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Subject: Kids say the darnest things
This is a thread that I'm sure all the parents here will contribute. Not having any kids of my own, I have to rely on other people's kids. It still is just as funny.
When I was student teaching, it was 5th grade. We were doing biographies. This one kid was researching Paul Revere and was looking him up in the encycolpedia. They had the year he was born and the year he died. The kid was so excited and said to me, "Look, they even have his phone number in here." I did all I could do from laughing.
The same class. One day, a group of people came to teach the class what they called "new games." There are games that there are no winners or losers-they just play them. We broke the class into smaller groups and each group learned a different game. The guy who was teaching the group I was with was telling the kids that they can create a game out of anything. This one kid asked, "Even a dead frog?" I had the option of turning away as I was laughing my head off. The guy was trying not to crack up and told the kid, "If you want to, yes."
A friend of mine recently told me that she heard her 5 year old in the bathtub reciting Shakespeare, "Double, bubble, toilet trouble."
Ok, parents, lets hear them! ;D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
We tried to raise our kids (all 4 of them) with non-gender specific, or other gender toys, so we bought my oldest daughter a tonka dump truck, which she cradled like a baby - must have been uncomfortable. My son use to use a doll as a car - brumm brumm around the floor. I guess hormones will out!?
On a walk down the street, one daughter, observing traffic, said "look daddy, a dumb f**k.
At a resturant with my parents my daughter, at about 7 years old, complained that the wait for the food was too long, and that where Mommy and Daddy took her, you got your food right away. "Where is that?" grandma asked. "MacDonalds" she said, at the top of her voice.
At another resturaunt, famous for its sauteed calamari, my youngest forked a piece and said "Mom's favorite part, the testicles!" She'll never live that one down ;D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
well, he didn't exactly say anything (you'll see why in a second), but my brother plays baseball. since he plays baseball, he wears all the protective gear. once day, he had a practice before religious ed. class, and he didn't have time to change out of his baseball uniform before we went to the church. he found it terribly amusing to prove to his teacher that he was indeed wearing a cup by hitting it... ::)
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
We tried to raise our kids (all 4 of them) with non-gender specific, or other gender toys, so we bought my oldest daughter a tonka dump truck, which she cradled like a baby - must have been uncomfortable. My son use to use a doll as a car - brumm brumm around the floor. I guess hormones will out!?
On a walk down the street, one daughter, observing traffic, said "look daddy, a dumb f**k.
At a resturant with my parents my daughter, at about 7 years old, complained that the wait for the food was too long, and that where Mommy and Daddy took her, you got your food right away. "Where is that?" grandma asked. "MacDonalds" she said, at the top of her voice.
At another resturaunt, famous for its sauteed calamari, my youngest forked a piece and said "Mom's favorite part, the testicles!" She'll never live that one down ;D
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Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
My son Nick loves Scooby Doo. One fall he saw a scarecrow decoration up at school and said loudly, "Look at that f*cking scarecrow."
I was mortified. :-[
It turns out he thought that's what Shaggy was saying when he said FUNKY scarecrow on a cartoon.
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
My friend has a little 4 year old daughter and we were over at her friend's house. Her friend has a little boy the same age. They grew up together and they were like brother and sister. Anyway, we had a bbq earlier and the two moms but the kids together in the bath. We were right outside when we here Becka scream. We walk into the bath room and she is holding the testicles of the little boy and screaming,"Look mom there are two little balls in here!" I lost it and just started laughing until I almost wet myself. Becka's mom then proceeded to say, "Yes, now don't touch that."
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
My friend has a little 4 year old daughter and we were over at her friend's house. Her friend has a little boy the same age. They grew up together and they were like brother and sister. Anyway, we had a bbq earlier and the two moms but the kids together in the bath. We were right outside when we here Becka scream. We walk into the bath room and she is holding the testicles of the little boy and screaming,"Look mom there are two little balls in here!" I lost it and just started laughing until I almost wet myself. Becka's mom then proceeded to say, "Yes, now don't touch that."
End Quote
We should give her a hand for the good job she did in identifying his anatomy ;D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
My daughter just learned how to write her name. This morning when we got to the sitters she was showing her by drawing in the air with her finger. The sitter said hang on and I will get you paper...Sarah said ok and proceeded to use her hand to "erase" what she had drawn in the air.
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
The only thing I can think of right now is about one of my son's love for popcorn. Only problem is he transposes the words. He runs around the house screaming for more "Cop porn". ::) What must the neighbors think.
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
My son has just learned the word "sh!t". I can't imagine where he got that from. ::)
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
One day when my brother was five years old we were at my grandparents house. My grandmother was cooking a pizza in the over (the oven had a glass front and a light inside so you could watch the food cook). While my mother and grandmother sat at the table gossiping away my brother sat in front of the oven watching the pizza. After a bit he started to look at them and then back at the stove. Finally, he burst out "Jesus Christ Grandmom, you're burning the god-d@mn pizza."
