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Subject: Admirers
I have noticed that there are a lot of people who has that "special something" for other board members (I know I have one which I find very flattering ;)). Just out of curiosity, who is the board member you have that "special something" for?
Subject: Re: Admirers
No one--I stay away from that stuff on the 'net. :-X
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, I don't think that I have to tell everyone who that might be!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Wait... define "special something." I could easily state langdon_hughes and Steve and Kathie and Christina and Heidi and Kimberly and Kin and Delia and...
Hahaha! In a drunken stupor, this would be the time I would say, "I wuv you guysh..." and plunk down on the floor...
Subject: Re: Admirers
It's obvious. ::)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Wait... define "special something." I could easily state langdon_hughes and Steve and Kathie and Christina and Heidi and Kimberly and Kin and Delia and...
Hahaha! In a drunken stupor, this would be the time I would say, "I wuv you guysh..." and plunk down on the floor...
End Quote
Love you too babe. ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
can't say that I have a crush on anyone.
Subject: Re: Admirers
haha..I'll never tell... ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I can't divulge that stuff. It'd endanger my life...
I have noticed that there are a lot of people who has that "special something" for other board members (I know I have one which I find very flattering ;)). Just out of curiosity, who is the board member you have that "special something" for?
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Subject: Re: Admirers
Hmmmm...Tarzan Boy is right, you'd have to be more specific and "define special something"..... ::)
BTW: (in my best drunk stupor impression) Wuv you too Juan! ;D **hiccup**
Subject: Re: Admirers
Hmmmm... I'll give you one guess! ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Hmmmm... I'll give you one guess! ;D
End Quote
I know!! I know!! :P ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Yeah I need a definition of "special something" too.
DJ Boardho
Subject: Re: Admirers
But we're not supposed to tell, right? :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Jeesh! I jibe with some of you - I'm just jazzy about a guy I'm joyful to be friends with. ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
The one that I have that special something for is (HORN SOUNDING). I think that (AMBULANCE SIREN) is the one for me. If I had my chance I would get (LOUD JACKHAMMER)alone and then I would (LOUD TRAIN WHISTLES).
;) :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
What I mean by "special something" is that person (you may or may have not have met) that there is something about them that you like. Someone you like to flirt with etc. I am not trying to cause trouble with married/engaged people. I'm just curious-that's all.
Subject: Re: Admirers
I would run to you and lick your cheek once. You would not notice.
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Actually I was thinking more along the lines of you "licking my boots" ;) But you know me, I am open to anything! HAHA! ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, it looks like we all know who PoP and Tarzan Boy are admiring! ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
back when the picture threads were popular, I found one of the pictures to be quite attractive.. though the woman in question lives nowhere near me, and I don't think I've ever sent her a PM or anything..
of course, I'll never reveal anything, since I have a girlfriend now, and I know she checks out amiright (she does the lyrics quizzes now).. and of course, my defense if she reads this, is that the picture was posted before we met..
Subject: Re: Admirers
lives nowhere near me
End Quote
Yeah, the pain of mere Internet chattin' and the heartbreak of finding they live 3000 mi away. :( ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I don't think anyone's ever publicly said that they've admired me but in private we've talked and developed great friendships. I guess in my case my "special something" is friendship and camaraderie with the people I talk to. While I may never meet these people in real life, their online presence is something I've grown to cherish, and I actually miss them when they're not around.
The knowledge that I feel that way about you people should be good enough for now ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I don't think anyone's ever publicly said that they've admired me but in private we've talked and developed great friendships. I guess in my case my "special something" is friendship and camaraderie with the people I talk to. While I may never meet these people in real life, their online presence is something I've grown to cherish, and I actually miss them when they're not around.
The knowledge that I feel that way about you people should be good enough for now ;)
End Quote
I love you too, Kin ;) :-*
Subject: Re: Admirers
back when the picture threads were popular, I found one of the pictures to be quite attractive.. though the woman in question lives nowhere near me, and I don't think I've ever sent her a PM or anything..
of course, I'll never reveal anything, since I have a girlfriend now, and I know she checks out amiright (she does the lyrics quizzes now).. and of course, my defense if she reads this, is that the picture was posted before we met..
End Quote
AWWWWW! :) C'mon Chuck - you can tell us. We're your friends. We all admire you!
Subject: Re: Admirers
There are several women that I find "interesting". Both Shaz and POP are VERY attractive, and if Cat really does look like Julie Newmar well then...and her comment about holes in the knees of her jeans... sounds like an exploration is in order - Cat, wish to explore? I guess with all those sexy undergrads running around I'm just a http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/teufel/devil-smiley-002.gif old guy ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, it looks like we all know who PoP and Tarzan Boy are admiring! ;)
End Quote
You are too funny. So what else do the scamps at the sewing-circle have to say? Hahaha :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
You are too funny. So what else do the scamps at the sewing-circle have to say? Hahaha :) :D ;D
End Quote
Yes, please share! :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Both Shaz and POP are VERY attractive, End Quote
Thanks DC, but according to recent posts, looks like I am already taken! ;) :P
Subject: Re: Admirers
Maybe we need to start a new gossip thread. ::) For the inquiring mind(s).
Subject: Re: Admirers
Thanks DC, but according to recent posts, looks like I am already taken! ;) :P
End Quote
Aw shucks :'( ;) But you should really try an older guy. We last longer, and know those "special" spots ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Maybe we need to start a new gossip thread. ::) For the inquiring mind(s).
End Quote
Went over my head like a cockaloony bird. What kind of inquireies do you have in mind Shaz? Remember, there are younguns here. We can't get toooo "inquisitive" ;) Hope you are well.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Aw shucks :'( ;) But you should really try an older guy. We last longer, and know those "special" spots ;)
End Quote
Hahaha. Don't make me laugh, old goat. I'll take the Pepsi challenge... I know about women too and I can do the same thing with words alone! And, believe me, aggressive, lewd, and crass is NOT what they like :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Hahaha. Don't make me laugh, old goat. I'll take the Pepsi challenge... I know about women too and I can do the same thing with words alone! And, believe me, aggressive, lewd, and crass is NOT what they like :) :D ;D
End Quote
Excellent post, my young Padawan 8)
Although sometimes actions do speak louder than words ;) Of course, the actions I speak of are not what YOU might be thinking of :D
That's why I'm trying to learn magic so I can make bouquets appear out of thin air ;D
I have to rely on my quirks because my words don't flow that well :-/
Subject: Re: Admirers
Hahaha. Don't make me laugh, old goat. I'll take the Pepsi challenge... I know about women too and I can do the same thing with words alone! And, believe me, aggressive, lewd, and crass is NOT what they like :) :D ;D
End Quote
Actually, I also have a golden tongue. ;) And while I am, I think, older than most of you young puppies on this board, I think I can give you a run for your money ;D But then, this is sounding a bit...very sexist. Like women are to be conquored for our pleasure. That is certainly NOT where I'm coming from. I'm not really horny, and I'm just being a "playfull Penguin" and fooling around (maybe crudly), with inuendo. No offense meant, hopefully none taken.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Who do I admire? 98% of the people here. Do I have any crushes? If I were single I might allow that, and earning some frequent flyer miles too. ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Actually, I also have a golden tongue. ;) And while I am, I think, older than most of you young puppies on this board, I think I can give you a run for your money ;D But then, this is sounding a bit...very sexist. Like women are to be conquored for our pleasure. That is certainly NOT where I'm coming from. I'm not really horny, and I'm just being a "playfull Penguin" and fooling around (maybe crudly), with inuendo. No offense meant, hopefully none taken.
End Quote
Golden? Or gilded? Maybe it peels with water to reveal rusted iron. Hahaha.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Wait... define "special something." I could easily state langdon_hughes and Steve and Kathie and Christina and Heidi and Kimberly and Kin and Delia and...
Hahaha! In a drunken stupor, this would be the time I would say, "I wuv you guysh..." and plunk down on the floor...
End Quote
Aww - feeling's mutual hun! Now, let's just not tell my boyfriend, k ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Aww - feeling's mutual hun! Now, let's just not tell my boyfriend, k ;D
End Quote
Oh oh ! "The boyfriend" :(
Subject: Re: Admirers
Although sometimes actions do speak louder than words ;) Of course, the actions I speak of are not what YOU might be thinking of :DEnd Quote
When there is only 100 miles separating me and a friend, actions would matter more than words. I would crawl on my chin the whole distance if I had to! Hahaha. But when the person is in another continent or another side of it, words have to speak loud, they have to come from within so that there will be a closeness felt. We live in a golden age of technology (so cliche!), but people still correspond over long distances as it was done centuries and centuries ago. The benefit of to-day is the instantaneous arrival of such messages.
It is hard to explain. Words, actions, and feelings. "A picture is worth 1000 words," right? How do you think an emotion might be described when a picture is weighed in such terms?
All I can write is that I admire a lot of you. It is truly felt... words from a passing Stranger, I know...
Quoting:That's why I'm trying to learn magic so I can make bouquets appear out of thin air ;DEnd Quote
That is all it takes, Kin.
Subject: Re: Admirers
The Strangers words are beautiful and true...I would travel to the ends of the Earth for the one who loved me....even if my only conveyance were my words...bringing my spirit to the one I loved in return. Whether the words were poetry or prose, if it carried his message of love to me I would find them marvelous as any sonnet Sir William Shakespeare ever wrote.
Subject: Re: Admirers
It is hard to explain. Words, actions, and feelings. "A picture is worth 1000 words," right? How do you think an emotion might be described when a picture is weighed in such terms?
End Quote
You could not have said it any better :)
That is all it takes, Kin.
End Quote
You are right about that ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
But when the person is in another continent or another side of it, words have to speak loud, they have to come from within so that there will be a closeness felt. End Quote
You have a one-up on me there, friend ;) There's a barrier of sorts between my brain and my hand or mouth where I can think up the most wondrous prose but it's lost in the translation between my synapses and my muscles :-/ Thank goodness for the pants dance to get a party livened up ;D
That is all it takes, Kin.
