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Subject: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
Let's share our experiences of having/not having/having extracted or whatever...Wisdom Teeth. Based on the response to the root canal post , I wanted to make a separate thread for wisdom teeth.
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
I had a funny experience that I will share LOL! This is back when I was still in high school mind you and I had all 4 out (ouch it did hurt for the next 3 days! I couldn’t eat hard stuff for almost another week after that!)
Anyways, while I had gone under and was having all 4 removed, a small class field trip of 4th graders had come in to see the office of an oral surgeon. The surgery had gone well but I was still bleeding a bit excessively, so the surgeon had put extra gauze. My mom had to help me out since I was still groggy from the anesthetic. As we left the office we had to go through the waiting room to get to the car, as she was opening the door to the waiting room I tripped and almost fell! I still hit the wall and it knocked one of the bloody gauze out of my mouth down the front of my shirt and on the floor leavening a bloody trail where it had gone. One of they 4th graders had seen this and shouted are they going to do that to us? At that point the girls started screaming and the teacher was trying to quiet them down! My Mom was trying not to laugh and open up the front office door while listening to a kid that was shouting I don’t wanna to die! I don’t wanna die! She almost dropped me since I was leaning on her for support!
The doctors office called the next day to see how I was, the receptionist told my mom that the doctor had to talk to the kids for 10 minutes assuring them that nothing would happen to them to get them to take a tour of the office! LOL to this day I still get a chuckle out of my mom when I remind her of this incident! ;D
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
I don't even know what wisdom teeth are. I've never had a problem with my teeth, and i've never had to ask my dentist about them. I'm 27 years old, do you think I have them?
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
I don't even know what wisdom teeth are. I've never had a problem with my teeth, and i've never had to ask my dentist about them. I'm 27 years old, do you think I have them?
End Quote
That's great ! Yes, some people (it's rare) do not get wisdom teeth (my guy never had them either). You would have known about them by age 27 if they were a problem. Great going - good genes ! :D
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
I had a funny experience that I will share LOL! This is back when I was still in high school mind you and I had all 4 out (ouch it did hurt for the next 3 days! I couldn’t eat hard stuff for almost another week after that!)
Anyways, while I had gone under and was having all 4 removed, a small class field trip of 4th graders had come in to see the office of an oral surgeon. The surgery had gone well but I was still bleeding a bit excessively, so the surgeon had put extra gauze. My mom had to help me out since I was still groggy from the anesthetic. As we left the office we had to go through the waiting room to get to the car, as she was opening the door to the waiting room I tripped and almost fell! I still hit the wall and it knocked one of the bloody gauze out of my mouth down the front of my shirt and on the floor leavening a bloody trail where it had gone. One of they 4th graders had seen this and shouted are they going to do that to us? At that point the girls started screaming and the teacher was trying to quiet them down! My Mom was trying not to laugh and open up the front office door while listening to a kid that was shouting I don’t wanna to die! I don’t wanna die! She almost dropped me since I was leaning on her for support!
The doctors office called the next day to see how I was, the receptionist told my mom that the doctor had to talk to the kids for 10 minutes assuring them that nothing would happen to them to get them to take a tour of the office! LOL to this day I still get a chuckle out of my mom when I remind her of this incident! ;D
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Well, this is just classic ! What a funny story ! Thanks for telling. My wisdom teeth story is very uneventful except that while I was in the waiting room, the TV was on and I saw an acquaintance of mine on the game show "Trivia Trap" (or something like that).Didn't know he was to be on it and it made me feel upbeat before the surgery.
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
I definitely had one of those unforgettable experiences with my wisdom teeth - OUCH!!
All 4 of the teeth were impacted, plus I had an extra tooth putting pressure on one of the wisdom teeth. I had to go into the hospital to have them removed (day surgery). First of all, I had a bad reaction to the muscle relaxant they gave me (it felt like I was floating above the gurney and I was alternately hot and cold) so they had to give me another shot to counteract it before I could have surgery.
Of course, I could not eat anything other than lukewarm soup for a couple of weeks afterward, and I looked just like a little chipmunk thanks to all the swelling.
I had to write a mid-term exam for my night school course three days after having the wisdom teeth pulled. Needless to say, after three days on Tylenol 3 my brains were pretty scrambled, and I asked the teacher to have pity on me when he marked the exam. My girlfriend who was writing on the same day told me later that I looked like death when I walked in, and that I spent the first 10 minutes just staring at the paper and shaking. I ended up with the second highest mark in the class!!
