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Subject: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Hey, I'm just an observant luker who happened to take heart a post by the PrincessofPop. For bandwidth reasons I cut my reasons down from 168 to 10.
10) Just what is his relationship with young Jonny Quest and Hadji?
9) Is known to fondle his “geoduck” in public places
8) Doesn’t devote enough time in the PPG board
7) Has questioned the value of “Peanuts” and their impact on society
6) Does not hold the 80’s in high enough reverence
5) It would allow for more free time for Hairspray
4) Fervently defended Starbucks ruthless growth, swallowing local coffee business and usage of exploited child labor. (And sipping a grande latte while typing, no doubt)
3) Named his dog Vedder after the lead singer of Pearl Jam, an insult to the world’s greatest rock-n-roll band and one singer that the Princess of Pop has deemed “sings like he’s trying to take a s….”
2) Is self-deprecating humor really that funny?
And the the number one reason to ban Race Bannon?
1) Would allow more board time to his lovely wife, Autumn, aka Mrs. Race :)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Wow! First of all, I am honored to be mentioned in your thread. And as for your name, "PoPwannabe", I am delighted to share any advice with you on how to "be me". It's hard to be this great, but I am sure with a little practice & some hipster tips, you CAN be me! :D
And as for my comment about Mr. Bannon....it was only a joke...but you knew that didn't you? ;)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
;) ;D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Yeah, just what is his #(*&$ing problem with Peanuts anyway? >:(
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
one singer that the Princess of Pop has deemed “sings like he’s trying to take a s….”
End Quote
Oops, for got to mention in my last post.......
Yes, I do feel that Mr. Vedder has some fiber issues in his diet. I wonder.....do you think he eats too much cheese? ::)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Hey, I'm just an observant luker who happened to take heart a post by the PrincessofPop. For bandwidth reasons I cut my reasons down from 168 to 10.
10) Just what is his relationship with young Jonny Quest and Hadji?
9) Is known to fondle his “geoduck” in public places
8) Doesn’t devote enough time in the PPG board
7) Has questioned the value of “Peanuts” and their impact on society
6) Does not hold the 80’s in high enough reverence
5) It would allow for more free time for Hairspray
4) Fervently defended Starbucks ruthless growth, swallowing local coffee business and usage of exploited child labor. (And sipping a grande latte while typing, no doubt)
3) Named his dog Vedder after the lead singer of Pearl Jam, an insult to the world’s greatest rock-n-roll band and one singer that the Princess of Pop has deemed “sings like he’s trying to take a s….”
2) Is self-deprecating humor really that funny?
And the the number one reason to ban Race Bannon?
1) Would allow more board time to his lovely wife, Autumn, aka Mrs. Race :)
End Quote
Humm if Mrs Race would spend more time on the board, then they could share time together. ;D
If there is one thing that ticks me off more about nagging women is they dont mind if you are watching a show together, in the same room doing different things (she could be reading or doing crossword puzzles and he could be reading his favorite car mag). They consider that "time together", but God forbid that he stay on the computer more than his alotted time! ::)
If your man is a true computer nut, Then if you cant beat him JOIN HIM! get another computer -if your not the gaming type, you can use a cheaper older computer that can still surf the web and do all things web oriented. If you ladies are the gaming type buy a computer with the same specs as his and go have fun together! Go frag (sorry ladies First person shooter terminology there) each other or play some game Co-0p! Now adays there is no reason that the 2 of you cannot enjoy online time together just like watching a movie together!
Even if your tastes differ in the webcontent you read or the games that you relax to, you are still near each other to spend "quality" time with him! Besides you can always threaten him to tell his best friends how you beat him silly in quake if he doesnt do the lawn on time ;D (Ok sorry I stepped down off my soapbox now) :-X
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
I'm just another victom of Raceial Profiling! ;D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Oops, for got to mention in my last post.......
