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Subject: dumbest movies ever
Ill reply with my thoughts on this later...first, tell me what you think is the dumbest movie ever...
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Absolutely positively has to be "Freddy Got Fingered".
Followed closely by "Battlefield Earth".
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
worst, or dumbest...I wouldnt call Battlefield earth the dumbest, id call it the worst lol....
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Stupid premise, stupid plot, stupid characters, stupid story, stupid ending.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Stupid premise, stupid plot, stupid characters, stupid story, stupid ending.
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I agree with all of that statement - except, I LOVED THE MOVIE. :)
So even though I know it had a stupid plot and stupid story etc, I loved it. I guess Im just a sucker for soppy endings ;D
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
I agree with all of that statement - except, I LOVED THE MOVIE. :)
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Me too!! ::)
My vote for dumbest movie has to be "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"!! I couldn't even sit through all of it!! It was SOOOOOOOO bad!!
"To-mate-ah got little Jimmy...ate him all up"
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Stupid premise, stupid plot, stupid characters, stupid story, stupid ending.
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I think 'Independence day' is a close second, only saved by the fact it's so bad it's funny!
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Me too!! ::)
My vote for dumbest movie has to be "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"!! I couldn't even sit through all of it!! It was SOOOOOOOO bad!!
"To-mate-ah got little Jimmy...ate him all up"
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"I know I'm gonna miss her...a tomato ate my sister" ;D
That is such a bad movie that you have to laugh. I mean, where else could you find the song Puberty Love ;)
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and Titanic.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
All of the Revenge Of The Nerds movies. Any Jim Carrey movie up to The Truman Show (which was great!).
Almost any sequel movie.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
The new StarWars movies.
George Lucas, what hast thou wrought!?
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Jeepers Creepers or 13 ghosts were absolutely horrible. Give me Halloween or The Others, The Six Sense, the Fog -something that is really scary.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
My vote(s) would have to go to:
Little Nicky
Kung Pow
I couldn't even sit through 10 minutes of these disasters.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
I dont think Attack of the killer tomatoes was meant to be intellent lol......it was funny because it was so nonsensical..lol
it reminds me of "Swamp thing"
Little Nicky
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I completely forgot about this one (and you made me remember!..dang'it!) yeah, this was one pretty stupid.....and awful
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
My vote for dumbest movie has to be "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"!! I couldn't even sit through all of it!! It was SOOOOOOOO bad!!
"To-mate-ah got little Jimmy...ate him all up"
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Honey, "Tomatoes II" was even worse, if that is at all humanly possible!!!! Of course, George Clooney was the only reason I had to see the whole thing thru..... ;)
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
There are SOOOO many one hardly knows where to begin. I guess I'd have to vote for "Time Chasers" as my all time favorite good "bad movie", especially the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
I completely forgot about this one (and you made me remember!..dang'it!) yeah, this was one pretty stupid.....and awful
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Sorry, didn't mean to bring up bad memories. :)
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
anyone ever see the movie IDLE HANDS stupid but funny.
i recommend seeing it.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
"pootie tang" was incredibly stupid, but it was so stupid that it was actually funny.
"dude, where's my car?" ...of course. :)
"jason and the argonauts" was really dumb and even more boring and i almost cried because i was so bored.
"labyrinth." i know everyone here is going to injure me for saying that, but i really think it's a dumb movie!
"national security." it was more fun to throw gummie bears in the theatre...not that i did that or anything. ;)
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
2 words "Johnny Mneumonic" Pre-Matrix Keanu Reeves has a chip embetted in his head and has to deliver it to someone before the evil Oriental guys (surprise ::)) kill him. Reeves' selfish monologue where shouts out he'd rather be at a snobby rich party has to be heard to believe.
Other dumb films:
The Last Boy Scout
Jaws 2, 3, 4
Leonard Part 6
Howard the Duck
And of course, Dumb and Dumber
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and Titanic.
