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Subject: I'm seriously considering....
piercing my tongue. Now i wanna hear from y'all that know anything about it. And if any of u have got it done before tell me what it feels like. Don't say "it hurts" or "it doesn't hurt"
I NEED SOMETHING 2 COMPARE IT 2! Like is it just as bad as wisdom teeth?
well lets hear it
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
i don't have my tongue pierced, so i'm really of no help. are you considering a standard piercing, or a web piercing?
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
It's like pulling the working edge of a straight razor across the working edge of your eyeball, then pouring a handful of salt into it before passing out from the pain. :)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
But, why ?
For the shock value ?
To annoy your parents ?
To increase the risk of infection in an area that already has enough to deal with ?
To alienate half or your prospective suitors ?
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Dont do it. I had mine done and it sucks when you get food stuck in it and it starts to smell real bad. It causes bad breath and its no fun sexually despite the rumours you have heard. Plus, it's really not that cool anymore.
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
It's like pulling the working edge of a straight razor across the working edge of your eyeball, then pouring a handful of salt into it before passing out from the pain. :)
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EWWWWW Steve. Do you have to be so graphic. http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sprachlos/speechless-smiley-002.gif
I don't think you should do it Queen for many reasons. But it is your decision. I think that if you do it, you may regret it.
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
As a guy I can tell you I don't find it attractive or see it as an advantage towards anything sexual. Now adorn your belly button and show it off, that's sexy. :o
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
The only thing I can stand to see pierced is the ears. There's nothing less attractive than a girl with a tongue ring. ::) Sorry.
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
The only thing I can stand to see pierced is the ears. There's nothing less attractive than a girl with a tongue ring. ::) Sorry.End Quote
I have to agree.
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
i dont understand why people would want to make a hole in their tongue :o think of the infections you can get :-/ but its your choice obviously ;)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
I have to agree with all of the above
It is neither attractive nor sexy.
From a recipient's point of view, it is not enjoyable when kissing or used on anything else. :-X
Oh don't get me wrong, it was a novelty the first time, but you only have to have one accident with it and OUCH for both parties :'(
Please don't....
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
I've had mine in for a good 5 years now and mostly forget it's there. When I had it done, there was a stab not unlike having an ear done, but that was it as far as the pain went. However it was followed by 5 days of not really being able to speak because your tongue will swell, you can't eat solids for a few days and I physically couldn't swallow for the first day - much unpleasant drooling.
I keep mine because it's no trouble to have in and I'm used to it now. As people have said above, there's no real shock/alternative value to them any more and they're a bit of a mid-90s thing.
I also had mine done in one of the best piercing studios in England (Perforations, in Brighton). The waiting room was foul, but the studio itself would have done credit to a hospital ward - the needles were vacuum-sealed, the guy wore gloves etc. My stud is also surgical-grade steel, which cuts down on infection chances. I don't know what the law is in your part of the world re: body piercing, but it's important to find a decent place to have these things done.
That said, tongue piercings are a bit old, not really alternative any more, and there are nicer parts of you to have done.
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
When you get older and the fad wears off for you, you will always have a problematic hole. :-/
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Honey...I just have to say don't do it! My little sis wanted her eyebrow pierced and the dude wouldn't even do it....said she was too pretty to scar herself like that. So just remember, you are too pretty to do something like that. Find other ways to explore you 'specialness'.....besides you love to sing and you don't want a hole in your tongue to mess that up!
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
If you do do it, all I can ask is PLEASE don't chew on it or pull on it with your teeth. That is one of the most annoying things...I used to work with a girl who had it done and she used to chew on it and pull it. or click it against your teeth.
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
I don't know whether you should or shouldn't (it's your choice) but i do know a little about the pain factor. My sister had it done and she said the serious pain is only for about 5 seconds and after that it just aches. They usually clamp your tongue while they're doing the actual piercing so that it doesn't bleed very much.
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
The only thing I can stand to see pierced is the ears. There's nothing less attractive than a girl with a tongue ring. ::) Sorry.
