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Subject: What is the weirdest thing....
that your child has flushed down the toilet?
We had trauma here last night. My daughter was grounded from playing with her hamster but I let her play with him so I could talk on the phone for a few minutes.
She was laughing for a while then came screaming (and I mean screaming) into the front room saying she lost her hamster. I got off the phone and she said she lost him in there and pointed to the toilet. It seems she thought he needed a bath. She put him in the toilet, turned around and when she turned back he was gone. The toilet did back up a little so I am sure he is gone, plus I can't see him being able to crawl out.
The sad part is that we only had this guy since Easter. She is sad and mean mom that I am, I can't stop giggling. It was hard not to when she told me what happened.
So, anyone else have any stories?
R.I.P. Mr. Whiskers :'(
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Evidence of a broken plate ! ;D
Regrettably for them they omitted to see whether it had flushed away or not ::)
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
No way Dag! :D That is awful! ;D I hope you & your daughter are okay!!
My daughter is pretty good about never putting things in the toilet, but my son is a whole 'nother story!!! He took money out of my wallet one time & I found a $20 bill floating in the toilet just recently. Oh, and about 3 or 4 months ago, he put a stuffed animal in there to give it a "bath". ::) (sound familiar?)
He also was brushing his teeth a couple of weeks ago & decided to rinse his toothbrush off in the toilet water. :-X Luckily I caught him just as he was about to shove it back in his mouth! >:(
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
well, my kids are usually pretty good about not putting stuff in the toilet. I mean, there've been the umpteen ENTIRE rolls of tp, but other than that, nothing major...that I know of ;)
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
My 15-month old son has just discovered the delights of playing in the toilet!
A little while ago he worked out how to pull of a sheet or two of toilet paper and then blow his nose (Cute hey?) but he saw me flush the paper down the toilet afterwards. Now he is constantly in the bathroom pulling off several sheets of paper, wiping his nose and then putting it in the toilet. He managed about half a roll at his grandparents house the other week before anyone stopped him!
He has also dropped plastic money in the toilet and then followed that with a plastic bottle. I heard that because it would fit properly so he was banging it trying to get it in.
He washed his hands in there this morning!
He also tries to 'help' me wipe myself when I'm on the toilet. Lovely.
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Quoting:He also tries to 'help' me wipe myself when I'm on the toilet. Lovely.
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I bet that makes you feel just like a Roman Emperor, huh, Karen ? ;D :-/ ;)
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
I have one child who's fascinated with the way a toilet works, and I've had to explain it several times over exactly what happens when you flush the thing: he's spent hours looking into the cistern with the top off, waiting for it to fill up so he could flush it again...
Best thing ever flushed down a loo was at a friend's school: a boy (who'd best remain nameless) stole a lump of elemental Potassium, stored under oil for obvious reasons. The school were worried, and said so in assembly: "just bring it back"... but that spooked the poor kid, and he tried to throw it down the loo: it demolished the whole toilet block, but fortunately he wasn't hurt too badly...
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
At my secondary school you could stand on the toilet and reach the chain of the toilet in the next cubicle. Great fun waiting till someone had just sat down and then flushing it on them!!
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
that your child has flushed down the toilet?
She was laughing for a while then came screaming (and I mean screaming) into the front room saying she lost her hamster. I got off the phone and she said she lost him in there and pointed to the toilet. It seems she thought he needed a bath. She put him in the toilet, turned around and when she turned back he was gone. The toilet did back up a little so I am sure he is gone, plus I can't see him being able to crawl out.
R.I.P. Mr. Whiskers :'(
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I don't suppose she'll get one anytime soon...what a sh!tty way to die :P
Best thing ever flushed down a loo was at a friend's school: a boy (who'd best remain nameless) stole a lump of elemental Potassium, stored under oil for obvious reasons. The school were worried, and said so in assembly: "just bring it back"... but that spooked the poor kid, and he tried to throw it down the loo: it demolished the whole toilet block, but fortunately he wasn't hurt too badly...
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Lucky for him he didn't find the sodium ;)
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Lucky for him he didn't find the sodium ;)
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Potassium's next one down in group 1: neat, it's more reactive than sodium...
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Potassium's next one down in group 1: neat, it's more reactive than sodium...
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Dah, I got my Group 1A elements reversed ;D Shame, SHAME!
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Lucky me, I've only had to deal with losing a whole roll of tissue, cardboard holder and all...
But she loves to fingerpaint on the mirror with her toothpaste. ::)
I'm sorry to hear about Mr. Whiskers... :'(
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
I personally have flushed my fair share of toothbrushes down...
