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Subject: what do you think of ....
Crossing Over with John Edward or The Sixth Sense with Colin Fry. I watch both of these shows and as much as I am a sceptic I always end up thinking "OMG how could they possibly know that". How do they do it or do you think there are really some people who can connect with others on the other side?
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
do you think there are really some people who can connect with others on the other side?
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No. There's lots of ways people like Edward can pretend they're actually doing what they claim. Pay attention to the questions he asks people. They're usually vague and wide-ranging and could apply to just about anyone. If he's talking to an older person, he'll ask if they lost someone. Well, who hasn't? And if they haven't lost someone, what are they doing there in the first place?
Edward: "Their name started with J? Or G?" (a great number of names do. How many people do you know whose names start with J or G?)
Dupe: "Yes! J! Oh dear it's John!" (or James, Jane, Jude, whatever)
Edward: "Oh yes, John, that's it... They were close to you... a family member?"
Dupe: "Yes, John was my father" (brother, mother, sister, uncle, etc.)
You can see where this is going. What he does is he asks vague questions that could mean anything and hopes that the person he's talking to will take the bait and tell him something that matches with what he suggests. If they look confused about something, he'll suggest something else until he gets a "hit" from them. Remember also that 'Crossing Over' doesn't go to air live. The show is edited to only show the stuff he gets right. Most people who go along to see him want to know pretty much the same things: are their loved ones ok where they are (wherever it may be), do they still love them, do they have something they want to say, and many of them are so desperate to find out, they'll agree with whatever he says.
Edward: "I see a man wearing a suit..."
Dupe: "My father wore a suit!"
Edward: "It's black... no... blue..."
Dupe: "Yes, that was his favourite colour."
You see? Now... look into my eyes... you are getting sleeeepy...
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
John Edward is totally BSing everyone! People that actually believe him are idiots.
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
I watched a show on this the other night where they taught an actor in just two hours how to cold read.He then set up as a clairvoyant he did so well that they actually had to stop filming and explain to the guy being read that it was a setup.I'm not sure if I completely believe or disbelieve,but I do think there are alot of frauds out there.
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
I saw that. They had a so-called psychic on it to try and read someone behind a screen. The person behind the screen says it isn't true. So what does the psychic do? He shouts to the audience to say if there was anyone there whom his reading applied to. And since it was fairly vague, of course there was someone!
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
Though having said that, I have had one or two things that I think might have been spiritual encounters. But I don't think some people are better at having them than others. And I certainly don't think they should be paid to do it, because surely that's like paying a premium rate phone call to talk to someone who's standing next to you?
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
John Edward is totally BSing everyone! People that actually believe him are idiots.
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I think that's a bit rough. Some people who have lost loved ones are desperate to believe that they can communicate.
Anyway I'm not going to get SUCKED IN again! :D
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
I think that's a bit rough. Some people who have lost loved ones are desperate to believe that they can communicate.
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Yes, and that's exactly the problem I have with people like Edward (or anyone else who claims they can communicate with the dead). He's preying on the desperate. Sure, he might be making them feel better, but he's still lying. It's not quite as bad as someone who claims they can cure cancer when they really can't, but it's still a sad indictment on society when a complete fraud like him can become a millionaire by just making stuff up and calling it psychic ability.
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
I think it might be possible to talk to the spiritual world, as it were- there are hundreds of accounts of people saying they have remembered bits of their past lives, or meeting dead relatives, or hearing messages from God or something.
This is going to sound really weird, but sometimes when I visit my dad's grave, phrases just pop into my head. And it's almost like he's replying to what I'm saying. It's kind of cool, it's not as scary as one would think.
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
I think it might be possible to talk to the spiritual world, as it were- there are hundreds of accounts of people saying they have remembered bits of their past lives, or meeting dead relatives, or hearing messages from God or something.
This is going to sound really weird, but sometimes when I visit my dad's grave, phrases just pop into my head. And it's almost like he's replying to what I'm saying. It's kind of cool, it's not as scary as one would think.
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I agree with you @ssKicker, I also know my son Blaine came to me in a dream and told me he was okay, so for me I don't need anything else ;)
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
I agree with you @ssKicker, I also know my son Blaine came to me in a dream and told me he was okay, so for me I don't need anything else ;)
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Hi RockandRollFan
I think that it's great that Blaine came to you in a dream. My eldest sister, Nona, died in 1985 and she quite often comes to different members of our family in different ways. Before she died she gave my mum an orchid - it only ever blooms on her birthday and Mother's Day (strange but true). Her son says that she comes to him and talks to him. She comes to me in dreams and I feel very calm and settled after I have "spoken" to her. My father has told us that he talks to her in his dreams and she has told him that she is great mates with Princess Diana. Poor old Dad is almost 84 so there could be a bit of dementia there! But you never know!!
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
While I truly believe that many people are able to communicate with the dead and I have had my own experiences - I do NOT believe that those who go on TV and tour the world for PROFIT are genuine.
A true "see-er" is one who does not need to question you at all. They simply see it and say it. They do not need to go thru the whole "I see a man whose name starts with G ..... or J ....... maybe a John?" routine.
I watched one episode of John Edward just to see what kind of feeling I got about him. He is a confidence trickster of old. Of course he will narrow down the odds if he is seeing someone named "John" - and the stuff I watched he was so unspecific about anything at all. The people in the audience were so busy blindly providing all the info for him.
I was on a plane coming back from sydney 18 months ago when the woman beside me suddenly patted my hand and said "Annette is sorry she has to leave so suddenly, she wanted to say goodbye". Other than my acknowledging I had heard her words - we did not speak during the entire flight.
I had no idea what on earth she meant till I got home and there on my answering machine was a message saying my friend annette had killed herself.
Now that is a geniune see-er. Shocked the heck outa me.
This woman didnt give me this message for her own gain or profit. She isnt on TV making gadzillions of dollars out of other peoples desperation to communicate.
Subject: Re: what do you think of ....
I believe there are people who can truly "see", and I don't know if there's necessarily anything wrong with them making money off of it. I have had experiences that noone can explain, and I would be willing to pay someone to explain them. When my great-great grandmother died, we had just gotten home from visiting my grandparents in So. Ill. On the trip, we had gone to see her and my great-grandmother. About a half hour after we got home, the phone rang and I answered it. On the other end was an elderly woman who said "Peg, I'm glad you made it home okay, take care" then the line went dead. A few hours later, we got a call from my grandparents, who told us that my gg-grandma had died that morning (about 5 hours before the phone call). My gg-grandma had called me Peg my entire life, even though it's nothing close to my name, and was always asking about me and how I was doing, etc. even though she had only seen me a few times.
Also, when I was in college, I was taking a final. About half way through, I got really cold, started shaking, and couldn't finish. I took the test to the prof & told him "I don't know why, I just can't do this. I have to leave." After he told me I wouldn't get credit for it, I went home, still feeling strange. That was at 10:27 am. After I got home, I was getting ready for work when my mom called to tell me my brother (who I was very close to) had been killed in a car accident around 10:30. (BTW, I went to the prof at the beginning of the next semester and explained what had happened and he let me retake it. Although I hadn't studied, and had rarely attended class, I got an A+).