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No? How about a girl with a nose ring? ;)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
No kidding. I find nose rings, lip rings, much more disgusting. :-X
I think belly button rings look cool, but just thinking about it makes it itch and plus you have to have like a super model body to do it. NOT ME!
As far as whether it's in style, well it's got nuthin 2 do with that. haha Actually where I live it takes fads like 5 yrs to get around kinda funny Wombert could probably expound on that now that she's outta these plains huh ;D
Besides, if I decide I don't want it anymore, it ain't permanent ya know.
-Queen Ruth Lorraine AmenRa Burnt Noodles Shway Crayola Staples
p.s. i ain't doin it for sexual reasons either ya perves
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
I prefer not remember my life on the farm, thank you very much!
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Oh man I am SO not looking forward to summer. Its like "hmm... which yard should i mow THIS week..."
Plus the whole state gets infested with grasshoppers :-[
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
So... do we have a decision yet?
Tongue piercing or no tongue piercing?
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Haha We were talking about it yesterday in trig and the sub was like "What if you had a seizure while they were doing it?"
Well, no it would NOT be funny, but just picturing it we were all laughing. And I said it would be like " :o Ruth, what happened??!!!" " :P Well, I was going to get my tongue pierced, but they were having this great deal: buy 1, get 30 free. And I said to myself, I'm NEVER gonna see something like this ever again, so...what the heck..." ::) haha
Well Wombert here's a plan: if fake ones actually exist like people say, then i'll get one and make them think its the real thing. After they get all mad, I can say "Haha look-it's not real!" Then they're like *whew*.....and then I get it done for reals ::) haha
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Thus saith the Nark...
Woo hoo hoo HOOOO...
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
...wait until the folks get wind of this one...
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
I got it done....it doesnt hurt that bad.....just like a scrape on the knee.......
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Dentists LOVE them so many broken teeth to mend..........
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Gis I was just about to say that !
My friend at work has her tongue pierced. When she speaks it sounds like she has a speech impediment - great considering she works in the call centre area !
She has been to the dentist constantly since having it done as her teeth are forever chipping on it. But she feels that she has got the better deal - her boyfriend got an abscess when he removed his and had to have part of his tongue removed.
And as for simply removing it when you are bored with it in 5 years time - well good luck watching the hole not grow over.
There are so many other parts of the body that can be pierced without expensive constant dental work and possible life threatening infections.
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Please don't..... :-/ :-[ Simple as that :-X
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Well Wombert here's a plan: if fake ones actually exist like people say, then i'll get one and make them think its the real thing. After they get all mad, I can say "Haha look-it's not real!" Then they're like *whew*.....and then I get it done for reals ::) haha
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i believe you can get the fake ones at claire's. my parents would kill me if i ever got anything besides my ears pierced. ;) (my ears aren't even pierced. ha.)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
piercing my tongue. Now i wanna hear from y'all that know anything about it. And if any of u have got it done before tell me what it feels like. Don't say "it hurts" or "it doesn't hurt"
I NEED SOMETHING 2 COMPARE IT 2! Like is it just as bad as wisdom teeth?
well lets hear it
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8) 8) 8) 8)I have seen peopole who've done it and it seems to cause them to lisp sometimes.Also,it's supposed to cause your teeth to get chipped. :(I think shaving your head is a lot safer.Cheers! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
i believe you can get the fake ones at claire's. my parents would kill me if i ever got anything besides my ears pierced. ;) (my ears aren't even pierced. ha.)
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Trust me, if she got her tongue pierced, her parents would send the Queen into exile... ;)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
My dumb parents think that any kind of piercing is Pagan. ::) Give me a break!
I know they have those magnetized earrings at Claire's, but I highly doubt they stay on your tongue. :P Oops! There goes another $10 down the drain.
Oh by the way, they have cetain balls you can wear that don't chip your teeth that easily.
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
OK, for what it's worth...
What do you want?
