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Subject: ghosts
anybody in here believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
Subject: Re: ghosts
Yeah I belive in ghosts, because I've seen 'em.
Do you Mike?
(This has nothing to do with the ghostbusters picture).
Subject: Re: ghosts
Again yes because I've seen one and heard another.
Subject: Re: ghosts
Sure do!
Subject: Re: ghosts
Get Ready To Be scarred..
Subject: Re: ghosts
Yes, because I've seen one or two.
Subject: Re: ghosts
Yes because I seen one when I was little but nobody except my sister believd me
Subject: Re: ghosts
Yes because I seen one when I was little but nobody except my sister believd me
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Nobody really believed me either.
Subject: Re: ghosts
This pic has always made me wonder about the existence of ghosts because as I know a great deal about photography, I cannot fathom how this effect could've been done. In other words, yes, I do believe in the possibility of ghosts.
Subject: Re: ghosts
I think I'm the only one here who doesn't believe in ghosts.
Subject: Re: ghosts
Subject: Re: ghosts
I'm sorry, but a Web site isn't going to convince me to believe in ghosts... I just don't.
Subject: Re: ghosts
I believe in ghosts, but some of this website stuff is ridiculus! Orbs? those so obviously aren't ghosts or paranormal activity for that matter...you wanna hear about ghosts, I know about them:
my house
well I dont know of many in my house, but I know this:
I used to hear a voice say something out of nowhere when I was younger, but I dont know about that...and Ive seen an image twice...I saw one about 5 years ago out of the corner of my eye enter my Living room, it was a woman, I think, but I just go up and left the room...and about 3 years ago, I saw a shadow in my basement walk by the window, and I was the only one down there...
my friend John's house
before I say anything about his house, his grandpa died in it when he was younger
ok, his dog would bark at random things, and once was chasing an invisible thing around the hallway. doors would open and shut right before my eyes, no one was on the other end of them. Things would move right before us, and a mysterious box appeared in his basement one morning when I woke up there(I had slept over), but then when we went back down about to open it, it was gone. And I know it was there because I touched it, and tried prying off the tape there, but nothing. and it was gone when we returned. Once as well, when I was there his attic opened in the middle of the night, and once I awoke and I did think I saw something, but when I opened my eyes fully, it was gone.
Jerry's house
Jerry I dont know anymore, but I had spent the night in his house a few times
well lets see, I awoke in the middle of the night to a gust of wind loudly passing by outside my door once. One time, I woke up to find my shoes right next to me(he was of asian decent, so my shoes were left in the foyer, as I was told to do). Tvs would unplug themselves. Thats about it, his house didn't seem that haunted.
Larry's house
Larry's house is an old Colonial from about 1860, so old, that all the bathrooms in the house were either once closets or bedrooms.
anyway, every floor in his house squeaks excessivly, and all the time Im in his house, I hear squeaking from the floor above or same floor. His house has 3 stories plus a basement and attic, and every time Ive been in his third floor, I think the stuff re-arranged itself. Pictures fall off walls. Again, his dog, like John's, barks at and chases invisible things. The splitter kept going off one night when I was at his house, and there was no storm of any kind going on, even after he went down to change it, it went off again. noizes, often, very often.
but these are all true experiances had by me while in these people's houses. and there is my proof, no one else as of now has put up such a good case as I, but there's how I know that theres something after this life, and it may be paranormal...
Subject: Re: ghosts
I think I'm the only one here who doesn't believe in ghosts.
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Lebeiw, you'd be the first to die ;D
Subject: Re: ghosts
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the only pic out of all there I think really has anything to do with ghosts or paranormal activity
Subject: Re: ghosts
I believe. I have seen and heard.
As a child, there was a ghost in our house. It was a lady, pacing the floor and singing a lullaby to a baby. It was very comforting to see/hear her.
As an adult living in my bachelorette apartment there was a ghost of a security guard still doing his rounds every night. He rattled my doorknob every night at 2am, (to make sure it was locked) and if I looked out my peephole there was nothing to see. The only two times he didn't rattle my doorknob was the two times there were fires in the building...and I had to get out.
Recently, there has been a ghost visiting me in my dreams. I know it's a ghost because it is a person who has been dead for some time. They are not ordinary dreams because I am getting warnings of things that have not yet happened, and once I was protected from injury by the ghost.
Subject: Re: ghosts
I believe. I have seen and heard.
As a child, there was a ghost in our house. It was a lady, pacing the floor and singing a lullaby to a baby. It was very comforting to see/hear her.
As an adult living in my bachelorette apartment there was a ghost of a security guard still doing his rounds every night. He rattled my doorknob every night at 2am, (to make sure it was locked) and if I looked out my peephole there was nothing to see. The only two times he didn't rattle my doorknob was the two times there were fires in the building...and I had to get out.
