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Subject: Inlaws?
For those of you who have inlaws (or know someone who does), how are they?
I have to say I'm fortunate that mine aren't too bad. I have never had a fight with them and (as far as I know) they have never lied to me. Also, they would give us (or help us with) anything we needed. I am going there with the kids for 5 days (hubby will be joining us Fri night until Sun afternoon), and I know we are always welcome.
My best friend's, however, are a nightmare!!! She is currently going through (what is turning out to be) a nasty divorce and hers have only gotten worse. She has had problems with her MIL off and on, but nothing like now. Her MIL has flat out lied to her on many occasions (always getting caught) and told her kids that they were going to take them "far away". Needless to say, they won't be seeing her kids for a loooong time, which is going to make things difficult because her soon-to-be ex is living with them.
Anyway, how are everyone else's here? Good, bad, ugly? ;D
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
:-XI'm taking the 5th on the grounds I may go balistic. ;D ::)
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
Mine are great. They don't live too close. They are nice to me. What else could I ask for?!
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
Oh, and I forgot to add, they also don't live too close. But, it's only a 2 hour drive. ;)
I also forgot to add my SIL's, the twins. They are pretty cool, too. On the few occasions hubby and I have gone out of town alone, they come up and stay with the boys for the weekend. Or, when we go down there to visit, the boys stay at their house on Fri & Sat nights.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
My ex-in-laws were terrible. I sued my ex-mother-in-law and won. ;D But, as they say, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree and my ex was deffinately a "mama's boy." ::) His mother could do no wrong.
My future in-laws are just the complete opposite. I just love my future father-in-law and future sister-in-law. They have welcomed me into the family many years ago. I remember one of the first times I talked to "sis" on the phone even before meeting her. I told her that I was very much in love with her brother. She told me, "I approve." (I never met my future mother-in-law which I am so sorry about. :'( I hear that she was a wonderful person. I have felt her presense many times.) They are great and wonderful people and I can't say enough about them.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
Not married here, yet but what would your significant other say about YOUR parental units? (a twist on the topic)
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
I have no inlaws but I get on very well with my girlfriends parents.
They are really nice to me and have 'adopted' me in a sense. They will do anything for my girlfriend,her son and me.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
Not married here, yet but what would your significant other say about YOUR parental units? (a twist on the topic)
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Mine are pretty good, too. They live fairly close and we see them often. There's never been a problem, there either :)
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
My ex-mother-in-law actually warned me that her son was "trouble" and I should "get out now". I didn't believe her at the time....I wish now I had. :( I only got to talk to her twice on the phone since she lives halfway across the country...but she seemed like a nice person.
I do not get along well with my sister-in-law. I don't know how my brother puts up with her. She is the jealous and possessive type. She cannot trust my brother alone anywhere. If he is going to take mom out grocery shopping (since she doesn't have a car) my sister-in-law has to tag along..and keeps yakking and yakking about nothing....just so my mom and brother can't talk.
She offers all kinds of unsolicited advice then gets upset if you don't take her suggestions. But if you do take her advice...you are "copying" her and "need to get a life".
She has caused my brother to declare bankruptcy twice by running up all the credit cards, then using the trick of paying the Visa with the MasterCard. Back when they still allowed you to have student loans forgiven she declared a bunch of them, too.
And she is the laziest woman I have ever met. She is fifty years old...still in college because she keeps changing her majors, and has never held a job for pay in her life. Except for once that was a class requirement...and even then she did the barest minimum she could get away with. She has so many degrees there are people camped outside her door begging her to come work for them, and name her own pay rate and benefit package. And still she won't work.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
My x mother-in-law was horrid. She accused me of molesting ALL of my kids. She questioned my x as to whether it was safe to go sailing with me as we tried to salvage our marriage. Basically, she hated my guts - don't know why. My future mother-in-law, on the other hand, is a very nice, sweet, and well meaning - but ditzzy woman. She has her quirks but is a very lovely woman. I look forward to having her as a mother-in-law. She already calls me son-in-law, and has always shown me love and respect.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
My inlaws couldn't be better....they live on the other side of the world
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
I have been divorced from my ex for years but my "out-laws" still consider me part of the family and we get along better than I do with some of my real relatives!
