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Subject: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To You
President George W. Bush and Colin Powell are drinking in a pub close to Old Town Square in Prague. A guy walks in and asks the bartender, "Isn't that Bush and Powell sitting over there?" The barman says, "Yep, that's them."
So the guy walks over and says, "Wow, this is a real honor. What are you guys doing in here?"
Bush says, "We're planning WW III," and the guy says, "Really? What's going to happen?"
Bush says, "Well, we're going to kill 40 million Iraqis this time and one blonde with big boobs."
A little perplexed the guy exclaimed, "A blonde with big boobs? Why kill a blonde with big boobs?"
Bush turns to Powell, punches him on the shoulder and says, "See, smart butt?! I told you no one would worry about the 40 million Iraqis.
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
Yeah, seriously, why the blonde with big boobs?
Oh wait, she's got WMDs...Weapons of Mammary Destruction ;D
That wasn't funny :-[
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
I didn't find it funny, but did find it interesting.
I thought there would be more of a response, but perhaps it was too distasteful.
My apologies.
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
Yeah, seriously, why the blonde with big boobs?End Quote
The blond would be/is the distraction.
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
I laughed, Hairspray. :)
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
I thought it was funny too ;D
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
WARNING.......this is a long one ::)
You Might Be A Republican If...
You think "proletariat" is a type of cheese.
You've named your kids "Deduction one" and "Deduction two"
You've tried to argue that poverty could be abolished if people were just allowed to keep more of their minimum wage.
You've ever referred to someone as "my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend"
You've ever tried to prove Jesus was a capitalist and opposed to welfare.
You're a pro-lifer, but support the death penalty.
You think Huey Newton is a cookie.
The only union you support is the Baseball Players, because heck, they're richer than you.
You think you might remember laughing once as a kid.
You once broke loose at a party and removed your neck tie.
You call mall rent-a-cops "jack-booted thugs."
You've ever referred to the moral fiber of something.
You've ever uttered the phrase, "Why don't we just bomb the sons of b!tches."
You've ever said, "I can't wait to get into business school."
You've ever called a secretary or waitress "Tootsie."
You answer to "The Man."
You don't think "The Simpsons" is all that funny, but you watch it because that Flanders fellow makes a lot of sense.
You fax the FBI a list of "Commies in my Neighborhood."
You don't let your kids watch Sesame Street because you accuse Bert and Ernie of "sexual deviance."
You scream "Dit-dit-ditto" while making love.
You've argued that art has a "moral foundation set in Western values."
When people say "Marx," you think "Groucho."
You've ever yelled, "Hey hippie, get a haircut."
You think Birkenstock was that radical rock concert in 1969.
You argue that you need 300 handguns, in case a bear ever attacks your home.
Vietnam makes a lot of sense to you.
You point to Hootie and the Blowfish as evidence of the end of racism in America.
You've ever said civil liberties, schmivil schmiberties.
You've ever said "Clean air? Looks clean to me."
You've ever called education a luxury.
You look down through a glass ceiling and chuckle.
You wonder if donations to the Pentagon are tax-deductable.
You came of age in the '60s and don't remember Bob Dylan.
You own a vehicle with an "Ollie North: American Hero" sticker.
You're afraid of the liberal media."
You ever based an argument on the phrase, "Well, tradition dictates...."
You ever told a child that Oscar the Grouch "lives in a trash can because he is lazy and doesn't want to contribute to society."
You've ever urged someone to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, when they don't even have shoes.
You confuse Lenin with Lennon.
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
Also a long one! ;D
You Might be a Democrat if...
You vote Democrat because it's easier than getting a job!
You think the rich can get richer off people who have no money.
You've named your kids "Stardust" or "Moonbeam".
You've tried to argue that all of societies problems are based on the fact that McDonald's, by law, only has to pay $5/hr.
If you utter the phrase "There ought to be a law" at least once a week.
If you have ever used the phrase "protecting prisoner's rights".
If you find yourself nodding vigorously and saying "someone finally said it right" during an episode of Oprah.
You've ever referred to the Military/Industrial Complex during a conversation.
You know you never laughed as a kid, the world was in just too bad a shape.
All of your 1970's "Beware of Global Freezing" signs now have "Beware of Global Warming" on the back.
Your friends told you how much fun you had at the Grateful Dead show, but your not sure what year you saw them.
You file suit against the mall rent-a-cops for posting signs stating that your bags are subject to inspection.
Referred to the Founding Fathers as "those aristocratic, chauvinistic, lily white, slave owning, land stealing oppressors of indigenous personnel".
You argued that a few more months of sanctions and Saddam Hussein would fold like rookie poker player.