End Quote
For those who like variety, I can also do the nose-spoon trick and conjure up teddy bears ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, there are two (male) members I enjoy chatting with whenever I come here. I will sometimes spend an entire online session with one or both of them in PM's, and ignore regular threads.
There is one male here, who I could say I have a "crush" on. He doesn't know it, and I'm not going to name who it is, because I don't want to cause any embarrassment if he doesn't feel the same way.
BTW, these are three different persons I am talking about.
As far as female friendships, I like chatting with many of the "girls" here.
Subject: Re: Admirers
There is one male here, who I could say I have a "crush" on. He doesn't know it, and I'm not going to name who it is, because I don't want to cause any embarrassment if he doesn't feel the same way.
End Quote
Xena, you will never know unless you tell him!! Believe me, I am the voice of experience on this subject!!
Subject: Re: Admirers
There is one here that could capture mon coeur , but alas I have not the courage to tell him. I must care from afar....
Subject: Re: Admirers
Look at what I miss out on only being able to log on when noone/barely anyone else is around :(.
Even Fuss isn't there when I log on in the mornings anymore boohoo I miss his chat.
I'm sure I have to blame Dude for Southern Spitfire not being logged on at unearthly hours(for her) anymore too.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Look at what I miss out on only being able to log on when noone/barely anyone else is around :(.
Even Fuss isn't there when I log on in the mornings anymore boohoo I miss his chat.
I'm sure I have to blame Dude for Southern Spitfire not being logged on at unearthly hours(for her) anymore too.
End Quote
I am here now Gis!
Now I realise why they refer to it as Greenwich 'mean' time.... :(
Subject: Re: Admirers
Xena, you will never know unless you tell him!! Believe me, I am the voice of experience on this subject!!
End Quote
That's right Xena! Have one of us gals find out for you!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, Grendle and I have had some hot virtual times..... :P
Subject: Re: Admirers
I dream of the day where I can lie in a wheat field with you and watch our troubled past be carried away with the wind.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, Grendle and I have had some hot virtual times..... :P
End Quote
Now now Mr. Naughty, keep it clean! :P
I do swear, you 'sodbusters' are just so blunt! ::)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Sitting on the sands, staring at the sea, I listen to Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" as I watch the crescent moon and the stars move slowly across my range of view. The dewy mist over the waters becomes thick and plays a visual game with me: I see a blue-bird in a golden cage slowly metamorphose into you. Glowing Smile, I see you open your eyes slowly and two falling stars trickle down.
"Why, th3re is nothing more sublime than tears..."
-Cyrano De Bergerac
Subject: Re: Admirers
Sitting on the sands, staring at the sea, I listen to Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" as I watch the crescent moon and the stars move slowly across my range of view. The dewy mist over the waters becomes thick and plays a visual game with me: I see a blue-bird in a golden cage slowly metamorphose into you. Glowing Smile, I see you open your eyes slowly and two falling stars trickle down.
"Why, th3re is nothing more sublime than tears..."
-Cyrano De Bergerac
End Quote
Is that you TB? ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, let's see, there's the members of the ADC, my Yahoo buddies, and, can't forget my transsexual, lesbian, lover ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, let's see, there's the members of the ADC, my Yahoo buddies, and, can't forget my transsexual, lesbian, lover ;)
End Quote
Okay, here's the deal, I am madly in love with 80's Cheerleader and I am secretly an undercover Transexual Drag Queen with the desire to be on The Jerry Springer Show. :o
Subject: Re: Admirers
I am madly in love with 80's Cheerleader
End Quote
Who isn't? :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I already admired so many people on this fine board, but after this weekend I definitely adore you now!! Thank you all for being so easy for me to worship!! :D
And bigtime hugs and kisses to the ADC club, Fussbudget and other RetroShowSaturdayNight listeners!! :-*
Love ya,
Subject: Re: Admirers
I already admired so many people on this fine board, but after this weekend I definitely adore you now!! Thank you all for being so easy for me to worship!! :D
And bigtime hugs and kisses to the ADC club, Fussbudget and other RetroShowSaturdayNight listeners!! :-*
Love ya,
End Quote
Ha ! I read this as :
"Bedtime hugs and kisses to the ADC club, Fussbudget and other RetroShowSaturdayNight listeners!! :-*"
And now I can't concentrate on my work ! :P ;D
(Selective strikeout mode chosen ;))
Subject: Re: Admirers
Thank you all for being so easy for me to worship!! :D
End Quote
It's my avatar isn't it? Muahahaha ;D
And bigtime hugs and kisses to the ADC club, Fussbudget and other RetroShowSaturdayNight listeners!! :-*
End Quote
Love you too my Shazzadelic sister ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Ha ! I read this as :
"Bedtime hugs and kisses to the Fussbudget......"
End Quote
Hmmmmm.... Selective strikeout made this far more interesting! I like this Fuss! ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Is that you TB? ;D
End Quote
Aha! So that's who Ghost is! But who is Ghost of Ghost ??? :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Aha! So that's who Ghost is! But who is Ghost of Ghost ??? :) :D ;D
End Quote
You KNOW it wasn't moi!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Aha! So that's who Ghost is! But who is Ghost of Ghost ??? :) :D ;D
End Quote
I know who it is! But I ain't tellin'... ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I know who it is! But I ain't tellin'... ;D ;D
End Quote
It's good that you're not betraying the confidence of your friend. I only told two people about that pseudo, but I guess this time around I cannot be the wallflower that I had grown so used to being :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
It's good that you're not betraying the confidence of your friend. I only told two people about that pseudo, but I guess this time around I cannot be the wallflower that I had grown so used to being :) :D ;D
End Quote
Well, T.B., I was not one of the two (nor was Ghost of Ghost), but let's just say Ghost was a little bit...er...transparent! ;D :D ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Wicked Lester's fiancee's mother's other daughter. ;)
End Quote
Someone wake up and smell the coffee...I dont think so ::)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I dream of the day where I can lie in a wheat field with you and watch our troubled past be carried away with the wind.
End Quote
That's so sweet Secret Admirer!
To whom were you writing such a lovely thought?
Subject: Re: Admirers
That's so sweet Secret Admirer!
To whom were you writing such a lovely thought?
End Quote
It is a lov3ly thought, isn't it? That person must be very lucky to have inspired such words from another. I envy that person...
Subject: Re: Admirers
It is a lov3ly thought, isn't it? That person must be very lucky to have inspired such words from another. I envy that person...
End Quote
Which person? The admirer or the admired? Both sound lucky to have had such a great impact on each other.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Both sound lucky to have had such a great impact on each other.
End Quote
I couldn't agree with you more :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
15:11:01:25, 19:05:05 09:06 25:15:21 03:01:14 06:09:07:21:18:05 20:08:09:19 13:05:19:19:01:07:05.
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Subject: Re: Admirers
15:11:01:25, 19:05:05 09:06 25:15:21 03:01:14 06:09:07:21:18:05 20:08:09:19 13:05:19:19:01:07:05.
20:08:05 16:05:18:19:15:14 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 09:19 16:18:09:14:03:19:19 15:06 16:15:16. 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 08:05:18 19:15 13:21:03:08 20:08:01:20 09 20:08:09:14:11 09 12:15:22:05 08:05:18. 09 12:15:22:05 16:15:16.
End Quote
Took me 3 seconds to figure out your code, but congrats man ;)
You also misspelled part of it ;) But I won't hold it against you, and neither would the admiree ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
15:11:01:25, 19:05:05 09:06 25:15:21 03:01:14 06:09:07:21:18:05 20:08:09:19 13:05:19:19:01:07:05.
20:08:05 16:05:18:19:15:14 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 09:19 16:18:09:14:03:05:19:19 15:06 16:15:16. 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 08:05:18 19:15 13:21:03:08 20:08:01:20 09 20:08:09:14:11 09 12:15:22:05 08:05:18. 09 12:15:22:05 16:15:16.
End Quote
:o :o :o ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
15:11:01:25, 19:05:05 09:06 25:15:21 03:01:14 06:09:07:21:18:05 20:08:09:19 13:05:19:19:01:07:05.
20:08:05 16:05:18:19:15:14 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 09:19 16:18:09:14:03:05:19:19 15:06 16:15:16. 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 08:05:18 19:15 13:21:03:08 20:08:01:20 09 20:08:09:14:11 09 12:15:22:05 08:05:18. 09 12:15:22:05 16:15:16.
End Quote
"She" is one lucky girl Tarzan Boy! :D :D :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
15:11:01:25, 19:05:05 09:06 25:15:21 03:01:14 06:09:07:21:18:05 20:08:09:19 13:05:19:19:01:07:05.
20:08:05 16:05:18:19:15:14 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 09:19 16:18:09:14:03:05:19:19 15:06 16:15:16. 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 08:05:18 19:15 13:21:03:08 20:08:01:20 09 20:08:09:14:11 09 12:15:22:05 08:05:18. 09 12:15:22:05 16:15:16.
End Quote
:o ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
After several days of reading lovely, poetic and haunting words from the Stranger and the Ghost, and feeling very maudlin and perhaps even intoxicated by the existence of this thread...
Sometimes one must speak or one will simply have to scream...
Secret admirers? Special someone? Affection? Love? Where does one even begin? There is nothing more precious in this world than being gifted with the heart and the soul of another. To have that someone say: "this is me - this is who I am, and I give that to you and to you only..." To wake in the morning and to go to sleep each night and to live every conscious moment holding that someone in your thoughts - to turn to the clock and note the hour and say to oneself "he is thinking of me right now" and to know with all your heart that it is true...
Words. Words and perhaps if one is lucky, the ability to be able to share the sound of laughter. Star-crossed love? A left-handed gift from the gods? The ultimate Greek Tragedy? Waiting and longing and aching for that touch that will never happen. Being willing to pay the price with the pain, because it is always worth it. I will take the pain. Gladly. I will embrace it, because in the end, I know what I have and it is precious...
