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Subject: Good Stuff in your lives
I read through some of the "what's happening..." thread, and found it rather depressing. So, I thought "lets list only good - funny stuff".
I'll start.
Last X-mas my oldest daughter got married to a really nice, bright guy.
My second daughter (married last June) announced that in August I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDPA.
In Feb. my son announced his engagement to a really terrific young woman (no date set yet, but they are living together)
Last week my son, who dances with the Washington Ballet, told me that his back injury is getting better and that he hopes to start dancing again soon (he has been bored on disability for a few months - even those skinny girls are hard to throw around).
And last, even though we just got 18 inches of snow, I can see the day, not far off, when we will launch my "Big Dog" and put to lake (sea).
Sometimes life is good. I wish it to all of you. ;D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
That's a lot of great news, Don Carlos, hope everything goes cool for ya.
Good stuff, eh?
I'll keep on thinkin'. >grin< Just kiddin'.
Número uno: I'm getting back to writing songs again. I can't stand having not written one for as long as I have (about 3 weeks), and with 35 behind me so far this calendar year, I don't think I'm doing so bad. Yay.
Número dos: I'm no longer taking painful mathematics lessons - double edged sword, one, I'm not takin' the exam, and thus not getting graded for a years work, but two, I don't have to concentrate quite as hard through my life...
Número tres: I'm learning to count!
That's about all for now... depressin' life, really >grin<
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Good idea, DC. :) Despite my estranged relationship with my wife there are some good things going on in my life:
-I am getting out more and have networked for DJ jobs.
-I started talking to my sister again after nearly 3 years of feuding and stubbornness.
-My brother just got a job at a Lexus dealership in the service dept. He will be a certified mechanic come August (he goes to school 4 nights a week).
-I am going to the 'burbs of Chi-Town for Easter.
-I am in good health and have a roof over my head, clothes to wear and food to eat.
-I have made many great friends here at this messageboard. :)
BTW, Don, congratulations! :D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Well,some good stuff happening here:
1.I have a meeting with my VESID counselor at the end of this month.So that could be good news about leaving my crappy workshop that I've been stuck in there for 3 1/2 years already. >:(
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
I'm SOOO glad that some of you are exeriencing some good things in your lives. I sincerely wish more for you and for everyone on this board - and everyone else. I really believe that our personal "good stuff" has an effect on the way we see the world. Obviously, I am thrilled about my personal "good stuff" and I wish all of you your version of the same. Please keep this thread going. I'd like to hear from 80's on this - I hope he too has "good stuff" in his life - not to single him out but - to me he is just so negative - I really feel for the guy - no sarcasm or insult intended - just concern.
I believe that if we all think about the good things in our personal lives (this is a political statement - sorry) we might begin to think about how to project our own good fortune onto others. I wish everyone the good luck and good fortune I have experienced. I wish it to all of you, and to all of our fellows around the world. I believe that, working together, and using all our intellects and good will, we could make that happen.
Sorry - no more preaching - maybe its just a beautiful dream. Never mind - keep telling us about YOUR triumphs and your happiness. I love hearing GOOD NEWS ;D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Sometimes it's hard to separate the good from the bad, but I think there's always a little bit of both. I think it all balances in the end. Good stuff right now:
Robot season is over, but the team is going to be doing some outreach and I've volunteered to help in the evenings and on some weekends.
Relay for Life season has started and tomorrow I am being filmed for TV to advertise the Relay (I have 30 seconds to invite people to participate).
And my photography skills are improving quite a bit. I just got Paint Shop Pro 8 and I'm learning the newest features. Here's a sample of what I've done: http://www.factorfantasy.com/Photos/flower6.jpg
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
(1) Sometimes it's hard to separate the good from the bad, but I think there's always a little bit of both. I think it all balances in the end. Good stuff right now:
(2) My photography skills are improving quite a bit. I just got Paint Shop Pro 8 and I'm learning the newest features. Here's a sample of what I've done: http://www.factorfantasy.com/Photos/flower6.jpg
End Quote
Yes, I guess, if you want to be biblical, thats the curse of Adam. Life is always bitter sweet for all of us. I lost my mother a few years ago, but in a way, it was a blessing, because she was suffering sooo much. Pain for me, and relief, because it went on for such a long time, but certainly relief for her - whatever lies byond. I guess life just will always be bitter sweet. Maybe we can all gain comfort in sharing the bitter part too.
