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Subject: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
Put one of those laugh boxes in your pocket and activate it as everyone is trying to avoid eye contact. As soon as anyone even chuckles, yell out loudly - "What are you laughing at? You won't think it's so funny if you had Hyenous-terrette syndrome by Proxy" "It's not a pretty disease!"
Stare at one person, then speak inaudibly into the cuff of your sleeve with your other hand over your ear as if you were actually communicating with someone, then look at another person on the elevator and nod knowlingly.
When you hear the elevator bell ring as it stops on a floor, pretend that it is the emercency phone ringing and pick it up. Say "hello, yes, yes, what? I thought I told you never to call me here" and slam the phone down. Act real irritated.
Push all the buttons on the elevator making loud explosive noises as you push each button.
Push your finger into each floor as it lights up and act as if you were driving the elevator. Make a sound like squeeling brakes when the elevator stops and a noise like squeeling tires when it starts up again. Make a beep beep sound occasionally as if you were blowing the horn.
Mark an X on the floor with a piece of chock then move slowly and cautiously away from it never taking your eyes off of it. Whenever the elevator stops to discharge or pickup passengers warn everyone not to step on the X.
Take the elevator to the top floor and block the doors open. Then lie on the floor in a sprawled position and with a piece of chock draw the outline of your body to make it look like a crime scene outline. Unblock the doors and ride it down. Tell everyone getting on that you are a crime scene investigator and to try not to contaminate anything. Single one person out, then talk into your sleeve and put your other hand over your ear. Keep staring at the person you have singled out all the way to his stop.
Bring your VCR remote onto the elevator. Point it toward the floor buttons and push. When nothing happens shake the remote. Point it and push again. When nothing happens tap it several times and look annoyed. Point and push again and then when nothing happens push all the floor buttons and as the elevator stops on each floor simultaneously point and push your remote at the floor buttons. After doing this for three floors announce that the instructions on your elevator remote say to do this when it fails to work in order to clear the memory.
Sing the theme song to the Flintstones and ask everyone to sing along with you.
Make sounds like air brakes on a truck everytime the doors open and close.
Just say Bridge or 10 forward when you enter the elevator then mumble something about Klingons.
Look knowlingly at the person next to you and say -"you know what I like about riding these things?" Then smile and say "no tipping!"
Yell out - give me a B then say B, then yell out again give me a B then say B, then yell out again give me a B then say B, then yell out again give me a B then say B, then say what does it spell? Then put your index finger lengthwise between your lips moving it up and down to make that sound like BBBBBB.
Tell everyone on the elevator that you are ignoring them.
Bring some air sickness bags and pass them out to everyone that gets on the elevator.
Tell everyone that you used to be a mime until you lost your voice.
Tell everyone that they are in an elevator race and that you are suppossed to announce the race. When the elevator starts up start announcing like you would be calling a horse race with something like:
Now rounding the far turn everyone is neck and neck, going into the stretch they're still neck and neck and now heading for the finishline, lettuce is a head. tomatoe is trying to catch up, water is still running and bird poop is on the rail.
Get onto the elevator with a cardboard box full of bags of peanuts. As the elevator starts to move yell out, Hey peanuts, get your peanuts...
When the elevator stops at the lobby stand to the side of the door and say to each person as they get off 'bub-bye' just like they do on the airlines.
Tell people that you are claustrophobic and halfway to your floor stage a seizure. When the doors open tell everyone to stay back and run screaming off the elevator.
While getting on hold the doors open and open all the panels. Tell everyone that you are looking for this elevator's safety record and refuse to let the elevator move until you get to see it.
Wait for the first person to get on the elevator that insists on pushing his floor button even though someone has already pushed it. Then let out a big sigh and say, "oh great, now it will take two stops at this floor to clear that."
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
Thanks for the ideas. ;)
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
you gotta boost yourself up and open the safety door on top just for fun
or start quoting ELP lyrics
Or bring a boombox playing the song "Love in an elevator" by Aerosmith
or comment on everyones clothing as they walk in
Or dress up like a huge artichoke and punch people who enter
or set up a small table, and dress up like a doctor, and have people enter to see you awaiting to do something, and offer them free check ups
yell out that there is a bee on the elevator, even though there isnt
enter the crowded elevator, and proceed to pee in the corner, then leave on the next floor
attempt to give all passengers a hug upon exit
when you get in, remove your pants
use the "I lost my number, can I have yours" on every female who enters, especially if theyre old or with their husbands
cough on all the buttons
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
Just stand there in the centre of the thing with your arms folded and scowl at anyone who attempts to get in.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
Or just stand with your back to the elevator door so you're looking at everyone. Easy but very off-putting! ;)
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
talk on your cell phone. ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
after everyone has entered, hold the door open and claim to be waiting for someone, and hold it open for like 5 minutes, and then close it claiming that he mustve took the stairs.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
I want one of those huge cell phones like in trigger happy tv, then I would talk on it in an elevator!
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
I want one of those huge cell phones like in trigger happy tv, then I would talk on it in an elevator!