Darling, if you read this it will probably make you cry (and know as I write this the words blur on the page) and I know you will not - cannot respond, but it doesn't matter. Because I know what I have and it is worth it. You are worth it. We have everything and nothing but we have it together and we have it forever... I love you...
Subject: Re: Admirers
"The impulse towards love, pushed towards the extreme, is also an impulse towards death"
Subject: Re: Admirers
I want to be alone
Subject: Re: Admirers
I want to be alone
End Quote
Edge so sharp it frees me
and I think not as I settle to my knees
and my blood comes forth
take a sip
we share and we are one
coppery taste so sweet
I kiss your lips
and drink deeply of your soul
as you drink of mine
and we are one
and we are alone
together and alone
two souls lost in identical mazes
and we try to help each other
but only sink deeper
and I know what it's like to feel inside you
and though we are joined
we are alone
and I don't return your phone calls
we tried and failed
because though we were together
we've always been alone.
Subject: Re: Admirers
15:11:01:25, 19:05:05 09:06 25:15:21 03:01:14 06:09:07:21:18:05 20:08:09:19 13:05:19:19:01:07:05.
20:08:05 16:05:18:19:15:14 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 09:19 16:18:09:14:03:05:19:19 15:06 16:15:16. 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 08:05:18 19:15 13:21:03:08 20:08:01:20 09 20:08:09:14:11 09 12:15:22:05 08:05:18. 09 12:15:22:05 16:15:16.
End Quote
I don't get it...
Subject: Re: Admirers
15:11:01:25, 19:05:05 09:06 25:15:21 03:01:14 06:09:07:21:18:05 20:08:09:19 13:05:19:19:01:07:05.
20:08:05 16:05:18:19:15:14 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 09:19 16:18:09:14:03:05:19:19 15:06 16:15:16. 09 01:04:13:09:18:05 08:05:18 19:15 13:21:03:08 20:08:01:20 09 20:08:09:14:11 09 12:15:22:05 08:05:18. 09 12:15:22:05 16:15:16.
End Quote
Have you told the person yet?
Subject: Re: Admirers
Or has the person seen your post yet? :D
How did you come up with writing it in that code?
I'm sure a lot of us are very jealous now! Including me! :'( ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Lilith, whomever you are, that is a very beautiful post, and your Adam is a very very lucky person.
Subject: Re: Admirers
I'm not a poet. I don't hope to be one. I don't know enough about this person to even really state this. But it's a feeling that grows slowly each day.
I don't know what she looks like. I know she's married. I know she has at least one child. I know she's out of my reach. I know she probably doesn't feel the same way. I know she's thoughtful caring, decent and fun. I know her husband doesn't deserve her.
I know that in another life things could have been different.
It's in that alternate life, in my mind, that we will finally meet, and her husband doesn't exist, and I tell her that I love her.
In that life, I love Shazzah.
Subject: Re: Admirers
"The impulse towards love, pushed towards the extreme, is also an impulse towards death"
End Quote
I admire The Marquis De Sade. He was a wise man (an extremist and a fanatic himself until his death at a late age). No matter what happens or which road is chosen (it's painfully obvious that I admire Robert Frost a lot!) - it all ultimately ends at the same point, right? The only known truth is that we will all eventually die with or without possessing the impulse to do anything...
Subject: Re: Admirers
Not Likely-
Although I have not explored my alternative life...it sounds like a beautiful place to be. I wish you would tell me more..I am intrigued by it.
Subject: Re: Admirers
I don't get it...
End Quote
Same here. Thought I got it but didn't.
Are we really that stupid? (don't answer that question!)
Subject: Re: Admirers
let me help you, oh inquiring minds:
15= O, 16= P, 09=I, L=12, V=22, E=5.
Put it together and what does that spell?
Subject: Re: Admirers
let me help you, oh inquiring minds:
15= O, 16= P, 09=I, L=12, V=22, E=5.
Put it together and what does that spell?
End Quote
Ummm...Let's see:
Subject: Re: Admirers
Ummm...Let's see:
End Quote
You have got to be kidding me. ::)
Subject: Re: Admirers
let me help you, oh inquiring minds:
15= O, 16= P, 09=I, L=12, V=22, E=5.
Put it together and what does that spell?
End Quote
Ah, I assumed the single-characters were "a", not "i".
Anyway, that spells "OPILVE", what cs said!
Another anagram choice: I love P
Subject: Re: Admirers
Anyway, I gotcha. Don't know where the sample anagram came from, but the message made sense.
Subject: Re: Admirers
You have got to be kidding me. ::)
End Quote
Lighten up Nancy!
I got it.
I'm just having some fun with the lurkers. Do the lurkers get to have all of the fun with their fake names and witty e-mail addresses?
::)Back at ya.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Lighten up Nancy!
End Quote
Hey, just trying to help you out man. Don't get too upset about it. We are all grown ups here!
Nancy Vicious
Subject: Re: Admirers
Unfortunately, Shazzah, I seem to be lost somewhere in these darned woods. I'm pretty sure I saw a way out back that way, though.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Hey, just trying to help you out man. Don't get too upset about it. We are all grown ups here!
Nancy Vicious
End Quote
Umm, yeah. Thanks for the help.
Subject: Re: Admirers
You have got to be kidding me. ::)
End Quote
Looked like they were having fun with your choice of "code". I don't think they were serious. Don't think they sounded upset either in the post where they told you to lighten up.
Chill yourself dude!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Lighten up Nancy!
End Quote
I thought I was the original nancy nitpicker
Subject: Re: Admirers
I'm not a poet. I don't hope to be one. I don't know enough about this person to even really state this. But it's a feeling that grows slowly each day.
I don't know what she looks like. I know she's married. I know she has at least one child. I know she's out of my reach. I know she probably doesn't feel the same way. I know she's thoughtful caring, decent and fun. I know her husband doesn't deserve her.
I know that in another life things could have been different.
It's in that alternate life, in my mind, that we will finally meet, and her husband doesn't exist, and I tell her that I love her.
In that life, I love Shazzah.
End Quote
How do you know how she feels if you don't ask?
Subject: Re: Admirers
How do you know how she feels if you don't ask?
End Quote
I think that he should come forward and be a man about it. If TB can publicly profess his love for PoP, then why can't he?
Subject: Re: Admirers
Oy, Not Likely's posts read like some sort of mind game. What IS your intent, Sir, if I may ask to post something like that and name names? If you do not intend to tell the truth, then what good is your post, but to taunt another member? Sheesh. It is rude to do this to other people, you know? At least, I think so. I call it "teasing." How many people like that?!
Subject: Re: Admirers
There seems to be a lot of misplaced admiring. Why all the lurkers all of the sudden? You want me to reveal more of my lurker names so that some of you guys can fess up in exchange? Or are we gonna go into 20 pages of lurker posts and misdirected affection? Hahaha. I'm down with it. It's all fun and games until someone loses their mind :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
There seems to be a lot of misplaced admiring. Why all the lurkers all of the sudden? You want me to reveal more of my lurker names so that some of you guys can fess up in exchange? Or are we gonna go into 20 pages of lurker posts and misdirected affection? Hahaha. I'm down with it. It's all fun and games until someone loses their mind :) :D ;D
End Quote
Would you admire me as a drag queen? Or maybe dressed up as Batman, or Harpo Marx? ;D I'm sure y'all can have a field day with this one ;) Let's waste the 20 page limit by imagining me as a synchronized swimmer, yeah ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I think that he should come forward and be a man about it. If TB can publicly profess his love for PoP, then why can't he?
End Quote
Maybe he is afraid of the consequences of losing a friend.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Maybe he is afraid of the consequences of losing a friend.
End Quote
If anything, this is going to make HER feel worse. Because if it is a joke admit it is a joke but if it ISN'T a joke she deserves to know. Just my 2cent......
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, in light of all the shizzity that's happened in this thread over the past couple pages, I'm going to suggest locking it up and throwing away the key ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, in light of all the shizzity that's happened in this thread over the past couple pages, I'm going to suggest locking it up and throwing away the key ;)
End Quote
Nobody I know is offended......yet. It's just starting to get interesting again. Let it ride....
Subject: Re: Admirers
Okay, if it is Me that we are referring to here, I am not offended or hurt. I can take a joke as much as the next person. It's ok! If ChuckyG or Hair decide to lock the thread then fine, but they don't have to do it for my sake. ;D
You all know I admire you, no matter what is posted in a silly thread! :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Nobody is right, that is precisely why I have chosen to remain anonymous. This isn't a joke. It would be sick and twisted if it were. My feelings are genuine. But I'm not stupid, I live in reality. She is married, we both have different lives than what we could dream might have been.
I value Shaz as a friend, and wouldn't risk damaging that friendship over my feelings, just as I wouldn't for any of my other friends here. That would be selfish. I find it better, and hope she does as well, for her to know that somewhere out there she has touched someone in a special way. Perhaps if our lives changed, things can go differently.
The point of this thread was asking who we had a "special something" for. I choose to state who mine is, but don't feel comfortable or proper making it fully open. That's the way it is. Those of you who choose to criticize it can freely go to hell. It won't change my mind, my opinion, or my stance.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Oy, Not Likely's posts read like some sort of mind game. What IS your intent, Sir, if I may ask to post something like that and name names? If you do not intend to tell the truth, then what good is your post, but to taunt another member? Sheesh. It is rude to do this to other people, you know? At least, I think so. I call it "teasing." How many people like that?!
End Quote
Ah, we meet again. 8)
Your majesty, why must you search for the negativity in everything as if your panties are in a proverbial wad? Are you looking for a DUEL? :o
Subject: Re: Admirers
Just a note....but things are not set in stone though they may appear to be.....things are not always as they seem...