And MissInformation, I think your photo was really cool. Very well done. I really like the highlights (is that what they are?) Verrrry artful. Keep up the good work.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
My second daughter (married last June) announced that in August I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDPA.
End Quote
Congrats!! Does this mean we can start calling you Grandpa Don? ;)
As for me..My daughter is starting school in August and just learned how to write her name.
I have a job that pays my bills with approximately $30 a paycheck to save. Believe me, this is a big thing in my life.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Good stuff.....
My daughter is starting Kindergarten in August & also just learned to print her name.
My son has finally given in & let me give away all his Barney & the Teletubbies videos. (thank you, thank you) ;D
My husband is moving up in his career and is doing fantastic.
My husband & I are going to Las Vegas in a few weeks to see the #2 sexiest man in Boxing fight on May 3rd. ;)
I have taken up the painstaking art of bellydancing. :-/
I have come to the conclusion that my obssesion with the male torso was getting a little to weird. :o
And last but not least, I have found alot of really great people here at inthe00s.com. :-*
The End!
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Well, I have 3 (yes, I'm counting the "guest") wonderful cats who love to purr all the time-even my old one who has lots of health problems.
I have a wonderful man in my life who loves me as much as I love him-even though he has his moments-but that is because he is a man ;). (But we both have smiles on our faces most of the time. ;D)
I have food on the table(and a personal chef ;)), a roof over my head, and all my bills paid plus some for leisure activities.
I have some very good friends-not just "fair-weather" friends.
I have found a wonderful message board on-line where I spend a lot of time (probably too much time) making new friends. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
I have two wonderful children. Elizabeth is four and goes to nursery school and can't wait to start there properly this August. James is 14 months old and just starting to talk. They're worth all the sleepless nights (but let them stay in bed now pleeeease!)
I have a well-paid job that is secure and allows me to more or less do what I want, within reason ;)
I have a lovely house, albeit a little untidy at the moment.
And best of all I have a gorgeous husband who loves me lots.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
I have the most gorgeously wonderful fiance.
Tonight I'm out with some girls from work seeing Alison Moyett
Next week is easter which means my Mum's cooking and CHOCOLATE
The folllowing week Ian and I head up north to the wedding of some good friends and a weeks holiday at the same time.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Sometimes it's hard to separate the good from the bad, but I think there's always a little bit of both. I think it all balances in the end. Good stuff right now:
...my photography skills are improving quite a bit. I just got Paint Shop Pro 8 and I'm learning the newest features. Here's a sample of what I've done: http://www.factorfantasy.com/Photos/flower6.jpg
End Quote
Very cool, MissI! :D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Well, as I've said before, I've lost almost 170 pounds. I've struggled with my weight all my life, and to lose that much in a year is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Just 65 more pounds and I'll be at a good weight.
I'm also going back to school in August.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Well, as I've said before, I've lost almost 170 pounds. I've struggled with my weight all my life, and to lose that much in a year is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Just 65 more pounds and I'll be at a good weight.
I'm also going back to school in August.
End Quote
Congrats to you Jessica! :D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Some good things in my life right now...
~My family is happy and healthy. :)
~My daughter is finally starting to behave a little better in school (at least that's what I believe because I haven't received any notes from her teacher in a while).
~My son is learning to put more words together in a sentence.