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
In a related incident; I had a hamster that I kept for over a year when I was about 7 or 8(for those of you with no kids, or have never owned a hamster, that's gotta be some kind of record for keeping one alive and well). He loved to get in my coat pocket and sleep. On a warm day, I thought he needed a little sleep, so I put him in my front pants pocket. I was a "chunky" kid (I was saying "I'm not fat......I'm BIG BONED!!" before Cartman was ever thought of) and my '70s polyester pants fit quite snug. I had a hole in the pocket, so a couple of minutes after putting "Mousey" to bed, he started kicking and raising all sorts of h3ll, and I couldn't pull him out because he had tried to crawl out the hole and was stuck. After a couple minutes of screaming and freaking out :o, my Mother got me settled down enough to yank the pants off, but it was too late :-/. The term "eyes bugging out of his head" comes to mind every time I recall this. My mother, like Dag, couldn't conceal her snickers. I bring this up because I "feel your daughter's pain". (Just another traumatic experience that shaped me into the...............to what I am today. ::)) :D
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
I don't recall ever flushing anything down that wasn't supposed to be flushed but one time I was brushing my hair and somehow the brush came out of my hand. You can guess where it landed? :-/
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Grr, what is it about non-metal stuff that only attracts it to toilets?
I don't recall ever flushing anything down that wasn't supposed to be flushed but one time I was brushing my hair and somehow the brush came out of my hand. You can guess where it landed? :-/
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Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Oh dag, that poor hamster! :'(
This is probably not that unusual, but once, when we were visiting my in-laws a few years ago, my daughter dropped her grandma's shoe into the toilet. Fortunately I found it before she tried to flush. Needless to say, my mother-in-law was not happy... :-/
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
I bet that makes you feel just like a Roman Emperor, huh, Karen ? ;D :-/ ;)
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Look above her avitar - its "emperess" silly ;) :)
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
For the life of me I can't think of anything bizzare that any of my 4 kids flushed. My X, however, found a little man in a boat talking about some sort of timed release cleaning product and flushed HIM real fast ;) ;)
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
poor mr. whiskers! :'(
last year, at the middle school, someone had tried to flush a combination lock down the toilet. for once in his life, our principal wasn't smiling as he threatened the culprit with being arrested and fined for vandelism.
at the place my dad used to work, some guy would bring the new york times into the bathroom with him. the guy flushed it down the toilet every day. :o
my brother had an obsession with pacifiers when he was about one or two. (except he called them "bushies". ???) anyway, he flushed one town the toilet...my mom tried to save it, but it went down. :D
modified to add:
this isn't really strange, but in third grade, the school decided that hygine was overrated...we had no soap or toilet paper in the bathrooms. :-X so, in place of toilet paper, we would use paper towels. paper towels apparently clogged the toilets. it was a cruel cycle... ;D
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
In a related incident; I had a hamster that I kept for over a year when I was about 7 or 8(for those of you with no kids, or have never owned a hamster, that's gotta be some kind of record for keeping one alive and well). He loved to get in my coat pocket and sleep. On a warm day, I thought he needed a little sleep, so I put him in my front pants pocket. I was a "chunky" kid (I was saying "I'm not fat......I'm BIG BONED!!" before Cartman was ever thought of) and my '70s polyester pants fit quite snug. I had a hole in the pocket, so a couple of minutes after putting "Mousey" to bed, he started kicking and raising all sorts of h3ll, and I couldn't pull him out because he had tried to crawl out the hole and was stuck. After a couple minutes of screaming and freaking out :o, my Mother got me settled down enough to yank the pants off, but it was too late :-/. The term "eyes bugging out of his head" comes to mind every time I recall this. My mother, like Dag, couldn't conceal her snickers. I bring this up because I "feel your daughter's pain". (Just another traumatic experience that shaped me into the...............to what I am today. ::)) :D
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Sorry but I LMFAO Dude!
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
My 15-month old son has just discovered the delights of playing in the toilet!
A little while ago he worked out how to pull of a sheet or two of toilet paper and then blow his nose (Cute hey?) but he saw me flush the paper down the toilet afterwards. Now he is constantly in the bathroom pulling off several sheets of paper, wiping his nose and then putting it in the toilet. He managed about half a roll at his grandparents house the other week before anyone stopped him!
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Just wait until he figures out that if you put the end of the roll in the toilet and flush, it will make it roll by itself. And, if you keep flushing, eventually the entire roll will be gone ;)
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
that your child has flushed down the toilet?
We had trauma here last night. My daughter was grounded from playing with her hamster but I let her play with him so I could talk on the phone for a few minutes.
She was laughing for a while then came screaming (and I mean screaming) into the front room saying she lost her hamster. I got off the phone and she said she lost him in there and pointed to the toilet. It seems she thought he needed a bath. She put him in the toilet, turned around and when she turned back he was gone. The toilet did back up a little so I am sure he is gone, plus I can't see him being able to crawl out.