My SIL and MIL are 2 of the sweetest people to walk the earth. I love them both dearly. The first time I saw my SIL after my ex and I split she grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug and said "You will always be my brother...no matter what!!" ;D
I talk to them regularly on the phone and via email. And I see them everytime I visit the old hometown.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
Not married here, yet but what would your significant other say about YOUR parental units? (a twist on the topic)
End Quote
Both of my parents are gone now but my husband got along with both of them great! He's more like them in personality than he is his own family.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
My x mother-in-law was horrid. She accused me of molesting ALL of my kids. She questioned my x as to whether it was safe to go sailing with me as we tried to salvage our marriage. Basically, she hated my guts.End Quote
Well Don I think that anyone that unlawfully accuses people of molesting children is despicable. What a dangerous game to play!
I'm glad you now have a mother in law that is really nice.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
I get along with my mother in law. My father in law is on the other coast and have only met him a couple of times. But my husband does not have a very good relationship with him. I get along great with my hubby's brothers, their wives and our neices. On the flip side, my husband has a better relationship with my brother than I do. My father was very ill when my husband and I met but they got along well...My dad passed before we married. But, I am very grateful that they had the opportunity to meet. And no ill feelings with my Mom either. Guess I am pretty lucky.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
anyone have any out-laws? ;D :D ;)
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
anyone have any out-laws? ;D :D ;)
End Quote
I guess you missed this Howard...
I have been divorced from my ex for years but my "out-laws" still consider me part of the family and we get along better than I do with some of my real relatives! End Quote
;D :) ;D
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
I'm engaged so it's almost inlaws.
Well my mother bless her can be hard work so I don't blame Ian for getting frustrated with her on occasion,she drives me mad alot of the time and my poor Dad too! However she does mean well and has a good heart so you put up with it really.Ian's Mum is kind of similar so I was already prepared shall we say !! I get on great with his family,his Dad told me I was the best thing to ever happen to Ian which was SO sweet.Ian gets on with mine well too including my siblings,and my nephew who adores him and is about as obssesed with Star Wars as him too,now I wonder where that influence came from.........
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
Well Don I think that anyone that unlawfully accuses people of molesting children is despicable. What a dangerous game to play!
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I agree with Bobby, that is so not cool. >:( I think people that falsely accuse people of molestation should have to go to jail themselves. This can ruin a life, even after it is proved to be untrue. The accused still has this hanging over their head.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
I never met my Mother in Law. I talked to her on the phone once and I will just say that she was a major b*tch.
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
I'm engaged so it's almost inlaws.
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Congrats Gis :) Hope your wedding kicks butt and your married life is *checking thesaurus* absolutely fabulous ;D
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
I agree with Bobby, that is so not cool. >:( I think people that falsely accuse people of molestation should have to go to jail themselves. This can ruin a life, even after it is proved to be untrue. The accused still has this hanging over their head.
End Quote
I guess I should elaborate. She never formally accused me to the police or anything like that. What she did was to tell my EX that I was molesting the kids. To her credit, Sue didn't buy it for a sec. and told her mother so. She also felt perfectly safe going on an overnight sail with me. She knew I wasn't planning to make her "walk the plank" (although by that time in our relationship I can't say that the thought didn't cross my mind ;) :'(
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
I'm an Outlaw(hubby would attest to that).
I have no parents and My Father in law is like a dad to me.I call him dad:)We almost lost him 3 yrs ago to a massive coronary.But he made it and me and hubby at least give a crap >:(
My mother in law......shes sweet,naive,naive,bible thumper,Interferes in her childrens lives but not my hubby or mine.As long as I dont see her to much its okay ::)
My 4 brother in laws rule!!Theyre sweethearts. ;D
My sister in law is a cranky ornery thing,but she has good moments:P
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
I guess I should elaborate. She never formally accused me to the police or anything like that. What she did was to tell my EX that I was molesting the kids. To her credit, Sue didn't buy it for a sec. and told her mother so. She also felt perfectly safe going on an overnight sail with me. She knew I wasn't planning to make her "walk the plank" (although by that time in our relationship I can't say that the thought didn't cross my mind ;) :'(
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That's good to know. I guess your ex-MIL takes the cake. :-/
Subject: Re: Inlaws?
That's good to know. I guess your ex-MIL takes the cake. :-/
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She was seeing a shrink for paranoid schitsophrenia (sp), so yeah, she did "take the cake". She critisized everything I did or said, especially to her daughter. I'm sure she was trying to break us up. Again, don't know why. She really made things miseralble. Glad to be rid of her - and my EX had some of the same problems. My family was very glad that we got divorced, and they really like Cat.