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Subject: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading...
What's everyone reading right now?
Just finished "Of Mice and Men"; now am reading "The Grapes of Wrath", both by Steinbeck.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I'm reading Iliad.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
What's everyone reading right now?
Just finished "Of Mice and Men"; now am reading "The Grapes of Wrath", both by Steinbeck.
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Steinbeck's good, enjoy his work
Im still on "Dawn" by Eli Wiesel. Im just wondering how much longer he's gonna contimplate about killing this man. I cant take it too much longer.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I did read earlier in the summer two biographys of Woody Allen, and three books on comedy movies (One was on black comedy, one was on parody and one was a brief synopses of all five genres, Black, parody, screwball, populist and Personality comedies).....I was trying to read George Carlins second book but I never got around to it, and I never got around to reading Dave Barry's Dave Barry strikes back.....
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I recently re-read Good Omens by Pratchett and Gaiman.
I'm now part way through the Bill Bryson book A Short History of Almost Everything (something like that anyway). My hubby bought it me for my birthday last week.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I've just finished Jigsaw Man by Paul Britton, an English crimimal psychologist. Great book if you're interested in that sort of thing (which I am)
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
At the moment I'm reading The Bride Stripped Bare by Anon.
Interesting reading!
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
Just finished 'The Lovely Bones' by Alice Sebold. Written from the perspective of a 14 year old murdered girl.... from heaven. It's quite unusual.... but compelling.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
Just finished 'The Lovely Bones' by Alice Sebold. Written from the perspective of a 14 year old murdered girl.... from heaven. It's quite unusual.... but compelling.
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Hi HolyDooley
We had to read The Lovely Bones for our reading group. It was one of those books that people either loved or hated. I really liked it. Parts of it were hard going because having a 14 year old daughter of my own, it just got too sad. The next two novels we are reading and discussing in our group are A Letter of Saint Benedicta by Rose Tremain and the latest Harry Potter novel (forget what it's called) - I'll have to wrestle it off the kids first!!
Cheers :)
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
Hi HolyDooley
We had to read The Lovely Bones for our reading group. It was one of those books that people either loved or hated. I really liked it. Parts of it were hard going because having a 14 year old daughter of my own, it just got too sad. The next two novels we are reading and discussing in our group are A Letter of Saint Benedicta by Rose Tremain and the latest Harry Potter novel (forget what it's called) - I'll have to wrestle it off the kids first!!
Cheers :)
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I read it with my bookclub as well Jaytee! It was quite a good one for discussion wasn't it. Our next read is The Red Tent by Anita Diamant with Harry Potter coming up in the near future as well.
I wonder if you've read Nick Earls Zigzag St.... being a Queenslander? It was a fun read and very wonderfully Brisbaney!!
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I am rereading the Harry Potter series before reading the new one. I am on book 4 now.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I'm currently reading a couple of books about George Harrison. Pretty good books, too... both written at different times, one before his death, and one after.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
Hope you really enjoyed Of Mice And Men, Lebiew. Have read it twice before myself... once during English class.
Seen the film with John Malkovich and Gary Sinise too. Purty good. Skips around the book a bit, though...
What's everyone reading right now?
Just finished "Of Mice and Men"; now am reading "The Grapes of Wrath", both by Steinbeck.
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Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
Just finished "Of Mice and Men"; End Quote
I had to read this for English Lit at school. I enjoyed the book but we had to do the weirdest coursework afterwards. We had to write a ballad of whatever the two main characters were called (Frankie and Johnnie?)
All I can remember from it was the line 'and it was his dream to live of the fat of the land'.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
the final lord of the rings book...i'm going to finish it tonight, i only have about 200 - 250 pages left.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I think the characters are george and lenny
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
Yep, George and Lennie. And it was a pretty good book, too.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
Yeah, surnames Milton and Small, if my memory serves me right. Except Lennie Small was about 6'8 inches tall, and had massive hands.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I just finished reading the 5th Harry Potter. It was really good. Cat, good idea re-reading the others before tackling this one though. Wish I had done that.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I just finished reading the 5th Harry Potter. It was really good. Cat, good idea re-reading the others before tackling this one though. Wish I had done that.
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I read them all about a year-a year and a half ago and I am amazed at how much I forgot. It is good to refresh the memory.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I read them all about a year-a year and a half ago and I am amazed at how much I forgot. It is good to refresh the memory.
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Yeah, I realized about halfway into the story that I had forgotton some things too. Most of it came back though. I was a little intimidated by the size of the 5th book but it was easy to follow and actually fairly easy to get through. Uninterrupted, I could have finished it in about 2-3 days but since I have a life, it took me about 4 days to get through it. :) Enjoy!!
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I guess I don't have a life, I finished it in two days.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I have to read Jane Eyre for my Women's Lit class; yahooooooo!
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I have to read Jane Eyre for my Women's Lit class; yahooooooo!
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Its good to compare that one to Robocop. ;D
(I doubt anyone knows the Sitcom reference there)
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
Yep, George and Lennie. And it was a pretty good book, too.
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If you like Steinbeck, I suggest "The Pearl." Thats my favorite book by him.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I'm reading a ton of Asimov's books. I discovered him this spring and he's now my favourite author! I just finished Fantastic Voyage, and I've read most of his Robot novels.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
If you like Steinbeck, I suggest "The Pearl." Thats my favorite book by him.
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I had to do Of Mice and Men and The Pearl for school and didn't really get on with either.I had to do Animal farm and 1984 too and I hated both of them ! At least Ialso got to do stuff like Cold Comfort Farm which is still one of my favorite books today.
As to what I'm reading now finally finished the massive book on Mary Queen of Scots I was ploughing through and have just read books 23 and 24 in a series about a fictional family called the Morlands. I have been reading them for over 20 years.Basically it follows one family from the medieval times to the modern day they are fantastically written and once you start reading you can't put the damn thing down! Well worth a read if you are interested in English history.
Subject: Re: So, Since We Were Talking About Summer Reading
I read it with my bookclub as well Jaytee! It was quite a good one for discussion wasn't it. Our next read is The Red Tent by Anita Diamant with Harry Potter coming up in the near future as well.
I wonder if you've read Nick Earls Zigzag St.... being a Queenslander? It was a fun read and very wonderfully Brisbaney!!
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The Red Tent is a great read. I'd be interested to hear what you thought of it. Haven't read Zigzag Street but that is one on our list. Another couple of "Brisbaney" books are "Firehead" by Venero Armanno (good book) and "Dying for Cake" by Louise Limerick which I haven't read but a friend has recommended. Happy reading. :D