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Subject: What are you scared of?
Sure there's the usual fear of the dark. And most everybody is scared of spiders right?
Well I am scared to death of any type of crustaceans and I don't know why. It's really bad at my house cuz there's crawdad holes EVERYWHERE and when it rains in spring they all come out and my mom and sister take advantage of every opportunity to shove them in my face. :-[ scary
The worst thing was when we came home from church one night, and I was in the bathroom, and SOMEHOW my little sister convinced me to open the door. There's Rhoda with a crawdad and my mom with a videocamera. (Note: all I was wearing was my blouse and underwears) I jump behind the shower curtain...like that helps. Well, you can just imagine the torture i was put through right? And then Rhoda decides it's funny to show the video 2 her friends at the next slumber party. >:(
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I hate closing doors, especially to small places like public restrooms, etc., with the fear of getting locked in.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm afraid of dogs,spiders,heights, and the unknown, inwhich I usually overcome. (as in my senior prom, shopping during a "Hoiday Rush", & other "situations")
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm afraid of garbage disposals. I keep thinking I'm going to lose my hand in one.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Where to begin. First of all, I am afraid of flying. The more and more I fly the more petrified I become. I do not fly well. I'm also afraid of driving. I think it has to do with my vision which isn't the greatest. I am trying to figure out if it really is my vision that makes me afraid to drive or if I am just using that as an excuse. But, at the moment what really scares me is what is going on in the world. I am so afraid that it is only going to get worse.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm afraid of death, but I think everyone fears that. ::)
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I was told by a Charleton Heston that I have an irrational fear of guns.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Centipedes, and Manta rays. :-/
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I can't sleep at night if the closet or my bathroom door is open. They have to be closed. Also, water if I can't see to the bottom.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I can't sleep at night if the closet or my bathroom door is open. They have to be closed. Also, water if I can't see to the bottom.
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Gotta agree with you there, Dagwood. I can't be in a swimming pool or pond by myself either-too many slasher movies hahaha.
What I am most afraid of , and yes this is v. morbid, is that when I die, they will start the autopsy before I have left my body so I will have to witness it. I have had repeated dreams (nightmares) about it. :o
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Gotta agree with you there, Dagwood. I can't be in a swimming pool or pond by myself either-too many slasher movies hahaha.
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Mine was Piranah :o
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I guess I would be afraid of people on a train.I don't know if it is a phobia but my heart thumps like crazy whenever I see a crowded train I get on.
And Death.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
1. heights - i feel like i'm going to fall and die upon impact; i can't even stand on chairs.
2. closed buildings/stores - i run past them with my eyes closed. :-[
3. bees/hornets/wasps - can't even watch 'em on tv.
4. spiders - ick.
5. flith - i have nightmares about being trapped in places that are covered in mold and mildew.
6. public restrooms/changing rooms - i had a nasty encounter with them at a pool... :-X
7. the people i love dying - i'm sick of funerals. :()
8. flying objects - this is one of the reasons why i do so poorly in phys ed. ;)
9. insects/bugs - with the exception of fireflies, butterflies, moths, ladybugs, and praying mantises.
10. not having my feet covered - see the comment on the public restrooms... :-X
11. sleeping with the door open - i'm afraid someone's gonna walk into my room and kill me.
12. churches with the lights out - they're too dark and quiet
13. walking down stairs - this is what i get for living in a one level house... :D (obviously, i've learned to deal with this one.)
14. escalators! - not the cool ones at airports where there are no stairs, just the moving stairs ones bother me. (if that made sense... ::))
i never realized i was so fearful. O.o
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm afraid of death, but I think everyone fears that. ::)
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I don't. So, I'm just a weirdo then :(
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I know a girl who is afraid of butterflies and being sucked down escalators (I'm not really sure how that works). And she's in my grade (12).
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I guess I would be afraid of people on a train.I don't know if it is a phobia but my heart thumps like crazy whenever I see a crowded train I get on.
And Death.
End Quote
It is a phobia, I believe its called " Agoraphobia ".
Fear of the train with or without crowds is called " Siderodromophobia "
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Tornados, lightening and thunder are my biggest ones. :-[
Others that I am scared of is the dark and losing my parents
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
The balance on my checking account. :-/
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I tend to confront my fears when possible. I used to be afraid of needles (they scared me so much, I once had a tooth filled without any novacain because I wasn't letting them put a needle anywhere near me). But then I realized I couldn't donate blood without a needle being involved, so I dealt with it. I'm a little bit afraid of heights but I won't let it stop me from skydiving.