Recently, there has been a ghost visiting me in my dreams. I know it's a ghost because it is a person who has been dead for some time. They are not ordinary dreams because I am getting warnings of things that have not yet happened, and once I was protected from injury by the ghost.
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after my great grandmother(my father's mother's mother) died, females in my family have had dreams of her being with another family member, who would be dead the next day...scary...
Subject: Re: ghosts
the only pic out of all there I think really has anything to do with ghosts or paranormal activity
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That pic's pretty freaky. Thanks for the direct link, man.
Subject: Re: ghosts
I'm sorry, but a Web site isn't going to convince me to believe in ghosts... I just don't.
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I wasn't trying to convince you!
Subject: Re: ghosts
That pic's pretty freaky. Thanks for the direct link, man.
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A few month's ago I was looking at this site, and that pic scared the hell out of me!
Subject: Re: ghosts
That pic's pretty freaky. Thanks for the direct link, man.
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no problem
Subject: Re: ghosts
Mike Florio's link was rather freaky, but I don't believe it shows a ghost. Maybe something in the photo that makes it look like a ghost, but if you ask me it seems a pretty unusual place for a spirit to manifest itself. HS' link to the boy in the tree was a little more convincing, but only at first. The background of the pic, the area behind the branch where the bird is perched, is out of focus and distorted. This is not just in the area where the "boy" is, but across the whole photo. It looks like a boy, but it probably isn't. I've seen and heard things that may have been ghosts too. But they could have been others things, also.
Subject: Re: ghosts
I love how that Shadowlands site asks you to enter with an open mind, and then treats everything as indisputable fact, without offering any rational analysis whatsoever. That's not openmindedness, it's foolishness.
They even put photos like this there as proof of the existence of things, even though they've been proved as fakes!
Subject: Re: ghosts
I believe in spirits.
Subject: Re: ghosts
Yes, I believe in ghosts. I have never seen one per say, but I have felt presences many times. The strongest I felt one was on Halloween over 10 years ago. I was on my way to work and I felt a presence sitting the passerger seat of my car. I knew who it was and started talking to him. It was shortly after that incendent that I learned that on Halloween, the vail between the physical and spiritual worlds is the thinnest.
Subject: Re: ghosts
Yes, I believe in ghosts. I have never seen one per say, but I have felt presences many times. The strongest I felt one was on Halloween over 10 years ago. I was on my way to work and I felt a presence sitting the passerger seat of my car. I knew who it was and started talking to him. It was shortly after that incendent that I learned that on Halloween, the vail between the physical and spiritual worlds is the thinnest.
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Hallowe'en is also known as All Hallows' Eve. It's the night before All Saints' (All Hallows') Day, the Christian festival that celebrates the lives of the saints. The date was established as November 1 by Pope Gregory III in order to replace the pagan festivals of Samhain which celebrated the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It was also when the Celtic peoples believed that the spirits of the dead moved to the other side, and therefore mingled with the living on the way. The used to light fires and sacrifice crops to help them on their way, so they wouldn't get lost.
The modern celebration of Hallowe'en is a corruption of the Christian and the pagan traditions. There's no reason why the veil between the physical and the spiritual would be any thinner on that night than at any other time, other than the fact that ancient Celtic people believed it were so. If it were the case, manifestations would happen at Hallowe'en more often than any other time; the people at that ghostpix site that was posted earlier seem to think that they happen all the time, especially in mausoleums late at night. Real parapsychologists will argue that a ghost will haunt the place where its physical body died. Unless they died in the crypt itself, why would they hang around in there? They're ghosts, not vampires.
Subject: Re: ghosts
Hallowe'en is also known as All Hallows' Eve. It's the night before All Saints' (All Hallows') Day, the Christian festival that celebrates the lives of the saints. The date was established as November 1 by Pope Gregory III in order to replace the pagan festivals of Samhain which celebrated the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. The modern celebration of Hallowe'en is a corruption of the Christian and the pagan traditions. There's no reason why the veil between the physical and the spiritual would be any thinner on that night than at any other time. If that were the case, manifestations would happen at Hallowe'en more often than any other time; the people at that ghostpix site that was posted earlier seem to think that they happen all the time, especially in mausoleums late at night. Real parapsychologists will argue that a ghost will haunt the place where its physical body died. Unless they died in the crypt itself, why would they hang around in there? They're ghosts, not vampires.
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Samhain is when pagans honor their dead. Some even bake cakes and leave them outside for their loved ones who have passed over. In Mexico, they still celebrate the Day of the Dead which does stem from ancient pagan celebrations of Samhain. As for the veil being the thinnest-it just means that communication between the two worlds is easier. That does not mean that you can communicate throughout the year.
