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Subject: Hows Your Summer So Far?
Well How Is It? I want to know ;)
Mine is off to a slow start, conscidering the fact that we here in Michigan are finally getting some consistent warm weather. Peace---Ghetto John ;D
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
I WISH it was summer - im sitting at the computer in trackky pants, slippers and jumper - with a heater on about a cm away from me! I HATE WINTER >:(
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
I WISH it was summer - im sitting at the computer in trackky pants, slippers and jumper - with a heater on about a cm away from me! I HATE WINTER >:(
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I just want to take this opportunity to give a shout out to all of the Aussies out there. It's very hot here in the States, well Arizona at least, we hit 110 today. Get out the sunblock!
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
I just want to take this opportunity to give a shout out to all of the Aussies out there. It's very hot here in the States, well Arizona at least, we hit 110 today. Get out the sunblock!
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Where I live (in SUNNY Queensland ???) it got to -1 degree C this morning. It was soooo hard to get out of bed for work :-/
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
Consider yourselves lucky with 110 temps >:(
I live in the NE and its been rain rain rain cold rain.I mean rain for a month with maybe 4 half sunny/sunny days.
We've had sun the past 2 days and I dont really trust that were going to have sun for the rest of the week.Too good to be true :'(
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
I cant use sunblock cause it irritates my skin, and I cant be in the sun for too long cuz ill get severely burned and Ill get really sick. :(
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
Typical California "June Gloom" down here at the beach. :P We're supposed to have warm weather this week though. ;D
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
It is a typical Kansas summer here, the corn is really growing from all the dagnabbit rain we had last month, and yesterday was a beautiful 80 degrees and sunny. Today should be the same, and June is usually the end of the tornado season..... :)
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
here in eastern pennsylvania, it's been raining almost every day, extremely humid, and temps in the 80ºF/27ºC range...in other words, it's REALLY HOT. the air conditioner doesn't work in my room either. :'( but the computer room (obviously, the one i'm in now) is one of the coldest rooms in the house (excluding the basement), so i can survive...until july, anyway! ;)
I WISH it was summer - im sitting at the computer in trackky pants, slippers and jumper - with a heater on about a cm away from me! I HATE WINTER >:(
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i'll trade places with you!!
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
Summer hasn't started yet. June 21st, that's the start of summer, at least in the States. But June has been very, very wet.
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
AS far as the weather goes, summer kind of sucks.
But I've been to a couple festivals and didn't get heat exhastion - so it's all good.
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
It's been pretty good so far. June has been fairly hot (today is Africa hot!! ;D) with very little rain. I'll happily have a brown yard so I can have warm weather...I detest rain! I know, I know...why do I live on the Wet Coast then?
Subject: Same Ol', Same Ol'...
...The same as every summer going back quite awhile; I work full-time and, in many cases six or seven days per week. No more lazy, three month summer vacations where my buddy and I can look at each other and repeat, "Whaddoyouwannado..?" "Dunno, whaddoyouwannado..?"
Dang it all...I'm single and I'm not having as much fun as I thought I would...
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
I'm almost convinced that here in Blighty we have summer by instalments...three days half-decent, two roasting, then a month's worth of the wet stuff in 4 hours...
But, if recent is anything to go by, can't complain...my strawberries are coming up a treat!
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
Summer actually started last Thursday when Cat & I went for a 4 day sailing trip. Motered some, but sailed in the rain, in the sun, and in cloudy weather. Man I love those big white floppy thing. Living on the boat is GREAT. Good fishing too. Can't wait to go again.
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
quiet so to speak.I wish my friend Robert was here so we could go out to eat during the weekends but he is living in Abany now.I'm still bored without a woman.It will be almost 2 years since she broke up with me(October 2001)and that's most of the "bored"part of me. >:( :(
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
Well....it's unofficially summer by the calendar..but you'd never know it from the weather.
It's rained here in Boston for almost three weeks straight...and it's been a cold rain. The sun finally came out today...but it was as cold as early spring....you really needed a jacket or sweater.
As to activities...I can't wait till school is officially over on he 24th. It's getting more and more difficult to get the kid out of bed an on that bus.
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
Is it summer?? ;D
Actually the weather is hot hot HOT at the moment and I'm desperate for the storms that are meant to come today it's way too humid.I'm on holiday this week and have loads of jobs to do and can't get up the energy to do any of them !!
Subject: Re: Hows Your Summer So Far?
here in eastern pennsylvania, it's been raining almost every day, extremely humid, and temps in the 80ºF/27ºC range...in other words, it's REALLY HOT. the air conditioner doesn't work in my room either. :'( but the computer room (obviously, the one i'm in now) is one of the coldest rooms in the house (excluding the basement), so i can survive...until july, anyway! ;)
i'll trade places with you!!
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im in the same location.... my summer is great it will be even betta when this mono goes away... ughhhhh!