The only fear I haven't beat is the fear I have of loosing those I love. Even when I was a small child, back when I believed, when I prayed, I would always ask god to either let us all live to a very old age and die at the same time, or to let me die first. Kids are silly.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Lately ??? The 2000s board :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
What I really hate is, say, walking across a bridge and the railing isn't at least waist high. Gives me the willies and makes my knees go weak.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
3. bees/hornets/wasps - can't even watch 'em on tv.
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I'm utterly horrified of bees, wasps, hornets, etc. So much so, it's hard to explain. Ever had one slip down your shirt unnoticed? I have, and it's a pitiful sight to see. Just today, at work, I had a near miss when I felt something tickling on the back of my neck and ended-up putting my hand on a wasp...brrrrrrrrrrrr..........http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sauer/angry-smiley-042.gif
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Clowns, especially those French porcelain clown dolls.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I've heard quite a few people I know in the "real world" that get freaked out by clowns. And if you think about it, it's kinda creepy.
I did think of a real fear to share. I have Merinthophobia the fear of being bound or tied up. I can also say I know of the specifice incident I developed this fear. When I had my car accident and the Drs. were putting my nose back on my face I came to on the table. Apparently with a severe head injury they can't use anasthesia cause of potential damage to the brain. I remember waking up under some intense pain and not having a clue what was going on. It was just some people hovering over me and a very bright light in my eyes. I know that I struggled hard against the straps keeping me down and the Dr. shouting at me that he was doing some delicate work and I need to calm down. I returned a very spririted response to him and thankfully passed out. That was the only incident I remember during the 4 days after the accident.
When I get in a crowded situation, or I have someone attempting to "restrain" me, the flight or fight response is raised, rapid heartbeat, shallow breathing, muscles tense, everything. I don't allow massages to be given and "woman on top" very rarely is that option given.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
death obviously...other fears:
- im afraid of fires, or i should say, me being on fire and getting burned all over my body
- ghosts, although i also feel very curious about it at the same time...
- afraid of suffocating, probably because i had my share of thinking i was going to suffocate thanks to asthma attacks ::)
- wasps, great thing that i had one visiting me inside my pyamas once while i was sleeping :P
- getting attacked or someone breaking into my house
thats about it i guess...
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Heights and snakes.. >:(
Getting eaten alive or burned alive.... :-/
Freezing to death doesn't concern me nearly as much - probably because where I live it couldn't possibly happen ::)
Natural Death in itself does not concern me - violent or tragic death does....
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Lately ??? The 2000s board :) :D ;D
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LMAO!!! So true! ;D
I guess I fear the thought of not being able to breath, like suffocation or drowning.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I guess I fear the thought of not being able to breath, like suffocation or drowning.
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Ooh ! Ooh ! That's a good couple of ones, I mean a bad couple... :(
Add them to my list.
I have a condition called Allergic Rhinitus, which often means I can't breathe sufficiently through my nose.
When I was younger I feared being kidnapped and having my mouth taped up, and slowly suffocating, or having an asthma attack... :'( :'( :'( :'(
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Ooh ! Ooh ! That's a good couple of ones, I mean a bad couple... :(
Add them to my list.
I have a condition called Allergic Rhinitus, which often means I can't breathe sufficiently through my nose.
When I was younger I feared being kidnapped and having my mouth taped up, and slowly suffocating, or having an asthma attack... :'( :'( :'( :'(
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I'm sorry to hear of your condition. :-[
And It's ok. Flashback's over. We are grown-up now, Fuss. Yes we are. :)
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm sorry to hear of your condition. :-[ End Quote
Thanks, but like many people who have had conditions all their life, I am so used to it I don't know any better, so it doesn't concern me as such...
Quoting:And It's ok. Flashback's over. We are grown-up now, Fuss. Yes we are. :)
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LOL ! :D Thank goodness for that ! I hadn't thought about the above for about 20 years till I got thinking about my answers here ! :-[ ;)
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I have a fear of being buried alive. Or being held under water.