I do agree that ghosts probably wouldn't "hang out" in muasoleums. They would probably "hang out" in places that have some kind of significance to them-whether it was the place they died (especially if they died unexpectly or "before their time"), where they were the happiest, or where they loved ones are. Sometimes more than one place. I have heard that the most haunted place in the world is the Tower of London. Having never been there, I wouldn't know. Maybe some of our friends in England can tell us their experences they had visiting the place.
Subject: Re: ghosts
Excerpted from the official Tower Of London webby:
There are many stories of ghosts, poltergeists and other malevolent spirits connected to the Tower of London. Who hasn't heard the one about the headless apparition of Anne Boleyn stalking the Tower grounds at night. Who for instance, hasn't heard stories of the chained and headless Sir Walter Raliegh being seen on the ramparts close to where he was kept prisoner. The Tower of London with its 900 years of history has earned itself a multitude of spine tingling stories, mainly due to its infamous reputation as a place of execution. The following stories are different in the fact that as far as we know, they have never been told before, at least not beyond the boundaries of the Tower of London.
Subject: Re: ghosts
As a materialist and athiest, I'm sceptical to say the least BUT:
My family and I moved to WAY northern New York and bought an old house, maybe 100 years old. We moved in around mid June and regularly heard laughing, like a young girl and a man. The sounds were NOT coming from outside. As we worked on the house we stripped the wall paper from one room. The first level was of clowns and ballons. Once we had removed that old wall paper the laughter stopped. Can't explain it, will not try. "There are more things under heaven and earth, Horatio, that are dreamed in your simple philosophy" - W. Shakespeare
I'm thinking of the music introducing "Twilight Zone"
Subject: Re: ghosts
As a materialist and athiest, I'm sceptical to say the least BUT:
My family and I moved to WAY northern New York and bought an old house, maybe 100 years old. We moved in around mid June and regularly heard laughing, like a young girl and a man. The sounds were NOT coming from outside. As we worked on the house we stripped the wall paper from one room. The first level was of clowns and ballons. Once we had removed that old wall paper the laughter stopped. Can't explain it, will not try. "There are more things under heaven and earth, Horatio, that are dreamed in your simple philosophy" - W. Shakespeare
I'm thinking of the music introducing "Twilight Zone"
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wow...I liked that story...
Subject: Re: ghosts
one more for proof...
HS will like this one...
Subject: Re: ghosts
one more for proof...
HS will like this one...
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I didn't see the face but I am not surprised with Gettysburg-another noted very haunted place.
Subject: Re: ghosts
I didn't see the face but I am not surprised with Gettysburg-another noted very haunted place.
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try the link now
Subject: Re: ghosts
the only pic out of all there I think really has anything to do with ghosts or paranormal activity
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Count me amongst the ranks of the unbelieving....
And as far as the story in this link goes...you can bet if I was yanked out of my bed by the ankles by an unknown entity...my bags would be packed immediately!!!
Subject: Re: ghosts
My weirdest ghost experience(forgive me to those who have read this in an earlier post)was at a friends house which was a very old manor house.I had got up earlier than anyone else and was in the kitchen.The house had two staircases the main one and then the back one which ran down in front of the kitchen door.I heard footsteps on the upstairs landing and knew my friends brothers had bedrooms in that part of the house so when the footsteps started down the stairs I stuck my head out of the door and asked 'Tea or Coffee?' there was noone in sight put the footsteps carried on down the stairs and along the corridor past me.As you can imagine I nearly had a fit.All my friend said when I told her was sorry didn't I tell you about that !
Subject: Re: ghosts
one more for proof...
HS will like this one...
End Quote
Sorry, but that picture doesn't prove anything.
Subject: Re: ghosts
My favourite haunted house story is the one about 50 Berkeley Square:
Subject: Re: ghosts
wow...I liked that story...
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Thanks - its true, and I missed the sound of that laughter. It sounded so innocent and so loving ;D
Subject: Re: ghosts
I definitely believe in ghosts and such. I mostly feel a presence nowadays, but when I was young I used to see ghosts left and right.
Here's a story that I would like to share:
When I was in the fourth grade, there was this ugly kid who always used to mess with my friends and I whenever we would play jump rope during recess(let's call him Peter)He had long red hair, dirty looking clothes and funny shoes. He would always run through the ropes yelling at us. Whenever this kid would come around no matter how hot it was, we would always feel cold wind. After talking with some other kids we realized that Peter had a thing for messing with black children in the school yard. Needless to say when we told our teachers about this kid, all efforts to locate were unsucessful. After that summer ended, Peter never showed up again.
It wasn't until I got to Highschool that I realized that Peter was a ghost. After doing a little research about my neighborhood for a school project. I found out that my neighborhood used to have dutch Settlers. These settlers also kept slaves. The type of clothing that Peter wore looked similar to what the Dutch settlers wore. My theory Peter could have been the ghost of a slaveowners child seeing how he liked to haunt all of the Black children in schools.
go figure.