You've ever said "But look at all the good Ted Kennedy has done for the women of this country!"
You blame things on "The Man."
You believe that Bart Simpson only needs a little more affection.
You argue that the only flaw with Marx is that Russia was an agrarian society.
You've ever called the meter maid a Fascist.
You are giddy at the prospect of the return of bell bottoms.
You argue that the Second Amendment only refers to Federally organized militias.
You view Jane Fonda as a courageous heroine with strong convictions.
You view Hootie and the Blowfish as the bedrock of culture refinement for the 90's.
After looking at your pay stub you can still say "America is undertaxed".
You've ever said "We really should call the ACLU about this".
You've ever referred to "the glass ceiling".
You know 2 or more people with "concrete proof" that the Pentagon is covering up: Roswell, the Kennedy assassination, the CIA's role in creating AIDS.
You came of age in the '60s and don't remember.
You've ever owned a VW bug or ridden in a Microbus.
You own something that says Dukakis for President, and still display it.
You believe it because "Dan Rather wouldn't lie about something this important".
You ever based an argument on the phrase, "But they can afford a tax hike because..."
You ever told a child that Oscar the Grouch "is a victim of Draconian budget cuts."
You've ever argued that with just 1 more year of welfare that person will turn it around and get off drugs.
You think Lennon was a brilliant social commentator.
You keep count of how many people you know in each racial or ethnic category.
You are outraged that Baseball Players make millions and the poor clerk at the unemployment office only makes 28 bucks an hour doing such good work.
You believe that an elected official attending religious services is a violation of the separation of Church and state.
You believe that a few hundred loggers can find another career, but the defenseless spotted owl must live in its preferred tree.
You believe our government must do it because everyone in Europe does.
You feel that Green Peace is misunderstood.
You keep your PC dictionary with you at all times so as not to offend.
You think communism will catch on once society has evolved.
You've tried to argue in favor of anything based on "Well, they're gonna do it anyway so....".
You've ever stated "How does what he does in his personal life have any bearing on doing his job?"
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
Referred to the Founding Fathers as "those aristocratic, chauvinistic, lily white, slave owning, land stealing oppressors of indigenous personnel". End Quote
Dang, that's a whole lot harder than saying "Founding Fathers" :-/ :D
You are outraged that Baseball Players make millions and the poor clerk at the unemployment office only makes 28 bucks an hour doing such good work. End Quote
$28?! Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit, dawg, screw science, I'm working UNEMPLOYMENT! :D
You keep your PC dictionary with you at all times so as not to offend. End Quote
Political correctness sucks @$$. Talk about violating my freedom of speech ::)
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
You've ever referred to someone as "my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend"End Quote
So my black friend and my white friend and my Jewish friend were at a party... :P
Quoting:The only union you support is the Baseball Players, because heck, they're richer than you.End Quote
I'm an equal opportunity union-hater ;)
Quoting:You answer to "The Man."End Quote
Yeah, I call him "Dad" :P
Quoting:You don't let your kids watch Sesame Street because you accuse Bert and Ernie of "sexual deviance."End Quote
Was that Jerry Falwell's fault? That stupid ignorant bastard ruins everything >:(
Quoting:You've ever yelled, "Hey hippie, get a haircut."End Quote
I think I actually did that once while drunk ;D
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
Hair, I thought your joke was pretty funny.
Guess, according to the lists Princess and Lester posted, I would be considered a Democratic-Republican ;D
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
Yeah, seriously, why the blonde with big boobs?
Oh wait, she's got WMDs...Weapons of Mammary Destruction ;D
End Quote
Wobblies of Mass Distraction, more like...
It's sad, though: you can actually find yourself believing it :-/
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
Hairspray - I liked your joke. It was funny!
Lester - I liked your list!
Subject: Re: Political Joke -Disclaimer:May Not Be Funny To
Here is another one that may not be funny to everyone. It showed up by e-mail as one of those "forward it to as many like-minded persons as you can" pleas.
February 14, 2003. Today it was reported that severe earthquakes have occurred in 10 different locations in France. The severity was measured in excess of 10 on the Richter Scale. The cause was the 56,681 dead American soldiers buried in French soil rolling over in their graves. According to the American Battle Monuments Commission there are 26,255 Yankee dead from World War I buried in 4 cemeteries in France. There are 30,426 American dead from World War II buried in 6 cemeteries in France. These 56,681 brave American heroes died in their youth to liberate a country which is guilty of shameful unspeakable behavior in the 21st century. May the United States of America never forget their sacrifice as we find ways to forcefully deal with the Godforsaken unappreciative, forgetful country of France!