~I am finally getting back into making pottery after a long absence (due to raising my little ones)!! :D (Hopefully you guys will se some new pots in my avatar soon! ;D)
~Our yard is finally starting to look good thanks to my father-in-law's green thumb! :D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Nice pot CF. My youngest daughter (almost 18 - holy s**t) is into pottery and is quite good. She is thinking about doing it for a living - along with other craft things. Good luck with yours.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
-I got accepted to 4 of the 5 colleges that I applied to!
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
1) my knees are hurting a LOT less now, today i wasn't even stiff at all! (i'm gonna find the jacka$$ who pushed me over and...er, was that aloud? :o)
2) my brother's sports teams are doing well, which is good, because then he isn't around to bother me. :)
3) today is my birthday and my mom's birthday (17 hours of labor on her birthday, i'm such a kind daughter. :D) and tomorrow is my cousin's birthday, and yesterday was my friend's birthday. birthdays are fun, my friends made cards and we had a little party at lunch today. :)
4) i missed two days of school and have almost no work to make up. (for the professional procrastinator, that's some good news! ;D)
5) as i said before, i have a lot of good friends who don't hate me for being and annoying obsessive little freak. ;)
6) my mom said she would consider taking me to a smash mouth concert, which is really exciting because i never really listened to music before i heard of them (now i can't imagine life without music!) and it would be my first concert. heh. ;D
and congrats, don! ;D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
You know what's a great feeling? When that ex-girlfriend who treated you so badly finally comes around and wants to make everything right again (and does).
And on top of that, I really have nothing to complain about. I'm healthy, my finances are okay, I have a few good friends, my grades are probably decent, and summer vacation is just around the corner.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
I heard a song that I hadn't heard in years and when I checked the lyrics, it made me realize how it reflected...
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
-I got accepted to 4 of the 5 colleges that I applied to!
End Quote
Way to go! ;D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
-I got accepted to 4 of the 5 colleges that I applied to!
End Quote
Ditto. Which ones - if you don't mind me asking?
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Nice pot CF. My youngest daughter (almost 18 - holy s**t) is into pottery and is quite good. She is thinking about doing it for a living - along with other craft things. Good luck with yours.
End Quote
Thanks, Don! I've been doing ceramics for about 16 years and I find it very rewarding. Making a living from it is not easy, however. That's what I had wanted to do, but I quickly found that there is a lot of tough competition in the art community. I wish your daughter lots of luck. :)
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Well,I finally rid myself of my sheltered workshop, after 4 years.November 3rd,attended a training program where they guide me in getting a job out there.It's like a 15 day evaluation and after those days,they will see what you're really qualified for.On December 2nd,I will attend IPRT which stands for..Intense Psych Rehab Training where I will be attending group discussions on jobs and stuff.That's basically the jist of it right now.So,I'm moving in the right direction. ;D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
OK, I'll give you guys a bit of a feel-good story.
At the beginning of last summer, I dropped off a cv at my local bank. I figured that I barely stood a chance of getting any offers from there so I decided just to move on. And I didn't hear from them for several months.
Near the end of the summer; however, I got a missed call from them, and assuming that my cv had been chucked in the trash, I was actually a little aggravated and wondered what my bank wanted from me: unexplained debt? a bounced cheque? letting me know that my banking package had been cancelled?
I decided to call the bank the next day, anyway, and apparently they wanted to interview me. I was still pretty sure that my chances of landing a job there were pretty slim, but I decided to show up and put my best foot forward.
At the interview, I was faced with some pretty difficult questions, and my throat felt tightened while I was giving out my answers. The interviewer told me that after forwarding the profiles to the human resources branch and after returning from her holidays, she would be making a couple of decisions in about four weeks. Well, three weeks later, I was offered a position!
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
(I am actually Ripp, I decided to change my name!)
My mom declared I was gonna b a big sis (and this has it's bad sides, but i wont mention them!)
I got a very expensive DVD!
I met 5 celebrities!!!!! In one day!!!!!