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I never saw Titanic...there I said it...IVe never seen Titanic!
but the dumbest movie in my opinion has to be "Passenger 57"-it did have one good scene, however:
Terrorist: whose in charge here?
pilot: I am
(Terrorist shoots pilot)
Terrorist: ok, lets try it again, whose in charge here?
Co-pilot: you are
Terrorist: thats correct!
and ever realize that the combine age of all the pilots in that movie was like 20?
But I also like the fact that Harry Potter and Brian May helped a terrorist high-jack an airplane...
another bad movie: "Jurrasic PArk 3"
one was good, two was decent, but three just was sooo bad, its not even funny! Seriously, at the start of the movie, you already knew that William H Macy and his wife were gonna survive, and that Grant would, being the fact that he already survived a movie, and eventually, the charactor of Billy became famous, and you knew they wouldnt kill him off, meaning that the only three charactors who would even come close to death were the soldiers hired to find their son. Such bad story writing!
Unlike most of the people here, I liked Armegeddon! Sad ending? I saw it coming...but I really did like that movie...they just couldve made Nunen into a more active charactor, and told us which shuttles the specialtists were going up on, instead of making me have to watch it like 8 times to figure it all out...
I can predict the ending of a movie, mainly action, horror, or suspence in like the first five minutes...here are the basics:
(plot is an isolation of charactors)
1. The main charactor, or the hero of the story, usually survives...a bad example of this is "The Cube," but that movie was intentionally created to go against this theroy
2. Either all female charactors survive, or the main one, but either way, there will always be at least one female survivor...holywood endings always consist to this theroy
3. If there is a third survivor, or more, it is the close friend of the main charactor, or a survivor of a foreshadowing story line, or a relative
4. The main bad guy dies the worst death
5. deaths usually will range from least importent charactor to most
6. All children survive
obviously if the plot consists of more not as importent charactors surviving in bigger numbers, or part of a specific group, its just the main group, the one followed in and examined, that these rules apply to...
sufficent examples of these theroys:
Deep Rising
Vertical Limit
Con Air
Jurasic Park 2 and 3
The Mummy 1 and 2
Congo )>two movies I dont think are that
Escape from New York ) great either
Alien, Aliens, ect.
Air Force One
there are more, but I cant think of them right now...if I do, Ill say them...
and not saying that this is bad...its just my theroy on how to tell how a movie ends...
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
The dumbest movies I have seen are
Back to the Beach
Bring it on
Darkness Falls
Just for Fun: IMDB claims the worst movie ever is:
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
I thought Twister was really dumb, some good people in it and a lot of money spent but stupid. The only good part was the flying cow. ;D
I rented the last David Lynch flick with the wife awhile back, usually an interesting flick, I couldn't get the last one, Autumn hated it.
I do have to agree with most every movie posted here, lots of dumb flicks out there.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
I thought Twister was really dumb, some good people in it and a lot of money spent but stupid. The only good part was the flying cow. ;D
I rented the last David Lynch flick with the wife awhile back, usually an interesting flick, I couldn't get the last one, Autumn hated it.
I do have to agree with most every movie posted here, lots of dumb flicks out there.
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Oh yeah, I was really dissapointed to the Men in Black sequel, those people just sleep walk through that flick or what?
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
1. Swept Away- I should've STAYED away
2. Crossroads-Britney Spears, a leading lady? I don't think so.
3. The Ring-There was nothing scary about this movie, i almost fell asleep on it.
The last movie that Im going to list is the Tormentors. It a DUMB throwback from 70's about a cop seeking revenge for the murder of his girlfriend, who's killers were members of a Neo-Nazi Bike Gang.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
wait a minute...who just said that Porkys was a dumb movie?! Maybe Porkys 2 or 3, but not the first one lol..it was the American Pie of the late 70s (1979, right?)
