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Subject: First Kiss
When did you get your first kiss? where?? what age??? I got mine last night :-[
Subject: Re: First Kiss
You're ahead of me ;) I didn't get mine until I turned 20. I'm not really a kisser, more of a hugger :)
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I got my first "peck" at age 12. Yes it was on the lips, but it was only a closed-mouth peck. We were on my front porch.
My first "real" kiss was when I was 21. It happened on the train ride home from where we both worked.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
When did you get your first kiss? where?? what age??? I got mine last night :-[End Quote
That boy better treat you well or he'll have a few folks to answer to... ;) ;D
First "kiss" kiss? I was 16. At the girls' home. It wasn't bad, but my stomach was upset afterwards... :P
Subject: Re: First Kiss
You're ahead of me ;) I didn't get mine until I turned 20. I'm not really a kisser, more of a hugger :)
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Reminds me of something I said once: "I got so many hugs today, I feel like a pimp." :D ;D ::)
Back ontopic, no first kiss yet...in junior high it all means nothing anyways. ::) :P
Subject: Re: First Kiss
Get back to me in ten years and I'll tell you how it was.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
Haven't gotten my first kill yet. I'm kinda big and scary (according to one girl) so it might not happen for awhile.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
Whoops! ;D I meant kiss . ;)
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I was 16. It was at the guys house. Definately a moment I will remember for the rest of my life.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
how do you mean kiss?
Is it a french kiss, on the lips
or just like a more friendly type, like on the cheek or somewhere thats not exactly the mouth, but of course it would be mutual, both sides kiss
if its the seccond one, then Im winning! I was 11 when my first one occured...6th grade, at a skating place where we'd all hang out, and this girl from another school who I had just met, but my friends knew for a while was there, and when she said goodbye, she was kissing everyone goodnight, and I wasn't left out...good times...
Subject: Re: First Kiss
Second grade....guy kissed me, guy got smacked. I got in trouble. Guy never bothered me again. End of story.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
Second grade....guy kissed me, guy got smacked. I got in trouble. Guy never bothered me again. End of story.
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show off! ;D
Subject: Re: First Kiss
show off! ;D
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Subject: Re: First Kiss
First one with tongues and stuff was at a party at the age of 16 and it was HORRIBLE !!!!!! too much tongue, too much saliva YUCK YUCK YUCK.Amazingly it didn't put me off for life and after that I was always snogging people at parties ;)
Subject: Re: First Kiss
My first kiss was in the park with a lad from school, Neil, when I was 14. Nobody told me about tongues beforehand so I accidently bit him!
Subject: Re: First Kiss
When did you get your first kiss?
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Too long ago to remember... obviously not that momentous an occasion ;-)
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er.. on the lips?
I got mine last night :-[End Quote
Congratulations. Now don't get carried away... :-*
Subject: Re: First Kiss
My first kiss was in the park with a lad from school, Neil, when I was 14. Nobody told me about tongues beforehand so I accidently bit him!
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LOL thats funny :D
Subject: Re: First Kiss
Too long ago to remember... obviously not that momentous an occasion ;-)
er.. on the lips?
Congratulations. Now don't get carried away... :-*
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I know on the lips silly :D but like where..in a house..outside :) and dont worry I wont get carried away :D
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I had a dream last night where I got a little peck...and my first thought after it while still dreaming was that I need to come here and post about it. ::) Then, when I was surfing the net here and came across this topic again, I realized that it was in my dream. ;D
In other news, I need a life.... :D
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I got my first real kiss at the age of 18, which is embarrassingly late to have a first kiss, but I made up for lost time pretty quickly. It was in my car, in the parking lot of the elementary school near my house.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I got my first real kiss at the age of 18, which is embarrassingly late to have a first kiss, but I made up for lost time pretty quickly. It was in my car, in the parking lot of the elementary school near my house.
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Yeah Kenny!
Subject: Re: First Kiss
first kiss. October 1996. started kissing slowly then I got to give her the WILD TONGUE! she was pretty good But she told me,"you're going too fast". :P ;D
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I was 14.I was at a party next door for my best friends birthday.Her brother LIKED me.I LIKED her brother.We would hang together at school and start trouble and get wasted and such deviant behavior.
Well later into the night my friend started playing her pop tunes and disco.Me and her brother and a couple other kids went into the basement and blasted Deep Purple and Judas Priest(We called it stereo wars) ::)No the parents left us to our own devices.
We were laid back half wasted and he just kissed me.Tongue and all.Neither of us went too fast or too slow so we kissed again and again ad nausem.What about the other 2 ppl down there?? They were going out together so everything was cool:)Ahhh the good old '70s before AIDS.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I just couldn't control my horomones back then. I kissed her mouth,then went to her neck and so on and so forth....you get the idea. :o ;)
Subject: Re: First Kiss
Like a lot of people ask, it depends on the kiss. The first meaningful kiss I got was when I was 15 by my high school sweetheart. I really didn't know much about kissing in those days-but apparently, he didn't either so it was ok. My first "french" kiss was when I was 17. I was dating this guy who was 23 (yes, I know, an older man-I have always had a thing for older men. ;)) We went to the drive-in with my sister to see the movie Grease. My sis when to the snack bar and he leaned over and gave me my first french kiss. I was shocked and didn't know what to do. I think I might have pushed him away because I wasn't expecting that tongue. I did appoligize and told him that I was just a novice and didn't know what to do. This poor guy, he wanted to teach me a lot-not just about kissing ;) and I just was not ready.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
My first kiss was how I met my first girl friend. I went (stag) to a dance and there she was: tall, blond, buxsom, and very pretty. We danced once or twice, and as the dance was ending I gave her a gentle, but "insistant" kiss. She responded in kind. We dated for over a year, and the kissing etc continued. Often wonder what happened to her.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
When did you get your first kiss? where?? what age??? I got mine last night :-[End Quote
Hope it was welcome and exciting ;) Please just take it slow, after all, your still just a kitten. ;D
Subject: Re: First Kiss
Hope it was welcome and exciting ;) Please just take it slow, after all, your still just a kitten. ;D
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I will :) and it was welcoming but not quit exciting....the tongue thing was kinda icky :o
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I was 14. On the end of the pier in the town I grew up in.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I'd just like to inform everyone that as of right now, my sister's boyfriend is meeting my father. :o
My cousin and I are laughing our a$$es off in the kitchen. ;D
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I Got my first "peck" at 15 or 16...game of truth or dare. I remember the guy smelling like doritos.
My first "Real" Kiss came at 18. It was absoluetly vile! The guy drooled so much that I felt his warm spit flowing into my mouth. I almost threw up. Needless to say I haven't been a devoted fan of tounge kissing eversince. I try to avoid it when I can.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
My first kiss was when I was 20. It was with this girl I couldn't stand. It was a case of having a bit too much to drink.
Subject: Re: First Kiss
I Got my first "peck" at 15 or 16...game of truth or dare. I remember the guy smelling like doritos.
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-starts to sing Weird Al-
You know you smell like Fritos...that's why I'm giving you this hungry stare...
Did anyone else instantly think that when they saw the thing about Doritos? ;D :D ::)
Subject: Re: First Kiss
-starts to sing Weird Al-
You know you smell like Fritos...that's why I'm giving you this hungry stare...
Did anyone else instantly think that when they saw the thing about Doritos? ;D :D ::)
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Yes, I was gonna say that, but you beat me to it :P ;D