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Well,I finally started IPRT(Intense,Psychiatric,Rehab,Training).this place will be good for me cause they have group doings which will try to get me into training for A job itself.everything is excellent nowadays. ;D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Well,I finally started IPRT(Intense,Psychiatric,Rehab,Training).this place will be good for me cause they have group doings which will try to get me into training for A job itself.everything is excellent nowadays. ;D
End Quote
Good luck, Howard! :D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
A nice optimistic thread this. It's great to see people enjoying lots of good stuff. My good stuff is that I have learnt to be content with what I have (a job, a caring girlfriend, a good kid and spare money).
I'm looking forward to buying a brand new telly as well.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Good luck, Howard! :D
End Quote
Thanks Dagwood.By the way,do you know what IPRT is? :D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Let's see:
-I'm employed and make fairly good money for just starting out.
-I've continued to lose weight.
-While I couldn't start college in August like I planned, I'm considering going back in January (if things work out).
-I have the love and respect of a wonderful man.
Overall, I'm doing very well in my life and am (for once) completely happy and content.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
*sings badly*
Count your blessings one by one....
I find it generally a good idea to do this from time to time to take my mind off the crappy stress that life places on us all:
1. My eldest daughter (8 ) is doing really well in her gymnastics competitions, my second daughter (7) is a bright and cheerful soul at all times (well, nearly all) and my littlest daughter (2) is very excited about Christmas
2. My wonderful wife who (whom?) I love and admire
3. England won the Rugby World Cup :) and attendances at premier league matches are up everywhere (including my local team Sale Sharks)
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
I'm driving down to Salt Lake City on New Years Eve day to pick up my youngest son Brian so he can come back to Colorado to live with me :)
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
it's basketball season and we all know what that means: my brother is out of the house a lot! and he is constantly at his friends' houses so that means even more brother-less time. :D
my autographed BLS picture should be here before xmas, which is definitely a big deal for me. my friends also love BLS so we can all do some crazy BLS-related things.
and most recently...IT'S SNOWING! ;D this means that winter is here, snow days are a possibility, xmas is getting closer, and we may only be days away from "spring break winnetka" (which consists of sitting outside in snowdrifts in shorts and tank tops)... :D ::)
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
ummm...gotta dig deep on this one
-I beat Ratchet & Clank:Going Commando in one week
and I'm one fight away from beating it in challenge mode
-I love my hair my dreadlocks are growing nicely
-I made a new friend, who loves videogames as much as I do
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Let's see...
My parents were able to visit for Thanksgiving.
I got the kitchen painted.
My hubby loves me and I love him...even when he's annoying me!! :P
My dear sweet daughter just turned three! (She's growing up too fast!!)
Only 7 weeks until the birth of my son, I do hope waits that long and doesn't decide to come too early (not ready yet!! LOL!!)!!
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Well,I finally started IPRT(Intense,Psychiatric,Rehab,Training).
End Quote
Well, Howard, all I know about IPRT is what you told us in the quote above. ;)
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
I"ve got a packed schedule this month, but that's good because I like to be busy. :)
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Well, Howard, all I know about IPRT is what you told us in the quote above. ;)
End Quote
ok. ;D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Hum, good question!
I have my health.
I have a good loving family that supports me and I them.
I have a GREAT job that I am proud to say that I do honestly love.
And I have three cats that love me no matter what (ok, no "she is the crazy cat woman" jokes ;) )
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Quoting:-I have the love and respect of a wonderful man.
Overall, I'm doing very well in my life and am (for once) completely happy and content.
End Quote
That's the point, sweetie...be happy always :-*
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
That's the point, sweetie...be happy always :-*
End Quote
I have a feeling I will be.....as long as I have you around.
I love you. :-*
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
I'm driving down to Salt Lake City on New Years Eve day to pick up my youngest son Brian so he can come back to Colorado to live with me :)
End Quote
Glad to hear that. It's wonderful to see fathers that are taking an interest in raising their children. Good Luck.
As for me, I always look at the positive.
I'm happy that I have a great marriage that has lasted 13 years and eight months and still counting.
