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Subject: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha think?
::) I dident see it all the way thru yet.. but TATU`s prefomance.... my my my...had i been eating or drinking sumthin at that point i surely woulda spit it out..
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
Pink tried to outlesbian TATU, but she was nowhere close.
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
LOL..!!! pink licks everyone.. its expected!!
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
I actully saw part of it (I know, Im embarressed, but I was at my friends house and we were jaming on guitar at the time...I promise, I wasnt listening!) lol..anyway, I remember there was some catorgory where William Defoe was nominated as well as someone else that is a huge star but has been in nothing that anyone in the MTV bizarro world would know...and Im saying to myself, these people should by all means win the award and beat out Eminem or Johnny Knoxville or whoever else was nominated, but I thought.....the f-in MTV audience has no clue at all who these people are! And of course they lost to eminem or someone one of a lesser acting ability, and its all because the MTV influencced kids have no clue who these people are! This is another reason why I hate MTV.............
Any awards show in which "Blue Crush" is nominated for something other than worst movie has no creditability at all in my eyes.............
I honestly can not express how much I hate the MTV garbage generations view of pop cultre....I mean, when I gre up, MTV was hot....it was just before they had their fatal turn for the worst (early 90s) ....I remember every kid in school was watching MTV.....all of those people kept on watching it trough all the garbage music they were playing around mid 90s...I dispised this........
Its worse now........any kid whose musical knowledge comes purely from the late 90s/2000s MTV is ignorant in my eyes...its unfortunate, but these people have never experienced good music (or movies it seems as I looked at what MTV nominated).......
I already know MTV will never change back...they are already a lost cause........I was shocked about 6 months ago when I turned MTV on at 4 in the morning and saw a DAVID BOWIE video be played ("heros" to be exact).....I almost had a heart attack.........I couldnt beleive that MTV was playing GOOD MUSIC.....I really couldnt beleive it...but then I thought...no one is going to see this, its at 4 in the morning.........then some garbage Shaggy video ccame on, but anyway, I dont have high expectations for MTV
>:( ...egh...sorry about all this ranting...I had to vent
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
I actully saw part of it (I know, Im embarressed, but I was at my friends house and we were jaming on guitar at the time...I promise, I wasnt listening!) lol..anyway, I remember there was some catorgory where William Defoe was nominated as well as someone else that is a huge star but has been in nothing that anyone in the MTV bizarro world would know...and Im saying to myself, these people should by all means win the award and beat out Eminem or Johnny Knoxville or whoever else was nominated, but I thought.....the f-in MTV audience has no clue at all who these people are! And of course they lost to eminem or someone one of a lesser acting ability, and its all because the MTV influencced kids have no clue who these people are! This is another reason why I hate MTV.............
Any awards show in which "Blue Crush" is nominated for something other than worst movie has no creditability at all in my eyes.............
I honestly can not express how much I hate the MTV garbage generations view of pop cultre....I mean, when I gre up, MTV was hot....it was just before they had their fatal turn for the worst (early 90s) ....I remember every kid in school was watching MTV.....all of those people kept on watching it trough all the garbage music they were playing around mid 90s...I dispised this........
Its worse now........any kid whose musical knowledge comes purely from the late 90s/2000s MTV is ignorant in my eyes...its unfortunate, but these people have never experienced good music (or movies it seems as I looked at what MTV nominated).......
I already know MTV will never change back...they are already a lost cause........I was shocked about 6 months ago when I turned MTV on at 4 in the morning and saw a DAVID BOWIE video be played ("heros" to be exact).....I almost had a heart attack.........I couldnt beleive that MTV was playing GOOD MUSIC.....I really couldnt beleive it...but then I thought...no one is going to see this, its at 4 in the morning.........then some garbage Shaggy video ccame on, but anyway, I dont have high expectations for MTV
>:( ...egh...sorry about all this ranting...I had to vent
End Quote
Wow. You read my mind. ;) 8)
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
I like the MTV awards for all the reasons listed above. First of all it's a nice break from the crusty awards shows like The Golden Globes, or the Oscars, where every year it seems that only BORING movies that no one has seen win all the awards. I think it's cool to see some actors poking fun at themselves and not taking themselves too seriously.
I don't think that Willem Dafoe or Morgan Freeman are going to be that upset that they lost an MTV award to Eminem, because they and the rest of the world already know that they are better actors than him.
Its worse now........any kid whose musical knowledge comes purely from the late 90s/2000s MTV is ignorant in my eyes...its unfortunate, but these people have never experienced good music (or movies it seems as I looked at what MTV nominated).......
End Quote
This is exactly what my father would say when I used to listen to The Beastie Boys or Soundgarden when I was a teen. And it sounds just like my grandfather when my dad used to listen to the Beatles and Led Zeppelin when he was a kid. And so on, and so on...
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
I must say I do enjoy the skits....the Charlie's Angels / Vince Vaughn one was classic. :D
The performances and hosting was horrible.
I read something at mtv.com (only for the Real World + Road Rules stuff, plus to find some new bands) that made it sound like Adam Sandler would be hosting. I was disappointed when I found out who was hosting....J-Tim (lol) and Seann William Scott both had their terribly-sickening moments.
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
I like the MTV awards for all the reasons listed above. First of all it's a nice break from the crusty awards shows like The Golden Globes, or the Oscars, where every year it seems that only BORING movies that no one has seen win all the awards. I think it's cool to see some actors poking fun at themselves and not taking themselves too seriously.
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well, I agree about the other awards shows.....they havent had a movie or actor that truely deserve it win in a LONG time....the boring movie usually does win....thats why the only awards shows I watch are the American COmedy awards (which sometimes is off as well) and the grammys
I don't think that Willem Dafoe or Morgan Freeman are going to be that upset that they lost an MTV award to Eminem, because they and the rest of the world already know that they are better actors than him.
End Quote
apparently the rest of the world does not know, as the eminem won the award...if the rest of the world knew it would be unanimusly William defoe's award
This is exactly what my father would say when I used to listen to The Beastie Boys or Soundgarden when I was a teen. And it sounds just like my grandfather when my dad used to listen to the Beatles and Led Zeppelin when he was a kid. And so on, and so on...
End Quote
theres a difference here....this is my generation! I see my cohorts being influenced by MTV and I think it is terrible.....plus, I try to keep myself on top of the music sceen, so I bet that when I have kids, Ill be listening tothe same music lol....(well, plus the music I already listen to lol)
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
Willem Dafoe's campy but pretty awesome performance as the Green Goblin lost to the little girl from The Ring. And I agree; she was, indeed, the better villain.
And anyways, the MTV Movie Awards aren't about best performances, they're about best pop culture phenomena. That's why Eminem won those awards; not for his respectable and fairly compelling acting job, but because he's the most famous.
Quoting:Its worse now........any kid whose musical knowledge comes purely from the late 90s/2000s MTV is ignorant in my eyes...its unfortunate, but these people have never experienced good music (or movies it seems as I looked at what MTV nominatedEnd Quote
Oh, come off it.
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
I was going to watch it. Then I realized I had a life.
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
Anything and everything that has to do with MTV sucks. ::)
Yours truly 8)
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
Make that 2 votes for MTV SUCKS....geez...they don't even remember that it's supposed to stand for MUSIC Television :-/
Subject: Re: who saw the MTV movie awards...and whatcha thi
Glad I missed it. :D
The last time I watched the MTV Movie Awards was when Kirsten Dunst co-hosted the show.
I actually enjoyed the "Spider Man" parody, expect that Jack Black was a tad annoying as Yoda from last years' award show.