The sad part is that we only had this guy since Easter. She is sad and mean mom that I am, I can't stop giggling. It was hard not to when she told me what happened.
So, anyone else have any stories?
R.I.P. Mr. Whiskers :'(
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Sorry to hear about the hamster.Did you know that rats can sur vive being flushed down the loo?I think they're more hardy than hamsters.
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
No way Dag! :D That is awful! ;D I hope you & your daughter are okay!!
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We are fine. I was freaked out a little today, but am over it. She is still sad but playing like normal so I think she will survive.
I bring this up because I "feel your daughter's pain". (Just another traumatic experience that shaped me into the...............to what I am today. ::)) :D
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Dude, that is so sad. I am surprised that Hamsters aren't extinct considering the abuse they seem to take.
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Did you know that rats can sur vive being flushed down the loo?I think they're more hardy than hamsters.
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??? What the....?
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
??? What the....?
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:o :o :o :oIt's true!It doesn't always happen,but i read this somewhere.Apparently people find wild rats in their hoiuse,and somehow catch them and flush them down!Not the best way to get rid of them1Cheers! :o
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Another funny anecdote, thanks to the wonders of the Internet:
In France, a passenger traveling aboard a high-speed train from Paris to Toulouse dropped his wallet down a chemical toilet accidently.
Upon reaching into the toilet to retrieve it, the passenger wound up with his hand stuck in the bowl.
The passenger then hit the emergency alarm, stopping the train. Rescue workers spent two hours cutting the toilet out of the floor and eventually sent the man to the hospital with the bowl still draped around his arm.
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
My story involves rodents and toilet flushing and luckily for the rodent he wasn't the flushy.
As a kid I had two rats, not the wild kind but good looking white with black spots. My mother didn't think I was caring for them enough (maybe 8 years old) and so gave them for my older sister to keep. I, in my state of petulant jeulosy, plotted revenge. Sis had a small tin flute, I broke it half and to rid the evidance flushed it down the toilet. That toilet had a long history of ridding it's bowl of waste product before, unfortunatley it's established streak ended there.
I didn't know there was a problem at first, until mom called grandpa over with his chest of tools and handy plumbing "snake" to come fix the it. I remained mum on this hoping the evidance would never be found. The snake was put to work and shortly pulled up 1/2 the flute, the rest remained stubbornly stuck. Can you say the "BUSTED!!!" :o
At this point I was in serious trouble, grandpa gave up on the snake method and actually removed the toilet from its mounts and dragged it to the front yard. The only way to get that flute out was to pull it out from the bottom. Young Race of course with his small hands and "GUILTY" lable tatooed on his forhead was the one with his young arm up the toilet in our now more pubic neighborhood. Yes, a lesson learned. :-[
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
I bet that makes you feel just like a Roman Emperor, huh, Karen ? ;D :-/ ;)
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:D :D :DHi,you live in australia,right/Youu know onthe Simpsons where they went to australia,and the toilets flushed counterclockwise? ???Is that true?Cheers! :D :D ;D
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Just wait until he figures out that if you put the end of the roll in the toilet and flush, it will make it roll by itself. And, if you keep flushing, eventually the entire roll will be gone ;)
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:o i always thought that was a made-for-tv type deal! i didn't know you could really do that! wow. i'm way too easily amused. of course, our toilets are crap so they'd probably just get clogged... :D ;)
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Just wait until he figures out that if you put the end of the roll in the toilet and flush, it will make it roll by itself. And, if you keep flushing, eventually the entire roll will be gone ;)
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PLease note I will not be showing him this trick or tlking about to my husband in front of my 4 year old daughter. She is bright enough to work out how to do it but not what the consequences might be!
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
I just remembered a story a friend told us a while ago.
When we go to big orienteering events we usually have chemical toilets in little cubicles (Portaloos). They are also usually provided at the campsite.
Anyway at one such campsite a friend of mine went to the loo in the night. He put down his torch on the side of the sink but as he stood up again the cubicle rocked a bit and the torch rolled off the sink and landed in the toilet. The flap moved and let the torch drop into the tank. My friend grabbed a wad of toilet paper, gritted his teeth and pushed down on the flap. He saw a glimmer of torch light so he reached in and grabbed it. He cleaned the torch in the sink.
The next day when he looked at the torch properly he realised it wasn't his!
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
I heard this story a long time ago and I don't even know if it is true or not. Someone had a boa contrictor and for some reason I guess decided to flush it down the toilet (to get rid of it? I have no idea). Then about two doors down, this guy was using the bathroom and guess what he saw staring up at him from the toilet? Like I said, I have no idea if this is a true story or not-I just thought it was funny.