I have 3 great kids (mine) and three step children, two in college and once in middle school.
A good job with a nice boss.
Still have my Faith.
The internet, without it, how would any of us "know" each other.
Van Gogh Paintings.
And music.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
The internet, without it, how would any of us "know" each other.
End Quote
Amen to that! :D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Glad to hear that. It's wonderful to see fathers that are taking an interest in raising their children. Good Luck.
As for me, I always look at the positive.
I'm happy that I have a great marriage that has lasted 13 years and eight months and still counting.
I have 3 great kids (mine) and three step children, two in college and once in middle school.
A good job with a nice boss.
Still have my Faith.
The internet, without it, how would any of us "know" each other.
Van Gogh Paintings.
And music.
End Quote
Thanks annieox03....I appreciate that :) Now i won't tell you my feelings about the Cowboys :-X ;)
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
How about some bad stuff in your lives:
-My Mother is going for a breast test and a few weeks ago,she wound up with a hairline fracture in her foot. :(
-A stupid baby-ish arguement is preventing My Father and Uncle from spending the holidays with My Uncle's Family! >:(
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Awwww :(
Sorry Howard.
Let's be postitive though! Keep this thread the "good stuff" thread. :D
As for me:
- Grades are decent (nothing on my report card lower than a 90 this semester - final exams are coming up though ).
- My family, friends, and I are healthy, safe, and happy.
- I might become a school newspaper staff member - I'll find out this week or early next week (considering I would have to get my schedule all worked out before next semester).
- I've been very satisfied with my lyrics lately - although typically obscure, they make sense to me, and they turn out exactly like I want them to.
- Relationships with friends are going good.
- We got our X-Mas tree! I love the smell, heh. And Christmas break is coming! Unfortunately, I'll spend most of it doing a project and reading a book for my second semester classes...but nonetheless I'm sure I'll still enjoy the break. I'm SO tired of school
- The Super Bowl is coming! Not just the Super Bowl too...but the Super Bowl commercials! :D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
Awwww :(
Sorry Howard.
Let's be postitive though! Keep this thread the "good stuff" thread. :D
As for me:
- Grades are decent (nothing on my report card lower than a 90 this semester - final exams are coming up though ).
- My family, friends, and I are healthy, safe, and happy.
- I might become a school newspaper staff member - I'll find out this week or early next week (considering I would have to get my schedule all worked out before next semester).
- I've been very satisfied with my lyrics lately - although typically obscure, they make sense to me, and they turn out exactly like I want them to.
- Relationships with friends are going good.
- We got our X-Mas tree! I love the smell, heh. And Christmas break is coming! Unfortunately, I'll spend most of it doing a project and reading a book for my second semester classes...but nonetheless I'm sure I'll still enjoy the break. I'm SO tired of school
- The Super Bowl is coming! Not just the Super Bowl too...but the Super Bowl commercials! :D
End Quote
ok! will do.I'll try. ;D
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
I was diagnosed with lupus back in 1998. After going down some long and dark roads with this illness, I am thrilled to say that I've been in complete remission for the past 3 years. I couldn't ask for any better stuff in my life.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
My Mother feels little better with her foot.I'm glad she's looking good now. :)
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
After writing in bad things in your life, here goes the good.
I have a job. :-/
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
After writing in bad things in your life, here goes the good.
I have a job. :-/
End Quote
What do you do,Annie ? ???
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
- I made the newspaper/journalism staff!
- I got my PSAT results today. I got a 52 on the Verbal, 62 on the Math, and 62 on Writing Skills. There's a way you can figure out your score compared to the SATs, by adding the Verbal and Math sections together, and adding a zero at the end...which would give an 1140! 5th highest grade in my class. On Verbal, I scored 75% better than all sophmores taking the test (I'm a freshman), Math = 93%, and Writing Skills = 91%.
Subject: Re: Good Stuff in your lives
I got a promise ring from my sweetie on Saturday. ;D
Love ya, baby. :-*