I also have a fear of someone kidnapping me & making me wear a KKK shirt & dropping off in the middle of the ghetto in Southeast DC. :o
No but really, seriously, I am scared that the more my husband fights, the better his chances are of looking like or sounding like or god forbid, acting like Mike Tyson. :P ;D
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm phobic of snakes and going underwater. I think the snake thing is learnt by assosiation, whereas the water thing roots beack to a childhood experience. (As you can guess I've been studying fears and phobias at the mo in my Pysch class ;))
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Not much, except losing one of my kids in a public place.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Flying, something happening to my kids, heights a little, etc. But my only completely irrational fear is grasshoppers. I have to stop gardening if one is lurking within a mile? ::)
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I think lately, I've developed a fear of my church building. We have to stay in town on Sunday afternoons, but I hate going to Wal-Mart or wherever with my mom so I'm like "I'll just stay here." Then after they leave it's like "Wait a minute...I don't like being at church by myself..." I swear I hear creaking above me and footsteps in the kitchen, and I'm like "AUGH! SOME HOBO BROKE INTO THE CHURCH!"
And what really made me jump one time is I'm playing the piano in the auditorium then I stop cuz I think I heard that same kinda noise....so everything's quiet....and I'm listening... and all of a sudden the air conditioner kicks on (which is right next to the piano) Talk about :o
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Uh, let's see, spiders, fire, water (that is to say, large bodies, such as oceans and lakes, and even rivers, especially ones with a subtle under-current...
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
...of course, those are all taken, so...
How about revolving doors? And those sewer grates that take up the whole width of the sidewalk, or street, whichever the case may be?
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
It is a phobia, I believe its called " Agoraphobia ".
Fear of the train with or without crowds is called " Siderodromophobia "
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Are You kidding? Wow,Queenie,I never knew I had a phobia.I was never diagonsed with it and though I never told my Mother about it.I think I did,I'm not sure. ??? Thank U.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Being trapped underwater. Or, more specifically, running off a bridge and getting trapped in a car underwater. The thought just makes me shiver. :'(
Worms. It's a phobia ::). No idea where it came from though.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I like fire and I like to watch things burn, but I am terrified the idea of being burned alive.
Go figure ::)
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
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tee hee hee you've got me tittering like a schoolgirl. the word hobo is so funny. tee hee. ;D
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm scared of lots of things......for instance well nevermind I dont want to scare people or make them think I'm saying it to get atention.....but I'm scared when people are driving never know if some drunk is going to hit or not, or someone stupid, I'm also scared of spiders, and the dark
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm scared of staying up late pretending to write a paper on Shakespeare while periodically checking AmIRight.com to see if anyone answered my postings.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
tee hee hee you've got me tittering like a schoolgirl. the word hobo is so funny. tee hee. ;D
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Well sorry. It's less fun to say "homeless person" And they're all around the church neighborhood so it's very possible
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm scared of slugs. Spiders, beetles, dead things, cats, most dogs, heights, snakes... I can handle all those. Just not slugs.
I dunno why I'm scared of them... they're just... horrible. And they have more teeth than a Great White shark. And the way they crawl and slide their way along... uuuuuurrgh.
They come into the house from the logs for the fire, and they go all around the living room at night, leaving trails, and we can never find the actual slugs in the morning. Ugh.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
since were talking about yuckie things, shrimp give me the willies. Big ole eyeballs sticking way out on stalks....can you imagine what that would look like if a shrimp head were the size of a human head? Jinkies! :P
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm scared of slugs. Spiders, beetles, dead things, cats, most dogs, heights, snakes... I can handle all those. Just not slugs.
I dunno why I'm scared of them... they're just... horrible. And they have more teeth than a Great White shark. And the way they crawl and slide their way along... uuuuuurrgh.
They come into the house from the logs for the fire, and they go all around the living room at night, leaving trails, and we can never find the actual slugs in the morning. Ugh.
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slugs have teeth?! :o like...sharp pointy teeth?! i am now beginning to rethink picking up slugs i find in the woods... :o
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
slugs have teeth?! :o like...sharp pointy teeth?! i am now beginning to rethink picking up slugs i find in the woods... :o
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oddxsocks, slugs are practically the state animal here in Washington, where you got the rain you got the slugs. I've never found big, pointy teeth in them so rest easy. But what in the heck are you doing picking them slimy things up? :o
Yech.... ::)
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
My 7 1/2 year old daughter is not the least bit afraid of slugs or snails. Every year, she pesters me to bring one (or more) into the house as a "pet". And every year I put her off by saying I don't know what they eat. I could probably find out if I wanted to, I just don't want they nasty things in the house. :-X
As for me, I'm not afraid of slugs *or* snails. I will even pick them up once in a while. And snakes? If I'm certain it's not poisonous, (which I'm not) I will happily handle them.