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
I heard this story a long time ago and I don't even know if it is true or not. Someone had a boa contrictor and for some reason I guess decided to flush it down the toilet (to get rid of it? I have no idea). Then about two doors down, this guy was using the bathroom and guess what he saw staring up at him from the toilet? Like I said, I have no idea if this is a true story or not-I just thought it was funny.
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:D :D :DThat is funny!say,you know on Tv theyalways show kids flushing lit fireworks down the toilet???? ??? ???I've seen it on "The Simpsons""21 Jump Street","The Wonder Years"and probably other shows. :o :oWhat I'm wondering is,can that really be done,or do they just show it like that on Tv in case kids try to imitate it :-/ :-/I mean,wouldn't the water extinguish the flame?????????? ??? ???That has always puzzled me.If you don't know,does anyone else?Cheers! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
:D :D :DThat is funny!say,you know on Tv theyalways show kids flushing lit fireworks down the toilet???? ??? ???I've seen it on "The Simpsons""21 Jump Street","The Wonder Years"and probably other shows. :o :oWhat I'm wondering is,can that really be done,or do they just show it like that on Tv in case kids try to imitate it :-/ :-/I mean,wouldn't the water extinguish the flame?????????? ??? ???That has always puzzled me.If you don't know,does anyone else?Cheers! ;D ;D
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I think someone tried to do that at my high school. I can't quite remember what happened. But, I think it was an m-80-not just a regular firecracker.
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
I had times when my toilet paper roll fell in the bowl.Has anyone ever had that happen to you? ;D
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
I had times when my toilet paper roll fell in the bowl.Has anyone ever had that happen to you? ;D
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More times that I care to admit. :-[ :-/
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
OR when your flusher wasn't working?
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
say,you know on Tv theyalways show kids flushing lit fireworks down the toilet???? ??? ???I've seen it on "The Simpsons""21 Jump Street","The Wonder Years"and probably other shows. :o :oWhat I'm wondering is,can that really be done,or do they just show it like that on Tv in case kids try to imitate it I mean,wouldn't the water extinguish the flame
That has always puzzled me.If you don't know,does anyone else?
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I was talking about this thread at the pub the other night. A friend said about flushing fireworks down the toilet. Apparently you need Cherry Bombs which are used in the theatre for Flash Bang effects. These have a relatively long fuse and won't go out under water.
Now quite where you buy them I don't know.
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
that your child has flushed down the toilet?
We had trauma here last night. My daughter was grounded from playing with her hamster but I let her play with him so I could talk on the phone for a few minutes.
She was laughing for a while then came screaming (and I mean screaming) into the front room saying she lost her hamster. I got off the phone and she said she lost him in there and pointed to the toilet. It seems she thought he needed a bath. She put him in the toilet, turned around and when she turned back he was gone. The toilet did back up a little so I am sure he is gone, plus I can't see him being able to crawl out.
The sad part is that we only had this guy since Easter. She is sad and mean mom that I am, I can't stop giggling. It was hard not to when she told me what happened.
So, anyone else have any stories?
R.I.P. Mr. Whiskers :'(
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:-X :-X :-XYou didn't say why your daughter was grounded from plauing with her hamster,but on second thought,I doon't think i want to know!Cheers! :-X :P
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
:-X :-X :-XYou didn't say why your daughter was grounded from plauing with her hamster,but on second thought,I doon't think i want to know!Cheers! :-X :P
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Nothing horribly bad. She had a temper tantrum when I told her no and she hit me so she was grounded.
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
Nothing horribly bad. She had a temper tantrum when I told her no and she hit me so she was grounded.
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:o :o :oAs long as she wasn't grounded for putting stuff in the toilet--that would have been cruely ironic!Cheers! :(
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
:o :o :oAs long as she wasn't grounded for putting stuff in the toilet--that would have been cruely ironic!Cheers! :(
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??? You don't think it has anything to do with The Everly Brothers do you :o
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
??? You don't think it has anything to do with The Everly Brothers do you :o
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Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
??? You don't think it has anything to do with The Everly Brothers do you :o
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:o :o :o :oOH MY GOD,I HOPE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :oCheers! :D
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
When I had to keep on plunging.I hate when that happens. >:(
Subject: Re: What is the weirdest thing....
:o i always thought that was a made-for-tv type deal! i didn't know you could really do that! wow. i'm way too easily amused. of course, our toilets are crap so they'd probably just get clogged... :D ;)
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Nope, it's true. My 2 year old figured that one out all by himself ;D Guess it just was more fun than putting an entire roll in a few sheets at a time.