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Subject: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Yes, that's right. :o :o
A photographer came by earlier tonight and took pictures of me and my daughter Tammy to go along with a story on foods marketed to kids. (Green ketchup, blue French Fries and that sort of thing.)
I was interviewed by one of their reporters, and she says the story will run this week, most likely this Thursday, March 13!!!
(If it is going to be a different day, I'll come back here and make a corrections.)
It's a national newspaper, so many of you will be able to get it.
Many thanks to Hairspray for hooking me up with the reporter. I had a lot of fun doing this. :D
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
WOW!!!!! ;D That is SOOOO cool. Will you it be on-line? Congrats, Kat!
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
W :oW!! Congrats! Your 15 min. of fame and then some!!
(Just be glad it wasn't The Post ::))
Be sure and keep us...............posted. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Yes, that's right. :o :o
It's a national newspaper, so many of you will be able to get it.
End Quote
Well Xena - as I don't have access to the New York Times - are you able to get a pic scanned in on the board ?
FB :)
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
The NYTimes has an on-line edition. It might be available there when the story runs.
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
The NYTimes has an on-line edition. It might be available there when the story runs.
End Quote
Oh you mean on that there internet thingy ! Okay ;D
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Smart aleck! ;D
I'll be a-scouring the net for it starting tomorrow. If I see it I'll post it here.
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Smart aleck! ;D
I'll be a-scouring the net for it starting tomorrow. If I see it I'll post it here.
End Quote
Thanks !
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
wow, that's very cool.. congrats!
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Cool, Kat! Hope we can see it online! :D
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
That is so exciting! You go superstar! :D
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Shibby ;D Awright! Now I'm all curious 8)
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
I'd love to see the pic, but everyone knows you have to register to get to the Times' website… >:(
Would you please post it here if you can?
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Cool, Xena! I will be waiting to see it! :)
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Many thanks to Hairspray for hooking me up with the reporter. I had a lot of fun doing this. :D
End Quote
You are very welcome! :D
I'm so happy and excited for ya'. I knew you'd do well. Congratulations again. :)
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
You GO GIRL!!!! I will be looking for you and little XenaKat!
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
It's a little after midnight here, and the Times has it's online edition up already.
But no picture. :(
I'm posting the link to the article for those who want to read it.
CrazyDon is right, you do have to register to read it online, but there's no charge.
I'll be hunting down paper copies first thing in the morning, and since I'm getting a tax refund soon, I'm also shopping around for a scanner/printer. Once I have that, I'll be able to post the pic for those of you who can't get the actual paper.
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Cool, Kat! :D Read the article. Can't wait to see the pic! :D
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Crikey! I just tried to see your article and my computer froze and then crashed???.I guess I'll just have to wait for the picture here then !
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
I just read the article! How exciting for you! :D
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
:'( do you have to sign up to read the article? That doesn't matter. If you stood up for what you believe in, so good for you!
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Any way you could copy and paste the article here for us?
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
For those of you who don't want to sign up at the NYTimes website (or you computer chooses to freeze up)
The Potatoes Smile; the Fries Are Blue
Kathy Kirkpatrick will do almost anything to make her 7-year-old daughter, Tammy, eat a healthy dinner. When Tammy was an infant, Ms. Kirkpatrick would put green food dye in her eggs because Tammy liked the color. More recently, she bought green ketchup so Tammy could slather it on her vegetables. This week, she tried cinnamon-flavored fries.
"It's driving me nuts, because I know I need to get some vegetables into her, and I'm looking for ways to sneak," said Ms. Kirkpatrick, an accountant who lives in Boston. "But finicky kids, what are you going to do?"
Food manufacturers have long flooded supermarkets with sugary, salty or unusually shaped products intended to appeal to children. Until recently, those foods have largely been relegated to breakfast, lunch and snack times.
Now, food makers are aiming squarely at the evening meal, and Heinz's green ketchup, introduced two and a half years ago, was only the start. Entrees, side dishes and condiments are being rushed to market in an effort to accommodate children accustomed to foraging at the food court of the local mall and parents who simply want some peace at the dinner table.
The new products are a mix of adult-pleasing convenience and child-pleasing shock value. Ragu, a division of Unilever's Best Foods, recently released Ragu Express, a line of pasta dishes in single-serve, containers that children can prepare in a microwave.
ConAgra has updated Kid Cuisine, its line of TV dinners for children, so that each item in the meal fits a theme. The Sandwich Builder, for example, is a hamburger meal with a patty shaped like a house and cookies that look like bricks.
