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Subject: What comics/magazines were you reading as a child?
I loved comics (I still have a load from my childhood but they are worse for wear) and annuals.
I love the 'Fleetway' comics like 'Whoopee','Buster','Whizzer and Chips' and 'Shiver and Shake'.
I didn't mind The Dandy and Beano comics.
What were the comics/magazines you read as a child? :)
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
when I was a kid I used to read (and should still have all of them) Marvel Comics....I only bought old ones though, I have THor #7 somewhere lol.....anyway, I havent even looked at those comics is a lonnnnnnng time...the last comic I bought I think was Marvel Vs. DC......
anyway, also, I read Mad Magazine...I have a whole bookself full of copies of MAD, Cracked (which wasnt funny) and National Lampoon.....I still read Mad occasionally, but they have gone completely downhill in recent years...ever since they got ads (actully, even before it) they havent been funny....when I see a new issue I do buy it, but I wouldnt go out of my way to find new issues now.....I stick to reading old Mads and National Lampoons and issues of the humor magazine I write for (Nonsense Humor Magazine).....
I also read Newsweek every week.....
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
When I was real little (which wasn't that long ago :P) I would read Ranger Rick and Your Big Backyard magazine. Anyone else remember those? I don't know how long they've been around but they're still making them.
Hmmm... I would read the Sesame Street magazines and 321 Contact...
I got Jack and Jill magazine also, and a couple more like that but I don't remember the names of them.
I really haven't subscribed to any magazines lately (but I should now since I have the money). The last magazines I got were a couple years ago-- Popular Science and Motor Trend. I should subscribe to those again...
My sister used to get American Girl, Teen, and Seventeen magazines. We have a little room in our basement and our floor is covered with those magazines! She probably saved every copy... :o
I don't think I ever read comic magazines, like Marvel comics...
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
When I was real little (which wasn't that long ago :P) I would read Ranger Rick and Your Big Backyard magazine. Anyone else remember those? I don't know how long they've been around but they're still making them.
Hmmm... I would read the Sesame Street magazines and 321 Contact...
I got Jack and Jill magazine also, and a couple more like that but I don't remember the names of them.
I really haven't subscribed to any magazines lately (but I should now since I have the money). The last magazines I got were a couple years ago-- Popular Science and Motor Trend. I should subscribe to those again...
My sister used to get American Girl, Teen, and Seventeen magazines. We have a little room in our basement and our floor is covered with those magazines! She probably saved every copy... :o
I don't think I ever read comic magazines, like Marvel comics...
End Quote
I remember Ranger rick..I remember it being around when I was very young (like Elementry school).....I never read it though.....In elementry school I also used to read 321 Contact and Zillions and Home PC ::) ( i dont know how Home PC got into my elementry school readings, lol..but it was there lol).....also, like around Kindergarder, I had Highlights magazines....
oh, and also, I forgot one magazine from somewhat now (although I havent got a copy of it in like a year)....Maxim ::)
No comment on any other adult-um, related magazines.....
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
Ahhh! How did I forget Highlights? I used to read that all the time! ::) :P My grandma used to give me tons of copies of Highlights, because she worked for a library (she still does) and would always give me old copies... remember Goofus and Gallant? Haha... I used to want to punch Gallant for being such a goody-goody ;D Those were the days... :)
Zillions was a cool magazine too, I remember reading it in my elementary school library sometimes, I don't remember it that well... isn't that the Consumer Reports version for kids?
Also in our school library we read Boy's Life and Sports Illustrated For Kids (we would tear out the fake baseball cards in every issue ::) :D)
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
Ah, coolness. I remember Highlights, and Sesame Street and Electric Company way back in the days of my youth. I also remember Zoobooks, and National Geographic (not for kids). I also read Scientific American because it had pretty pictures ;D
I'm more of a DC Universe comic reader but I will read Spider-Man and Hulk every now and then. I recently took up Iron Man again :)
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
My aunt used to send me Zoobooks too...
I'll probably think of twenty more in a half hour. ;D
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
I used to read Girl Talk Magazine but now I read Mizz. I also get Top Of The Pops and Smash Hits magazines sometimes. Other mags I remember reading were Live And Kicking and Big Time. I have a few Elle Girl mags plus I also read The Beano a few times.
