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Subject: What was your favourite toy as a kid
I like how now days its been popular on tv to show retro types of commercials and its made me nostalgic. I remember how I loved the slinky! The only problem was that I would play with it for about 2 hours and it would get a crink in it and be worthless. I also just adored my easy bake oven. The only problem with that thing was it took forever for the little light bulb to bake that cake!
What about you?
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Lincoln logs.
I remember one time I built the PERFECT house and I knew I wanted to make the same one again, so I drew me a diagram before I knocked it down.
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
I like how now days its been popular on tv to show retro types of commercials and its made me nostalgic. I remember how I loved the slinky! The only problem was that I would play with it for about 2 hours and it would get a crink in it and be worthless. I also just adored my easy bake oven. The only problem with that thing was it took forever for the little light bulb to bake that cake!
What about you?
End Quote
Geez Mrs. Race, who is that hunka hunka burning love you have for your avatar? Hey, is he that guy from the big butt mole people movie? ;) ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
I enjoyed this robot.Just listening to it tell ya stories and then you'd press "A,B,Or C" now really made it fun.I guess these days you can get it on Ebay.
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
I will always have a warm spot in nostalgia for my "Snake Cube". 8) I loved that thing.
That would be an interesting member name, actually. Hmm... ;D ;)
ThunderVamp, you're more than welcome to share your memories of having played with your snake! ;D 8)
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Transformers, GI Joes, MicroMachines and He-Man ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
I loved my Barbies....I had everything Barbie.. the house, the car, the pool, even the big bus.
Oh those were the days..... ;)
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Geez Mrs. Race, who is that hunka hunka burning love you have for your avatar? Hey, is he that guy from the big butt mole people movie? ;) ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Cabbage Patch Kids and Rainbow brite dolls were my favs. :)
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Lincoln Logs, Legos, and Matchbox Cars. I remember I would make small towns with the three of them and I would sit there for hours building and playing with them.
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Tonka and Matchbox mostly. Although we called Matchbox "dinky toys"...I still don't know why...it's pretty funny actually to think about how many times I called my friends and said "Hey! Wanna come over and play dinky toys?"...LMAO!!
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Just to satisfy my curiosity, Mrs. Race...are you Canadian? :)
I note that the "u" has found its way back into "favorite" :D
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Just to satisfy my curiosity, Mrs. Race...are you Canadian? :)
I note that the "u" has found its way back into "favorite" :D
End Quote
Aund thauts wroung whyu?
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Aund thauts wroung whyu?
End Quote
Nothing wrong aboot it, eh? 8)
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Nothing wrong aboot it, eh? 8)
End Quote
LMAO! South Park has been so BAD for us!! We really don't say "aboot"!! Unless we're talking footwear!
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
LMAO! South Park has been so BAD for us!! We really don't say "aboot"!! Unless we're talking footwear!
End Quote
I know...but I swear some peeps in Minnesota, Ohio, and Toronto have a very obvious "aboot" ;) But you can't deny "eh"! Even my aunt says "eh" and she's Chinese :P (she's in Toronto).
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
I know...but I swear some peeps in Minnesota, Ohio, and Toronto have a very obvious "aboot" ;) But you can't deny "eh"! Even my aunt says "eh" and she's Chinese :P (she's in Toronto).
End Quote
Well we DO live in Canada! Come on! Spell it with me....
C, eh! N, eh! D, eh!
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Toss up between my Thingmaker sets and my Spirograph.
And we definitely do NOT say 'aboot' in Ohio! :P
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
My Teddy bear first last and always he went everywhere with me .I even had a basket on my bicycle so he could ride with me.Man the number of times my poor Dad had to turn round and go back on trips or visits because I forgot him ! ::) My Nan had to mail him back to me a few times to.When I went backpacking round the States at the tender age of 21 my mother wanted to pack him in my bag but I was too scared I'd loose him someplace!
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
hmmm..I'd have to say Lite Brite, Baby Alive, Weeble Wobbles w/the Treehouse, my McDonalds Playland, Barbies, Shrinky Dinnks, Spirograph, Easy Bake Oven, Hoppity Hop, Inchworm, Slime, Slip n Slide...............etc. ::)
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Legos, Hot Wheels, & Tonka trucks
Then when I was 9 we got the Atari 2600...
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
hmmm..I'd have to say Lite Brite, Baby Alive, Weeble Wobbles w/the Treehouse, my McDonalds Playland, Barbies, Shrinky Dinnks, Spirograph, Easy Bake Oven, Hoppity Hop, Inchworm, Slime, Slip n Slide...............etc. ::)
End Quote
Ditto, but would also have to add my Strawberry Shortcake dolls and Holly Hobbie dolls. Oh, and Pong!
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
My favorite was the Big Wheel. My second favorite was the barbies. My third was holly hobby dolls and the hobby house. I can remember when I was around 6-7 the neighbor boy had a star trek set, with the little action figures and the Enterprise, and I wanted one of those!
I also had a Tiffany Taylor doll that could be a blonde or a brunette, the top of her head swiveled. ;D
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
I loved my stuff animals (and I had a ton-still have them somewhere) and my little blue bike that I got for my 6th birthday. I had that until I was about 10 or so.
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
Just to satisfy my curiosity, Mrs. Race...are you Canadian? :)
I note that the "u" has found its way back into "favorite" :D
End Quote
Actually its an occupational hazard. When I worked in Japan, I worked mostly with Brits and Aussies. They used to tease me ruthlessly about my accent and how I spelled. Thus, I picked up to get them off my butt!
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
A shooting gallery where you shot small metal beads with a plastic gun.
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
I would have to say my stuffed animals as well. I had over 100 and they were all felines. Most were on the small scale but I also had a couple of tigers that were 2' tall. The funny thing is when I tried to sleep with them all on my bed!
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
I'd have to say Big Wheel also. It finally gave me the endless possiblities of expolring my suburban neighborhood with parental supervision- kind of like getting my driver's permit :D
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
My favorites were Legos, Lincoln Logs, and Lite Brite.
Until one rainy day, I ventured up into the attic for something new to do.....
.....and discovered my brother's COMIC BOOKS!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
....after that, I wanted nothing more to do with toys. ::)
Subject: Re: What was your favourite toy as a kid
I had a set of what was called "American Plastic Bricks". They were pre-Lego so they didn't 'click' into place and hold, but they looked real and you could build whole houses complete with windows, garages and doors that worked. Matter of fact, i still have them. Also like Lincoln Logs and Tinkertoys (though i had few of the former and never had the latter). I liked to build.
Also liked my Transformers.