I had the surgery on a Friday, and I was originally supposed to go on a blind date that weekend (thanks to the same girlfriend) but she called the guy and postponed for two weeks so that I wouldn't be a chipmunk when we first met. Well, we met two weeks later and the rest is history (we have now been married almost six years).
So, I guess the horrible wisdom teeth experience ultimately had a happy ending 8)
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
WARNING: I am about to mention a feminine hygeine product..if this makes you queasy stop reading now...
When I was about to graduate from Highschool I went to my dentist for a cleaning...he noticed that I had my 2 bottom wisdom teeth and one needed removing...he wanted to do it right away but I wouldn't let him b/c I had grad photo's upcoming and I didn't wanna be all bruise-faced like my sister was...so I had it done right after grad...anyway, he sent me to a "dental surgeon"...yeah right, the dude froze my face, drilled a hole in the top of my wisdom tooth, stuck a screwdriver in the hole and yanked that baby out...I kid you NOT!!
Of course there was a big hole in my gum where the tooth had been and included in the set of instructions was this (I'll never forget it):
If foodstuffs get lodged in the cavity, remove them by injecting water into the cavity from a syringe. If the cavity begins to bleed, place a piece of a kotex in the cavity until the bleeding stops.
I was 18...there was NOWAY IN H3LL I was sticking that in my MOUTH!!!
I still have nightmares....
As a footnote, he x-rayed the top of my mouth and said I'd never see either of those wisdom teeth...I had both 6 months later....I had them removed about 8 years after that by a GOOD dentist and had no trouble...
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
When I was 15, I had 8 teeth removed before having braces on. 4 were baby teeth and the others were UNDER the baby teeth so they had to drill big holes to get them out. I had 4 shots of novicane and laughing gas.
Then, about the age of 21 or 22, I had three wisdom teeth (the fourth didn't come in). This time, they knocked me out. I woke up just as they were bringing me into post-op. The nurse kept coming around to check my blood pressure and stuff. I kept asking her how it was-but with a mouth full of gauze, it was hard to. Then I had to go in the worst way. I was trying to convay to her that I needed to go and when she finally understood, she said that she would get a bedpan. Then she asked if I wanted to go myself. I shook my head yes. I guess the look on my face when she said, "bedpan" told her that. My hand hurt really bad from the IV and this young girl helped me get dress which is something that I was kind of embarrassed to ask for.
I ended up with what was called "dry sockets." They hurt like a mother. They had to pack them with awful tasting stuff. Everything I ate, tasted like that stuff. But they gave me some really cool drugs though. ;D
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
I definitely had one of those unforgettable experiences with my wisdom teeth - OUCH!!
All 4 of the teeth were impacted, plus I had an extra tooth putting pressure on one of the wisdom teeth. I had to go into the hospital to have them removed (day surgery). First of all, I had a bad reaction to the muscle relaxant they gave me (it felt like I was floating above the gurney and I was alternately hot and cold) so they had to give me another shot to counteract it before I could have surgery.
Of course, I could not eat anything other than lukewarm soup for a couple of weeks afterward, and I looked just like a little chipmunk thanks to all the swelling.
I had to write a mid-term exam for my night school course three days after having the wisdom teeth pulled. Needless to say, after three days on Tylenol 3 my brains were pretty scrambled, and I asked the teacher to have pity on me when he marked the exam. My girlfriend who was writing on the same day told me later that I looked like death when I walked in, and that I spent the first 10 minutes just staring at the paper and shaking. I ended up with the second highest mark in the class!!
I had the surgery on a Friday, and I was originally supposed to go on a blind date that weekend (thanks to the same girlfriend) but she called the guy and postponed for two weeks so that I wouldn't be a chipmunk when we first met. Well, we met two weeks later and the rest is history (we have now been married almost six years).
So, I guess the horrible wisdom teeth experience ultimately had a happy ending 8)
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Oh, Velma, the ending of the story is great ! How touching.That is freaky, however, to have such a reaction to the anasthetic. It would have scared me. All that happened to me was that I actually started tasting the anasthesia which was injected into my arm with a needle and my mucous membranes felt like they were burning-than I conked out and they operated.