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
Off the top of my head, I can't remember any from my children (though I'm sure there have been). This one is from family legend of twenty-something years ago: the vicar said "let us pray", and everyone hushes... so my cousin (who'd better remain nameless) stands up on the pew, and sings in her loudest voice (to the tune of the German national anthem): "Daddy's wearing mummy's knickers. Do they fit him, no they don't"
'nuff said
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
Earlier this month my mom told me that my youngest niece (2 yrs old) had stuck a thermometer in her older brother's (3) ear and made it bleed! When she was asked why she did it she crossed her arms and said, "I'm not saying a thing." with nose up in the air and all. Good thing that my sister taught her children the value of the fifth amendment.
A couple of years ago at my grandmother's 80th birthday celebration, my cousin's son met my dad for the first time. My dad has a full beard and grey hair, so Matthew, being around 2 years old, called him "Ho Ho Man" (which is what he called Santa Claus at the time). So one day my dad came back to grandma's house and Matthew was there, and he greeted my dad by saying, "Hi ho, Ho Ho Man!" Pepsi shot out my nose on that one...
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
I remembered another one. A few years back, it was close to my sister's 40th birthday. Two of my sisters, my dad, and myself were talking about age-about how it would be nice to be a bit younger. My niece, who was about 10 at the time said, "Well, I wish that I was 6 again but I'm not whinning about it." All of us started laughing.
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
The only thing I can think of right now is about one of my son's love for popcorn. Only problem is he transposes the words. He runs around the house screaming for more "Cop porn". ::) What must the neighbors think.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
Oh gosh! I could be here all day. My favorites is when the kids are getting in trouble for something and hubby asks them a rhetorical question like "How many times have I told you to blah, blah, blah?" My 4 year old was getting this lecture and, with a blank look on his face said "Seven." They are always doing stuff like this and I can't help but laugh. ;D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
Oh gosh! I could be here all day. My favorites is when the kids are getting in trouble for something and hubby asks them a rhetorical question like "How many times have I told you to blah, blah, blah?" My 4 year old was getting this lecture and, with a blank look on his face said "Seven." They are always doing stuff like this and I can't help but laugh. ;D
End Quote
My son answers, "Probably about 3 or 5 times."
It's so hard not to laugh.
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
When my son was just learning to talk he had trouble with the letter R, so he called his sister Rachel "doodauw". We shortened it to "Dude" until she protested, at about age 13.
Man, this brings back fond memories ;D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
When my daughter was learning to talk, she came up with some doozies...
Noodles became "Doo-Does"
Yellow was "Yay-Yoh"
But the best one was Spiderman.
He came out as "Smennet"! ;D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
Had to bump this thread because my friend's 5 year old did it again. She brought her mother some "wussy pillows." ;D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
The kids were singing in the car on the way to school this morning, "It's gettin hot in here, so take off your coat..."
I'm so glad they don't know the real words!
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
One time, when my oldest daughter Amanda was about 4 I had to go to the bank...standing in line for the teller holding her in my arms she blurts out "Daddy, is this where we buy the beer?"...
I about died right there!
Another time I was on the sofa watching TV and Amanda was on the deck riding her tricycle when she suddenly flailed her arms around her head...she jumped off her trike, opened the door and announced proudly "Daddy, I told that bee to F*** off!!"...now where do you suppose she got that from? Heheeeeee ;D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
A friend of mine decided he ought to watch what he said when his son learnt to speak. Danny's first recognisable word was Bug ger.
My daughter had a lot of trouble pronouncing the word fork and would always ask for a f*ck!
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
my friend's niece had problems pronouncing T's. when she went out for halloween she said "frick or freat!" she also called tree trunks "free f**ks." :o :D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
When I used to go to church, there was a playroom in the back with toys for the little ones. There was a boy who had trouble with the "tr" sound. He wanted a truck that another boy was playing with and started yelling "F**k! F**k!" right as the priest was giving his sermon on temptation. I have never laughed so hard in my life during church. ;D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
At one of our humongous family outings (I get together with all my aunts, uncles, and cousins - 30+ people total), I encountered my cousin, about 4 years old, in the kitchen. All of a sudden, he blurts out "This juice tastes like beer!" :o ;D
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
one time, in virginia, my family went to visit some museum with a statler brothers exibit since we all liked them at the time. on the way back to the hotel, somehow the question came up, "who is the coolest dad ever?" and my brother (who was four at the time) shouted, "harold!!" (harold is/was part of the statler brothers...) :D we still tease my dad about it.
Subject: Re: Kids say the darnest things
One time, at band camp my mother had my brother and my cousin (the same one from the "This Juice Tastes Like Beer" incident). They were leaving the grocery store, when they see a homeless man. They were waiting for cars to cross that front little road-thingy-ma-bob between the parking lot and store (you know what I'm talking about). So, my cousin (4 years old) starts to talk to the guy. "Hey! Hey guy!" The man isn't really paying attention to him, just kind of. "Hey, hey guy! What's that sign you're holding say?" Awkward silence. Nervous look from my mom. "HEY! Hey! What's your sign say?". My mom: "(Insert name here)...(name), c'mon..." Cousin: "He-ey! What's your sign say?"
Needless to say, the man got up and left...
It seems that my cousinhasn't been around us lately, especially when it's just my mom and my cousin... ;) :-[ :-X ;D :o ::)