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Subject: eyebrow piercing
My mom says no...but I REALLY want one...and my sis offerd to pay for it if she said yes..I think theres nothing worng with it right..??? I mean if I dont like it then I can take it out right??? well what do you think? please say yes :)
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
Hey, it's your eyebrow ;D
Just try not to get it infected...or maybe I guess you should wait until you do turn 18, then you'd have a more informed decision about it and your parents won't be able to stop you :)
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
Mom said that you are full of it. She doesn't care what anyone says, she said no. And she said she'd think about it until you turn 18.
But I think you should do it. ;D I'm good at forging her signature. ;)
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
well tell mom to kiss my white butt :P
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
oh and if she doesn't care what everyone else thinks then why did she ask people at work?
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
I used to work with a woman who had an eyebrow ring. Just like earrings, hygeine is the key. She had no problems with it being infected...and after it had totally healed and been in a while she could take it out if she had to.
The thing is....no reputable studio will do it until you are 18...or mom comes in with you. And you really, really, really don't want to go somewhere that will break that rule....that's how you get infections and diseases.
If you really, really want one...it's worth waiting till you are 18....or mom changes her mind.
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
I used to work with a woman who had an eyebrow ring. Just like earrings, hygeine is the key. She had no problems with it being infected...and after it had totally healed and been in a while she could take it out if she had to.
The thing is....no reputable studio will do it until you are 18...or mom comes in with you. And you really, really, really don't want to go somewhere that will break that rule....that's how you get infections and diseases.
If you really, really want one...it's worth waiting till you are 18....or mom changes her mind.
End Quote
I agree. I've seen and known too many kids (no offense intended Alicia) with nappy, infected faces. There's one girl whose eyebrow was so infected, the infection went down past her eye. Talk about disgusting. Such a pretty face, then this gross mess - UGH! - she started wearing a patch over it because it was so bad.
In the end, it's your face. But you still live at home. Doesn't sound like a battle worth having with your mom. Think of all the other great arguments you could be having!
Don't do it just because it appears "everyone else is" doing it. That's a lame reason.
So I guess that's my long-winded way of saying don't do it.
Are you and Jessica really sisters?
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
Are you and Jessica really sisters?
End Quote
We are. :)
And I was joking about forged signatures. I told her I'd pay for it IF she got our mom's permission. She's working on it. ;D
If by some miracle our mom said yes, I'd take her to the same studio I went to.
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
Are you and Jessica really sisters?
End Quote
yes we are...but dont tell anybody...it's a secret ::)
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
well...how much trouble would you get in? :D if you think she'd really really flip out you should probably wait until you're eighteen...an eyebrow ring would be hard to hide from your mom.
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
My opinion is the eyebrow piercing doesn't look right. The eyebrow is not really a "lobe" to pierce. I can accept a collection of tissue and skin haveing a rod punched through it but the eyebrow is right next to the bone. Looks more like an unfortunate fishing accident than anything decorative.
Now navals are sexy and toungues are tolerable, regions left unsaid are better that I leave unsaid. ;)
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
:P :PIf you have acne you probably shouldn't do it because the piercing might end up right in the middle of the goopy stuff.Cheers!
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
I must be getting more of a coward the older I get...all I thought when I read this thread was OUCH that's gonna hurt.
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
Personally, I don't think they look right but that isn't the issue here. I think you should listen to your mom and wait. Once you are 18 you can do it without permission. You only have a couple of years to go, I know it sounds lame but trust me it isn't as long as you think.
Good luck with whatever you decide. :)
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
I don't think they look too flash either Alicia I'm sorry, but if you do get it, like everyone has said, please make sure it's hygenic :)
I did get a laugh from Race's description about the fishing accident though :D
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
My opinion is the eyebrow piercing doesn't look right. The eyebrow is not really a "lobe" to pierce. I can accept a collection of tissue and skin haveing a rod punched through it but the eyebrow is right next to the bone. Looks more like an unfortunate fishing accident than anything decorative.
Now navals are sexy and toungues are tolerable, regions left unsaid are better that I leave unsaid. ;)
End Quote
I agree Race and most jobs require you to remove the jewelry or get fired, which I hear for several people is a painful daily experience since the studio cut too close to a nerve, and you have to keep a stud so the hole doesnt close up.
I have no problems with navel or tounge rings although I have seen some women go to extreme on thier ears and have more that ten piercings. We laughed at one raver many years ago who walked into the restaurant where I worked, she had so much weight on her ears that when she walked they flapped! ;D
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
Another thing you might want to consider, Alicia is whether or not a brow ring would look good on you. Like others have said, they often look stupid or weird.
The lady I used to work with who had one did not look right with hers. It didn't go with the shape of her face, her coloring, her makeup, or her hair. She looked dumb.
One of the young men who works with my daughter at her afterschool program has one and on him it looks goooood (drool, drool, It helps that he's a total hottie to).
I bring this up because I was talking with one of the other 'board members the other day about earrings on men. Some men look extra-hot with one (just one) and some men look stupid in them (or "effeminate" was what my buddy said).
I've seen ads for magnetic, or "clip-on/screw on" type jewelry. So you can try it before you buy it, so to speak. You'd get to see how you looked wearing one...but there's no permanent holes, no risk of infection, and while you mom might still get mad, at least she'd know it wasn't permanent.
Why not look around for something like that to give the idea a practical test drive?
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
Personally I think they are sexy, but then again, im oddly strange and Ghetto. But at the same time, you need to respect your mom.
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
I have to agree with Kat on this one...depends on your face. If nothing else, to help you decide...go get a fake one, you can find them everywhere and wear it for awhile and see what you think, and then ask others. That way if you do like it and your mom does not freak out, she might agree to it now. Plus if you decide you dont like it, then you dont have to worry about it healing up
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
I think Xenakat and SS have the right idea. If you like it, then when you get old enough get it done.
Subject: Re: eyebrow piercing
IMHO eyebrow piercings are a bit extreme, but then again I'm really not in the position to judge(I have a pierced tounge). All i can say is make sure your piercer is clean and knows what they're doing. from what i remember, your face contains a buttload of precious nerves. If your peircer makes one wrong umm...stick, you could end up looking like Mary Jo Buttafucco. Just be careful, that's all!