Subject: Re: Admirers
I know something you don't know...a certain female on this board may be married...but it is not a marriage of happiness......shhhhhhhh. :x
Subject: Re: Admirers
I know something you don't know...a certain female on this board may be married...but it is not a marriage of happiness......shhhhhhhh. :x
End Quote
That probably applies to at least 25% of the population, onboard and off, males as well as females.... :P
Subject: Re: Admirers
Ooops! And then there is that percentage of us that can't spell 'analyst'.... :o
Subject: Re: Admirers
I know something you don't know...a certain female on this board may be married...but it is not a marriage of happiness......shhhhhhhh. :x
End Quote
Oooohh, come one....ya know ya wanna tell us! It's just killing you to keep it inside huh? How friggin' 5th grade ::)
Modified to add: Wanna know what I find to be so hilarious about this thread.....as of right now, there are 115 posts and it's been viewed 2120 times!!!! ;D That's funny! :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Ah, we meet again. 8)
Your majesty, why must you search for the negativity in everything as if your panties are in a proverbial wad? Are you looking for a DUEL? :o
End Quote
You are unworthy of any of my thoughts: Good or bad. You bore me with your psychobabble and your inane cliches. Here's one that even you could understand: You need to get laid, Lurksalot ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I love the way this is spiraling out of control. I wonder if we can get this to 20 pages and manage to maintain the hilarity and hi-jinks :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I don't know but let's try and push it to page 20!! Come on all you people you know you admire someone! So post it already!! ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I admire Britney Spears' mom.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Best if I keep my comments to myself. :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I love the way this is spiraling out of control. I wonder if we can get this to 20 pages and manage to maintain the hilarity and hi-jinks :) :D ;D
End Quote
You started it you know! With your code crackin' mysterious ways! BTW: the feelings mutual 8)
Subject: Re: Admirers
You started it you know! With your code crackin' mysterious ways! BTW: the feelings mutual 8)
End Quote
No, it was L'Etranger and Ghost who did it. TB is a pretentious ham and a foot-licker!
Subject: Re: Admirers
This thread is starting to feel like the first few months of 1945 in Germany!
Ja! Let the mayhem and destruction begin!
Subject: Re: Admirers
No, it was L'Etranger and Ghost who did it. TB is a pretentious ham and a foot-licker!
End Quote
Hmmm...ham is tasty and foot-licking is quite an art, you think he'd take this as a compliment? ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
"I love you, you love me,
we're a happy family...
Subject: Re: Admirers
Hmmm...ham is tasty and foot-licking is quite an art, you think he'd take this as a compliment? ;)
End Quote
:) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
After several days of reading lovely, poetic and haunting words from the Stranger and the Ghost, and feeling very maudlin and perhaps even intoxicated by the existence of this thread...
Sometimes one must speak or one will simply have to scream...
Secret admirers? Special someone? Affection? Love? Where does one even begin? There is nothing more precious in this world than being gifted with the heart and the soul of another. To have that someone say: "this is me - this is who I am, and I give that to you and to you only..." To wake in the morning and to go to sleep each night and to live every conscious moment holding that someone in your thoughts - to turn to the clock and note the hour and say to oneself "he is thinking of me right now" and to know with all your heart that it is true...
Words. Words and perhaps if one is lucky, the ability to be able to share the sound of laughter. Star-crossed love? A left-handed gift from the gods? The ultimate Greek Tragedy? Waiting and longing and aching for that touch that will never happen. Being willing to pay the price with the pain, because it is always worth it. I will take the pain. Gladly. I will embrace it, because in the end, I know what I have and it is precious...
Darling, if you read this it will probably make you cry (and know as I write this the words blur on the page) and I know you will not - cannot respond, but it doesn't matter. Because I know what I have and it is worth it. You are worth it. We have everything and nothing but we have it together and we have it forever... I love you...
End Quote
Words cannot express the strength of the feelings I have reserved for you, and your friendship. It is very special and makes me feel as I never have before.
Circumstance prevents those feelings from being expanded on in a more tangible sense, to my utter distress, but I am gladdened by the knowledge that on a higher plane, it does not matter.
I had never experienced 'spiritual love' before, but now I know what it is. I wish so much that I could express my words as eloquently as you have....I have done my best.
Outside of the boundaries that are 'Adam', I wish for you the finest that life can deliver, because you deserve it, and so much more.
Love you back.... :-*
Subject: Re: Admirers
You are unworthy of any of my thoughts: Good or bad. You bore me with your psychobabble and your inane cliches. Here's one that even you could understand: You need to get laid, Lurksalot ;)
End Quote
Gee, lets go back to your previous post, shall we, your high and mightiness?
I call it "teasing." How many people like that?!
End Quote
Talk about mind games. ::) Okay, I admit it King, YOU WON. You beat me at my own game. Relish in your victory. ::) :D I definitely admire you for your keen wit and ability to read people...
Did someone mention mayhem?
Subject: Re: Admirers
Too bad Mr. Sir Lurksalot doesn't know how to "lurk" properly! Since "we" know who you are, why don't you come out of your shell & tell us what you really think. :D
Word of advice: If you're gonna lurk to try and stir up the pot with your nonsense lip flapping, try not to tell anyone about it ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Better yet, why can't we syphon all the crap out of this thread, and leave it for those people who really had something genuine to say to each other >:(
Subject: Re: Admirers
Too bad Mr. Sir Lurksalot doesn't know how to "lurk" properly! Since "we" know who you are, why don't you come out of your shell & tell us what you really think. :D
Word of advice: If you're gonna lurk to try and stir up the pot with your nonsense lip flapping, try not to tell anyone about it ;)
End Quote
I realized I made a mistake when I decided to respond to it's imbecilic post in the first place, but by then I had already clicked on . It did not fail prove my assessment that the fellow possesses an IQ lower than its p---s size. Why did I even bother with it's nonsense? Hmdunno. I was bored and had nothing to do for a minute... ::) (wow! These smilies really do the job!).
All I can write on this is that Sir Lurksalot is not admired by yours truly, nor is he admired by... well, he knows ;)
Let the soap continue ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
He-he-heee ;D
I can't believe we're going into the 9th page of... admiring :D !
Wait until Hairspray and Chuck see THIS :o
Subject: Re: Admirers
Does anyone admire me? I'm very clean and I have all my teeth.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Okay, am I the only person who doesn't know who's who here? ??? ::)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Okay, am I the only person who doesn't know who's who here? ??? ::)
End Quote
No TV, but I am starting to get a pretty fair idea by the timing of posts..... :(
Subject: Re: Admirers
Does anyone admire me? I'm very clean and I have all my teeth.
End Quote
I've admired you for a long time, Dooley, and have never seen your teeth ! ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I guess I should start paying more attention to that. It's so frustrating when you're the clueless one out there. :P
Subject: Re: Admirers
I guess I should start paying more attention to that. It's so frustrating when you're the clueless one out there. :P
End Quote
No ! I have simply been 'around' at opportune times, that's all.
Subject: Re: Admirers
No TV, but I am starting to get a pretty fair idea by the timing of posts..... :(
End Quote
Subject: Re: Admirers
Maybe 'Lure'- King is a dedicated fisherman.... ???
Subject: Re: Admirers
I've admired you for a long time, Dooley, and have never seen your teeth ! ;)
End Quote
Aww gee thanks Fuss!! You don't happen to be wearing khaki and smell like crocodile do you? ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Maybe 'Lure'- King is a dedicated fisherman.... ???
End Quote
Bwahahaha!!! ;D Too funny Zella! ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Aww gee thanks Fuss!! You don't happen to be wearing khaki and smell like crocodile do you? ;) ;D
End Quote
Wrong thread Dooley ! I am still waiting for a bite form your big "white" croc teeth in the other one ! :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Okay, am I the only person who doesn't know who's who here? ??? ::)
End Quote
Me too TV9, I just came back the boards and dont know alot of the peeps on this board yet. There are soooo many good people here ;D Its natural for us to like others (ok for some of us in excess ) :o
But as said in this string before, as an example Goldie and WL who met on this board, who knows what can happen! :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Come on, kids! We're half way done to board meltdown! I'd really admire more of you penguins if things were posted under your regular usernames :-* Now THAT would be something! Although some lurkers also have their charm. Here's one for you Ghost of Ghost! :-* and you too Ghostbuster :-*
And the countdown continues!
Subject: Re: Admirers
I guess I should start paying more attention to that. It's so frustrating when you're the clueless one out there. :P
End Quote
Don't feel lonely TV9.....I feel just as clueless as you do!
Modified to add: Is it just me, or does it feel like with all of these lurkers that someone has shut off the lights and we are are here in the dark trying to find our way around?? ;D Elbowing bodies out of the way....
Subject: Re: Admirers
Come on, kids! We're half way done to board meltdown! I'd really admire more of you penguins if things were posted under your regular usernames :-* Now THAT would be something! Although some lurkers also have their charm. Here's one for you Ghost of Ghost! :-* and you too Ghostbuster :-*
And the countdown continues!
End Quote
You know Mr. Angry Face......you are kinda cute! How about you & I admire each other in your bedroom? ;)
Next on "Days of Our Penguins", Lure-King and Sir LurksAlot, battle it out in a sword fight! Don't miss it! :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Next on "Days of Our Penguins", Lure-King and Sir LurksAlot, battle it out in a sword fight! Don't miss it! :D
End Quote
Awright! Boardfight!
Fight :D Fight :D Fight :D Fight :D Fight :D Fight :D
Naw, we reel-ly would not want that. Another roasting has hijacked my thoughts, but that's another topic of its own. I feel that if Sir Lurksalot has that much of a problem with Lure-King, he should privately message Tarzan Boy and take care of it in private... unless he's an avid fan of Jerry Springer too! If Not Likely can broadcast another's personal business, I am sure it would not take much to dish another one's just as easily! Yeah!
To be continued...
