends (she's fifteen) is a huge beetles (beatles?) fan and she listens almost entirely to classic rock.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
beetles (beatles?) End Quote
* sigh *
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
* sigh *
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i've seen it spelled both ways..?
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
i've seen it spelled both ways..?
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not the name of the band you havent...they only spell it the wrong way with a 'a'......
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
for a time, back in high school, I was one of the only kids who knew rock existed before 1994.....these kids were only listening to the last 3 years or so, and not even giving older music a chance..there were very few of us who knew the older stuff.....eventully, me and a few others exposed a good deal of the others to older music, and guess what? They loved it! I was so happy lol...this was of course a minority of the school, but it was good enough....there were still people in my grade who hated older stuff....one time, in 12th grade, me and my friends were in there alone and were playing some stuff (Mott the Hoople, the rolling stones, Moody Blues, etc) and some ummm, well, huge black kids (Im sorry, but thats what they were, I cant stray away from this point) came in, and told us to turn this "Crap" off or they were going to throw the radio out of the window (they would not have tryed to bring harm on to us since two of us, including myself, were wrestlers lol)....were refused to turn it off, and well, we won..they left lol
oh, wait, I got a better one....me and three of my friends were sitting around the senior lounge and were playing music (again) and we were playing "All the young dudes", and two umm..how do i explain it, rap loving girls came in, and sat down to eat their lunch. Now we were ont he other side of the lounge, and were playing this, and we could see them not enjoying it...then John Lennons "Jelous guy" came on..this was the last straw for them..one jumped up and yelled "I cant take this anymore!" and she stormed out of the room..the other followed...lol, one of the best moments of the year lol.....anyway, there wa definitly a good number of people that I knew in high school that loved classic rock...
plus, dont tell anyone, but people who like bands like the Strokes, the Hives, the Raveonettes, the BRMC, the Jayhawks, etc, are more or less liking a form of rock that dates back earlier than the 90s lol
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
not the name of the band you havent...they only spell it the wrong way with a 'a'......
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oh...someone told me the band spelled it with two "e"s, and i've had them reversed ever since...haha. ::)
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
My 7-year-old daughter loves most of the music I listen to (70's and 80's). When she hears some of these songs on the car radio she'll say, "Mommy, don't you have this song?" She remembers them because she likes them. :D
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
Let's put it out on the table, there are literal tons of kids out there who listen primarily to classic rock. Matter of fact, I can't think of a single person I know over the age of twelve who doesn't like at least a little music that came before their time. Your Britney-loving fans probably are Abba or Elton John fans as well, or at the very least fans of old-school Madonna. Your fans of hardcore gangsta rap probably have tons of respect for James Brown. That guy over there with the Limp Bizkit T-shirt is probably into a lot of Sabbath too.
Minor note: Billy, if I had been in the room while you played "Jealous Guy" and the Moody Blues, I probably would have screamed and left too.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
Your Britney-loving fans probably are Abba or Elton John fans as well, or at the very least fans of old-school Madonna.
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I'm sure they would appreciate Joan Jett if they heard the original 'I love Rock 'n' Roll' after listening to Britney's version.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
Oh man, these kids get me so pissed! ::) >:( Seriously, how hard is it to see that rap and punk both completely suck? When asked by someone what music I listen to once, I answered, "Rock," now the person replied, "What, like Linkin Park?" Now that made me mad. Linkin Park are the worst -ing band ever, IMO, and should have not, nor never, been aloud to make an album because theyre so -ing bad! Seriously, how do they have fans, they suck. Sorry for that rant. I was trying to restrain myself. But otherwise, back in 7th grade, I was the only liker of my music, eventually, it spread amung the potheads, and then gradually, a few more people liked it. Now a days, its like about half the grade into classic rock, and tahts good. But it makes me mad that Linkin park could ever be passed off as a rock band, much less a good one, and sorta insults my intelligents for someone to suggest that I like them. I dont wanna go off again, so Ill stop here.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
I love the jamminoldies.There are not too many kids out there younger than I am who enjoy the 70's and 80's.most of them like hardcore rap and punk! ::) :P
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
Yeah but I listen to the old Lp's, and there are kids who have never seen a record before. ::)
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
I like Linkin Park's newer singles.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
This is going from one extreme to the other. You can't insist that people recognise classic rock as a genre if you insult their musical tastes. If they make allowances for you, you have to make allowances for them. It's just music- everything else is down to opinion.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
You can't insist that people recognise classic rock as a genre
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Classic rock- Acid rock, Metal, Soft rock, all pertaining to the '60s '70s era.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
Yeah but I listen to the old Lp's, and there are kids who have never seen a record before. ::)
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You must be kidding me... ::) (oy,yoy,yoy!)
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
Classic rock- Acid rock, Metal, Soft rock, all pertaining to the '60s '70s era.
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He meant that you can't make them listen to it.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
I'm sure they would appreciate Joan Jett if they heard the original 'I love Rock 'n' Roll' after listening to Britney's version.
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Well, my daughter has been known to sing these lyrics instead ;-) She's got quite a deep voice for a 9-year-old and can really belt it out (though it's currently Irene Cara's "Fame" which we're hearing most of)
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
You must be kidding me... ::) (oy,yoy,yoy!)
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Subject: Re: Kids These Days
He meant that you can't make them listen to it.
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Subject: Re: Kids These Days
This is going from one extreme to the other. You can't insist that people recognise classic rock as a genre if you insult their musical tastes. If they make allowances for you, you have to make allowances for them. It's just music- everything else is down to opinion.
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When did I insult their musical tastes?
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
No, you're not the only person your age who likes classic rock. It's funny to hear someone criticize what I listen to when I hear this Chingy/Eminem/50 Cent crap (sorry fans) that THEY'RE listening to. Just everyone's taste I guess.
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I don't get that crap & that Chingy guy just got released out here...
So much for getting the best quality music in the world!!! >:( >:( >:(
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
Well, my daughter has been known to sing these lyrics instead ;-) She's got quite a deep voice for a 9-year-old and can really belt it out (though it's currently Irene Cara's "Fame" which we're hearing most of)
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It is so nice to hear that your daughter has a broad base of music, Phil.
I don't think people will warm to our way of thinking if we criticize their music. We would be being exactly what we accuse the kids of being - narrow minded.
I believe that there is a song in every genre we can like if we look hard enough for it. :)
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
I have a Linkin Park wallet,They are pretty good, I do like some early punk, REAL punk, ( I like most 90's punk, like Rancid and Green Day, I know, Rancid is still around)I hate most rap today.I'll give you a list of today's worst rappers
1. Ja Rule
2. Chingy (Thurr?! Come on!)
3. Nelly
4. 50 Cent
and nobody in my school has heard of Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and any other grunge group, but There is this one kid who hates Nirvana, when I try to ask him why, he shrugs his shoulder and says "They suck". Now how can you hate them for no reason.
There are some kids who know who nirvana is, My friends, and that's about it.
Subject: Re: Kids These Days
My Father and I both have the same tastes.We both like the"oldies"stations.He enjoys the 50's and with me I listen to "Motown,Soul and Great Rock and Roll".occasionally,I would listen to dance party music and today's R & B.not too crazy about hardcore rap and heavy metal.It's just not my thing these days. :)