Subject: Re: ghosts
I definitely believe in ghosts and such. I mostly feel a presence nowadays, but when I was young I used to see ghosts left and right.
Here's a story that I would like to share:
When I was in the fourth grade, there was this ugly kid who always used to mess with my friends and I whenever we would play jump rope during recess(let's call him Peter)He had long red hair, dirty looking clothes and funny shoes. He would always run through the ropes yelling at us. Whenever this kid would come around no matter how hot it was, we would always feel cold wind. After talking with some other kids we realized that Peter had a thing for messing with black children in the school yard. Needless to say when we told our teachers about this kid, all efforts to locate were unsucessful. After that summer ended, Peter never showed up again.
It wasn't until I got to Highschool that I realized that Peter was a ghost. After doing a little research about my neighborhood for a school project. I found out that my neighborhood used to have dutch Settlers. These settlers also kept slaves. The type of clothing that Peter wore looked similar to what the Dutch settlers wore. My theory Peter could have been the ghost of a slaveowners child seeing how he liked to haunt all of the Black children in schools.
go figure.
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whoa...so you were interupted by a ghost everyday at your schoolyard...wow...that was a good story...
Subject: Re: ghosts
one more for proof...
HS will like this one...
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I liked it very much, though I keep trying to rationalize it. ;D
Subject: Re: ghosts
Of all the hoax pictures the first type is the easiest to make.Its a modern-day deguerreotype.Exposure speed for these can be up to 20 min depending on light available.
To get a "ghost",someone or something is placed in the arrangement,then after about half the exposure time is up,its removed.Voila!Instant ghost! ;D
Others use composites,layering all sorts of things.
Subject: Re: ghosts
oh my God, I seriously think that what I hear now is a ghost of some kind...
it is 3:19 am, Im in my den, my door is closed. My parents are both in their bed room with its door closed, my brother upstairs, my door was open a crack before, and the closet in teh hall, when the door is opened it has a familur squeak. Well I just heard that squeak, and then my door closed all teh way. Now I could swear I hear voices in my hall, dont know what I should do, so Im just sitting here. Ghost maybe....
Subject: Re: ghosts
oh my God, I seriously think that what I hear now is a ghost of some kind...
it is 3:19 am, Im in my den, my door is closed. My parents are both in their bed room with its door closed, my brother upstairs, my door was open a crack before, and the closet in teh hall, when the door is opened it has a familur squeak. Well I just heard that squeak, and then my door closed all teh way. Now I could swear I hear voices in my hall, dont know what I should do, so Im just sitting here. Ghost maybe....
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ps, judging by my situation, its not a break in either...
Subject: Re: ghosts
one more for proof...
HS will like this one...
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I'm not convinced. This was obviously a museum exibit, and appears to be in A GLASS CASE. The reflection isn't off the wood, but off the glass. Sorry but this one isn't at all convincing.
Subject: Re: ghosts
The reflection isn't off the wood, but off the glass. End Quote
Yep. Nothing supernatural about that one at all.
Subject: Re: ghosts
oh my God, I seriously think that what I hear now is a ghost of some kind...
it is 3:19 am, Im in my den, my door is closed. My parents are both in their bed room with its door closed, my brother upstairs, my door was open a crack before, and the closet in teh hall, when the door is opened it has a familur squeak. Well I just heard that squeak, and then my door closed all teh way. Now I could swear I hear voices in my hall, dont know what I should do, so Im just sitting here. Ghost maybe....
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Maybe your brother, mother, or father going to the bathroom. ;D As I said in my first post, and will amplify now, I'm not a believer. But then, as I said their too, "There are more things, Horatio... I think that these photos are doctored, just like the UFO ones, or set up.
There are two issues
1. are there ghosts
2. are these "photographic" images of them real.
My guesses (and they are only that) are
1. I have'nt the slightest idea but I doubt it (even after my experiance described above)
2. My guess is that they are fake - as are the ones shown on some of those TV shows that I watch when nothing else worth watching is on (100 channels and NOTHING to watch - we all know about that)
But Casper is real, right? ;D You all believe in Casper don't you? ;)
Subject: Re: ghosts
I'm not convinced. This was obviously a museum exibit, and appears to be in A GLASS CASE. The reflection isn't off the wood, but off the glass. Sorry but this one isn't at all convincing.
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actually there was no glass case, and my dad(the photographer) was the only person in the room...
Subject: Re: ghosts
Maybe your brother, mother, or father going to the bathroom.
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nah, cant be true...either one of my parents would've opened the door to the den, or at least knocked to see who was inside, and my brother never left because the only enterence to his room is through the den, unless he was viseting my grandma and she left teh door open...but that rules that out...
But Casper is real, right? ;D You all believe in Casper don't you? ;)
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