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
I didnt read many mags or comics when I was young.I read books,cause I had to mostly ::) I remember Highlights,but we didnt have Sesame Street even back then.This was BC remember ;) Oh and National Geographic-
My Dad had this never ending subscription to it.I swear he left it to someone in his will ;D
When I got older still the NG,Seventeen,Omni,Popular Mechanics(dads)Glamour,Vogue,Cosmopolitan.
I dont even buy mags anymore.I read tons of stuff on the net.I think I read more now than I ever did! ;D
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
Beano, Dandy, And some I can't remember. I'm sure I have the buster collection - and VERY luckily (back then, my dad would give me one comic as a present) there was a new comic, called 'Funflyer'. They said it was a tester, so my dad bought it. Noone else noticed it, though, so they didn't make anymore the next week! :P :'( It was a brilliant comic though, 'Charlie the chimp' and 'Mr. Snooze'. It was an 80's comic, but it wasn't advertised or anything! We just came to the shops (I was 5 at the time) and bought it. here's the 'Mark Motorbike' comic strip!
Mark: What a great day to ride my motorbike! A clear road, wonderf-
(next picture shows cars and buses and other motorbikers driving up the road, zooming past and making a large steamy dustcloud)
Mark: *cough**cough* What's going on?
Robbie: It's the big race, today!
Mark: Brilliant!
(At the racetrack)
Robbie: I'm spending $35 on those tickets for 'Firestream7000'!
Mark: $5 on 'Redhot'.
(at the stands)
man: aaaaaaaand redhot wins
Mark: D'oh!
gud eh?
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
when I was a kid I used to read (and should still have all of them) Marvel Comics....I only bought old ones though, I have THor #7 somewhere lol.....anyway, I havent even looked at those comics is a lonnnnnnng time...the last comic I bought I think was Marvel Vs. DC......
End Quote
I used to read my brothers 'Batman'/'Spiderman' comics. He was about 7 or 8 at the time and I thought 'blimey! This is too much for a seven year old to handle. Great stuff though! I think the Batman cartoon relies heavily on the comic strip - which is good :D.
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
Oh, the usual British stalwarts - Beano, Dandy, W&C, Topper, Beezer (all bar the first two are now defunct!) - I don't have my weekly copy reserved for me by the newsagent anymore(!), but every Christmas, I always insist on the Beano & Dandy annuals! As does my bro-in-law! Between us, we have every issue going back to 1963!
I was never really that taken by any of the action comics - probably because I was a sap!
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
The first magazine that I had a subscription to was Humpty Dumpty (actually it was my mother who took out the subscription in my name so I was so excite when the magazine came in my name). We used to also have Highlights but I was so upset because by the time I got it, the "Find the hidden items in the picture" were already done. >:( Then as I got older, it was Mad, Mad, and then Mad. I also read Cracked once or twice but I always thought that Cracked was just a Mad wannabe.
As for comic books, we used to read Archie a lot. In the Archie comics, you also had Sabrina the teenage witch and Lil Jinx. I also read a couple of my brother's superhero comics like the Fantastic Four. But not much of them.
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
....um...Playboy! just kidding. ;)
Actually,I really can't remember what I read. :(
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
....um...Playboy! just kidding. ;)
Actually,I really can't remember what I read. :(
End Quote
LOL Howard and I suppose you read it for the articles? :o Even though Stephen King did publish some good short stories in it!
I can remember Dynomite, Bananas, Boys Life, Cricket, and the Johnson Smith Co. catalog of gags! Man I wanted some of those neat tricks and stuff! I could stare at that catalog all day! ;D
I never could get into "superhero" with way out super powers comic books. I was more into the realistic ones like WW2 based Sgt. Rock, Sgt Fury, and GI Combat (anyone remember the haunted tank?) I did like one superhero though and that was Conan the Barbarian! I have to admit the Tick was hilarious!
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
I also read Cracked once or twice but I always thought that Cracked was just a Mad wannabe.
End Quote
I completly agree with you here....I never though Cracked was funny at all....it gave a few hehe's, but overall sucked in comparison to MAD.....I think they folded...hopefully, they did..I havent seen a new issue of it in a long time......
I have a few issues of Cracked, (I have some from the 70s!, and a couple from the 90s)....I only keep them because they are old lol...(and I only bought the early 90s ones probably because I was too young to realize that just because there isnt a new issue of MAD out, it doesnt mean I should waste my money on crap.....)
Subject: Re: What comics/magazines were you reading as a ch
Penny Power