Subject: Re: Admirers
Too bad Mr. Sir Lurksalot doesn't know how to "lurk" properly! Since "we" know who you are, why don't you come out of your shell & tell us what you really think. :D
Word of advice: If you're gonna lurk to try and stir up the pot with your nonsense lip flapping, try not to tell anyone about it ;)
End Quote
You're right, Kimba. Just trying to "play" the game...I apologize to everyone I've offended. I guess I don't play well with others. :-/
Subject: Re: Admirers
You're right, Kimba. Just trying to "play" the game...I apologize to everyone I've offended. I guess I don't play well with others. :-/
End Quote
Well, I can see that PoP and I were wrong about who we "thought" Sir LurksAlot was. But I guess that doesn't matter now, does it? ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I guess I feel responable for all of this since I was the one who started this thread. I just thought that it would be a place to "confess" that secret "thing" from afar that people have for other board members. I am sorry it causes any one to be offended or give any grief. That was not my intent.
Subject: Re: Admirers
I guess I feel responable for all of this since I was the one who started this thread. I just thought that it would be a place to "confess" that secret "thing" from afar that people have for other board members. I am sorry it causes any one to be offended or give any grief. That was not my intent.
End Quote
No Cat, don't apologize. It's not your fault in anyway.
And to "We The People".....haha! yeah right! :D Good try!
Subject: Re: Admirers
I guess I feel responable for all of this since I was the one who started this thread. I just thought that it would be a place to "confess" that secret "thing" from afar that people have for other board members. I am sorry it causes any one to be offended or give any grief. That was not my intent.
End Quote
Cat sweetie I am not offended in the least! I think this has been quite interesting. I have had the chance to read some beautiful posts, and have found that I have made a special friend, even if I don't know who they are.... :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, I can see that PoP and I were wrong about who we "thought" Sir LurksAlot was. But I guess that doesn't matter now, does it? ;)
End Quote
Whatever...carry on... 8)
Subject: Re: Admirers
You're right, Kimba. Just trying to "play" the game...I apologize to everyone I've offended. I guess I don't play well with others. :-/
End Quote
In my first post as Lure-King, I was being serious. If it read with any tone of negativity, it is because I get a very negative vibe from someone who deigns call themselves "a friend," yet has no qualms about sharing private, personal information which is supposed to be kept between friends. A true friend, imho, would not put anyone in the line of fire anonymously like that, you know? Would anyone here trust their emotions and thoughts to this... this "friend"? Sorry, but I did not get your joke. I did play along. The way some have carried on, I can't help to think this is a joke and a game, after all :) :D ;D
Now, who's gonna lose their mind? :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I have had the chance to read some beautiful posts, and have found that I have made a special friend, even if I don't know who they are.... :)
End Quote
That was my intent when I started this thread.
Subject: Re: Admirers
In my first post as Lure-King, I was being serious. If it read with any tone of negativity, it is because I get a very negative vibe from someone who deigns call themselves "a friend," yet has not qualms about sharing private, personal information which is supposed to be kept between friends. A true friend, imo, would not put anyone in the line of fire anonymously like that, you know? Would anyone here trust another with their emotions and thoughts to this... this "friend"? Sorry, but I did not get your joke. I did play along. The way some have carried on, I can't help to think this is a joke and a game, after all :) :D ;D
Now, who's gonna lose their mind? :) :D ;D
End Quote
Sorry you didn't get my joke. And hey, I misfired on who I thought Lure-King was, not that it matters now. ;)
If I am this "friend" who has done this to anyone here, my sincerest apologies. :-[
Cat, no need to apologize for starting this thread. I thought it was interesting. :)
I admire the lot of you for making this such a warm place, especially in a time where I'm going thru my own personal h3LL. If I've been causing anyone any grief, just let me know and I will move on.
Subject: Re: Admirers
And hey, I misfired on who I thought Lure-King was, End Quote
Actually I think you did know.
I'm going thru my own personal h3LL. End Quote
Welcome to the club. :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I guess I feel responable for all of this since I was the one who started this thread. I just thought that it would be a place to "confess" that secret "thing" from afar that people have for other board members. I am sorry it causes any one to be offended or give any grief. That was not my intent.
End Quote
No way :D ! We're going on 11 pages! That's nothing to apologize about :) :D ;D There's a lot of admiring going on and it is fun to read other penguins' posts. "Daze Of Our Penguins," right?
I'm sure Hairspray has had it with us by now. There's no editing, no deletions, and modifications. We really do need a net-nanny to keep us in line.
On with the show.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Actually I think you did know.
I thought I knew. Unfortunately I'm not tech-savvy enough to know where to find a user's IP addy.
Welcome to the club. :)
End Quote
You too? :o Dang!
I've been a member of LHC for about 2 years but have recently become a highly active member in the past two months. You?
Subject: Re: Admirers
No way :D ! We're going on 11 pages! That's nothing to apologize about :) :D ;D There's a lot of admiring going on and it is fun to read other penguins' posts. "Daze Of Our Penguins," right?
End Quote
I agree TB! This is way more entertaining then even the Penguin Board Games! :D :D
Although, I can't help but wonder......is this supposed to be a comedy or drama? ::)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Melodramedy with hints of sci-fi, suspense, adventure, and romance... but more on the side of comedy :) :D ;D
This is my 10th post to-day. I should start a new topic about that 8)
Subject: Re: Admirers
This is my 10th post to-day. I should start a new topic about that 8)
End Quote
Whoa! :o That must be a record for you! ;D TB, you will be at "Royal" status in no time! :D
Me? I am just trying to push this thread to 20 pages and get the "view count" up to 33,457 8)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Monsieur, to have the question answered is truly a touching and wondrous feeling. Mon coeur déborde avec bonheur.
Subject: Re: Admirers
My god - I don't check the board for 24 hours and the thread has doubled practically in pages, and we're finding out who the lurkers are!!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, not ALL the lurkers....
Nevermind, I did admit I was "Pop Life" (like one of Prince's songs) on another thread and many probably can tell it's me by what's on the posts.
Edited for adding the perenthesis
Subject: Re: Admirers
Best if I keep my posts to myself. :-X
As Brittany Murphy once said, "I'll Never Tell".
Subject: Re: Admirers
Still I can't believe that this thread is growing rapidly...
Though I like to admit that this thread is quite interesting. :)
Celebrity & "school" crushes is how far I'll go.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Okay, am I the only person who doesn't know who's who here? ??? ::)
End Quote
Nope, I don't have a clue, either. :-/
Subject: Re: Admirers
Monsieur, to have the question answered is truly a touching and wondrous feeling. Mon coeur déborde avec bonheur.
End Quote
Dame, I am happy that your question has finally been answered. ;)
Modified to add: And the view count keeps getting higher & higher & higher.......HA! This is great! ;D :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I have made many freinds on this board, but no romantic attachments.....and that's OK because that's not why I am here...and I am happily wed. But I do love to flirt and kid around.......it's all good.
I do admire some of the members, and they know who they are....and I must say that I admire Tarzan Boy for having the guts to lay his soul bare for all to see...that took some courage! That being said....Hey, TeeZee!!!! Take off your pants!!!! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
HA HA! Made you look! :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Made you look again!
Subject: Re: Admirers
cs is the one I like. She's cute, angry, angrier; she's like a disturbed hornet's nest, but she's cute! How does one wipe that frown and turn it into a smile? What kinds of giles and wiles does it take? ;)
Don't lash out, lady. We love you.
Watch out! Prairie rose has thorns!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Hey CS you are one tough cookie! Stick around gal! :) We are here for you!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Ahem! Well, now that I have my pants off. My foot is tapping nervously...
It's spelled "guile" 8)
Okay, let the stomping begin. Y:oW
Subject: Re: Admirers
Ahem! Well, now that I have my pants off.
End Quote
:o I wanna see! I wanna see! :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I want to make a serious observation...... so could you pull up ya pants TB! :o
Internet friendships seem to be unlike any other relationship in so far as sharing the things of the very depths of the soul. I think it is one of the wonderful consequences of forced unrequitedness that is rarely experienced in the real world and it provides such a wonderful opportunity to explore ones inner self in a uniquely honest way.
Back to you TB. :o
Subject: Re: Admirers
I want to make a serious observation...... so could you pull up ya pants TB! :o
Internet friendships seem to be unlike any other relationship in so far as sharing the things of the very depths of the soul. I think it is one of the wonderful consequences of forced unrequitedness that is rarely experienced in the real world and it provides such a wonderful opportunity to explore ones inner self in a uniquely honest way.
Back to you TB. :o
End Quote
That's very nice, HD. And quite true :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Internet friendships seem to be unlike any other relationship in so far as sharing the things of the very depths of the soul. I think it is one of the wonderful consequences of forced unrequitedness that is rarely experienced in the real world and it provides such a wonderful opportunity to explore ones inner self in a uniquely honest way.
End Quote
HolyDooley,oui I agree, this is beautiful, and very true.
Dame, I am happy that your question has finally been answered. ;)
End Quote
Princess, mon ami perhaps the sad lady is not so sad anymore,eh?. Thank you for your kindness.
Subject: Re: Admirers
And on today's edition of "Days of Board Lives":
Let's say a connection is made between two board members. How do you proceed from there? What is appropriate and when is it appropriate? This is a new area for me. I never went online looking for love, or somebody to love. In all my years online, I've never fallen in love with someone I've met online. Never until now.
How do you handle friends online who know you both beforehand? What if you're married, and people know that? Do you worry what they will say? Do you worry what they'll say about the one you love, if they're married as well? Take TB and PoP as an example. My take from this thread is they'ree falling for each other, an TB professed it here. Does everything here proceed as normal? Do people here view them any differently? These are serious questions. Anyone care to tackle them?
For those who must know, I did reveal to the one I admire who I am. Any results may or may not be announced. ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Here I sit broken hearted....
Had to poo and only farted :'(
Subject: Re: Admirers
Then one day i took a chance
Tried to fart and poo'ed my pants!
Subject: Re: Admirers
My opinion is that if you are happy it is noone elses business but your own. If they are your friends here they won't judge you, even if they may not like it.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Constipuella, shouldn't your gastro problem have a face like this-> :o? ;D ;) We sure do have some interesting lurkers here lately....