On the shock-inducing front, there is Jelly Bean Jelly from Robert Rothschild Farm, a line of jellies for dinner rolls in flavors like watermelon, sour apple and banana. ConAgra has livened up its offerings with Parkay Fun Squeeze, hot pink and electric blue margarine.
Eastern Foods has a line of neon-colored salad dressings with names like Purple Pizzazzz and Outrageous Orange. Ore-Ida, a unit of Heinz, is trying to appeal to children with blue fries, which can be dipped in the purple, orange, pink and teal ketchups that Heinz has added.
Heinz plans to introduce another color in the spring, though the specifics remain hush-hush. "There's still a few left in the rainbow for us to go after," a company spokesman, Robin W. Teets, said. "It's solid incremental volume for us. They are a very nice spike."
Colleen Fahey, the executive vice president of Frankel, a company that specializes in marketing to children, said the new food products for children reflected the strains developing around the dinner table.
"Families have less time together," Ms. Fahey said. "They don't want to risk not having a pleasant experience by hassling over food choices because they'd rather enjoy each other's company. Allowing more freedom in food choices helps that happen. It's a whole cultural change, and it's going on very quietly."
Children and teenagers have long driven what parents put in their grocery carts. Mintel Consumer Intelligence, a market research firm, said children help influence from $43 billion to $50 billion of the $133 billion that is spent each year on food and beverages for them.
In the 1950's, marketers began selling cereal swathed with images of cartoon characters on the outside and the promise of decoder rings inside. Fifteen years ago, Oscar Meyer Lunchables introduced customized meals into the school lunchroom.
With this foray into the family dinner, the food companies have roiled some nutritionists who are concerned that parents will simply placate their children with foods that are high in sugars and fat.
"Dinner may be the last remaining meal where kids eat some healthy foods during the day," said Bonnie Liebman, the director for nutrition at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a health advocacy group in Washington. "If that becomes junk food territory, we're in trouble. Dinner is one of the few places where some kids are still eating vegetables."
Food marketers disagree.
continued in next post...
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Page 2
"Clearly there's an educational opportunity here as well," said Sid Good, the president of Good Marketing, a consulting firm that specializes in marketing to children and has advised companies like Frito-Lay and Nabisco. "We're also not assuming that just because these kinds of products are marketed to kids that kids would be having a steady diet of these products every single meal. Presumably they're a part of a very diverse diet."
Executives at Eastern Foods, which makes the Naturally Fresh brand of colorful salad dressings, sauces and dips, addressed some of those concerns by adding vitamins to its products.
"We felt that the color would appeal to the children; the vitamins would appeal to the parents and the idea that children were coming into the salad dressing category and using the products would help drive celery sticks and carrot stick sales in the produce section," said Alan Mesches, the marketing director at Eastern Foods, which is based in Atlanta. "It's a way of growing our business in away that we hadn't before."
Marion Nestle, the chairwoman of the department of food studies at New York University and the author of "Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health" (University of California Press, 2002), said that preparing separate foods for children would accelerate the shift from the traditional family meal to the practice of grazing, or serial snacking.
"There are still some die-hards that are doing it the old-fashioned way where everybody sits around the dinner table and talks to each other, but increasingly, I think it's just easier for people to have a kind of laissez-faire attitude about it," Dr. Nestle said. "It's a different approach to food, and it's an approach that is much less portion-controlled and much less calorie-controlled plus you lose a tremendous amount of socialization that comes with it — family interaction, bonding, conversation.
"Maybe this stuff is all imaginary and Norman Rockwell," she said, "but it's hard to think that it's good that it's being given up."
Some analysts said the new products were destined to fail because parents would not take the time to prepare separate meals for children. While over 70 percent of all meals are still being made inside of the home, the numbers of items served at dinner, particularly side dishes, has dropped 14.3 percent since 1985, according to the NPD Group, a market research company.
"Cooking is a chore for most people, and we look at how to get out of our chores," said Harry Balzer, a vice president of the NPD Group. "Anything that requires mom to be making something beyond the main dish, I don't think mom likes."
Ms. Kirkpatrick said that her daughter, Tammy, was initially pleased with Heinz's green ketchup, eating fries and soon, her mother had hoped, vegetables that were covered with the product. But Tammy's appetite was fleeting.
"It worked for like two whole days," Ms. Kirkpatrick said. "Then it was: `Nah, it tastes the same.' "
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
:) Cool story!
Maybe I'm getting "old" but I really don't find green ketchup appetizing :D :-X
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Very Impressive, Xena!!! Congratulations to you!!! :)
Subject: Re: My Picture to be in the New York Times!!!!
Cool article, Kat! Can't wait to see the photo (good thing newsprint is B&W -- I am not sure I would want to see that green ketchup slathered over anythng... :D )