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Subject: Your Pet
Lester and I decided since our pets are spending the weekend getting to know each other that we got curious about what pets other "boardies" have! Come on guys, post your pet pic!!
Here's Lester's dog "Ozzy"
He's laying next to my cordless phone for perspective!
Subject: Re: Your Pet
Here's my baby-"Kirbie"
Subject: Re: Your Pet
Awww... How Cuuuuute! :D
Too bad I don't have a pet. :-/
Subject: Re: Your Pet
No picture here but I have a 120 lb. black lab/boxer named Lucy. She's about 10 years old.
My dog's poop is bigger than Lester's entire dog! What is that Lester? It's adorable!!!!
Subject: Re: Your Pet
I miss my pets. :'(
My ex has 2 mutts, Harley & Diana. Harley is a golden retriever/sheltie mix (10 yrs old) and Diana is part labrador & part shepherd (she's 3). Harley picked Diana out at Best Friend Pet Adoption. :)
She also has 3 cats. Priscilla (Prissy) was her mom's cat, 20 years old and will never die. Dizzy is a petite shorthaired black cat that looks like Sylvester. Moby is a big long hair orange cat that was named after the little spaceman the artist Moby draws, b/c when we got him his eyes were bigger than the rest of his head.
Unfortunately I have no pictures to share, but they are all adorable. :)
Subject: Re: Your Pet
No pets here, either. :( Thinking about getting my 4 yr old some fish for his bday, though :P
Subject: Re: Your Pet
I was thinking about getting a pet monkey, until I found out they crap all over the place & use it as weapons against their owners. ::) :-X
Subject: Re: Your Pet
I was thinking about getting a pet monkey, until I found out they crap all over the place & use it as weapons against their owners. ::) :-X
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Yes, they do. They also do other things.... ::) That I won't go into here.....heehee. Let's just put it this way, they are worse than dogs. ;)
Subject: Re: Your Pet
I have two cats and we are "catsitting" for a third one. Of course we have been catsitting since last summer so we really don't know if we have three cats or not. My oldest is a tortishell and is 17 years old and has a lot of health problems. In fact, she is going to vet AGAIN today. She has to go in twice a week to get fluids. The "baby" is a calico and is just about 2 and very playful which bugs the older cat. Our "guest" is a black short haired and VERY FAT. He is about 10 years old and a sweety. (We don't mind having him around-the girls might beg to differ). I would post a picture but I really don't know how to do that. :-[ (I'm still learning how to work this computer). One thing I do have to say, they are GREAT ENTERTAINMENT!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Your Pet
No picture here but I have a 120 lb. black lab/boxer named Lucy. She's about 10 years old.
My dog's poop is bigger than Lester's entire dog! What is that Lester? It's adorable!!!!
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He's a miniature Jack Russell, cs! He's about nine months old and is as big as he'll ever be... five pounds after standing in a soaking rain for a couple of hours! ;D
Subject: Re: Your Pet
Both your dogs are adorable, goldie & Lester. :)
Subject: Re: Your Pet
Here is CrazyRaccoonGurl's page that has pics of 2 of our (10) cats: Monzo and Shark
Subject: Re: Your Pet
This is Vedder, the endearing lab mix. Lots of energy and a hearty appetite when it comes to roasts sitting on the counter. >:(
His human (me) is building him a Canine Condo (s'hh- we don't use the work "kennel" around here) and hopes to reclaim he and the Mrs. back yard.
I modified the post cause the picture was so big, i didn't want to slow the site down. Click the link and get an eyeful.
Subject: Re: Your Pet
that's taz, my black & tan longhair dachshund. the picture's really old, but it shows that he's mishapen. :D this legs are abnormally short, as is his nose, yet from nose to tail, he's about a yard/meter long! we got the little bugger from a rescue. :)
kitty is my cat. she turns four on 6 april. :) she's really odd, she bit my hand last night for no reason. ??? we have no idea why she looks like that (marking-wise), her mother was gray! of course, we have no idea who the father is (this sounds like jerry springer... ;D) either...got her from my friend's cat's litter.
Subject: Re: Your Pet
I'm not allowed pets as our house is rented. :(
Subject: Re: Your Pet
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Soo cute!  It makes me laugh when their eyes look like that  ;D
well, I have two cats, also. Pancake and Brownie, are both seven yrs. Pancake is an angora, and she's very fluffy, I have to groom her like every second or she gets fur everywhere! And Brownie is a tabby, he's really grouchy sometimes, doesn't like kids. Â Pancake is really friendly, though. She likes everyone, and she's very affectionate. I'll post some pics, soon as I scan them.
Subject: Re: Your Pet
Maybe I can get Goldie to host the pix of my babies...cuz they are her nieces and nephew!! (Hint, hint!)