.....wait, it was early 80s, wasnt it
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
The War of the Roses was pretty stupid. I was very angry by the movie because they had a wonderful cast of Danny DeVito, Kathleen Turner and Micheal Douglass. You think with a cast like that you couldn't miss. BUT THEY WERE WRONG!!!! I thought it was a total waste of great talent.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Basically anything with Eric Roberts, any former pro-wrestler (i.e. Hulk Hogan), Brian Bosworth, or Jean Claude VanDamme, you can bet it's gonna be bad. There's another guy, too, whose name escapes me at the moment, but if I think of it, I'll come back. As far as actresses, any former model-now actress, or former porn star as a lead will kill a movie in a heartbeat. I'm not talking cameos (i.e. Christy Brinkley in the Vacation movies), but as the leads (i.e. Miami Hustle with Kathy Ireland, Fair Game with Cindy Crawford).
Of the movies listed so far, my vote has to go to "Battlefield Earth". I liked most of the others...well, those that I've actually seen.
Oh, to add another...The Fifth Element (Bruce Willis, Milla Jojovich).
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Jean Claude VanDammeEnd Quote
Hey, he's like the greatest screen actor of all time! ;D ::)
There's another guy, too, whose name escapes me at the moment, but if I think of it, I'll come back. End Quote
Steven Seagal?
Of the movies listed so far, my vote has to go to "Battlefield Earth". I liked most of the others...well, those that I've actually seen.End Quote
My friends and I spent two hours in the near-empty theater cackling and throwing popcorn at the screen ;D
Oh, to add another...The Fifth Element (Bruce Willis, Milla Jojovich).
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...and one more reason why Chris Tucker needs to go away.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Steven Seagal?
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Nope, not him. I think his name is Mike(Michael) something. I happen to like SS 8)
Oh, and another one is Mickey Rourke (except for 9 1/2 weeks).
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
3. The Ring-There was nothing scary about this movie, i almost fell asleep on it.
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You must have fallen asleep during the first ten minutes. Two of scariest parts are early in the movie.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Nope, not him. I think his name is Mike(Michael) something. I happen to like SS 8)
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Hmmm...Michael Madsen? Mike Myers? Mike Hunt?
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Hmmm...Michael Madsen? Mike Myers? Mike Hunt?
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Michael Moore?
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
The last time my niece (who I would do anything for!) was back in Australia on holidays, she asked me to take her to see A Walk To Remember - and foolishly I took her!! Oh please :(
What a corny movie, and I thought it was never going to end. We were the only ones in the cinema by the way - so that in itself says everything. The main thing was that she liked it - so maybe you have to be 12 to appreciate it :D
I also hated The Talented Mr Ripley - so very very boring, and just when you thought it would be over, he would kill someone else!
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
A Walk To RememberEnd Quote
my friend was obsessed with this movie...she made me watch it. it was pretty boring. she seriously watched it like every day... :o
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
she seriously watched it like every day... :o
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I have a friend that does that with Fight club...now I have nothing against fight club, I thought it was a good movie, but I could never watch that every day....that would just drive me to hate it....
I remember my brother (michael Florio) used to watched Armageddon or daylight or some crappy movie like that every day (well, Armaggeddon wasnt THAT bad, but I learned to hate it after he watched it EVERY day)
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
I have a friend that does that with Fight club...now I have nothing against fight club, I thought it was a good movie, but I could never watch that every day....that would just drive me to hate it....
I remember my brother (michael Florio) used to watched Armageddon or daylight or some crappy movie like that every day (well, Armaggeddon wasnt THAT bad, but I learned to hate it after he watched it EVERY day)
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I watched Daylight three days in a row when I was in 6th grade...that was about it...
I never watched Armegeddon more than once, I did try to tape it more than once, though...
and since then, I haven't seen these movies too often...
