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Subject: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
Which do you prefer... greatest hits CDs or regular CDs?
I collect each. Like if it's an artist who I pretty much know what songs I like from them, for example, I like most Santana songs, then I will get regular CDs from Santana, but if it's an artist whose hits I only care about, like The Eagles (which I got tonight--Vol. I and II) I will just get the greatest hits because greatest hits have the songs I know by them and that's all I care about.
How about you?
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
I'm uncomfortable with the term "greatest hits" because sometimes the songs on them aren't great, nor were they hits. I can see your philosphy; mine is that a compilation album like that is a good introduction to an artist or, like you, a way to get the songs you like most. But I think it's a mistake not to seek out an album or two of that artist because you might well find that some of the songs that weren't necessarily "hits" are better than the ones that were.
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
For about 10 years now I've been collecting Greatest Hits albums from artists or bands that I really like. If I only like one or two songs by a particular artist then I will usually try to find that on a compilation. :)
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
I'm uncomfortable with the term "greatest hits" because sometimes the songs on them aren't great, nor were they hits. I can see your philosphy; mine is that a compilation album like that is a good introduction to an artist or, like you, a way to get the songs you like most. But I think it's a mistake not to seek out an album or two of that artist because you might well find that some of the songs that weren't necessarily "hits" are better than the ones that were.
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Oh, I was planning on saying that too... you are exactly right... some artist's very best songs aren't on greatest hits albums!
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
The fact that I have got The Beach Boys' greatest hits CD on tape is a problem: That problem is that, save for the 1980/1985 collection and Sunflower, there are hardly any CDs I can buy which don't have the greatest hits on. I'll grant that The Beach Boys are a special case where they put 10-14 different songs on EVERY single album they make, The Everly Brothers will put Love Hurts (either version, it doesn't really matter) on 15 different CD's. That annoys me because I then can't buy a NEW set of 13/26/31 tracks.
Not that it matters - a lot of gems are on weird albums anyway, and it's worth paying extra for those alone...
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
For about 10 years now I've been collecting Greatest Hits albums from artists or bands that I really like. If I only like one or two songs by a particular artist then I will usually try to find that on a compilation. :)
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I now operate exactly the same way as you CF.
When I used to buy vinyl albums in my youth I never bought "Greatest Hits" but then I really feel LP's were so interesting in those days - they'd come with posters, coloured vinyl, bonus 45's and all sorts of bits and pieces.
I also agree with Bobo that artists albums are where you'd find the gems. How many times did you buy an LP for a couple of songs and they ended up being the songs you listened to least. I still have all my LP's I couldn't bear to part with them. My favourites have all been replaced with CDs.
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
I usually buy the Greatest Hits. Mostly because I just can't see forking over $16 to buy an album with only 1 or 2 songs I like. AND, if I want music from an older group, it can be sometimes difficult to find the original album. I have recently learned how to download songs so I suspect I'll be doing that more often than not. Oh, using one of the "Pay" sites, of course ;)
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
Regulars. GH CD's are extremely annoying, because when I start liking the artist and I want to buy a real album of theirs, I can almost never find an album which doesn't include the songs I already have.
And what is REALLY annoying is getting a GH album as a present, when you were planning on buying a regular album... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr... >:(
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
The fact that I have got The Beach Boys' greatest hits CD on tape is a problem: That problem is that, save for the 1980/1985 collection and Sunflower, there are hardly any CDs I can buy which don't have the greatest hits on. I'll grant that The Beach Boys are a special case where they put 10-14 different songs on EVERY single album they make, The Everly Brothers will put Love Hurts (either version, it doesn't really matter) on 15 different CD's. That annoys me because I then can't buy a NEW set of 13/26/31 tracks.
Not that it matters - a lot of gems are on weird albums anyway, and it's worth paying extra for those alone...
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??? ???I didn't realize the Everly brothers have 2 different versions of "Love Hurts";actually I donm't mind it's on a lot of CDs because it gives you 'backup' copies of the song.Cd technology allows compactness so it doesn't matter that much to me.But as per the question,I like "regular" cds,like the ones that have 2 albums together.There's a lot of album cuts that I like that didn't get released as a single,like "Memories Are made Of this" by the Everlys. :D ;) :D ;)Cheers! 8)
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
To tie up all loose ends:
The Everly Brothers' Love Hurts (single) I believe was the version on the greatest hits packages. The album version is the one which contains the bridge ("Some fools rave.."), whereas the one on my greatest hits package does not contain the bridge.
Besides, there's about 300 cool Evs tracks I know that I can't find anywhere on CD.
??? ???I didn't realize the Everly brothers have 2 different versions of "Love Hurts";actually I donm't mind it's on a lot of CDs because it gives you 'backup' copies of the song.Cd technology allows compactness so it doesn't matter that much to me.But as per the question,I like "regular" cds,like the ones that have 2 albums together.There's a lot of album cuts that I like that didn't get released as a single,like "Memories Are made Of this" by the Everlys. :D ;) :D ;)Cheers! 8)
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Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
i don't like to buy "greatest hits" albums if i can avoid it, because i like to buy invividual albums. even though the "hits" are supposed to be "great," i tend to not like a band's singles (aka "hits")...i'm more of an "album cuts" person. :) the one exception i made was the ramones because i couldn't find an actual ramones album anywhere...
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
On my Jimi Hendrix "Smash Hits" album , all the songs were hits and I like all of them.
And most of the time I like greatist hits albums. Because they have all the songs your most familier with. But I do prefer the original titles more than greatist hits.
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
Greatest Hits
The Very Best Of... ;D
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
Nowadays, I purchase greatest hits unless I really like the artist's work.
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
I like to get the real CDs, because if I buy the greatest hits, I obviously like the band so i'll eventually end up buying the real CDs anyway, so I figure I might as well skip the whole greatest hits situation.
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
To tie up all loose ends:
The Everly Brothers' Love Hurts (single) I believe was the version on the greatest hits packages. The album version is the one which contains the bridge ("Some fools rave.."), whereas the one on my greatest hits package does not contain the bridge.
Besides, there's about 300 cool Evs tracks I know that I can't find anywhere on CD.
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:-[ :-[I don't remember hearing it without the bridge--doesn't that make it pretty short?I can't believe i missed that!Cheers!
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
"Compilations are for 13-year-olds and soccer moms."
--Kids in the Hall
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
I like compilations because it gives me an overall feel of the band. The problem is after buying a 'best of', is it worth buying seperate albums that have just a couple of tracks you don't have previously? If they are almost unheard tracks, how can you be sure that they are worth the album price?
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
Well, you can use the CD scanner thing and hear the songs while you're at the store.
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
Well, you can use the CD scanner thing and hear the songs while you're at the store.
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Hmm! Probably. For me, it's too much hassle for what could be a couple of tracks. :)
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
As a rule, I like Greatest Hits better. I find that I really generally only like the hits - there is a good reason, apparently, that those are the hits. I don't care who the artist is, it's the truth!
But, if there's an exceptional album w/alot of hits, I'll get it(eg, Thriller).
OTOH, I've found I like alot of country songs generally, so it's been pretty safe to buy me new country artist albums of any type.
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
Just to piss off my favorite crybaby, "Loser" Lars...I'll just Burn them!
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
See, the thing is, a lot of my favorite bands didn't even have hits. So generally the "Greatest Hits" thing isn't an option.
Subject: Re: Greatest Hits, Or Regular CDs?
See, the thing is, a lot of my favorite bands didn't even have hits. So generally the "Greatest Hits" thing isn't an option.
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well, that hasnt stoped GWAR from releasing a GHs package lol