End Quote
lol! A few weeks ago, I was at the movies with two friends, and I heard that ring from Trigger happy tv, and I expected to see Dom Jolly get up with the huge phone and talk into it...like on the show...that wouldve been funny.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
If I saw that guy I would ask to use his phone.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
If I saw that guy I would ask to use his phone.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
after the musak stops playing, start humming it over and over again
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
You better hum fast, how long is an elevator ride anyway? I take it NYers ride elevators a lot.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
You better hum fast, how long is an elevator ride anyway? I take it NYers ride elevators a lot.
End Quote
yep, we do...
and I also think as a good idea, enter the elevater as a normal person, and after each stop, announce the floor and whats on the floor to everyone in the elevator.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
I don't get to ride in elevators very much...the only elevator I go on is the one at school, and we have to sneak to get on it because it's for teachers and people who injure themselves.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
I don't get to ride in elevators very much...the only elevator I go on is the one at school, and we have to sneak to get on it because it's for teachers and people who injure themselves.
End Quote
lol! I remember the school elevator...I never rode on it..yet...
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
You just have to wait for somebody to walk out of it and then just jump in, or if you have a friend with an elevator pass it's a whole lot easier.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
STR810UP, you got too much free time on your hands buddy ??? But to add to the fun when an attractive lady gets on sing "Love in an Elevator" by Aerosmith to her if she laughs then you have broken the ice.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
STR810UP, you got too much free time on your hands buddy ??? But to add to the fun when an attractive lady gets on sing "Love in an Elevator" by Aerosmith to her if she laughs then you have broken the ice.
End Quote
lol...sounds like something to try...
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
pass gas!
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
pass gas!
End Quote
There has to be two people in the elevator, you and another guy, then you pass gass, and then if he looks at you, you look back and say, "It was you!"
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
There has to be two people in the elevator, you and another guy, then you pass gass, and then if he looks at you, you look back and say, "It was you!"
End Quote
LOL !!
Chew up oreo cookies, then smile broadly at everyone. ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
bang on the elevator door and say "I want to get out"! :D
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
Youll probably get arrested for this one but...
for everyone that comes in, put your hand in a certain spot and tell them to turn their head to the side and caugh... :o
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
get undressed! ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
This is one my late fiancee taught me, we used to love doing this.
Just walk into the back like most people do, but do NOT turn around. Just stand there facing the back wall. It is so unusual, people will wonder what you are doing.
Or if you are in a silly mood, try to get everybody to jump up and down at the same time, saying that you will either:
1) achieve weightlessness
2) Make the elevator go faster, because when you are in the air, it will be able to move up faster because of less weight
3) Will show that the elevator is having problems, so will continue to the top/bottom floor without stopping at floors in the middle of the building.
I have done all of these, and is funny to see what people will say.do.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
This is one my late fiancee taught me, we used to love doing this.
Just walk into the back like most people do, but do NOT turn around. Just stand there facing the back wall. It is so unusual, people will wonder what you are doing.
Or if you are in a silly mood, try to get everybody to jump up and down at the same time, saying that you will either:
1) achieve weightlessness
2) Make the elevator go faster, because when you are in the air, it will be able to move up faster because of less weight
3) Will show that the elevator is having problems, so will continue to the top/bottom floor without stopping at floors in the middle of the building.
I have done all of these, and is funny to see what people will say.do.
End Quote
lol, thats good facing the back wall! Or if you just go in and start jumping up and down, that would be funny too.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
pretend to use the elevator phone!
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
Another great thing to do is to dress up as a celebrity and see if anyone mistakes you for them.
Once I find enough leather stuff I will dress up as Justin Trousersnake and go into the nearest lift.
Only problem with that is I'm female and five or six inches too short. But hey, I can get one of those stupid hats that he wears and stick it fairly low over my head. Then if anyone turns to me and goes, "Are you...?" I can just smile, take the hat off and shake my hair out.
God I want to do that! :D
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
burp! ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
I tried this once, oh god was it funny the reactions!
Walk into the elevator, and each time the elevator doors close pretend to hyperventilate. When someone takes pity and tries to help, say you're alright, and when you go out, pretend that nothing happened and say they all have weird imaginations. Do this for a couple of days. Then one day, bring in a paper bag full of newspapers for that day. Then that time, when you 'Hyperventilate', breathe into the bag (and cough - especially after someone has taken out a newspaper!) Oh pretend to give them out for the day to keep them busy.
LOL!!!!!!!! It is funny. Try it if you dare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
I found this on 'Al Lowes humor site' -
Frown and mutter 'Gotta go, gotta go.' Then sigh and say 'Oops!' (best in a crowded elevator - and the place with the elevator has no toilet)
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
keep on pressing all the numbers.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
Turn on your personal CD player and start air-guitaring and jumping about. Really get into the rockstar mentality- screw your face up and mime obscenities, but don't make any sound.
Note: It's even better if you're not actually using a personal CD player at the time.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
eat some loud potato chips! ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
Go to the back of the elevator and scream at the top of your lungs.
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
pretend your having seizures. ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid things to do in a crowded elevator.
Stand in front of somebody and mumble something about how you hate people staring at the back of your head.