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
When I was 15, I had 8 teeth removed before having braces on. 4 were baby teeth and the others were UNDER the baby teeth so they had to drill big holes to get them out. I had 4 shots of novicane and laughing gas.
Then, about the age of 21 or 22, I had three wisdom teeth (the fourth didn't come in). This time, they knocked me out. I woke up just as they were bringing me into post-op. The nurse kept coming around to check my blood pressure and stuff. I kept asking her how it was-but with a mouth full of gauze, it was hard to. Then I had to go in the worst way. I was trying to convay to her that I needed to go and when she finally understood, she said that she would get a bedpan. Then she asked if I wanted to go myself. I shook my head yes. I guess the look on my face when she said, "bedpan" told her that. My hand hurt really bad from the IV and this young girl helped me get dress which is something that I was kind of embarrassed to ask for.
I ended up with what was called "dry sockets." They hurt like a mother. They had to pack them with awful tasting stuff. Everything I ate, tasted like that stuff. But they gave me some really cool drugs though. ;D
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Oh, Catwoman ! Yow ! Dry Socket. When I had mine done, my cousin went and scared me about Dry Socket.I didn't have it though.Also, yes, I remember having to p so darn bad after my surgery also ! When I went home it took me an hour to eat half a sandwich ! ;D
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
I was 25,and had the surgery at Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital by a surgeon. My two lower wisdom teeth were under the gum, attached to the bone, laying on their sides by the nerve which runs down the neck !
I was put to sleep and had a "block" (like a saddle block which they say for pregnant woman) on my lower half of my face.I think that was because of the nerve being involved. I was numb for 8 months after-which is normal on a block. It was very successful ! Chipmunk city for a couple of days and a bit drowsy (I think from the general anasthetic) but I didn't need to take any pain killers-took the pennicillin, though. The worst thing - the flushing out after the stitches came out :o! I saw stars during that !Literally - I started to see yellow-as if I had just lost all the electrolites in my body !
Someone mentioned the syringe (who also mentioned a kotex WAhhhhhhhhhhhhhLOL) yes, I loved that syringe. NO dentist has ever provided me with one when I've asked.That really was great with cleaning teeth . ;D
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
I am 20 and I still have all 4 of my wisdom teeth. They are still under the gums but have never caused me any discomfurt at all and they have been there for a while now. I have no idea when I will have them out, my family seems to be late when it comes to taking wisdom teeth, both of my sisters had their wisdom teeth out at 35, they are now 37 and 39, so I don't have a clue when i will get mine out. If they aren't causeing me any problems then I am in no rush to get them out either because the breaking of the tooth before taking it out just doesnt sound appealing to me, I can handle all the blood and the pain but just the sound of a tooth breaking would probably send me through the roof.
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
I am 20 and I still have all 4 of my wisdom teeth. They are still under the gums but have never caused me any discomfurt at all and they have been there for a while now. I have no idea when I will have them out, my family seems to be late when it comes to taking wisdom teeth, both of my sisters had their wisdom teeth out at 35, they are now 37 and 39, so I don't have a clue when i will get mine out. If they aren't causeing me any problems then I am in no rush to get them out either because the breaking of the tooth before taking it out just doesnt sound appealing to me, I can handle all the blood and the pain but just the sound of a tooth breaking would probably send me through the roof.
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The "When" part of my experience was easy. I waited till I had dental insurance.I knew that I had a specific situation going on with wisdom teeth as it would show up every time I had x-rays rom the time I was 18.I didn't have any discomfort, though.Finally, because of the particular situation with the nerve(as I mention in above post), a dentist said - you can't wait any longer. One of the most scarey phone calls I ever made was for that appointment.
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
My dentist and orthodontist in AZ said that I would never have wisdom teeth, that they never formed.
The one on the right upper bridge surfaced last year, and so far no problems... *fingers still crossed*
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
I have had all four removed and it wasn't that bad except that I was deathly ill from the Anesthesia and it made me really sick to my tummy and feel icky for about two days. :-[
When I told my doctor that during another surgery I had, he gave me this anti-nausea medicine in my I.V. and it worked really good, except I thought I had transformed into Timothy Leary afterwards!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Those Darn Wisdom Teeth
Well, once again I thank my lucky stars I had teeth removed early which left room for my wisdom teeth to come through.
All four have come through with no problems.