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
2 words "Johnny Mneumonic" Pre-Matrix Keanu Reeves has a chip embetted in his head and has to deliver it to someone before the evil Oriental guys (surprise ::)) kill him. Reeves' selfish monologue where shouts out he'd rather be at a snobby rich party has to be heard to believe.
Other dumb films:
The Last Boy Scout
Jaws 2, 3, 4
Leonard Part 6
Howard the Duck
And of course, Dumb and Dumber
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Dear me. They are all bad, but yes, "Johnny Mnemonic" is particularly dumb. The world can only be saved by a dolphin. ::)
"Jaws 4" is worse, though
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Is anyone gonna see "Dumb and Dumberer"(When harry Met Lloyd).This could be a dumb movie ever made. :P ;D
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
The critics have already savaged it. Why did they think hey could do this sequel/prequel without Carrey-Daniels? Maybe one of the dumbest decisions ever. ::)
Is anyone gonna see "Dumb and Dumberer"(When harry Met Lloyd).This could be a dumb movie ever made. :P ;D
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Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Dumb and dumberer will be the one of the worst...the only reason the first one was even remotly funny was because Jim Carrey ad-libed everything in it...
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Dumb and dumberer will be the one of the worst...the only reason the first one was even remotly funny was because Jim Carrey ad-libed everything in it...
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...AND Jeff Daniels had, in my opinion, the best bowel movement performance in cinematic history ;D
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
...AND Jeff Daniels had, in my opinion, the best bowel movement performance in cinematic history ;D
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now wait a minute...what about James Woods in the only funny part of Scary Movie 2? lol
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
now wait a minute...what about James Woods in the only funny part of Scary Movie 2? lol
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Not enough facial dexterity...but a good idea nonetheless, I saw it coming a mile away though ;D
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
ok dumb/bad movies...
all three scary movies.
haunted mansion (not out yet)
dumb and dumberer
battlefeild earth
jason vs freddy
friday the 13th 2-10
nightmare 2-???
ace ventura 2
plan 9 from outer space
little nicky
batman returns
batman and robin
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Is anyone gonna see "Dumb and Dumberer"(When harry Met Lloyd).This could be a dumb movie ever made. :P ;D
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I just saw it today...not at all as good as the origional! There were some funny parts, but in the end, it wasn't even close...
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Whoah! :o
I was gonna list some, but you guys have a good deal of 'em covered. There are so many though! Most I have blocked-out, thankfully.
With the exception of a few I added, I'll just recap the ones I thought were dumb from the ones already listed:
"Freddy Got Fingered"
"Battlefield Earth"
"What's Eating Gilbert Grape"
"Little Nicky"
"Kung Pow"
"Men in Black II"
"The War of the Roses"
"The Talented Mr Ripley"
"Going Overboard"
"Rat Race"
"Fight Club"
"Eyes Wide Shut"
These all represent time wasted out of my life; time I will never be able to get back. >:(
I'm ok. ;D
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Eyes Wide Shut definitely. That was horrible. :P
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
fight club was not a bad movie .........
how bout the Cable guy?
or Daylight?
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
fight club was not a bad movie .........End Quote
It took a while for me to figure out. I viewed it 3 times before I figured out the psychological thriller part of it, I was actually sort of impressed with the attention to detail and the way you (the viewer) had to keep in mind certain snippets to understand what goes on at the end...kind of like an M. Night Shyamalan movie (but not).
how bout the Cable guy? End Quote
I liked it. I think most people were disappointed because it was dark and unorthodox, at least in relation to Jim Carrey's role. I really loved the scene in Medieval Times. "Hold still so I may brain thee!" ;D
or Daylight?
End Quote
I am biased against all things Sylvester Stallone, except for Rocky, Rocky III & Rocky IV. But did you see that one Conan where he showed the "Sylvester Stallone Silent Movie Channel" and they showed "Rambo" in 1920's silent movie style? HAHAHHAHA!!!
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
fight club was not a bad movie .........
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I thought it was.