Subject: Re: Admirers
And on today's edition of "Days of Board Lives":
Let's say a connection is made between two board members. How do you proceed from there? What is appropriate and when is it appropriate?
What if you're married, and people know that?
End Quote
This too, is a question that plagues me.
How when and where is it appropriate to let your "crush" know you like him/her, (if ever)?
What if your crush is married (happily or not)?
If you were the object of someone's crush would you want to know?
Would you be comfortable with that knowledge if you did not feel the same way?
What if the feeling is mutual?
What if the two of you do not live anywhere near each other?
What should you do?
Subject: Re: Admirers
With that in mind, I would be flattered to think that someone has a crush on me. I would like to know, it would be a great ego-boost.
But if I did not feel the same way in return? I would try to let the other person down easily...tell him/her I was flattered I had made an impression, but was not "in love" in return.
Would you still be able to keep a platonic friendship, knowing your affections were not returned? If you are the object of the crush would you be able to keep coming here, knowing someone was crushing on you and you didn't feel the same?
I think I would have no problem continuing a friendship with someone here, whether I was the "crusher" or the "crushee".
If I knew my feelings were not returned, I would never mention it again. Would the other party be able to do the same?
They say it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all....
But I feel it is better to have a platonic friendship than never to see or talk to that person at all.
Subject: Re: Admirers
My opinion is that if you are happy it is noone elses business but your own. If they are your friends here they won't judge you, even if they may not like it.
End Quote
That is my thought as well. I think that we shouldn't judge people like PoP & TB for feeling the way they do. Or anyone else for that matter. It's really not anyone else's business what goes on between board members. Yeah, it's nice to see how much people are admiring others, but what goes on away from this messageboard between two people does not concern anyone else here. And even if someone is married, how do we know if it's a good marriage or not? There might be things going on in one's personal life that we don't know about. Therefore, we have no room to look down upon anyone for falling for another board member. I don't think TB or PoP came to this board with the intention of finding a mate, things just happen....love and infatuation are not meant to be explained, they are meant to be held deep inside and shared by two people regardless if they are 3000 miles away from each other. Call it fate, call it coincidence, whatever it is, it's beautiful thing & I hope that other people can see that. - PoP
Subject: Re: Admirers
Good questions and points made so far.
Kat, maybe it is best to tell the person that you crush on that you care. Isn't it better to know? I can't tell you what to do but whatever it is, I can't imagine as I am one of your friends that it would lessen my opinion of you at all.
Venus, that is a very good post. How can we judge others, as we are none of us better than the other?
Me, I am just hanging around watching this unfold. I have to admit I am curious about all of these questions myself. ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
....as of right now, there are 115 posts and it's been viewed 2120 times!!!!
End Quote
Just an update.....since I am so obssessed with this ::)
As of NOW, the post count is 189 and the view count has risen to a whopping 3320!!!!! Good lordy that's alot! :o
I am thinking this HAS to be some kind of record.....
Subject: Re: Admirers
Just an update.....since I am so obssessed with this ::)
As of NOW, the post count is 189 and the view count has risen to a whopping 3320!!!!! Good lordy that's alot! :o
I am thinking this HAS to be some kind of record.....
End Quote
Naw hon the quiz areas have this beat by a mile
Subject: Re: Admirers
OK, a non-quiz related record?
Subject: Re: Admirers
OK, a non-quiz related record?
End Quote
This thead has the record on views, but the "Helmuts and Anteaters" thread has 250 posts and went 17 pages.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Ah, monsieur, but thees one, eet ees steel chugging along!
Subject: Re: Admirers
This thead has the record on views, but the "Helmuts and Anteaters" thread has 250 posts and went 17 pages.
End Quote
God, I loved that thread!!!! Now I got the visuals going thru my mind again.....
Thanks!!!! ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
God, I loved that thread!!!! Now I got the visuals going thru my mind again.....
Thanks!!!! ;) ;D
End Quote
Your welcome. In a similar vein, we could try a "Geoduck or Sea Eel" post. ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Edge so sharp it frees me
and I think not as I settle to my knees
and my blood comes forth
take a sip
we share and we are one
coppery taste so sweet
I kiss your lips
and drink deeply of your soul
as you drink of mine
and we are one
and we are alone
together and alone
two souls lost in identical mazes
and we try to help each other
but only sink deeper
and I know what it's like to feel inside you
and though we are joined
we are alone
and I don't return your phone calls
we tried and failed
because though we were together
we've always been alone.
End Quote
Hum...I think I met my match!
Subject: Re: Admirers
I admire Eminem. Even if he is being a jerk and won't let me make a video! :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
After all these years on "The X Files", I've always have admired Scully!
The truth have been told.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Ok Ok I will tell you then... I am totally in love with Bob Dole. I just had to tell the truth. Bob, I love you man!!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Ok Ok I will tell you then... I am totally in love with Bob Dole. I just had to tell the truth. Bob, I love you man!!
End Quote
I thought you loved me! You frakkin' bastard! If I ever see you again I'll take the opportunity to rip your frakkin' d**k off off and feed it to the chipmonks!! >:(
Subject: Re: Admirers
I never loved Lucy. I happen to admire Marilyn Monroe.
Subject: Re: Admirers
D@mn.....with all those stoopid posts above....no wonder this thread has lot its meaning >:(
Subject: Re: Admirers
I hate to admit this, but I admire "Weird Al"!!!
I like the fact he admires me too!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
D@mn.....with all those stoopid posts above....no wonder this thread has LOST its meaning >:(
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, Ricky!!! I don't like you!!!
I'll admit that I admire John Wayne!!!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, without embarassing myself, I'll proudly say that I admire both Beavis & Butt-Head. :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I never admired Carlos!!! I just wanted him for his moola! ;D
I have a thing for the first Darrin, so move over Samantha!!!
Subject: Re: Admirers
I now admire my pimp..uh err..manager.
He gives me all these cars, jewelry, clothes, the money for my implants, etc.
Subject: Re: Admirers
I admire Jennifer Lopez. ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Wow, I see somebody's been bored & decided to lurk here ::)
Sweetie, I think you meant to post all your nonsense on the "New Games" thread over on PBG's. Run along now.... ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Edge so sharp it frees me
and I think not as I settle to my knees
and my blood comes forth
take a sip
we share and we are one
coppery taste so sweet
I kiss your lips
and drink deeply of your soul
as you drink of mine
and we are one
and we are alone
together and alone
two souls lost in identical mazes
and we try to help each other
but only sink deeper
and I know what it's like to feel inside you
and though we are joined
we are alone
and I don't return your phone calls
we tried and failed
because though we were together
we've always been alone.
End Quote
Mercedes........show your real self......your poem has me mesmerised!! I am now your admirer ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
G-dam, I have to confess that I have a at least a small crush on any female on here and maybe a males or two as well. ;D (Hairspray, that includeds you) What is it? Some beautiful people her to talk because they want too, say what they want too, only do it becasue they want too. So many beautifull people here, beautiful because I know them from the heart and not from pics in magazines or seen from across the room at a party. Beauty cause I have chosen not what has been told of me. So Shaz, Xena, PoP, CatFV, PoP, SS (my first here), Banasy, Holy Dooley, Zella, Hair, and even Rice (in a proud, he's my little brother kind of way) thanks for the love and affection you allow me to give. I know I've missed some others here, If you don't see your name, I would add it.
Race Bannon (aka, just simple Jeff to most people)
Subject: Re: Admirers
This thead has the record on views, but the "Helmuts and Anteaters" thread has 250 posts and went 17 pages.
End Quote
Actually Race on Quizzes page 3 linking game has 21 pages 302 entries but 1134 views so yes this thread does have views down pat. Thus enters my addition to this thread making it larger LOL
Subject: Re: Admirers
Let's say a connection is made between two board members. How do you proceed from there? What is appropriate and when is it appropriate? This is a new area for me. I never went online looking for love, or somebody to love. In all my years online, I've never fallen in love with someone I've met online. Never until now.
How do you handle friends online who know you both beforehand? What if you're married, and people know that? Do you worry what they will say? Do you worry what they'll say about the one you love, if they're married as well? Take TB and PoP as an example. My take from this thread is they're falling for each other, an TB professed it here. Does everything here proceed as normal? Do people here view them any differently? These are serious questions. Anyone care to tackle them?
For those who must know, I did reveal to the one I admire who I am. Any results may or may not be announced. ;)
End Quote
It's new to me as well. This is all done through correspondence and now through telephone. It's like a toned-down imitation of Les Liaisons Dangerouses (I would not say "cheap," but I do wish to have DeLaclos's mastery of letter-writing...).
Do I mind what other members write about us? In a way, I do. I'd hate to think others are wrongly judging her character. It was my intention to keep this between her and me exclusively. This way is fine too. I would have objected and not written anything about this if I felt strongly about it. I don't think any harm can come to us by letting others know here since, even if we know the usernames, we still don't know anybody else personally (save for a few exceptions). Maybe it helps both of our minds to let others know this way since - at least in her case - she cannot confide in those close to her what is going on in her life (as for me, I can tell my family and friends, but I choose not to do so until I feel it is right to tell them).
As for the rest, everyone is a different case. I can only go forward and want to give this new, possible life a chance. I think I can be happy then - with her.
Subject: Re: Admirers
I have to say, I have fallen for a DJ man (not DJ Midas)
He can play me all night long! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I have to say, I have fallen for a DJ man (not DJ Midas)
He can play me all night long! ;D ;D
End Quote
Ha ! How un-cryptic ! Does he take requests ? :P
Subject: Re: Admirers
Mercedes........show your real self......your poem has me mesmerised!! I am now your admirer ;)
End Quote
The same poem is listed in the sciforums as written by a Angelus. I am not familiar with Mercedes De Acosta. I thought, perhaps, the real celebrity was the author of the poem (she is a screenwriter though...), but she is not, so I am guessing this is an original by this Angelus who might be posting here or a lurker who has decided to plagiarize someone else's marvelous thought and not give credit...