Subject: Re: Your Pet
These are just two of my pets. I also have fish, a red-earred slider turtle, other birds, 2 cats, a chicken, 2 dwarf rabbits and a guinea pig.
This is my Sun Conure, Connor:
Nellie, a Silky Terrier:
Subject: Re: Your Pet
Rico and Sonny, brothers a year old next month.
Georgia Jean, a sweet southern gal that doesn't care for the boys.
Subject: Re: Your Pet
awww all pets posted are so cuuute ;D
i got a cat, his name is muis (which means mouse)
in this pic he was still very young:
now he's 10 year old, looking like this ;D
Subject: Re: Your Pet
I have two cats...a cowprint male, pain in the @ss, Milo. He's currently nibbling my feet :o. The other one's at another house, Bindy Sue, thsi depressed fat old reancarnation of Anna Nicole Smith (heh :D). She's cute though, believe me. We also have hundreds of green gremlins living in our basement, but I am obligated to conceal their identities.
No pics though... :(
Subject: Re: Your Pet
These are my two poochie babies....they
are both Chinese Shar Pei's and the BEST babies
in the world!!!!! ;D
Bella MY baby!!!! I got
her in July 2001, she is 22 months old.
Carolina aka Rudy
And this is Bella's cousin...my mom got her
in Dec. 2001 and she is now 17 months old.....they
are best buddies and NEVER spend a moment apart..
so either I have both of them at one time or
my mom does
Now for my kittie babies!
This is Gracie---got her in Feb this year and she
is 9 months old! And her favorite person in the
whole wide world is Hossy!
And this is MY BESTEST buddy...the ONLY man that has stood by me thru thick and thin...Jerry...he is
my 6 year old and an amazing talker....just ask
Subject: Re: Your Pet
What beautiful babies! ;DThey are all so sweet! Hello! I'm new here and thought I'd join the fun by showing off my babies. My doggies name is Jordan and in this photo she's in desperate need of a groomer. She's a 9 yrs. old cocker/yorkie mix. My kitty is Leo, he's 7 months and it's only during his naps that I some get peace and quiet. Thanks for the post! Glad to be here. For anyone interested theres a great, friendly pet community online where you can ask questions about your pets, get answers for problems or share stories. It at http://ubb.greatpets.com/6/ubb.x if you'd like to check it out.
Subject: Re: Your Pet
The other one's at another house, Bindy Sue, this depressed fat old reancarnation of Anna Nicole Smith (heh :D).
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Named after the "Crocodile Hunter's" daughter?
Subject: Re: Your Pet
This is the family dog, Blue. He's 4 years old. In this picture, he's getting ready to jump up and attack a bone that my sister was holding above his head.
Subject: Re: Your Pet
All those pictures are adorable. :)
I miss my pets. :'(
My ex has 2 mutts, Harley & Diana. Harley is a golden retriever/sheltie mix (10 yrs old) and Diana is part labrador & part shepherd (she's 3). Harley picked Diana out at Best Friend Pet Adoption. :)
She also has 3 cats. Priscilla (Prissy) was her mom's cat, 20 years old and will never die. Dizzy is a petite shorthaired black cat that looks like Sylvester. Moby is a big long hair orange cat that was named after the little spaceman the artist Moby draws, b/c when we got him his eyes were bigger than the rest of his head.
Unfortunately I have no pictures to share, but they are all adorable. :)
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I was able to visit my pets yesterday and this morning. Unfortunately Prissy is not doing well at all and it has been decided that we have her put to sleep. :'( She was my mother-in-law's cat and we took her in a few years ago after she passed away. I am sad but I know she had a good life and will be in a better place. My wife is really shook up about it. :( Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
BTW, a little OT, but Mrs. M & I are going to joint counseling starting tomorrow to see if there's any possibility of working things out. We've been able to converse with each other amicably so we're going to give it a try. Whatever happens I will be okay. :)
Subject: Re: Your Pet
I was able to visit my pets yesterday and this morning. Unfortunately Prissy is not doing well at all and it has been decided that we have her put to sleep. :'( She was my mother-in-law's cat and we took her in a few years ago after she passed away. I am sad but I know she had a good life and will be in a better place. My wife is really shook up about it. :( Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
BTW, a little OT, but Mrs. M & I are going to joint counseling starting tomorrow to see if there's any possibility of working things out. We've been able to converse with each other amicably so we're going to give it a try. Whatever happens I will be okay. :)
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Sorry about your cat, DJ. :'(
Good luck with the counseling. :)
Subject: Re: Your Pet
Do any of your dogs eat grass?
Howard :)
Subject: Re: Your Pet
I have a white cat. His name is Whitey. He has a very original name.