By all means listen to other peoples' experiences and views, but at the end of the day, it's your tongue!
I personally wouldn't, but then, I'm not you! (and you may not have done half the things I've done)
Listen to your own heart ,God, feelings, or whatever guides you
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Just do it ::)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
How did I know princessofpop would agree?.... ;)
btw, what happend 2 the other guy?
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
How did I know princessofpop would agree?.... ;)
btw, what happend 2 the other guy?
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Oh...some of the "Men" on this board got their lace panties in a bunch about him, so I found one with clothing. Personally I think it's a bunch of horsedung if you ask me. ;)
You know, I have several tatoos & before I got them everyone told me not too blah blah blah, but I didn't do it for anybody else, I did it for myself, cuz I wanted to. And I still love them to this day. So do what you want, you only live once, right? Yeah, it will hurt (duh) and your parents will get pissed, but they'll get over it eventually. Rock on you Rebel Queen! :D
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
I have 7 earrings in 1 ear and 2 in the other. Hubby hates them, but they're what make me unique.
I'm also for doing what makes you happy. I'm doing some stuff that isn't going to make some people happy, but hey, it's my body.
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
If I was to get a tattoo, I don't know WHAT it would be, but I would have it on my lower back. Therefore I wouldn't do it cuz it would hurt too much. :'( I'm scared of tattoos more than I am piercings.
And I wouldn't do it just to fit it....actually u could say i was doing it to fit out...does that make sense?
Well this guy is just as yummy anyway so it's ok :)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Yeah, it will hurt (duh) and your parents will get pissed, but they'll get over it eventually.
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Uh, you don't know the Queen's parents too well... there's a reason I live half a country away ;)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Cuz your a sl*t? ;) haha j/k
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Yeah, and the folks never got over it ::)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Sorry, Rice. Wombert's already got herself a Secret Asian Man. ;) :D
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Sorry Rice, I'm (apparently) a monogamous sl*t. :-/
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Sorry, Rice. Wombert's already got herself a Secret Asian Man. ;) :D
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Sorry Rice, I'm (apparently) a monogamous sl*t. :-/
End Quote
You be sure to tell me when you're available again 8)
Speaking of which:
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Hello, Wombert...I'm Rice Cube ;) ;D :-*
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Maybe we should call you Rice Kelly ;)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Haha took me a while 2 get that one :D
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Well, Wombert, it appears that there's nowhere to get it done without parental permission....AS IF! So I guess I'll have to wait til college. SO.........
when the deed is done you can get me this for Christmas ;D
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Queen, do you want me to fax you a permission slip? I am a parent! :D ;)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
haha that would be great
but no the lady at the shop said my mom has to be there with me AND i have to have a birth certificate :-/ kinda hard to pull off with a fake mother isn't it ::)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
You mean to tell me you don't look 18 yet? ;)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
well duh! i can pass off for 18-just got half a year left-but ya know people gotta check ::)
hey what are texas laws about piercings? (like how lod u gotta be) we might go to san antonio 4 senior trip instead of disneyworld
and if i could sneak off....i could use my spending money for.... ;) lol j/k
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Sounds like my senior trip... couple of girls tried to sneak off to get tattoos...
*sigh* ... kids never change :P
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
this year's seniors don't have a class trip anymore because they never turned in the permission forms... ::)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Well, it appears we're going to DisneyWorld after all.
Hmm...maybe FLORIDA has looser laws ;D
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Great, why not get Mickey Mouse tattooed on your... lower back while you're at it... :P
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
this year's seniors don't have a class trip anymore because they never turned in the permission forms... ::)
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Just like seniors to be so non-sh!t-giving ;)
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
Great, why not get Mickey Mouse tattooed on your... lower back while you're at it... :P
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Hey! I didn't mean my gluttius maximus, if that's what your trying to suggest.
Anywayz....nah....it would be a turtle....a SEXY turtle ::) lol j/k
Subject: Re: I'm seriously considering....
So when are you scarring your body for life? :D