If you slow it down, you can see flashes of pics that you wouldn't otherwise see throughout the movie.
Unfortunately, that still didn't do it for me.
how bout the Cable guy?
or Daylight?
End Quote
Never gave "The Cable Guy" the time of day. "Daylight" = Decent. "Daylight" was tolerable and proved how Stallone's son should never try to act ever, never-ever again.
Modified to add yet again: Stallone needs to keep his kid out of his movies. :P
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
or Daylight?
End Quote
um, Billy, youve never even seen daylight...
I know the story, just because I used to think it was an awesome movie, he thinks its bad...for no reason at all...
now, I dont think it was a bad movie, but it was decent...like Hairspray put it...
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
no Rice, I actully didnt see that Conan...its a shame...I havent been watching him recently :(
If you slow it down, you can see flashes of pics that you wouldn't otherwise see throughout the movie.
Unfortunately, that still didn't do it for me.
End Quote
yeah, through out the movie there are images like that...its all part of the psychological part of it....before Brad Pitt is even introduced there are 3 times where his image is flashed for a brief second in different parts of the movie (the part thats most clear is near the begining where Ed Norton is at work and the copier is going and some mail worker walks by or something)....anyway, theres also that one at the end which is a quick flash of male genetalia....not really what I wanted to see, but its weird how they put that in there lol
has anybody mentioned yet the Fast and the Furious?
or both the first and remake of Gone in 60 seconds ?
or any other movies where cars are the main character? lol
I like to call these movies that get by because theyre full of fast cars, hot girls, Armani suits and so many special effects in racing sceens, idiot movies...becuase thats who their primary audience is (sorry to any one I offend lol).....these movies have horrible actors, no plot, and bad dialog and script writing......
one day, when Im a famous celebrity film maker (comedy films mainly) Im gonna just make a movie with no plot and just a few mumbled words, but put in it a bunch of fast cars, hot girls and effect filled race scenes and watch as the money rlls in (and you know it will).......
you know, I think theres more character development in pornos than these movies
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
he he look what I found: http://www.thestinkers.com/100stinkers.html
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
he he look what I found: http://www.thestinkers.com/100stinkers.html
enjoyEnd Quote
Thank you. I am! :D
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
he he look what I found: http://www.thestinkers.com/100stinkers.html
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well, after I finsihed reading the list I must say, I dont agree with everything (Porkeys and Police acadamy does not belong on there) but he did hit the head on the nail with a bunch (but did forget a few)
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
well, after I finsihed reading the list I must say, I dont agree with everything (Porkeys and Police acadamy does not belong on there) but he did hit the head on the nail with a bunch (but did forget a few)
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Porky's was a classic! And the first (and only the first) Police Academy was very amusing.
You should look at the 100 Worst on imdb.com, it's got major stinkers on there :D
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Porky's was a classic! And the first (and only the first) Police Academy was very amusing.
You should look at the 100 Worst on imdb.com, it's got major stinkers on there :D
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well, the second Police acadamy wasnt bad either, but I understand why its on there........I know Ive looked at imdb.com's before, bt Ill have to look again :D
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
I saw "Freddy Got Fingered" the other day and let me tell ya Tom Green should stop making dumb movies cause he grosses me out so much,it's not even funny anymore. :P ;D
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
'Freddy got fingered'? I've heard things about that film - I don't think the idea of masturbating an elephant (am I allowed to say that?) is my idea of humour.
Two bad stinkers have come from Arnold Schwartzenegger. 'Junior' (where he gives birth, complete with absolutely moronic cameo from Robin Williams) and 'Jingle all the way'.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Arnold Schwartzenegger. 'Junior' (where he gives birth, complete with absolutely moronic cameo from Robin Williams) and 'Jingle all the way'.
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I liked "Junior". I thought it was funny. *Thinking to self - Why is it I can't remember a Robin Williams cameo in it?