I love the poem.
Subject: Re: Admirers
It's new to me as well. This is all done through correspondence and now through telephone. It's like a toned-down imitation of Les Liaisons Dangerouses (I would not say "cheap," but I do wish to have DeLaclos's mastery of letter-writing...).
Do I mind what other members write about us? In a way, I do. I'd hate to think others are wrongly judging her character. It was my intention to keep this between her and me exclusively. This way is fine too. I would have objected and not written anything about this if I felt strongly about it. I don't think any harm can come to us by letting others know here since, even if we know the usernames, we still don't know anybody else personally (save for a few exceptions). Maybe it helps both of our minds to let others know this way since - at least in her case - she cannot confide in those close to her what is going on in her life (as for me, I can tell my family and friends, but I choose not to do so until I feel it is right to tell them).
As for the rest, everyone is a different case. I can only go forward and want to give this new, possible life a chance. I think I can be happy then - with her.
End Quote
There are no words to describe how this makes me feel. All I can say is "thank you for understanding me".
This is just one example of why things have turned out the way they have for us. Respect, loyalty, honesty, friendship, trust and love. What more can a woman ask for? Looks? Well then, I guess I got my "bonus" too ;) :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I have to say, I have fallen for a DJ man (not DJ Midas)
He can play me all night long! ;D ;D
End Quote
:D :D Is it Rick Dees or Casey Kasem? ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
G-dam, I have to confess that I have a at least a small crush on any female on here and maybe a males or two as well. ;D (Hairspray, that includeds you) What is it? Some beautiful people her to talk because they want too, say what they want too, only do it becasue they want too. So many beautifull people here, beautiful because I know them from the heart and not from pics in magazines or seen from across the room at a party. Beauty cause I have chosen not what has been told of me. So Shaz, Xena, PoP, CatFV, PoP, SS (my first here), Banasy, Holy Dooley, Zella, Hair, and even Rice (in a proud, he's my little brother kind of way) thanks for the love and affection you allow me to give. I know I've missed some others here, If you don't see your name, I would add it.
Race Bannon (aka, just simple Jeff to most people)
End Quote
Thanks Jeff! I admire you & Autumn as well! You two are the coolest fishies I know :D
(even if you do like Eddie Vedder) ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I have been truly blessed in meeting a genuinely lovely, caring and beautiful person on these boards.
He is admired and adored by me for many reasons and he knows exactly what they are.
You are a very sweet and considerate friend and I love you for that.
My dearest wish is that we will remain friends forever.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Mon amour chéri-
I think of you today.
Je t'adore
Subject: Re: Admirers
Je pense à vous, aussi, mon amour.
Jusqu'à ce que je vous voie dans mes rêves, mes doux...
Subject: Re: Admirers
N'est pas le poisson de Babel stupéfiant simplement?! Maintenant tous peuvent lire et écrire la langue de l'amour.
Subject: Re: Admirers
I didn't write this poem, but it seemed to fit my situation.
A fear is there
A fear of me
I fear of how it might be
A fear of feelings running astray
A fear of emotions too strong to say
A fear of my heart telling my mind what to do
I fear if I ignore it, it might go away
I fear if I chase it, it might just stay
A fear of what it means to me
I fear if I don't grab it, I fear loneliness will not let me be
I fear that if I go after it, that fear, it might be true
A fear of what I am about to say.....
I fear I could be falling in love with you.
Subject: Re: Admirers
I have been truly blessed in meeting a genuinely lovely, caring and beautiful person on these boards.
He is admired and adored by me for many reasons and he knows exactly what they are.
You are a very sweet and considerate friend and I love you for that.
My dearest wish is that we will remain friends forever.
End Quote
I believe I am the fortunate friend mentioned here. My feelings are matched in every way for you.
We will remain friends and it is my sincere wish that in time we can progress that concept to something more intimate.
:P :) :-*
Subject: Re: Admirers
There is a certain Southern woman here who I admire. She doesn't know that I do,I don't even think she knows me, and it is going to stay that way. For now. I have been told she is a spit fire.......
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, I see we have another "secret admirer"! :D How exciting for you SS! Another mystery lurker to add to many we already have.
BTW: Have ya checked the view count lately? Woo hoo! ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I too, have a crush on one here and I dare not speak his name.
He is a strong, intelligent, Austrailian man, who never says "crikey" or "struth". Short in stature though he claims to be, he is yet taller than I. He has captured my heart, though he knows it not for we never speak.
I long to hear his voice, his words, his heart. The many miles that separate us brings me such pain. I may never be able to hear his sweet voice, but each time I read one of his posts it brings the sun into the darkness that is my lonliness.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Crikey :o I kneuw who ya're talkin' 'bout ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I too, have a crush on one here and I dare not speak his name.
He is a strong, intelligent, Austrailian man, who never says "crikey" or "struth". Short in stature though he claims to be, he is yet taller than I. He has captured my heart, though he knows it not for we never speak.
I long to hear his voice, his words, his heart. The many miles that separate us brings me such pain. I may never be able to hear his sweet voice, but each time I read one of his posts it brings the sun into the darkness that is my lonliness.
End Quote
I don't know who you are (or do I ?), but I suspect you are speaking of me (?) and if you are, thank you for your kind words :)
I have but one request for you : "Reveal Yourself" (so to speak) :P
If you were not speaking about me, the "Reveal Yourself" bit could still stand ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
I too, have a crush on one here and I dare not speak his name.
He is a strong, intelligent, Austrailian man, who never says "crikey" or "struth". Short in stature though he claims to be, he is yet taller than I. He has captured my heart, though he knows it not for we never speak.
I long to hear his voice, his words, his heart. The many miles that separate us brings me such pain. I may never be able to hear his sweet voice, but each time I read one of his posts it brings the sun into the darkness that is my lonliness.
End Quote
Uh oh! Joust at 20 paces with pointy objects! The gauntlet have been thrown down! :o ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Uh oh! Joust at 20 paces with pointy objects! The gauntlet have been thrown down! :o ;)
End Quote
Isn't that keyboards at 20 paces? ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I don't know who you are (or do I ?), but I suspect you are speaking of me (?) and if you are, thank you for your kind words :)
I have but one request for you : "Reveal Yourself" (so to speak) :P
If you were not speaking about me, the "Reveal Yourself" bit could still stand ;D
End Quote
You are indeed correct, bright one...it is you I am speaking of.
Though you do indeed know who I am, I have not revealed myself in part because I did not know if you would welcome the knowlege of my feelings.
I do not wish to cause you strife or grief, or make you uncomfortable.
I am also trying to avoid a confrontation with "The Rival".
I have no desire to come between or destroy friendships.
Do you still wish to know who I am? Or do you prefer to know you are cared for from afar?
Subject: Re: Admirers
Uh-oh... The Rival.
If ya clausly, ya'll see it's big manacing teeth. She's a bee-oot, ain't she? Car-ful, thouse thengs are pointy!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Uh-oh... The Rival.
If ya clausly, ya'll see it's big manacing teeth. She's a bee-oot, ain't she? Car-ful, thouse thengs are pointy!
End Quote
;D Hey Steve, is that a reptile in your pocket, or are you just....... :o
Subject: Re: Admirers
There is a certain Southern woman here who I admire. She doesn't know that I do,I don't even think she knows me, and it is going to stay that way. For now. I have been told she is a spit fire.......
End Quote
I am flattered by this, secret admirer....but if you want me to take you serious, you need to give me more than this. Otherwise I am just gonna think it is mean joke
And I am not much of a spitfire....only when provoked!! ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I am also trying to avoid a confrontation with "The Rival".
I have no desire to come between or destroy friendships.
End Quote
Don't worry... I don't bite (and the pointy objects are kinda dull.... ;) )
Subject: Re: Admirers
Daun't trast ha, Langin' Lady. That is pa'art ov ha stratagy. Watch it. Best if ya leev ha mayte ta ha. Dayn't wanna find aut if she's... territarial :o
Subject: Re: Admirers
no one ever has a crush on me. is it because I am nancy nitpicker
Subject: Re: Admirers
You are indeed correct, bright one...it is you I am speaking of.
Though you do indeed know who I am, I have not revealed myself in part because I did not know if you would welcome the knowlege of my feelings.
I do not wish to cause you strife or grief, or make you uncomfortable.
I am also trying to avoid a confrontation with "The Rival".
I have no desire to come between or destroy friendships.
Do you still wish to know who I am? Or do you prefer to know you are cared for from afar?
End Quote
Of course I would like to know who you are ! I believe my friendship with 'the rival' would not be affected in any way.
I don't believe knowing who you are would cause me stress or grief.
You can PM me and let me know who you are, that would be nice. It would be interesting to know if you are who I think you are, or whether I am way off beam (both are equally possible with me! ::))
Subject: Re: Admirers
no one ever has a crush on me. is it because I am nancy nitpicker
End Quote
If it's any consolation, I love your lurker name :D ! I've complimented on this before, but, like always... nobody reads my posts :( ... Except for Venus :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Daun't trast ha, Langin' Lady. That is pa'art ov ha stratagy. Watch it. Best if ya leev ha mayte ta ha. Dayn't wanna find aut if she's... territarial :o
End Quote
Steve,.....Matey.....I gotta tell ya.... ::)
That is the dead-set worst attempt at an 'Orstrayun' accent I have read !
It sounds more like Charles Emerson Winchester III to me !
(From one who knows what they really sound like)
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
like always... nobody reads my posts :( ... Except for Venus :)
End Quote
8) Maybe it's because I am Stalking you 8)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Steve,.....Matey.....I gotta tell ya.... ::)
That is the dead-set worst attempt at an 'Orstrayun' accent I have read !
It sounds more like Charles Emerson Winchester III to me !