Bugs, spiders, crabs? Fine with me. Almost everything else everyone has mentioned does not bother me at all, or the chances of me encountering it are so remote, that I don't think about it.
But I can't deal with water any deeper than my knees. Bathtub is ok, but ponds, lakes, even swimming pools get a wide berth. My little brother in his total innocence d*mn near drowned me when I was little. He thought it was funny to see me thrash under water while he sat on my chest. He had no clue it was dangerous or bad, so he kept doing it every chance he got. (I think he was 2 or 3 at the time.) The problem was, even though I told my mother repeatedly, she never caught him in the act, so she refused to believe it was happening.
I'm also totally freaked out at the possibility that I might run into my very violent ex on the street one day.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
And every year I put her off by saying I don't know what they eat. I could probably find out if I wanted to, I just don't want they nasty things in the house. :-X
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I think they like to eat salt. ::)
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
lol! I don't know if I've ever actually seen a slug (yeah i need ta get outta here huh) but I would probably be scared of em too. I'm probably scared of all mollusks, as well as all crustaceans.
I don't even like shopping at Wal-Mart's grocery section cuz they got the friggin' lobsters over there. :-X
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
End Quote
I meant I'd never seen one in real life, but in the meantime....
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
oddxsocks, slugs are practically the state animal here in Washington, where you got the rain you got the slugs. I've never found big, pointy teeth in them so rest easy. But what in the heck are you doing picking them slimy things up? :o
Yech.... ::)
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i think slugs and snails are amusing. i like to poke them with sticks and pick them up and put them on rocks and then poke 'em off with sticks again, etc...i'm way too easily amused. :D
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Last summer, I remember lifting up this really big  stone in my back yard, and there were so many of them, different sizes too. To me they sort of look like oversized cockroaches.   :P
Anyway, creepy-crawlies don't frighten me that much. As long as it's not a centipede, it doesn't bother me.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
ooohh, Race! Doesn't that belong in the 2000s thread with...nevermind. ;D
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Anyway, creepy-crawlies don't frighten me that much. As long as it's not a centipede, it doesn't bother me.
End Quote
there is nothing worse than sitting on your couch at one in the morning, calmly eating a frostee from wendy's, when all of a sudden you look at the floor and a centipede sprints from one end of the room to the other... http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sprachlos/speechless-smiley-003.gif
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I love to pour salt on the slugs when after it rains. ;D
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
there is nothing worse than sitting on your couch at one in the morning, calmly eating a frostee from wendy's, when all of a sudden you look at the floor and a centipede sprints from one end of the room to the other... http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sprachlos/speechless-smiley-003.gif
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Whoa! That is scary! I got the chills reading that! :o
OK, here's something that scares me......Possums and I'll tell you why! :D
I was knocking on the door at a friends house once & her front stoop had these tall bushes on both sides & whilst standing there, a big nasty Possum ran from one bush to the other crossing over my open toed sandals. >:( I about peed my pants I was so scared. :-/ So I ran screaming alllll the way home!
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Possums are freakin UGLY! We got a lot of them keep trying to eat our ducks.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I meant I'd never seen one in real life, but in the meantime....
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Youv'e never seen one in real life? I doubt thats possible......I'm sure you have seen at least one......or at least a snail....which are slugs without shells.....
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Possums are freakin UGLY! We got a lot of them keep trying to eat our ducks.
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Perhaps the Queen would like to relate the story of when she and her racoon sister were being baby-sat by big sis, (the Mystic), while the folks were away on their two-week "Happy 25th Anniversary" vacation cruise, and, despite her promise, Mumsy conveniently forgot to un-set her live-trap with which she catches her 'possums, which really came in handy for the Mystic as she was trying to get everyone ready to go off to church that first Sunday morning...
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
*Leans back in rocking chair*
Yup... I shot me a possum once. Armadillo, too, but that was just to put 'im out of his misery...
Now I get to live in a snail-infested apartment complex. The problem wouldn't be so bad if they'd just stop watering the sidewalks... :P
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Youv'e never seen one in real life? I doubt thats possible......I'm sure you have seen at least one......or at least a snail....which are slugs without shells.....