"Jingle All The Way" definitely could have been better.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Porky's was a classic!End Quote
Yeah, I bought a double feature DVD today with Porky's I & II. Cool Beans! :D 8)
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Hairspray. I think he was supposed to be the Russian (?) doctor who was delivering Arnie's baby. What a sentence!
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Hairspray. I think he was supposed to be the Russian (?) doctor who was delivering Arnie's baby. What a sentence!
End Quote
Oh shoot! That sounds like that one movie called "9 Months" with Hugh Grant. I never saw it, but I remember some of the previews and stuff.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Yeah!!! :D
I think you're thinking of "Nine Months":
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
I just saw Dumb and dumberer........
no need for words......
ok, Ill say my opinion.....it wasnt as bad as I thought it was gonna be, but it still stunk....it had a few actully funny jokes, but the rest was all either the same jokes from the first movie, or really really really really really stupid jokes thaty fall even short of being called sophmoric humor......
my rating......2 and a half stars....(out of 5)
(by the way, thats the same rating I gave to Miracle on 34th street...the original!)
....the next two remakes got 1 star.......
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Cool As Ice ~ Staring~ Vanilla Ice
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
And "Rabbit Test", which deals with the pregnant man, was one film Billy Crystal wishes he never starred in. :P
I liked "Junior". I thought it was funny. *Thinking to self - Why is it I can't remember a Robin Williams cameo in it?
End Quote
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
That five hour "Jacksons: An American Dream" movie that is always on VH1 like every week... They need some new movies...
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
I thought "Escape from New York" was pretty dumb...but at allmovie.com, they rated it pretty good, for some reason...
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
'Freddy got fingered'? I've heard things about that film - I don't think the idea of masturbating an elephant (am I allowed to say that?) is my idea of humour.
Two bad stinkers have come from Arnold Schwartzenegger. 'Junior' (where he gives birth, complete with absolutely moronic cameo from Robin Williams) and 'Jingle all the way'.
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That wasn't an elephant,that was a horse,of course.In another scene he chewed on a woman's umbilical cord to try to save the baby. dumb indeed! :P ;D
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
That five hour "Jacksons: An American Dream" movie that is always on VH1 like every week... They need some new movies...
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actully, they got some new ones...but they have nothing to do at all with music lol......they got SHOWGIRLS! SHOWGIRLS?! Tell me Vh1, what on earth is the point on showing SHOWGIRLS on BASIC CABLE! its not like theres a plot or anything!
They also got a bunch of other movies that are completely unrelated to music.....
man, the only good movies that Ive seen on VH1 are Blues brothers (not 2000!), Airheads, Dirty dancing, Grease, Rocky Horor, The Godfather (which Im still confused as to why this was on VH1), and maybe Ill put Saturday night fever in here because it is a classic, although I dislike the movie.......
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
How about all those "Tremors" movies?
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
That five hour "Jacksons: An American Dream" movie that is always on VH1 like every week... They need some new movies...
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my music teacher made my class watch that movie when i was in eighth grade. there wasn't an option. we had to watch it...it took some insane amount of time to finish watching too, because it's so freaking long. at least we didn't have to do worksheets on it, like we had to with the alan freed/payola movie...
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
Top 15 Dubest Movies I've actually seen: :P
15. "Legally Blonde II: Red, White, & Blonde"
14. "Say It Isn't So"
13. "Wild Wild West"
12. "Leprechan In The Hood"
11. "The Chase"
10. "Spice World"
9. "Judge Dredd"
8. "Soapdish"
7. "Labyrnth"
6. "Freddy Got Fingered"
5. "Xandau"
4. "9 To 5"
3. "Ice"
2. "Who's That Girl"
1. "Cool As Ice"
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
How about all those "Tremors" movies?
End Quote
They're campy cult classics.
And the show is OK too.
Subject: Re: dumbest movies ever
For me that's Crocodile Dundee in LA
boring as H-ll