Yes, I do feel that Mr. Vedder has some fiber issues in his diet. I wonder.....do you think he eats too much cheese? ::)
End Quote
I'm sure Eddie is a Vegan, no dairy allowed. Maybe a stubborn brussle sprout?
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
8) Doesn’t devote enough time in the PPG board
End Quote
PPG Board? I have never heard of that one! Is it as good as the "Before the 70's" board? :D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
I'm just another victom of Raceial Profiling! ;D
End Quote
Too funny. ;D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
PPG Board? I have never heard of that one! Is it as good as the "Before the 70's" board? :D
End Quote
I'm pretty sure your wannabe meant PBG board. ::)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Autumn Bannon? ;D :D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Race is ok by me......it is the geoduck I have issues with. Serious issues. :o ;)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Hey, I'm just an observant luker who happened to take heart a post by the PrincessofPop. For bandwidth reasons I cut my reasons down from 168 to 10.
7) Has questioned the value of “Peanuts” and their impact on society
End Quote
Yeah ! Grrrrr ! :o >:( ;) I remember ! :'(
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
ahem!...... the xylophone >:(
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Heck, that mutant sex toy in his sig line should be enough ;D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Humm if Mrs Race would spend more time on the board, then they could share time together. ;D
If there is one thing that ticks me off more about nagging women is they dont mind if you are watching a show together, in the same room doing different things (she could be reading or doing crossword puzzles and he could be reading his favorite car mag). They consider that "time together", but God forbid that he stay on the computer more than his alotted time! ::)
If your man is a true computer nut, Then if you cant beat him JOIN HIM! get another computer -if your not the gaming type, you can use a cheaper older computer that can still surf the web and do all things web oriented. If you ladies are the gaming type buy a computer with the same specs as his and go have fun together! Go frag (sorry ladies First person shooter terminology there) each other or play some game Co-0p! Now adays there is no reason that the 2 of you cannot enjoy online time together just like watching a movie together!
Even if your tastes differ in the webcontent you read or the games that you relax to, you are still near each other to spend "quality" time with him! Besides you can always threaten him to tell his best friends how you beat him silly in quake if he doesnt do the lawn on time ;D (Ok sorry I stepped down off my soapbox now) :-X
End Quote
Hmmmm...sounds like someone is a bit defensive about his computer hobbies and time well spent!
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
I am suspicious of this so called lurker......I beleive that he has intimate knowledge of Race Bannon and his goeduck habbits in most disturbing detail...
As for that number one reason to ban Race Bannon-I can't complain too much because I cheat-I just ask him what is happening on the board and then I get all the good gossip without the work! ;D It's not laziness...its multi-tasking!
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
ahem!...... the xylophone >:(
End Quote
Still bitter about the xylophone? ::) I gave you an accordian and two cowbells for that unfortuate accident. :(
S'hhh, lets keep the reason for the broken Xylophone to ourselves. ;D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Still bitter about the xylophone? ::) I gave you an accordian and two cowbells for that unfortuate accident. :(
S'hhh, lets keep the reason for the broken Xylophone to ourselves. ;D
End Quote
I confess, the accordian and 2 cowbells have given my friends and I many a happy hour doing polkas and whatnot since the aforementioned unmentionable incident. :P
I suppose you can stay then! ;D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
Still bitter about the xylophone? ::) I gave you an accordian and two cowbells for that unfortuate accident. :(
S'hhh, lets keep the reason for the broken Xylophone to ourselves. ;D
End Quote
Someone needs to explain this to those of us who are uninformed ;D Spill your guts, Mr. Bannon!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
That would be an excellent book title!
"Race Bannon and the Xylophone Incident"
Subject: Re: Top 10 Reasons for Banning Race Bannon
You read up to the event by going here. It was during the Virtual Christmas Pary Organizational Meeting II. A wild time.
Subject: More dreadful puns
Personally, I suspect anyone wanting a bannon him of playing the Race card...
...just a thought: why not rename him "Wicked Bannon", if Lester's drops his "Wicked" moniker ;-)