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but...but...but there are no mollusks in oklahoma....at least not where i am...
mystic-all i remember about that is the stupid possum peed all over itself
wombert-u did? don't remember any of that but i DO remember watching ben shoot a snake
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Come up and see me sometime - plenty of mollusks here! Just watch your step... we have enough squashed snails already.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Well I am scared of wasps, they scare the heck out of me. I swear if one is anywhere in sight I will run away and hide. They FREAK ME OUT!!! I am also scared of big bodies of water. But let me try to think of something original...hmmm... well since the Queen brought up the subject of church and hobos that reminds me of the time that freaky-looking dude came into the church service and me and Ruth were afraid he was going to shoot someone...but that doesn't really count. Well lets see I dont know what else i am scared of. Oh yeah I'm scared of these little grasshopper things but they look like a cross between a grasshopper and a spider. Those things are soooooo freaky it's not even cool. And spiders in general, especially black widows. Uggghhhh. And what else.....hmm....sometimes the Queen scares me....won't tell you why. :-X
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I remember that: he walked in all high and I think he had knocked over the pamphlets. I thought he was gonna pull a gun out cuz he was wearing one of those scary-lookin trenchcoats...so u can bet I was quite scared to go play the invitational hymn. :-[
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
tee hee hee you've got me tittering like a schoolgirl. the word hobo is so funny. tee hee. ;D
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Heh heh - you said TITtering!
I'm afraid of being alone in a church.
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm afraid of being alone in a church.
End Quote
See?!! Pretty DARN scary isn't it?
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm afraid of garbage disposals. I keep thinking I'm going to lose my hand in one.
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Those are really scary!
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm scared of any kind of worm. ALso, ivy kinda creeps me out because you never really know what's under it. There could be this whole colonie of worms just cutting themselves in half and procreating.
Also, I think clowns are the creepiest human like objects on the earth. Anybody that dresses up in a big orange wig, makeup and big shoes then plays with children is just not right in my opinion!
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
What? You don't like Binky the Clown?? ;)
No, I understand. I used to be scared of the clown on Pee-Wee's big adventure. (I was also scared of the cartoon Indians on Peter Pan, but that's a different story)
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I'm scared of threads in which people discuss their fears! ;D
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I finally thought of one!
I am scared of blueberry Jell-O. :-X
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I finally thought of one!
I am scared of blueberry Jell-O. :-X
End Quote
Why? Cause you're afraid it'll talk back? LOL :D
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
What?? You don't know the story of blueberry Jell-O???
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Of course they don't...
Ok guys, my Grandma makes *ahem* "blueberry jello" which is actually grape jello with blueberries in it :-X
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I may be afraid of crowds on a train.
So is that the reason why people wear their sunglasses on board? Are they afraid of being stared at? I wear mine and I'm not ashamed. 8)
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Well this isn't really a fear it's more like an obsession...I can't stand having the door to my room open. I don't know why. I have to have my door closed or I freak out. It's so weird. :P
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Quoting:11. sleeping with the door open - i'm afraid someone's gonna walk into my room and kill me.
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You've been smoking something, haven't you? ;D
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Also, I think clowns are the creepiest human like objects on the earth. Â Anybody that dresses up in a big orange wig, makeup and big shoes then plays with children is just not right in my opinion!
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Fear of clowns--Coulrophobia
It's one of the most common fears in the world, after Thanatophobia, which is fear of death.
I swear I have the complete phobia list memorized in my head ;)
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Hey, guys, I almost forgot: I'm scared of the ninipedes
Or do y'all even KNOW what those are? :-[
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Ooh! Ooh! I know! I Know! :P 'Course I'm the one who TOLD you in the FIRST PLACE! Ok yall, here in Fletcher Oklahoma there's a lot of Comanche Indians (including my best friend, Jodie) and legend has it that Fletcher has nunnipedes or ninnipedes however you spell it, which are short little people with red eyes, and if you look them in the eye they turn your head around backwards. And then there's the Deer Woman...but we won't go into that story. :-X There's all kinds of weird things out here in the boonies. But there's this legend that Fletcher is protected from bad weather and stuff becuz it was built on ancient Indian burial ground. Fletcher's kinda creepy. Boy I'm just babbling, huh? Guess I'll shut up now. :P
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
you IDIOT!!! CAN'T you do anything I tell you to do?!!! You weren't supposed to tell them!!!!! >:(
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
I've also got this pathological fear that I think alot of people have (including Edgar Allan Poe) that I'll be in a coma or something and people will think I'm dead and bury me alive. It's completely irrational but nevertheless I want to be cremated. Fun stuff. :P
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Race's Geoduck. ;D
Subject: Re: What are you scared of?
Race's Geoduck. ;D
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i've seen the picture, but what exactly...is the geoduck? it looks like a clam of some sort or...something. ???