(From one who knows what they really sound like)
FB ;)
End Quote
What do you expect from American tellie? :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
If it's any consolation, I love your lurker name :D ! I've complimented on this before, but, like always... nobody reads my posts :( ... Except for Venus :)
End Quote
I read it and thanks you :D I don't remember anyone complimenting me before
Subject: Re: Admirers
Thank you Mystery Lady, for your message :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Thank you Mystery Lady, for your message :)
End Quote
Yay! I hope that means another "mystery" has been solved on this thread!
I noticed that this thread is reaching 18 pages, and to be honest, I will be kinda bummed out when it reaches the end.
I think this topic has been very special due to the fact that people have opened up and shared their feelings with one another, even if it has been in lurk mode. And we have members who have made new "friendships" that could maybe turn into something more? If it wasn't for this thread, would "Not Likely" have ever had the chance to reveal his true feelings to Shaz? Would Fuss have ever known he had "another" admirer? And Lilith and Adam, would they have been able to share feelings like the way they have? And even though TB & I have shared what we think about each other in private, there's something about reading it here, out in the open that makes it even better. I truly hope that we haven't made you all sick with our corny love posts! LOL!
Anyway, I will be sad to see it end, but maybe....maybe if people are interested I can talk "Venus" into starting a similar one when this is done. ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
There is a certain man who has captured my heart at this board, and I need to let him know.
I hear his voice in my heart and it moves me like Thunder, he moves through the night like a Vampire, and I love him 9 times over......
I don't want to be without him. And I pray that he will feel the same...
No matter where you go,
However far away,
A part of me will be with you
And a part of you, with me, will stay
Subject: Re: Admirers
I don't think anyone's ever publicly said that they've admired me but in private we've talked and developed great friendships. I guess in my case my "special something" is friendship and camaraderie with the people I talk to. While I may never meet these people in real life, their online presence is something I've grown to cherish, and I actually miss them when they're not around.
The knowledge that I feel that way about you people should be good enough for now ;)
End Quote
Just thought I'd bring this back up, for a wee bit of perspective (for my sake, not yours).
"I admire you more today than yesterday..."
Subject: Re: Admirers
I admire myself very highly ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Nobody admires me...
Oh well... I admire goldie anyway!! ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Nobody admires me...
Oh well... I admire goldie anyway!! ;D
End Quote
Awwww Lester... I've always admired you! You are a truly good person who is fun to talk to, you stand by your friends and you can always see both sides of an issue ! Great qualities all! :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
NewRomantic, you know how I rufuse to be ignored! >:( Now where is it you keep that damm rabbit?
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Give me a break! >:(
Subject: Re: Admirers
People just a short sweet comment:
Aren't we getting a LOT juvenile? Knock it off this thread is supposed to be for fun and romance, happiness. Lurkers go away already! >:(
Subject: Re: Admirers
People just a short sweet comment:
Aren't we getting a LOT juvenile? Knock it off this thread is supposed to be for fun and romance, happiness. Lurkers go away already! >:(
End Quote
Agreed Shaz!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Awwww Lester... I've always admired you! You are a truly good person who is fun to talk to, you stand by your friends and you can always see both sides of an issue ! Great qualities all! :)
End Quote
Yeah, ditto what Zella said. I admire you, too. You are truly a great person. :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Let's just say I admire everyone on here that gives a flip about me. Almost everyone here has been good to me. ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Let's just say I admire everyone on here that gives a flip about me. Almost everyone here has been good to me. ;)
End Quote
Ah, what the heck - I'll give you two flips, Indy! :-*
Subject: Re: Admirers
Nobody admires me...
Oh well... I admire goldie anyway!! ;D
End Quote
Excuse me? Did you forget how I feel about you? I believe that it's a little more than admiration!! ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Nobody admires me...
Oh well... I admire goldie anyway!! ;D
End Quote
I admire you Big Brother! (hehehe, when I call you that now it has meaning!)
You swept my sister off her feet and made her happy!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Nobody admires me...
Oh well... I admire goldie anyway!! ;D
End Quote
Don't fret, big guy !
I admire you ! :-* :-* :-*
Subject: Re: Admirers
Hmmm... I guess I was wrong about not being admired!
And kisses from Fuss? Must have been the heels and black mini! ;D :P :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
well I've sure missed a lot haven't I?!!
Subject: Re: Admirers
well I've sure missed a lot haven't I?!!
End Quote
Boy-oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy...You don't know the half of it... ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
And as the Admirers thread draws to a close...and anonymous posting is no longer an option...anyone care to reveal themselves, or are the anonymous to remain that way for ever? ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, seeing as how I SIGNED MY SCREEN NAME under my "lurker post", I think you guys have me figured out. ::)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I was never... afraid to post under my own screen-name. Pretty much anyone who is a regular knows how to pick me out from the crowds and even then I've already revealed my numerous names here and there and everywhere. If in doubt, ask. Right?
I recall a famed message asking me if I was L'Enfant Provocateur.
Subject: Re: Admirers
I recall a famed message asking me if I was L'Enfant Provocateur.
End Quote
Gee, you wouldn't want to share with the class any OTHER famed messages would you TB? ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
Gee, you wouldn't want to share with the class any OTHER famed messages would you TB? ;) ;D
End Quote
Indiscreteness is not an attractive quality, but, then, exhibitionism is really exciting. Sigh. Decisions, decisions... trapped between the wall and the sword.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, since I can't use her anymore I was Dame triste toute seule.
I loved being that French lady.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, since I can't use her anymore I was Dame triste toute seule.
I loved being that French lady.
End Quote
There's nothing that says you cannot switch your username every once in a while and write as that persona. Or register another username like Sagnastian did! I like his other name, Wolveroses, better!
Um, for anyone just coming into all this. I am L'Etranger, Ghost, Lure-King, >:( (my personal fave!), :D , the bad impression of Steve Irwin ::) Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch, Bronze, and Ringo! On this topic alone!!!
Now... who is Ghostbuster ??? ;) I have a pretty good idea who some of these kids are, but I won't name names ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I was one of the "guest" posters too. I am not yet ready to reveal which one I was...but most of you could probably figure it out anyway by process of elimination.
And I have been in contact with the person I directed my posts too...and the response I got was better than I originally expected.
If the other party wishes to name names....I am ok with that. But I won't, until I know the other person's desire in the matter.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Does anyone want to revive this thread? I'm game. I enjoy reading all these post.
Subject: Re: Admirers
Does anyone want to revive this thread? I'm game. I enjoy reading all these post.
End Quote
I think that is a great idea Cat, as there is so much more to be revealed........ ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Indiscreteness is not an attractive quality, but, then, exhibitionism is really exciting. Sigh. Decisions, decisions... trapped between the wall and the sword.
End Quote
Let me help you with that:
You will soon receive a package in the mail. In it will include: Shaving cream, razors, Bath&Body body lotion, and a pair of my Victoria's Secret underwear. Now it's up to you to figure out the rest 8) Let's see how far you can take your admiration and exhibit THAT $lut!
Subject: Re: Admirers
Well, since I can't use her anymore I was Dame triste toute seule.
I loved being that French lady.
End Quote
I loved you as a French lady too. If I wasn't, like, flaming-straight you wouldn't be so triste toute seule ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
I loved you as a French lady too. If I wasn't, like, flaming-straight you wouldn't be so triste toute seule ;)
End Quote
Reeeaaaallly? Hmm. And just how would you suggest I would have not been so sad or alone? Because I am always open to new ideas......suggestions...comments?
Subject: Re: Admirers
Reeeaaaallly? Hmm. And just how would you suggest I would have not been so sad or alone? Because I am always open to new ideas......suggestions...comments?
End Quote
Oh, there's plenty-a comments, suggestions, and new ideas racing through my deviant mind, but I am afraid for the raised blood-pressures that come from surprises 8)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Now... who is Ghostbuster ??? ;) I have a pretty good idea who some of these kids are, but I won't name names ;)
End Quote
I've been watching this thread since the beginning, although I only posted to it once to shake a finger at VC... but anyway I think I know exactly who ghostbuster is! :o
Subject: Re: Admirers
D'oh, did I forget to mention? I am soooo sorry I forgot my other alter ego.
I am also Def Leppard Girl! :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Was I ever involved in this thread?
Not Likely! ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
D'oh, did I forget to mention? I am soooo sorry I forgot my other alter ego.
I am also Def Leppard Girl! :)
End Quote
Was I ever involved in this thread?
Not Likely! ;D
End Quote
"...in a New York minute...woo-OOO-oooooh..."
Subject: Re: Admirers
D'oh, did I forget to mention? I am soooo sorry I forgot my other alter ego.
I am also Def Leppard Girl! :)
End Quote
Was I ever involved in this thread?
Not Likely! ;D
End Quote
Yay!!! I think this calls for a "double-date" with TB & me! :D
Subject: Re: Admirers
"...in a New York minute...woo-OOO-oooooh..."
End Quote
I don't get it?
Subject: Re: Admirers
I don't get it?
End Quote
S'coo man, it was the first song that popped into my head at the time, it doesn't really mean anything. I just really liked the song :)
Subject: Re: Admirers
LOL. I didn't think it was anything bad, I was just wracking my brain trying to think of a reference in it or something, and couldn't do it. I even threw it on the station so I could hear it and see if I was missing something! heh heh.
I figured I'd ask before I popped any of my last few remianing brain cells. ;D
Subject: Re: Admirers
LOL. I didn't think it was anything bad, I was just wracking my brain trying to think of a reference in it or something, and couldn't do it. I even threw it on the station so I could hear it and see if I was missing something! heh heh.End Quote
Aren't you glad you listened to it? ;) It's such an awesome song.
I figured I'd ask before I popped any of my last few remianing brain cells. ;D
End Quote
I'll race you ;)
Subject: Re: Admirers
Aren't you glad you listened to it? ;) It's such an awesome song.
End Quote
Everytime I hear that song, it reminds me of 9/11 :'( :'(
But that's just me ::)